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Software Users Manual:


Developed for Pooled Fund Study TPF-5(039)

Falling Weight Deflectometer Calibration Center and
Operational Improvements

December 2010

This report will provide guidance for users of the WinFWDCal software package. WinFWDCal
was written to accompany the American Association of State Highway and Transportation
Officials (AASHTO) Designation R32: Standard Practice for Calibrating the Load Cell and
Deflection Sensors for a Falling Weight Deflectometer. The report will be of interest to
technicians who calibrate falling weight deflectometers (FWDs) and engineers who perform
structural evaluation of pavements. This report covers the initial 2-year Phase I and the
subsequent Task Orders 1 and 2 of the pooled fund study TPF-5(039).

Jorge Pagan-Ortiz
Director, Office of Infrastructure
Research and Development

This document is disseminated under the sponsorship of the U.S. Department of Transportation
in the interest of information exchange. The U.S. Government assumes no liability for the use of
the information contained in this document.

The U.S. Government does not endorse products or manufacturers. Trademarks or

manufacturers’ names appear in this report only because they are considered essential to the
objective of the document.

Quality Assurance Statement

The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) provides high-quality information to serve
Government, industry, and the public in a manner that promotes public understanding. Standards
and policies are used to ensure and maximize the quality, objectivity, utility, and integrity of its
information. FHWA periodically reviews quality issues and adjusts its programs and processes to
ensure continuous quality improvement.

1. Report No. 2. Government Accession No. 3. Recipient’s Catalog No.

4. Title and Subtitle 5. Report Date
Software Users Manual: WinFWDCal December 2010
6. Performing Organization Code:

7. Author(s) 8. Performing Organization Report No.

David P. Orr, Lynne H. Irwin, Robert Hansen and Daniel CLRP Report No. 2010-06
9. Performing Organization Name and Address 10. Work Unit No.
Cornell University Local Roads Program
416 Riley-Robb Hall 11. Contract or Grant No.
Ithaca, NY 14853 DTFH61-04-C-00041
12. Sponsoring Agency Name and Address 13. Type of Report and Period Covered
Office of Infrastructure Research and Development Final Report, September 2004–November 2010
Federal Highway Administration 14. Sponsoring Agency Code
6300 Georgetown Pike HRDI-13
McLean, VA 22101-2296
15. Supplementary Notes
Contracting Officer’s Technical Representatives (COTR): Eric Weaver (2004-08) and Jane Jiang (2008-10)
16. Abstract
The objective of pooled fund study TPF-5(039) is to upgrade the existing falling weight deflectometer (FWD)
calibration system to make calibration sustainable for the next decade without a loss of quality while ensuring
any new procedures are compatible with all brands of FWDs sold in the United States. This involves upgrading
the hardware and software used in calibration to take advantage of improvements in technology.

WinFWDCal is a software package written to accompany AASHTO R32: Standard Practice for Calibrating the
Load Cell and Deflection Sensors for a Falling Weight Deflectometer. It manages both annual and monthly
calibration procedures. The program collects data, processes it, and applies many quality assurance checks to
assure that accurate results are obtained.

The end result of the procedure is a set of final gain factors that are entered into the FWD. Documentation of the
process for recordkeeping and a Certificate of Calibration are also provided by the software.

17. Key Words 18. Distribution Statement

falling weight deflectometer, FWD, calibration, No restrictions. This document is available through the
PDDX format, electronic data entry, data National Technical Information Service, Springfield, VA
acquisition 22161.
19. Security Classif. (of this report) 20. Security Classif. (of this page) 21. No. of Pages 22. Price
Unclassified Unclassified 100
Form DOT F 1700.7 (8-72) Reproduction of completed page authorized
Symbol When You Know Multiply By To Find Symbol
in inches 25.4 millimeters mm
ft feet 0.305 meters m
yd yards 0.914 meters m
mi miles 1.61 kilometers km
in2 square inches 645.2 square millimeters mm2
2 2
ft square feet 0.093 square meters m
yd2 square yard 0.836 square meters m2
ac acres 0.405 hectares ha
2 2
mi square miles 2.59 square kilometers km
fl oz fluid ounces 29.57 milliliters mL
gal gallons 3.785 liters L
ft3 cubic feet 0.028 cubic meters m3
3 3
yd cubic yards 0.765 cubic meters m
NOTE: volumes greater than 1000 L shall be shown in m
oz ounces 28.35 grams g
lb pounds 0.454 kilograms kg
T short tons (2000 lb) 0.907 megagrams (or "metric ton") Mg (or "t")
TEMPERATURE (exact degrees)
o o
F Fahrenheit 5 (F-32)/9 Celsius C
or (F-32)/1.8
fc foot-candles 10.76 lux lx
2 2
fl foot-Lamberts 3.426 candela/m cd/m
lbf poundforce 4.45 newtons N
lbf/in2 poundforce per square inch 6.89 kilopascals kPa


Symbol When You Know Multiply By To Find Symbol
mm millimeters 0.039 inches in
m meters 3.28 feet ft
m meters 1.09 yards yd
km kilometers 0.621 miles mi
mm2 square millimeters 0.0016 square inches in2
2 2
m square meters 10.764 square feet ft
2 2
m square meters 1.195 square yards yd
ha hectares 2.47 acres ac
2 2
km square kilometers 0.386 square miles mi
mL milliliters 0.034 fluid ounces fl oz
L liters 0.264 gallons gal
m3 cubic meters 35.314 cubic feet ft3
3 3
m cubic meters 1.307 cubic yards yd
g grams 0.035 ounces oz
kg kilograms 2.202 pounds lb
Mg (or "t") megagrams (or "metric ton") 1.103 short tons (2000 lb) T
TEMPERATURE (exact degrees)
o o
C Celsius 1.8C+32 Fahrenheit F
lx lux 0.0929 foot-candles fc
2 2
cd/m candela/m 0.2919 foot-Lamberts fl
N newtons 0.225 poundforce lbf
kPa kilopascals 0.145 poundforce per square inch lbf/in
*SI is the symbol for the International System of Units. Appropriate rounding should be made to comply with Section 4 of ASTM E380.
(Revised March 2003)


CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................ 1

FWD CALIBRATION............................................................................................................. 1
Annual Calibration ............................................................................................................. 1
Monthly Calibration ........................................................................................................... 1
ICONS IN THIS MANUAL .................................................................................................... 2
Warning Note about a Particular Step in WinFWDCal................................................... 2
Multiple Directions Possible in WinFWDCal.................................................................... 2
Message about the Next Step in WinFWDCal................................................................... 2
Critical Note about a Particular Step in WinFWDCal..................................................... 2

CHAPTER 2. GETTING STARTED WITH WINFWDCAL.................................................. 3

INSTALLING WINFWDCAL................................................................................................. 3
New Installation of WinFWDCal........................................................................................ 3
Reinstallation of WinFWDCal ............................................................................................ 4
Backup of Calibration Data Folder ................................................................................... 4
RUNNING WINFWDCAL....................................................................................................... 5
Normal Mode for Annual Calibration .............................................................................. 5
Review Mode........................................................................................................................ 5
MONTHLY CALIBRATION ................................................................................................. 5
SCREEN COLORS IN WINFWDCAL .................................................................................. 5
START UP ................................................................................................................................ 6
Update FWD Calibration Center Configuration File ...................................................... 7
DAQ – KUSB WINDOW ........................................................................................................ 8
RUNNING A CALIBRATION REVIEW ............................................................................. 8
Simulation Data ................................................................................................................... 9
Review Existing Calibration............................................................................................... 9
GETTING HELP WITH WINFWDCAL ............................................................................... 9
Accelerometer box loose in stand..................................................................................... 10
Ball-joint swivel too tight or too loose ............................................................................. 10
Ball-joint clamp not coupled properly ............................................................................ 10
Loose geophone.................................................................................................................. 10
Stepping on the pad during calibration........................................................................... 11
Not holding the calibration stand properly..................................................................... 11
Load cell not in complete contact with the slab.............................................................. 11
FWD swivel not lubricated ............................................................................................... 11
FWD plate lifting during calibration............................................................................... 11
REPORTING SOFTWARE BUGS...................................................................................... 11

CHAPTER 3. ANNUAL CALIBRATION PROCEDURE..................................................... 13

CALIBRATION SETUP ....................................................................................................... 13

Calibration Center Information ...................................................................................... 13
FWD Information.............................................................................................................. 17
Calibration Triggers and Drop Sequence ....................................................................... 19
Determine Number of Drops ............................................................................................ 24
DEFLECTION SENSOR CALIBRATION......................................................................... 25
Prerequisites - Deflection Sensors.................................................................................... 25
Deflection Sensor Reference Calibration ........................................................................ 27
Deflection Sensor Time History ....................................................................................... 32
Deflection Sensor Relative Calibration ........................................................................... 33
LOAD CELL CALIBRATION............................................................................................. 37
Prerequisites - Load Cells................................................................................................. 37
Load Cell Reference Calibration ..................................................................................... 39
Load Cell Time History .................................................................................................... 43
DOCUMENTATION............................................................................................................. 44
FWD Calibration Output PDDX File.............................................................................. 46
Documentation Summary................................................................................................. 46
Documentation of Accelerometer .................................................................................... 46
Documentation of Deflection Sensors .............................................................................. 48
Documentation of Load Cell............................................................................................. 49
ANNUAL CALIBRATION REPORTS ............................................................................... 50
Reports Generated ............................................................................................................ 50
File and Report Naming ................................................................................................... 50
Calibration Reports........................................................................................................... 52

