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Renaissance Life Therapies Training Academy

Career Training For Your Dream Job

Activities For Improving Studies
Activities For Improving Studies

Whether you’re studying for a new career or your first employment, either full time, part time or night
school, here’s a list of study improvement activities for you to try. Identify from the following list of activities,
those that you feel might be productive for you, and try them out.

15 Study Improvement Activities:

1) Compare Lecture Notes

Meet up with one or more of your fellow students at the end of your lectures, to compare your lecture notes.

Identify both similarities and the differences relating to how you understood the lecture material.

Also identify any differences in note taking, and whether you’re able to use something that’ll help you take
notes more efficiently.
Activities For Improving Studies
2) Compare Textbook Note Taking

Again, with a fellow student, or students, share your methods of textbook marking and note taking.

Look to see if someone uses a system of notation that would work for you.

3) Managing Stress

Try different types of “stress relievers” and see what works best for you. Examples include, meditation,
colouring in, breathing exercises, listening to music etc.

4) Share Study Conversation

Meet up with a friend once a week, with the purpose of sharing three interesting things you’ve learned or read

Sharing in this way encourages learning and aids remembering.
Activities For Improving Studies
5) Discussions About Studying

Get together with some of your fellow students, and discuss the following:

What is productive study?

What’s the difference between study quantity and study quality?

How do you find a balance between study quality and study quantity?

Is your study attitude important?

What is study style, and do you have a study style?

These types of discussions will help keep things in perspective, as well as keep you motivated.
Activities For Improving Studies
6) Successful Study Reflection

Think back to a time that you remember having your best learning experience, where you received
your best grades.

Reflect on why you had so much success.

Was there something you did different for that class?

Did you approach it in another way?

Did you have a different attitude?

Consider all the things you can learn from your success story, and then apply them to your future
Activities For Improving Studies
7) Recognise Your Study Satisfaction

Reflect on the things you find satisfying regarding your studies, and list the satisfactions you get from
knowing a subject really well.

8) Reduce The Time You Spend Watching TV

Replace some of the time you spend on watching TV, with some more study time instead.

9) Test Strategies

Talk to your fellow students about different techniques used for studying for tests.

Listen for a strategy or technique that you’ll find helpful.
Activities For Improving Studies
10) Time Management

Talk to your fellow students regarding their approach to time management and organisation.

11) Best Place To Study

Ask your fellow students where they like to study best.

Ask why they like to study in this place and why it works for them.

Listen for anything that makes sense for you.

12) Study Distractions

Make a list of all the things that distract, interfere or interrupt your studies, and try to think how you
can eliminate or reduce this.
Activities For Improving Studies

13) Study Diary

Keep a study log in the form of a diary and ask yourself:

Were your study goals achieved?

Did you study for the amount of time you set aside for studying?

Did you complete your work in the study time you allocated?

Was you satisfied with the quantity and quality of your studies?
Activities For Improving Studies

14) Lecture Reviews

Following a lecture, get together with a fellow student and take turns presenting a mini lecture to
each other, based on what you’ve just learned.

These mini lectures are a great way of cementing everything you’ve learned, in your mind.

15) Look After Your Brain

Make sure you eat, sleep and exercise regular, a healthy brain is essential for studying!

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