CHAPTER 4. ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA ............................................................................. 53

ACCELEROMETER ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA........................................................... 53

PREREQUISITE ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA.................................................................. 53
Signal Conditioner with Deflection Sensors.................................................................... 53
Signal Conditioner with Load Cell .................................................................................. 53
DEFLECTION TIME HISTORY ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA ...................................... 53
LOAD CELL TIME HISTORY ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA ......................................... 54
REFERENCE TRIAL ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA.......................................................... 54
REFERENCE CALIBRATION ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA.......................................... 55
Deflection Sensors ............................................................................................................. 55
Load Cell ............................................................................................................................ 55
RELATIVE CALBRATION ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA ............................................... 55
FINAL ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA ................................................................................... 57
CERTIFICATE OF CALIBRATION.................................................................................. 57

CHAPTER 5. MONTHLY CALIBRATION PROCEDURE................................................. 59

MONTHLY RELATIVE CALIBRATION ......................................................................... 59

MONTHLY CALIBRATION ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA ............................................. 62
Individual Trial ................................................................................................................. 62
Monthly Calibration – First Trial.................................................................................... 63
Monthly Calibration – Two Trials................................................................................... 63

REPLACE A SENSOR.......................................................................................................... 64
REPLACE A SENSOR ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA ........................................................ 65
Individual Trial ................................................................................................................. 65
Replace a Sensor – Two Trials ......................................................................................... 65
Replace a Sensor – Three or Four Trials ........................................................................ 66
MONTHLY CALIBRATION REPORTS ........................................................................... 66
File Naming Scheme.......................................................................................................... 66
Monthly Relative Calibration .......................................................................................... 66
Replace a Sensor................................................................................................................ 67

APPENDIX I. ERROR MESSAGES ........................................................................................ 69

INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................................. 69
BENIGN OR INFORMATIONAL MESSAGES (1-99)..................................................... 69
5 - Accelerometer Trigger................................................................................................. 69
6 - Determine Number of Drops per Each Height.......................................................... 69
10 - Minimum Number of Drops per Drop Height ........................................................ 69
12 - Attach Reference Load Cell ...................................................................................... 70
WARNING OR FOLLOW-UP MESSAGES (100-199) ..................................................... 70
100 – Select the FWDCalCenterConfig.ini File to Be Used in the Review................... 70
101 – Overwrite existing FWDCalCenterConfig.ini File............................................... 70
103 – Excess Noise in the Load Cell Average Zero Array ............................................. 70
104 – Error in +/- A/B readings........................................................................................ 70
105 – Calibration Folder Already Exists......................................................................... 70
106 – FWD Data File Does Not Contain Drop Data....................................................... 70
112 – Reference Load Cell Calibration Out of Date ...................................................... 71
113 – Excess noise in the Zero Adjustment Array ......................................................... 71
150 – Error reading the FWD History ............................................................................ 71
170 – No Change in Gain Factors .................................................................................... 71
171 – Update Gain Factors in FWD ................................................................................ 71
172 - Trial Gain Factor for Replacement Sensor ........................................................... 71
173 – Gain Factor for Replacement Sensor .................................................................... 71
SERIOUS MESSAGES (200-299) ........................................................................................ 72
201 – Excessive Load Cell Zero Offset ............................................................................ 72
202 – Polarity Issue ........................................................................................................... 72
203 – Too Many Drops Needed ........................................................................................ 72
204 – Cannot Read Interim Calibration File .................................................................. 72
206 – Load Cell Gain Outside Recommended Limits.................................................... 72
207 – Sensor Gain Outside Recommended Limits ......................................................... 72
210 – Unbalanced Zero ..................................................................................................... 73
211 – Shunt Switch Not Set to Neutral Position ............................................................. 73
212 – Excess Standard Error............................................................................................ 73
214 – Standard Deviation Too Large............................................................................... 73
216 – Need to Recalibrate the Accelerometer ................................................................. 73
220 – Excess Drop-to-Drop Deflection Variation ........................................................... 73
221 – Excess Drop-to-Drop Load Variation ................................................................... 74
250 – Number of Sensors in the FWD Data File is Zero................................................ 74

251 – The Number of Drops in the FWD Data File is Incorrect ................................... 74
252 – The Difference in the Relative Trial Gains is too Large ...................................... 74
270 - Error in Calculating Deflection .............................................................................. 74
FATAL MESSAGES (300-399) ............................................................................................ 74
300 – Missing Critical Files .............................................................................................. 74
302 – Acceleration Outside Acceptable Limits ............................................................... 75
303 – Peak Load Above Acceptable Limits..................................................................... 75


INPUT DATA REQUIREMENTS FOR WINFWDCAL.................................................... 77

OUTPUT DATA FROM WINFWDCAL.............................................................................. 78

APPENDIX III. RELEASE NOTES ......................................................................................... 79

NOTES FROM VERSION 2.2 AUGUST 2010 ................................................................ 79

NOTES FROM VERSION 2.1 MAY 2010 ....................................................................... 79
NOTES FROM VERSION 2.0 DECEMBER 2009.......................................................... 80
NOTES FROM VERSION 1.4 OCTOBER 2008............................................................. 80
NOTES FROM VERSION 1.3 AUGUST 2008 ................................................................ 81
NOTES FROM VERSION 1.2 APRIL 2008 .................................................................... 82

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ....................................................................................................... 85

REFERENCES............................................................................................................................ 87

INDEX.......................................................................................................................................... 89


Figure 1. Icon. Warning note icon from WinFWDCal Help......................................................2

Figure 2. Icon. Multiple direction message icon from WinFWDCal Help. ..............................2
Figure 3. Icon. Next step message icon from WinFWDCal Help. .............................................2
Figure 4. Icon. Critical note icon from WinFWDCal Help. .......................................................2
Figure 5. Photo. Opening screen of WinFWDCal .......................................................................4
Figure 6. Photo. Start new calibration / start cal review buttons..............................................6
Figure 7. Photo. Update FWD calibration center configuration buttons. ................................6
Figure 8. Photo. Start monthly calibration button. ....................................................................6
Figure 9. Photo. Opening screen of WinFWDCal with uncompleted calibrations..................7
Figure 10. Photo. Message to select FWDCalCenterConfig.ini file to be used in a review.....8
Figure 11. Photo. Coupling the calibration stand and ball-joint anchor................................10
Figure 12. Photo. Setup screen - calibration center information screen.................................13
Figure 13. Photo. Start of daily flip calibration of the reference accelerometer....................15
Figure 14. Photo. Question shown when the repeat calibration button is clicked. ................16
Figure 15. Photo. Setup and Configuration screen - FWD information after FWD
configuration file has been read, but before selection of location to save
calibration results. ....................................................................................................17
Figure 16. Photo. Setup screen - calibration center information screen after all critical data
are collected...............................................................................................................19
Figure 17. Photo. Setup screen - calibration triggers and sequence screen............................20
Figure 18. Photo. Accelerometer trigger message asking user to setup the FWD at lowest
drop level. ..................................................................................................................20
Figure 19. Photo. Double integrated deflection for trigger determination.............................21
Figure 20. Photo. Prerequisites for deflection sensor calibration. ..........................................25
Figure 21. Photo. Setup of signal conditioner for use with reference accelerometer. ...........26
Figure 22. Photo. Collect data using accelerometer screen at start of deflection sensor
reference calibration.................................................................................................28
Figure 23. Photo. Deflection sensor time history trace.............................................................28
Figure 24. Photo. Get FWD deflection data screen just after acceptance of last deflection
from reference calibration trial...............................................................................29
Figure 25. Photo. Buttons to move up (left) or down (right) between sensors. ......................30
Figure 26. Photo. Plot of reference device deflections versus the FWD deflections. .............31

Figure 27. Photo. Deflection sensor reference calibration results just prior to acceptance of
the second trial. .........................................................................................................31
Figure 28. Photo. Double integrated accelerometer time history............................................32
Figure 29. Photo. Acceptable deflection time history (unzoomed)..........................................34
Figure 30. Photo. Unacceptable deflection time history due to baseline slope.......................34
Figure 31. Photo. Initial relative calibration screen during annual calibration. ...................35
Figure 32. Photo. Relative calibration screen during annual calibration after importing of
FWD data. .................................................................................................................36
Figure 33. Photo. Prerequisites for load cell calibration..........................................................37
Figure 34. Photo. Set up of signal conditioner for use with reference load cell. ....................38
Figure 35. Photo. Collect data using reference load cell screen at start of load cell reference
Figure 36. Photo. Reference load cell time history. ..................................................................40
Figure 37. Photo. Get FWD load cell data screen just after importing data from FWD. .....42
Figure 38. Photo. Plot of reference device versus the FWD from load cell calibration.........42
Figure 39. Photo. Reference load cell time history. ..................................................................44
Figure 40. Photo. Documentation screen - load cell frame. .....................................................45
Figure 41. Photo. Upper portion of certificate produced by WinFWDCal. ...........................45
Figure 42. Photo. Documentation screen - summary frame. ...................................................46
Figure 43. Photo. Documentation screen - accelerometer frame.............................................47
Figure 44. Photo. Documentation screen - deflection sensors frame. .....................................47
Figure 45. Photo. Documentation screen - load cell frame. .....................................................49
Figure 46. Photo. Acceptable annual calibration relative calibration trial. ...........................56
Figure 47. Photo. Unacceptable annual calibration relative calibration trial........................56
Figure 48. Photo. Monthly relative calibration after selection of FWD type and number of
Figure 49. Photo. Monthly relative calibration analysis of data..............................................60
Figure 50. Photo. Monthly relative calibration – plot of FWD data which is acceptable. ....61
Figure 51. Photo. Monthly relative calibration – plot of FWD data which is unacceptable
due to outliers............................................................................................................62
Figure 52. Photo. Monthly relative calibration – plot of FWD data with low standard error
which is unacceptable due to outliers......................................................................63
Figure 53. Photo. Monthly calibration – replace a sensor with the list of sensors shown on
the right side of the screen. ......................................................................................64



The WinFWDCal software was developed as part of FHWA pooled fund study TPF-5(039):
FWD Calibration Center and Operational Improvements.(1)

WinFWDCal is designed to accompany AASHTO Standard Recommended Practice R32:

Calibrating the Load Cell and Deflection Sensors for a Falling Weight Deflectometer.(2) The
software is written for use with the four types of FWDs currently manufactured or sold in the
United States of America. It is not applicable to the calibration of lightweight deflectometers
(LWDs) or cyclic loading pavement testing equipment.

There are two different procedures that may be followed: annual and monthly calibration.

Annual Calibration

Annual calibration can be performed at an FWD calibration center or on site where the FWD is
located. The same equipment and procedures are used at either location. A certified technician
shall perform the procedure. Annual calibration involves two steps, reference calibration and
relative calibration. In reference calibration, the FWD's deflection and load transducers are
calibrated against independently-calibrated reference devices. In relative calibration, the
deflection sensors are compared to each other.

Annual calibration of the FWD load cell and deflection sensors should be performed at least
once per year and as soon as possible after a sensor has been replaced on the FWD. In annual
calibration, the load cell and deflection sensors are calibrated with the goal of adjusting the
accuracy (i.e., systematic error) of the devices to ± 0.3 percent or better.

Monthly Calibration

Monthly calibration is only performed on the deflection sensors. A relative calibration is done at
any suitable location using equipment supplied by the FWD manufacturer. It is done periodically
for verification of the accuracy of the deflection sensors and occasionally when a sensor must be

Monthly calibration should be performed on the deflection sensors at least once per month and
immediately after a deflection sensor has been replaced, as an interim measure, until an annual
calibration can be performed.

Monthly calibration uses a calibration stand provided by the FWD manufacturer. The deflection
sensors are stacked vertically in the stand, one above another, so that all sensors are subjected to
the same pavement deflection. Position in the stand may have an effect on the deflection
readings. To compensate for this, the sensors are rotated through all positions in the stand.

Software Users Manual: WinFWDCal


Throughout this Users Manual are icons to alert you before proceeding in WinFWDCal.

Warning Note about a Particular Step in WinFWDCal

The orange diamond-shaped icon with the flagger symbol (figure 1) is used to warn you of an
important message in WinFWDCal. These messages are highlighted to alert you of something
that may not be expected or of an action that needs to be taken in WinFWDCal

Figure 1. Icon. Warning note icon from WinFWDCal Help.

Multiple Directions Possible in WinFWDCal

The yellow diamond-shaped icon with the Y symbol (figure 2) is used to warn you of places in
WinFWDCal where multiple directions or choices are possible, but not necessarily expected.

Figure 2. Icon. Multiple direction message icon from WinFWDCal Help.

Message about the Next Step in WinFWDCal

The yellow diamond-shaped icon with the curve arrow symbol (figure 3) is used to alert you
about an upcoming choice. In many cases the choice being discussed will not be displayed until
after the current program step has been completed.

Figure 3. Icon. Next step message icon from WinFWDCal Help.

Critical Note about a Particular Step in WinFWDCal

The red octagon-shaped icon with the word stop (figure 4) is used to alert you to complete a step
or a review BEFORE taking a particular action in WinFWDCal.

Figure 4. Icon. Critical note icon from WinFWDCal Help.



New Installation of WinFWDCal

For a fresh install on a new computer, run Install WinFWDCal.msi. You will need to be in
administrative mode to run the msi module. This will install the software into the
C:\WinFWDCal directory on the calibration center computer. Please accept the default directory
for this installation.

Install WinFWDCal.msi will copy WinFWDCal.exe, PDDXconvert.exe, the historical FWD

calibration database, and a database with the names and ID numbers of the current FWD
calibration centers, FWDCalCenters.mdb. In addition, copies of the current protocol, a pre-
calibration checklist, and several other forms and checklists are provided in a Documentation
folder in the WinFWDCal directory.

The FWDCalCenterConfig.INI file is NOT installed by the MSI. It should be

installed manually in accordance with the following instructions.

Install FWD Calibration Center Configuration File

Each FWD calibration center has a unique file, FWDCalCenterConfig.INI, that contains the
critical information for the center. It contains the current calibration factors for the reference load
cell and accelerometer as well as information about the last calibration. More details on the data
items in the file can be found in the project report and in the help file for the PDDXconvert
software.(1, 4)

When you run WinFWDCal for the first time it will look for the center configuration file. If it
cannot be found, you will be asked to read in the FWDCalCenterConfig.INI provided for your
center. On the opening screen (figure 5) click the Update FWD Cal Center Configuration button
to install the configuration file.

A new version of the configuration file will be provided with updated information each time
your reference load cell is recalibrated. Click the button to replace the configuration file.

Install Simulation Data

During the installation of the program, you will be given the option to install simulation data.
This is not required, but will provide data files for running simulations for each of the four
brands of FWDs, as well as data for the monthly calibration portion of WinFWDCal.

Install KUSB Board Drivers

After running the Install WinFWDCal.msi, install the drivers for the KUSB board by running
Install Keithley Drivers.exe. This will install the drivers to allow WinFWDCal to read data via

Software Users Manual: WinFWDCal

Figure 5. Photo. Opening screen of WinFWDCal

the KUSB board. This file is located in the C:\WinFWDCal\Documentation\Drivers folder.

Reinstallation of WinFWDCal

The following steps should be followed carefully to be sure no data are lost when reinstalling the

1. Copy the current FWDCalCenterConfig.INI, CertificateTemplate.RTF, and

FWD_Calibration_History.mdb files to a temporary subdirectory. These files should be
copied back into the C:\WinFWDCal folder after running the Install WinFWDCal.msi.

2. Backup ALL of the data in the \Calibrations folder (see below). This folder wll not be
removed as part of the reinstall of WinFWDCal, but it is prudent to make a backup.

3. Remove the existing WinFWDCal installation by first using the Windows Add/Remove
Programs utility to remove WinFWDCal.

4. Run Install WinFWDCal.msi to reinstall the software. You will need to be in Windows
administrative mode to run the MSI.

Backup of Calibration Data Folder

The entire \Calibrations folder should be backed up to a CD or a server on a regular basis. It is

prudent to do this before you begin copying files from the install CD to your computer. The
\Calibrations folder has the history of all FWD calibrations done with this computer.

Chapter 2. Getting Started with WinFWDCal

When backing up the \Calibrations files, first putting the folder into a ZIP file will reduce the
size to less than 25% of the unzipped size.


Installing WinFWDCal will place a Group into the start up menu and an icon on the desktop.
Using the standard Windows procedure, look for the group WinFWDCal and select it.

Normal Mode for Annual Calibration

To start in Normal Mode, hook up the KUSB board to a USB 2.0 port. The KUSB board must be
connected at the USB port before starting WinFWDCal. WinFWDCal starts in Normal Mode and
"KUSB-3108" (the DAQ board) is shown on the upper left of the screen.

Review Mode

To run in Review Mode, be sure the KUSB board is not connected. WinFWDCal starts in
Review Mode. The words Review Mode are shown in a red box instead of the name of the DAQ
board on the upper left of the screen. Any data saved while running a review are placed in a
folder that starts with the letters SIM.


The KUSB board is not needed for a monthly calibration. The words Review Mode will be
displayed on the opening screen, as shown in figure 5.


Background colors help the operator know what steps need to be completed in FWD calibration.
The following colors are used throughout the program.

Red A severe warning indicating that a mandatory action is needed.

Orange A warning that there are still some actions or data needed prior to moving
on to the next step.
Yellow Indicates a calibration may proceed, but it is recommended that the
operator review the data in the pertinent forms or screen.
Light blue Indicates a step, such as reference or relative calibration, has been
completed satisfying the protocol, but the operator has not yet approved the
final gains or information.
In addition, the blue color is used to help alert you to what step is most
likely to be taken next. The command button for the next step will be
shown in light blue when all critical steps are complete.

Green Shows that data have been reviewed and accepted.

Software Users Manual: WinFWDCal

Colors are not the only cues given. Other cues such as sounds and screen changes are used to
alert you when something has changed or that an action needs to be performed. Where possible,
hue variants of the colors are used to allow someone who is color blind to detect differences.


WinFWDCal starts with an opening screen (figure 5). This is the starting point for all
calibrations: annual or monthly. It is also the where you can update the FWD calibration center
configuration file.

The phrase Review Mode will only show if the DAQ board is not plugged into the computer. If
review mode shows and you expected to be doing an actual calibration, exit WinFWDCal,
connect the KUSB-3108 DAQ board, and restart WinFWDCal.

• Start New Calibration / Start Cal Review.

This button starts a new calibration or allows you to review an existing calibration. To
start a new calibration, just click on the button. Figure 6 shows the two alternatives for
the button depending upon whether WinFWDCal is in Normal or Review Mode.

Figure 6. Photo. Start new calibration / start cal review buttons.

Note: If the KUSB board is plugged in, the button says Start New Calibration.
Otherwise, it shows Start Cal Review.

• Update FWD calibration center configuration

This button (figure 7) allows the FWD calibration center to update the calibration center
configuration file. This is typically done after receiving an updated file when the
reference load cell has been recalibrated.

Figure 7. Photo. Update FWD calibration center configuration buttons.

Make a backup of the existing configuration file before proceeding. WinFWDCal

will overwrite the existing configuration file.

Figure 8. Photo. Start monthly calibration button.

Chapter 2. Getting Started with WinFWDCal

• Relative Calibration.
This button (figure 8) starts monthly relative calibration.
• Available Interim Calibration
If one or more annual calibrations have been started, but not completed, the uncompleted
calibrations will be shown in the lower half of the screen (figure 9). To load an existing
calibration, highlight the interim file to be used and then click on Open Interim
Calibration. To delete the selected interim file, click on Delete Interim Calibration (in
which case all data in that file will be deleted).

Figure 9. Photo. Opening screen of WinFWDCal with uncompleted calibrations.

Update FWD Calibration Center Configuration File

To update the calibration center configuration file use the button on the opening screen of
WinFWDCal. This is typically done after a Reference Load Cell calibration. It may also be
required if a loaned set of equipment is used and the serialized items are not the ones typically
used at the calibration center.

Make a backup of the existing configuration file before proceeding. WinFWDCal

will overwrite the existing configuration file.

Naming Scheme of FWD Calibration Center Configuration File

The name of the configuration file is FWDCalCenterConfig centerID dd-mmm-yyyy.ini where:

Software Users Manual: WinFWDCal

• centerID = Calibration Center ID number assigned to the FWD calibration center

• dd-mmm-yyyy = date in dd-mmm-yyyy format


A configuration file created for the Pennsylvania DOT calibration center (centerID = 25) on
January 27, 2010 would be named:

FWDCalCenterConfig 25 27-Jan-2010.ini


During calibration, a DAQ – KUSB window will show at various times. The graph shows the
raw voltage data being sent to the computer via the KUSB data acquisition board (DAQ). It is
auto-scaling. It is placed in the foreground just before data collection begins.

The window cannot be closed by the user. It will close automatically when
WinFWDCal is closed. To hide, just click anywhere in the main WinFWDCal
window and the DAQ-KUSB window will be placed in the background.


After clicking on the Start Cal Review button, the following message box (figure 10) will ask
you to select the FWDCalCenterConfig.ini file to be used in the review.

Figure 10. Photo. Message to select FWDCalCenterConfig.ini file to be used in a review.

Browse to the folder containing the calibration data to be reviewed, and then select the
FWDCalCenterConfig.ini in that folder.

Existing calibrations are usually in the \Calibrations folder under the owner and
FWD name folder described in setup. However, they may be on a flash drive, CD,
or some other location.

Chapter 2. Getting Started with WinFWDCal

Simulation Data

Simulation data are in the \Simulation folder. If the data are from the simulation sets, then you
must complete all of the setup steps just as in a standard calibration. This includes accelerometer
calibration and collecting the data from the FWD during the setup process.

Review Existing Calibration

If the data contain an interim calibration file, then the data from this file are used to populate the
setup information. The only step you will need to perform during the setup is determining where
the data from the calibration will be saved on the computer. This is not done automatically so
you may select an alternative location for reviews that will not commingle the results with actual

The reviewer will be able to see the data as they appeared during the original calibration. This
allows confirmation that the calibration was successful or problems can be detected.

The center's FWDCalCenterConfig.ini file will be temporarily replaced with the

INI file in the review folder during the review. When WinFWDCal is closed after
the review, the center's original FWD configuration file is restored.


WinFWDCal provides technical assistance in several forms:

• WinFWDCal Users Manual.

The manual in your hands is designed to provide in-depth information on how to use the
• Context-sensitive help.
Accessible by pressing the F1 key or by selecting Help from the drop-down menu at the
top of the window, it is a slightly abbreviated version of this manual. The organization of
the help screens is very similar to this manual.
• Message boxes.
Messages will occasionally pop up when a problem arises or coaching is needed. While
they cover a variety of topics, their general appearance is very similar to figure 10. Most
have a number in parenthesis (like (100) in figure 10) which is keyed to the error
messages in Appendix I in this manual. The error messages are also accessible through
the context-sensitive help screens.


During the development of the updated calibration procedure and the quality assurance visits
undertaken, we found there were several common problems that led to excess noise or other
issues which caused a calibration to be unsuccessful. This list shows the most common errors
and solutions.

Software Users Manual: WinFWDCal

Accelerometer box loose in stand

The accelerometer box needs to be placed carefully into the calibration stand. Down pressure
using a thumb or other finger should be used to ensure good contact with the shelf in the stand. If
the box is cantilevered in the stand, the resulting vibrations may result in too large of an
acceleration or noisy data.

Ball-joint swivel too tight or too loose

The ball-joint should be medium tight. If the ball-joint is too tight, the wave from the FWD
pulse may cause the stand to vibrate. If it is too loose, the stand may miss a portion of the peak
deflection. The ball-joint should be tight enough to hold the stand vertically, but if light side
pressure is applied, the stand should slowly fall to the rest stop.

Ball-joint clamp not coupled properly

The ball-joint clamp needs to be centered. The gap on both sides should be even or the ball-joint
may pinch and not properly couple the stand to the slab. Both bolts should be adjusted to create a
constant width gap before a final torquing of the bolts to firmly seat the clamp.
The gap shown to the left of the down arrow in figure 11 should be equal on both sides. If either
side touches, the clamp will not hold the pin properly.

Figure 11. Photo. Coupling the calibration stand and ball-joint anchor.

Loose geophone

The geophones in the stand may be loose due to a geophone not sitting flush or the anchor not
being properly attached to the stand. Be sure the geophones are firmly seated and there is no
evidence of rocking or moving of the sensors in the stand.

Chapter 2. Getting Started with WinFWDCal

Stepping on the pad during calibration

Stepping on the pad during calibration will reduce the deflections and add variability to the
statistical analysis. Please make sure no one is walking around the slab and FWD area during

Not holding the calibration stand properly

The person holding the stand does not need to provide much down pressure, but it is important to
hold the stand and apply some vertical pressure. The purpose in holding the stand is to keep it
vertical. A sure and steady hand is important. The operator can stand up or sit down while
holding the stand. The handles on the stand should be moved as needed to facilitate this. Failure
to hold the stand properly may result in excess noise in the data, and will likely lead to failure of
the particular trial.

Load cell not in complete contact with the slab

If the reference load cell is not in complete contact with the slab, it may rock and cause noise
problems. Try to slide a piece of paper under the feet of the reference load cell to be sure there is
good contact. The paper should not be able to slide more than a slight amount under the feet.

FWD swivel not lubricated

Most FWDs have a ball-joint swivel above the load plate. The swivel must be properly lubricated
so the load plate can align with the surface it rests on. With the load plate off the pavement,
check to be sure the plate can move freely. Lubricate in accordance with manufacturer's
instructions if the movement is restricted.

FWD plate lifting during calibration

The FWD load plate should not lift between any references trials. If this happens, the errors will
be increased and, especially with load cell calibration, may result in unacceptable errors. Some
brands of FWD automatically lift the plate after testing. In that case, check the seating of the
reference load cell to assure it is squarely in contact with the slab after the load plate is lowered
back down.


If you find an error in the WinFWDCal software or a mistake in this Users Manual, please report
it by phone or email.

Cornell University Local Roads Program

Phone: +1.607.255.8033

If you notice a bug, please send along a screen shot. If the software crashed please make a note
of the previous action taken.



After selecting Start New Calibration or Start Cal. Review (figures 5 or 9), the calibration center
information screen will be shown (figure 12).

Calibration Center Information

Figure 12. Photo. Setup screen - calibration center information screen.

This is the first of three tabs shown during setup and configuration. Any missing information,
such as center operator name, is highlighted with a background color in orange. If the
accelerometer needs to be calibrated, the button will be highlighted in orange. Otherwise, it will
be green, as shown above.

During a calibration review, the Calibrate Accelerometer button will be green

since the accelerometer should not be recalibrated during a calibration review.
During a simulation without an interim data set, the button will be orange and the
calibration steps will be the same as described below for a new calibration.

The FWD calibration center operator can review the details for the reference equipment by
selecting the proper buttons at the bottom left of the calibration center information screen.

Software Users Manual: WinFWDCal

The calibration center information screen is where you specify whether WinFWDCal
automatically prints the results during the calibration. The default assumption is to not print
automatically. Select Auto Print ON to print automatically. In any case, the data from the
calibration are saved in electronic format and can be printed later as needed. This allows an
FWD calibration without having a printer hooked up.

The buttons on the calibration center information screen are:

Select Center ID - In order to track calibrations, the FWD calibration center ID should be
stored with the data from the calibration. This button shows a current list of the available IDs
and FWD calibration center names and allows you to select the proper ID number.
Calibrate Accelerometer - If the reference accelerometer needs to be calibrated, this button
will be orange in color. Otherwise it will be green. Click on the button to perform a reference
accelerometer calibration.
Load Cell Calibration ONLY - If the FWD load cell is the only item to be calibrated, this
button should be used. It allows you to skip past the reference accelerometer calibration.
Show Accelerometer Calibration Data - Shows the relevant data for the reference
accelerometer including the manufacturer′s reference calibration and the results of the last
daily accelerometer calibration.
Show Load Cell Calibration Data - Shows the relevant data for the last annual reference
load cell calibration.
Confirm Cal. Center Information - This button only shows when all of the critical data
have been entered. The minimum data include:
• The calibration center operator name.
• The calibration center ID.
• Either a daily calibration of the accelerometer or clicking of the Load Cell Calibration
ONLY button.
Once all of the data have been entered, the Confirm Cal. Center Information button will be
enabled on the lower right. Click the button to advance to the FWD information screen.

Accelerometer Calibration

The accelerometer calibration consists of three sets of readings taken in the Earth's gravity field
that are used to determine the response of the accelerometer prior to deflection sensor

The accelerometer, mounted in its aluminum box, is calibrated on the calibration platform that is
also used to store the accelerometer in a +1 g field ("g" is an acceleration measured in multiples
of Earth's gravity). The platform needs to be carefully leveled prior to the accelerometer
calibration using the attached bubble level to assure that the accelerometer is aligned exactly
with the Earth's gravity field.

Chapter 3. Annual Calibration Procedure

Figure 13. Photo. Start of daily flip calibration of the reference accelerometer.

To start the accelerometer calibration click on the Start button or press the Enter key (figure 13).
The WinFWDCal software will guide the calibration operator through the accelerometer
calibration procedure and calculate the new calibration coefficients.

An Abort button is available to stop the calibration at any point. Also, if you fail to follow the
instructions on the screen, a message may appear in the top of the screen. Additional options will
allow you to Repeat the calibration or Reject the accelerometer calibration.

Note: The second cycle in the +1 g field stops after getting acceptable data. This
will usually not take the full 10 seconds.

Once complete, there will be several possible messages in the box near the top of the screen:

• All Data Checks Passed – This will appear if all four accelerometer acceptance criteria
have been passed (all backgrounds are green).
• Check Results! One or more acceptance criteria need to be reviewed. – None of the
internal checks have failed so WinFWDCal is able to calculate new calibration factors.
However, you should review the data carefully since at least one of the four
accelerometer acceptance criteria has NOT been passed (one or more backgrounds are
• Temperature change during calibration was XX. Calibration should be repeated. – The
value XX is the amount of temperature change in the units set during the calibration
setup. This message appears if the temperature during the flip changes by more than 0.5

Software Users Manual: WinFWDCal

°C (0.9 °F). This message should only appear if the temperature is wildly changing.
Determine why this might be occurring and try repeating the accelerometer calibration.
• Standard Deviation of +1 g is too large. Repeat Calibration. – This message will also
show the acceptable range of standard deviation. This can occur if the accelerometer is
not held steady with down pressure on the accelerometer box. Try holding the box steady
and repeat the calibration.
• Recording of +1 g voltage shows the accelerometer was upside down. – If you fail to flip
the accelerometer properly, WinFWDCal will provide an alert. Please reset the system
and repeat the calibration.
Five buttons appear on screen to help you during the acceleration calibration:

Accept – Accepts the calibration, updates the calibration factors for the accelerometer and
returns to where you were in the WinFWDCal software when you started the accelerometer
calibration process.
Reject – Rejects the calibration and returns back to the beginning of the accelerometer
calibration process.

You will have to repeat the accelerometer calibration successfully before


Abort – Stops the accelerometer calibration during the procedures. Please be sure to reset the
accelerometer back into a +1 g field as soon as possible after clicking this button.
Start – Starts the accelerometer calibration procedure.
Repeat – Repeats the calibration.

Figure 14. Photo. Question shown when the repeat calibration button is clicked.

If selected, the repeat button will ask the question (figure 14) “Do you want to use
the calibration values just collected for comparison?”

If the accelerometer has not been used in several days or there has been a significant
change in the ambient temperature at the calibration facility, you should click on Yes.
This will update the calibration factors and start the calibration process again. The results
of the next calibration should show All Data Checks Passed in the message box. If this is
not so, the accelerometer should be examined carefully and additional calibrations
performed until consistent results are achieved.

Chapter 3. Annual Calibration Procedure

FWD Information

This screen goes through the process of getting the pertinent data from the FWD. This is done
electronically when possible. The preferred DDX input file format is described in appendix II.
The steps are described below. Figure 15 shows the screen after the selection of the FWD
manufacturer, sensor type, and reading of the FWD configuration file.

Figure 15. Photo. Setup and Configuration screen - FWD information after FWD
configuration file has been read, but before selection of location to save calibration results.

The steps to enter the FWD configuration data are:

1. Select the manufacturer.

There are four manufacturers available in the drop down list. If the manufacturer is KUAB,
the sensor type will also need to be selected. The choices in that case are geophone or
seismometer, and they each require a different deflection sensor stand during the calibration

2. Select the unit system.

The FWD Unit System defaults to the unit system used with the previous FWD calibration.
It may be changed at any time by selecting the radio button for metric or English units.

3. Read FWD configuration files.

Software Users Manual: WinFWDCal

If a DDX file with all of the pertinent FWD data is available (appendix II), that is the
preferred data input format. Otherwise the following files need to be obtained from the FWD.
These files should be transferred from the FWD computer. Normally they are put onto a flash
drive and read into the calibration center computer as needed.

For all but JILS FWDs, only a single file is read by WinFWDCal. For JILS FWDs, three files
should be read, if available. For each manufacturer the files are named:

• Dynatest: warm-up file or other F20, F25 format file.

• Carl Bro: HW_INI.TXT (obtained via the ROSY© software that is part of the Carl
Bro operational program).
• JILS: SETUp.PAr (contains geophone gains).
*.DAT file (contains geophone serial numbers)
*.cfg (contains load cell gain).

If the configuration data are incomplete or incorrect, manually enter the correct data in the
load cell and deflection sensor frames as well as the bottom four items in the FWD frame
(Unit, Model, Serial Number, and Operator).

The user can change the file type to be read by selecting the file type at the bottom
of the file dialog box.

4. Select or create an Owner and FWD folder.

The owner folder and FWD folder are the names of folders in the FWD calibration center
computer used to store the data from the calibration. In the directory window, all previously
entered owners are shown under the calibrations folder.

a. If the owner is already listed, double click on the owner folder name.

b. If the owner is not listed, add a new owner by using the New Owner button.

c. For existing owners, there may be a list of FWDs shown. If the FWD to be
calibrated is shown, double click on the FWD name. Normally this name would
include the serial number of the FWD.

d. If the FWD is not listed, add a new FWD using the New FWD button. When this
is selected, WinFWDCal will create a name from the information in the FWD
screen. However, it may be advisable to create a new name. This name will be
stored in the FWD calibration center computer as a directory, and it may be used
during future calibrations.

The Owner and FWD folder also have to be chosen when running a Review. This
assures that the original data will not be overwritten.

Chapter 3. Annual Calibration Procedure

Figure 16. Photo. Setup screen - calibration center information screen after all critical data
are collected.

Once all of the required data are obtained, a Next button will be displayed. There may be some
data missing, such as date of last calibration. A yellow background on a cell indicates those data
are not required, however, the data should be entered if available. Figure 16 shows the FWD
information screen at this point. Click on Next to continue.

Calibration Triggers and Drop Sequence

The third tab is where the trigger levels for the accelerometer and load cell are set. The number
of load levels and the number of drops are also set. After this is done, the testing sequence for
reference calibration is determined. These steps must be done prior to beginning calibration.

The accelerometer trigger level should be reset each time the FWD is moved
relative to the ball-joint anchor.

After these steps are complete, the Next button shows in the lower right corner. Figure 17 shows
the results after the completion of these steps, just prior to starting a reference calibration trial.
Click on Next to start reference calibration. If doing a full calibration, you will go to Deflection
Sensors Reference Calibration, otherwise, you will go to Load Cell Calibration.

Reference Calibration Trigger Levels

Data acquisition begins (triggers) when the current acceleration or load exceeds the pre-
determined trigger level. "About triggering" is used, which will be discussed in the next section.

Software Users Manual: WinFWDCal

Figure 17. Photo. Setup screen - calibration triggers and sequence screen.

Accelerometer Trigger Level

WinFWDCal uses a technique known as about triggering to detect when to start collecting data.
Once activated, the software starts collecting data into buffers. It continues to do this until it
reads data that exceed the pre-set threshold (i.e., the trigger level). WinFWDCal then keeps one
second of data about the trigger point for analysis. For the accelerometer, the software is
triggered by a difference in acceleration from a baseline measured just before the FWD mass is

Figure 18. Photo. Accelerometer trigger message asking user to setup the FWD at lowest
drop level.

Chapter 3. Annual Calibration Procedure

Release of the mass, mechanical and electrical noise, and people moving near the sensor
calibration stand can all cause false triggers. The goal is to set the trigger level high enough to
not be falsely triggered, but low enough to actually be triggered by the FWD pulse. The most
difficult or critical acceleration will be at the lowest load level used with deflection calibration.
WinFWDCal automates the process of determining the required accelerometer trigger level..

The accelerometer should be placed in the calibration stand with the stand mounted in the ball-
joint. Care needs to be taken to firmly seat the box holding the accelerometer in the stand. Set up
the FWD for one drop at the lowest drop height to be used in the calibration (figure 18).

Figure 19. Photo. Double integrated deflection for trigger determination.

Once ready, click on the Start button. WinFWDCal begins filling buffers and the background on
the screen will turn green. Once this occurs, the FWD operator should drop the mass of the FWD
as soon as possible. When triggered, the software collects one second of data which are double
integrated and plotted on screen as shown in figure 19.

The colors on the time trace are explained in the section on deflection time history acceptance
criteria (page 53). The peak deflection is shown in the current unit system (metric or English) in
the upper right corner of the screen. The graph data screen allows you to see time history plots of
the relative acceleration, integrated velocity, and double integrated deflection.
Six buttons are available:

Restart – If there was a problem with the drop, this button restarts the data collection.
Early Trigger – Increases the trigger level by 0.05 g. If the current trigger is too low, the
release of the mass or other noise may cause WinFWDCal to trigger prematurely.

Software Users Manual: WinFWDCal

Late Trigger – Decreases the trigger level by 0.05 g. If the current trigger is too high,
WinFWDCal may never trigger. If the screen background is still green click the No Trigger
button to stop data collection.
Cancel – Returns to the Calibration Triggers and Sequence screen in the calibration setup.
The original trigger level is retained.
Zoom – Zooms or unzooms the time history trace. After a drop this button is in the
unzoomed mode. This shows the full second of the time history trace. When zoomed, the
figure shows 200 ms with a close up of the deflection trace around the first FWD bounce.
Calculate – Calculates the accelerometer trigger level. This button checks all of the
accelerations between 0.02 and 2.0 g for those that match the data from the trace shown on
screen. The calculated value is the acceleration half way between the lowest and highest
value that gives the same deflection and pulse rise time.

Do not use the Calculate button until a deflection trace is captured that meets the
criteria explained in deflection time history acceptance criteria (page 53).

After reviewing the time history and ensuring the deflection pulse captured by WinFWDCal is
representative of a good pulse, click on the Calculate button. A new trigger level will be shown
in the box labeled New Trigger. To accept this value, click on the Accept button. WinFWDCal
will return to the Calibration Triggers and Sequence screen and set the trigger level to the value
shown in the new trigger level box.

Load Cell Trigger Level

The load cell trigger level is typed in. The value needs to be larger than the static load before the
mass is released, but less than the expected peak force. Once set, this value is not likely to
change. A value of around 13 kN (3,000 lb) is usually adequate.

Reference Calibration Drop Sequence

The sequence for reference calibration involves both the number of load levels and the number
of replicate drops at each load level. The sequence is calculated in order to obtain the needed
level of precision. It is dependent on the pavement response which can vary from time to time
throughout the year. The pavement response also varies as the load plate is moved around on the
concrete slab.

The sequence of drops in reference calibration must be the same for both
deflection sensor and load cell calibration. Once the sequence has been
determined for the deflection sensors, the same sequence should also be used for
load cell calibration.

The minimum total number of drops in each reference calibration trial is 18 to meet minimum
precision criteria. The maximum number of drops per load level is 10. For the deflection sensors,

Chapter 3. Annual Calibration Procedure

the minimum number of drops per load level is dependent upon the measured minimum and
maximum deflections:

• Number of Load Levels.

The number of load levels for reference calibration is set by the FWD owner. Either three
or four load levels are acceptable.

The number of load levels for calibration should match the number of load levels
regularly being used in the field. For instance, if the FWD is following the SHRP
protocol of four drop heights, the number of load levels for calibration should be set to

Some FWDs exhibit mechanical vibrations at the lowest available load level, thereby
precipitating "excess noise" messages. If unsure, start with four load levels and try to
determine the number of drops. If noise is a problem, use the three highest available load

• Number of Drops per Load Level.

The number of drops per load level for reference calibration is determined using an
automated routine in WinFWDCal. After entering the number of load levels, click on the
Determine Number of Drops button. Follow the on-screen instructions.

The number of drops per load level can be larger than the minimum determined
using the automated routine. For example, if the software determines five drops
are needed, but the FWD is already programmed for a sequence with six drops per
drop height, it is acceptable to increase the number of drops per load.

• Approve Sequence (Load Cell Cal. ONLY).

This button will set the number of drops to the minimum allowed. The number of drops
with the reference load cell is based upon the minimum total of 18 drops. Therefore, the
minimum sequences when using this button are determined from the number of load
o 3 load levels 6 drops per load level
o 4 load levels 5 drops per load level

Location of Simulation Files

This box only appears when in Review Mode. It allows you to change the selection of the review
or simulation data folder. It is not normally changed, as this location is automatically recorded
when reading in the data from the FWD information screen.

Software Users Manual: WinFWDCal


This text box allows you to put in a comment. The comment will be added to the bottom of the
final documentation report. A maximum of nine comment lines are allowed.

Determine Number of Drops

To determine the minimum number of drops per load level, WinFWDCal collects data for a drop
at the highest and lowest load level from the FWD. The number of load levels determined by the
FWD operator should be used to define the two levels..

The first drop is at the highest load level to be used in FWD calibration. The second is at the
lowest load level. Each drop should be reviewed carefully as explained in deflection time history
acceptance criteria (page 53). The accelerometer should be placed in the calibration stand with
the stand mounted in the ball-joint before proceeding.

When collecting data in the trigger and number of drops routines, data are shown
unzoomed at first to allow you to examine the entire time history trace for

The data are reviewed for errors when they are collected. In some instances the peak acceleration
may exceed the capability of the accelerometer and error 303 (page 75) will be displayed. To
correct this try moving the FWD load plate further away from the ball-joint and calibration stand.
If the concrete pavement is too thin, or if it is poorly seated on the underlying base, moving may
not correct the problem. In that case a new location must be found.

For each acceptable drop you should click on the Accept button. After the two drops have been
accepted WinFWDCal will determine the minimum required number of drops based upon
statistically-determined precision requirements. If the required number of drops exceeds 10, error
message 203 (page 72) will be displayed, warning that a maximum of 10 drops are allowed from
each drop height.

At this point, you may try to:

• Change to four drop heights, if only three are currently selected.

• Move the FWD load plate closer to the ball-joint to increase the deflections at the highest
drop height.
• Find a new (softer) location for the calibration.
• Adjust the FWD drop heights to achieve a greater range of deflections.

Adjusting the FWD drop heights in not recommended. This method should only
be used after the other two techniques have been tried first.

Chapter 3. Annual Calibration Procedure


Deflection sensor calibration is a two-step process in annual calibration. First, the sensors are
calibrated versus the reference accelerometer. Reference calibration adjusts the gains for the
sensors to improve accuracy and get them random about correct. Then, in relative calibration, a
large number of deflections are used to refine the precision of the gain factors. Relative
calibration also helps to verify repeatability and detect outliers.

Figure 20. Photo. Prerequisites for deflection sensor calibration.

Prerequisites - Deflection Sensors

Before using the accelerometer, a series of questions must be answered to be sure the signal
conditioner and accelerometer have been set up properly. When starting WinFWDCal the
prerequisites must be done. After verifying a particular prerequisite, click the check box or OK,
as applicable. After all of the prerequisites are complete, the Next button will appear in the
bottom right of the screen. Click the Next button to proceed to the next step of the calibration.

The prerequisites must be completed before deflection sensor reference calibration can begin.
Figure 20 shows all five steps involved. Most prerequisites are only done before the first trial.

• Verify the signal conditioner and accelerometer have been on and warmed up for 60

The signal conditioner needs to be warmed up for 60 minutes before use with either the
accelerometer or the reference load cell. Once the signal conditioner is warmed up, the

Software Users Manual: WinFWDCal

individual reference transducers only need to be warmed up for 10 minutes. The on

screen message will alert you to how much time is needed to warm up the particular
combination of signal conditioner and reference device.
• Verify that the computer's date and time are correct.

This is just a reminder to be sure the computer time and date are correct. A Change
button is available if an adjustment is needed. This question is only asked the first time
through the prerequisites.
• Set up the signal conditioner.

The pertinent data to set up the signal conditioner for use with the accelerometer are
shown in figure 21. The user should review the set up and adjust the signal conditioner as
needed. Tight tolerances on the set up will alert you if one or more of the buttons on the
front panel of the signal conditioner are not set properly. Click OK once the signal
conditioner is set up properly.

Figure 21. Photo. Setup of signal conditioner for use with reference accelerometer.

• Ensure the FWD smoothing is Off (if applicable).

This question, asked during the first run through the prerequisites, is a reminder to be
sure any smoothing (filtering) is turned off on the FWD. It is a good habit to go ahead
and turn off any smoothing, if applicable, as soon as possible. Some FWD brands do not
have the ability to turn off smoothing. In those cases, just click the check box and move
to the next step.

It is occasionally asked whether smoothing should be turned off during

calibration, if it will be turned on during field operations. The answer is an
emphatic yes. The reference calibration system does not use smoothing. To assure
that an apples-to-apples comparison is made during calibration, smoothing in the
FWD should be turned off.
• Recommended FWD file name.

For each trial figure 20 will show a recommend file name for the FWD operator to use.
While it is not required, its use will greatly help later if a review of the data is desired. It
can be quite difficult to determine which FWD files contain what data if a different

Chapter 3. Annual Calibration Procedure

naming scheme is used.

• Place sensors in the stand as shown, lower FWD plate, and perform 3 seating drops.

A figure will show on the screen with the layout of the applicable calibration stand and
the location of the various deflection sensors. Three seating drops should be done before
proceeding, to ensure that the deflection sensors are well seated and the FWD plate is in
firm contact with the test pad.

The sensors will need to be moved between each reference calibration trial. Be
sure to review the figure showing the sensor locations carefully.

The sensor location diagram will not show before accelerometer calibration.

Deflection Sensor Reference Calibration

Deflection sensor reference calibration consists of either two or four trials, where all of the
sensors are calibrated simultaneously versus the reference accelerometer in a stiff stand. The
sensor positions are inverted between the trials to remove any remaining bias due to position in
the calibration stand.

After completing the prerequisites, the following screen (figure 22) is shown. To allow a two-
person team to conduct the calibration, the push button on the stand is active and can be used to
accept the data as received. To reject data you may need to manually cancel or answer some
error messages at the computer keyboard.

The push button does clear excess noise messages, allowing you to proceed to the
next drop.

When ready to collect data click on the Next button or use the push button to advance to the next
screen. WinFWDCal begins filling buffers and the screen background will turn green. Once this
occurs, the FWD operator should drop the mass of the FWD. The software then collects the data
that are double integrated and plotted (figure 23).

For each drop, the data need to be reviewed to be sure they meet the acceptance criteria in
deflection time history acceptance criteria (page 53).

A popup message may appear if there is excess noise in the zeroing portion of the time history
line. This is not enough to reject the drop. The data should be reviewed carefully to see if the
major criteria are met. This noise message is explained in the deflection time history section.

The peak deflection is shown in both metric and English units in the upper right corner. Also, the
rise time is shown in milliseconds. The data screen allows you to see time history plots of the
relative acceleration, integrated velocity, and double integrated deflection.

Software Users Manual: WinFWDCal

Figure 22. Photo. Collect data using accelerometer screen at start of deflection sensor
reference calibration.

Figure 23. Photo. Deflection sensor time history trace.

Chapter 3. Annual Calibration Procedure

Three buttons are available:

Accept – Accepts the data and shows the collected data grid (figure 22) with the new data
Reject – Rejects the drop and shows the data grid without adding any data. You are asked to
confirm before the data for the drop are deleted.
Zoom – Zooms or unzooms the time history trace. After a drop, this button is in zoom mode.
This shows 200 ms of the time history deflection trace around the first FWD bounce. When
unzoomed, the full second of data collected is shown.
Between each drop the grid showing the collected data is repeated. At any time, all drops may be
reviewed by double clicking on any cell. After the last data are collected, the following screen
(figure 24) is shown. At this point, WinFWDCal saves all of the data in the interim calibration

Figure 24. Photo. Get FWD deflection data screen just after acceptance of last deflection
from reference calibration trial.

If you need to stop the software at this point, upon restarting and opening the interim file,
WinFWDCal will return to this Get FWD Deflection Data screen.

Click on the Browse button to read the FWD data into the calibration computer and review the
results. A flash drive can be used to transfer the FWD data to the calibration computer.

For each sensor WinFWDCal will compare the FWD output (independent variable) versus the
reference deflection sensor (dependent variable) forced through zero. The slope of the regression

Software Users Manual: WinFWDCal

line, when multiplied times the initial gain factor, gives the reference calibration gain factor. The
reference trial acceptance criteria (page 54) should be reviewed for each sensor.

After reading in the data, three additional buttons are available. Two of the buttons are icons
(figure 25) without text:

Figure 25. Photo. Buttons to move up (left) or down (right) between sensors.

Next – The button shows the regression plot (figure 26) for the sensor shown.

– Shows the data for the next higher number sensor (or the first sensor if the last sensor
is currently shown).

– Shows the data for the next lower number sensor (or the last sensor if the first sensor
is currently shown).

The plot of the reference regression shows the FWD deflection (x-axis) versus the double
integrated accelerometer deflection (y-axis). The statistics of the graph are shown on the right.
All the sensors graphs must be reviewed using the up and down arrows. Once this is done, the
Next button displays in the lower right corner.

The data for each sensor are acceptable provided that the standard error is no greater than 0.0020.
Acceptance criteria are discussed further in Chapter 4, page 54.

Back – Returns you to the Get FWD data screen. From there you can review the
accelerometer time history plot for each drop.
Next – Shows a grid of the reference trial data collected so far. This button only appears after
all of the graphs have been reviewed.

Figure 27 comes up after two trials have been completed, but before the second trial has been
accepted. The grid shows for each sensor the original gain, the adjustment factor, and reference
gain from each trial. The standard error from the last trial is also shown.

The average change from each trial is given at the bottom of the grid. If two or four trials have
been completed, an interim gain and trial pair difference are shown. The trials should meet the
requirements outlined in the reference calibration acceptance criteria (page 55). Even after
accepting, there is one more chance to accept or reject the data on the documentation page.

Three buttons are available on figure 27:

Accept – Accepts the data and takes you to the next step.

Chapter 3. Annual Calibration Procedure

Figure 26. Photo. Plot of reference device deflections versus the FWD deflections.

Figure 27. Photo. Deflection sensor reference calibration results just prior to acceptance of
the second trial.

Software Users Manual: WinFWDCal

Figure 28. Photo. Double integrated accelerometer time history.

Reject – Rejects the trial just completed. The user is asked to confirm before the data are
deleted. A choice of starting a new trial or going to the main menu is given.
Back – Returns you to the regression plot screen (figure 26).

Accept will take you to the start of a new trial if one or three trials have been
completed. Accept will take you to the Documentation Deflection Sensors
screen if two or four trials have been done.

If the first trial is acceptable, continue with the second trial. Invert the sensors in the stand before
the second trial according to the diagram displayed by WinFWDCal. Repeat the same procedure
that was used for the first trial.

Deflection Sensor Time History

The deflection time history trace has three colors:

• RED – The red portion 25 ms in length just prior to the pulse rise is the zeroing period
ahead of the actual deflection impulse. This is used to determine if there is too much
vibration. This portion of the line should lay relatively flat. The right edge of the red
portion is defined as zero acceleration. All of the subsequent integrations are relative to
this point.
• GREEN – The green portion of the curve is the actual pulse rise. If the green line does

Chapter 3. Annual Calibration Procedure

not start immediately upward after the red line, it is likely that the trigger level is
incorrect or there are other problems with the drop and it should be repeated. The left
edge of the green section should be at zero deflection and should show a sharp change in
slope on the deflection trace.
• BLUE – All other data are plotted in blue. There should be a very short period of blue
between the red and green portions of the time history curve.

If there is too much vibration (noise) in the data just prior to the initial zero point in the
deflection trace, or if the software has a problem with the double integration procedure, error
message 113 (page 71) may be displayed. If this message appears, you should unzoom the
deflection trace and carefully check whether excessive drift during the integration is evident. At
issue is whether the peak value of deflection is accurate or not.

Below are two unzoomed traces which both had the excess noise error. The first plot (figure 29)
shows an acceptable data set. Visual projection of the baseline indicates it is very near zero
deflection at the moment when the deflection peaks out. This should be confirmed by zooming in
on the plot.

The lead in line (blue) on the left should be close to flat, but it may not be in many instances.
This is usually due to vibration in the slab. If the software is able to show a trace that appears to
be on zero during the initial impulse, the integration is still valid and can be used.

The noise error should occur only occasionally on any drop done at load level 2 or
higher. If more than two drops at height 2 or above shows noise, it is
recommended the trial be rejected and repeated.

The second plot (figure 30) shows excessive drift. There is an obvious slope to the baseline of
the time history under the first deflection peak. This drop should be rejected and repeated.

Drift will occur if the slab is moving too much just as the FWD strikes the pad. If the software
cannot collect data without noise at the higher drop heights, it may be due to one or more of the
following reasons:

• Excessive moisture under the slab.

• A thin cavity under the slab.
• The calibration stand may be anchored too close to the edge of the slab.
• The stand may not be properly anchored in the ball-joint.
• External movement causing the zero point for integration to be improperly set (such as
not holding the stand still or someone walking on the slab during the drop).

Deflection Sensor Relative Calibration

Deflection sensor relative calibration consists of two or four trials where all of the sensors

Software Users Manual: WinFWDCal

Figure 29. Photo. Acceptable deflection time history (unzoomed).

Figure 30. Photo. Unacceptable deflection time history due to baseline slope.

Chapter 3. Annual Calibration Procedure

Figure 31. Photo. Initial relative calibration screen during annual calibration.

undergo a large number of replicate deflections to refine the precision of the gain factors. The
position of the sensors in the stand is inverted between the trials to remove the small bias due to
position in the calibration stand.

Do not move the sensors between the last reference calibration trial and the first relative
calibration trial. The figure on the screen should be reviewed to be sure the sensors are in the
correct positions.

The accelerometer is not needed in relative calibration. The accelerometer should

be removed from the stand and stored in a secure location in a +1g field.

After acceptance of the reference calibration trials, the relative calibration screen is displayed
(figure 31). Program a sequence of drops in the FWD as follows:

• 3 seating drops at drop height 2 or higher (data for these drops are not stored)
• 40 drops at the highest load level used during relative calibration. Normally this would be
load level 4.

A pause may be programmed after the 20th drop to reduce fatigue for the person
holding the calibration stand.

• Use the recommended file name for the FWD data.

Software Users Manual: WinFWDCal

Figure 32. Photo. Relative calibration screen during annual calibration after importing of
FWD data.

Perform the drop sequence while the calibration stand is held vertically with slight down
pressure. Then transfer the data from the FWD into the calibration computer. The data are
displayed on screen (figure 32).

The standard error of the relative calibration is reported in a frame near the bottom of the screen.
The standard error should be less than 3 µm (0.12 mils) for each trial. Acceptance criteria are
discussed further in Chapter 4, page 55.

The user may review the full ANOVA results by clicking on the Show ANOVA
button. This will show the detailed statistics from the trial.

Review the plot of the data by clicking on the Next button. Look for outliers or other problems in
the plot as explained in the section on relative trial acceptance criteria (page 55). If there are no
outliers or other problems, accept the trial by clicking on the Accept button.

When Accept is clicked, if 1 or 3 trials have been done, you will start the next
relative trial. Otherwise, the software will take you to the Deflection Sensors
Documentation Screen. Check the final acceptance criteria and accept the relative
trials if the criteria are met.

Chapter 3. Annual Calibration Procedure


Load cell calibration consists of two to four trials, where the FWD load cell is calibrated versus
the reference load cell. The two load cells are placed on top of each other to ensure they both
receive the same force.

Prerequisites - Load Cells

Before using the reference load cell, a series of questions must be answered to be sure the signal
conditioner and load cell have been set up properly. When starting WinFWDCal the prerequisites
must be done. After verifying a particular prerequisite, click the check box or OK, as applicable.
After all of the prerequisites are complete, the Next button will show in the bottom right on the
screen. Click the Next button to begin the calibration.

The prerequisites must be completed before load cell reference calibration can begin. Figure 33
shows all eight steps involved. Most prerequisites are only done before the first trial.

Figure 33. Photo. Prerequisites for load cell calibration.

• Verify the signal conditioner and accelerometer have been on and warmed up for 60

The signal conditioner needs to be warmed up for 60 minutes before use with either the
reference load cell or the accelerometer . Once the signal conditioner is warmed up, the
individual reference transducers only need to be warmed up for 10 minutes. An on screen

Software Users Manual: WinFWDCal

message will alert you to how much time is needed to warm up the particular
combination of signal conditioner and reference device.
• Verify that the computer's date and time are correct.

This is just a reminder to be sure the computer time and date are correct. A Change
button is available if an adjustment is needed. This question is only asked the first time
through the prerequisites.
• Setup the signal conditioner.

The pertinent data to set up the signal conditioner for use with the load cell are shown in
figure 34. The user should review the set up and adjust the signal conditioner as needed.
Tight tolerances on the set up will alert you if one or more of the buttons on the front of
the signal conditioner are not set properly. Click OK once the signal conditioner is set up

Figure 34. Photo. Set up of signal conditioner for use with reference load cell.

• Zero the signal conditioner with the load plate high.

• +B reading (+A reading).
• -B reading (-A reading).

These three steps are used to check the reference load cell set up and ensure the reference
load cell has not been damaged or needs to be recalibrated. All three steps should be done
with the FWD load plate raised off the reference load cell. If WinFWDCal needs to be
restarted, it will be necessary to raise the FWD load plate off the reference load cell
before performing these steps. The data from the ± B readings are used to get a daily
shunt calibration of the load cell. A series of checks are done to make sure the load cell
has been set up properly.

Some load cells with very large gains will use the ± A shunt calibration, rather
than the ± B shunt.

• Ensure the FWD smoothing is Off (if applicable).

This question, asked during the first run through the prerequisites, is a reminder to be

Chapter 3. Annual Calibration Procedure

sure any smoothing (filtering) is turned off on the FWD. It is a good habit to go ahead
and turn off any smoothing, if applicable, as soon as possible. Some FWD brands do not
have the ability to turn off smoothing. In those cases, just click the check box and move
to the next step.

It is occasionally asked whether smoothing should be turned off during

calibration, if it will be turned on during field operations. The answer is an
emphatic yes. The reference calibration system does not use smoothing. To assure
that an apples-to-apples comparison is made during calibration, smoothing in the
FWD should be turned off.
• Recommended FWD file name.

For each trial figure 33 will show a recommend file name for the FWD operator to use.
While it is not required, its use will greatly help later if a review of the data is desired. It
can become quite difficult to which FWD files contain what data if a different naming
scheme is used.
• Carefully line up the reference load cell, lower the FWD load plate, and perform 3
seating drops.

The FWD plate needs to be carefully aligned over the load cell. This is guided by hand,
being careful for operator safety. Three seating drops should be done to be sure the FWD
plate and load cell combination is in firm contact with each other and with the test pad.


CELL. The space between the fingers should accommodate any standard FWD
load plate. The larger diameter load plates (450 mm on some FWDs) cannot be
used with the standard reference load cell.

Load Cell Reference Calibration

After completing the prerequisites, figure 35 is displayed. The push button is active and can be
used to accept the data as received. To reject data you may need to manually cancel or answer
some error messages at the computer keyboard.

When ready to collect data, click on the Next button or use the push button to advance to the next
screen. WinFWDCal begins filling buffers and the screen background will turn green. Once this
occurs, the FWD operator should drop the mass of the FWD. The software collects the time
history data that are plotted on screen (figure 36).

For each drop, the data need to be reviewed to be sure they meet the acceptance criteria in the
load cell time history acceptance criteria (page 54).

A popup message may appear if there is excess noise in the zeroing portion of the time history.
This is not enough to reject the drop. The data should be reviewed carefully to see if the major
criteria are met. This noise message is explained in the load cell time history topic.

Software Users Manual: WinFWDCal

Figure 35. Photo. Collect data using reference load cell screen at start of load cell reference

Figure 36. Photo. Reference load cell time history.

Chapter 3. Annual Calibration Procedure

The peak load is shown in both metric and English units in the upper right corner. Also, the rise
time is shown in milliseconds.

The data screen allows you to see time history plots of the actual input voltage, the total load on
the load cell, and the net load with the initial pre-load removed. This last plot is the one used to
obtain the peak load.

Three buttons are available:

Accept – Accepts the data and shows the collected data grid (figure 35) with the new data
Reject – Rejects the drop and shows the data grid without adding any data. You are asked to
confirm before the data for the drop are deleted.
Zoom – Zooms or unzooms the time history trace. After a drop, this button is in zoom mode.
This shows 200 ms of the time history deflection trace around the first FWD bounce. When
unzoomed, the full second of data collected is shown.

Between each drop the grid showing the collected data are shown again. Each drop may be
reviewed by double clicking on a cell. After the last data are collected, the Get FWD Load Cell
Data screen (figure 37) is shown. At this point, WinFWDCal saves all of the data in the interim
calibration folder.

If you need to stop the software at this point, upon restarting and opening the interim file,
WinFWDCal will return to this Get FWD Load Cell Data screen.

Click on the Browse button and read the FWD data into the calibration computer and review the
results. Figure 37 shows a screen shot just after this is complete.

WinFWDCal will compare the FWD output (independent variable) versus the reference load cell
(dependent variable) forced through zero. The slope of the regression line for each sensor, when
multiplied times the initial gain factor, gives the reference cal gain factor. The reference trial
acceptance criteria (page 55) should be reviewed.

After reading in the data, one additional button becomes available.

Next – Clicking on the button advances to the regression plot (figure 38).
The plot of the reference regression shows the FWD load (x-axis) versus the reference load cell
value (y-axis). The statistics of the graph are shown on the right.

Three buttons are available:

Accept – Goes to the Documentation Load Cell screen.

Reject – Rejects the trial. The user is asked to confirm before the data are deleted. A choice
of starting a new trial or going to the main menu is given.

Software Users Manual: WinFWDCal

Figure 37. Photo. Get FWD load cell data screen just after importing data from FWD.

Figure 38. Photo. Plot of reference device versus the FWD from load cell calibration.

Chapter 3. Annual Calibration Procedure

Back – Returns you to the Get FWD Data screen.

If the trial is acceptable, continue by clicking on the Accept button.

If only one trial has been completed, the software will start the second load cell
calibration trial. Repeat the same procedure that was used for the first trial. After
at least two trials are accepted, the software will take you to the Deflection
Sensors Documentation screen. At this point, you should check the final
acceptance criteria and accept the load cell calibration if the criteria are met.

Load Cell Time History

The load cell time history trace has three colors (figure 39):

• RED – The red portion 50 ms prior to the peak and 25 ms in length is the zeroing period
ahead of the actual load impulse. The average of the data in the red section is used to
determine the force on the reference load cell during free fall and determine if there is too
much noise. The force measured during this period is subtracted from all of the load data
to obtain the relative force.
• GREEN – The green portion of the curve is the pulse rise. If the green line does not start
immediately upward, it is likely that the trigger level is incorrect or there are other
problems with the drop and it should be repeated. The left edge of the green section
should be at zero force and should show a sharp change in slope on the load trace.
• BLUE – All other data are plotted in blue. There should be a short period of blue
between the red and green portions of the time history curve.

If there is too much noise in the data during the zeroing portion of the time trace, error message
103 (page 70) may appear. If this message comes up you should carefully look to see if the trace
appears to have been zeroed properly.

The time history shown in figure 39 has an excess noise error message, but is still acceptable.
Many FWDs have mechanical noise at the lowest drop height that shows up in the load trace.
Examine the trace to be sure the baseline of the time trace is properly zeroed. On the right side of
the screen is the load at the start of the pulse. This should be close to zero and less than 0.3
percent of the peak force. In figure 39, the load at the start of the load pulse is 0.27 percent of the
peak force.

The noise error should not occur on any drop at height 2 or higher. If drops at
height 2 or above show noise, it is recommended the drop be rejected and

Software Users Manual: WinFWDCal

Figure 39. Photo. Reference load cell time history.


The documentation screen consists of four frames with the current results of the annual FWD
calibration. Figure 40 shows the load cell results frame. At the bottom of the screen, a Produce
Certificate & FWD Calibration File button will be shown if both the deflection sensor and
load cell calibrations are complete. Clicking on this button will produce a final calibration
certificate and save the pertinent data on the FWD calibration center computer. A copy of the
FWD calibration output DDX data file is saved. It will also be saved on the flash drive that has
been used during the calibration. This allows the FWD operator to have the data in an electronic
form. The upper portion of the documentation certificate is shown in figure 41.

A sample FWDCalibrationOutput dd-mmm-yyyy.ddx file is shown in the next section.

For a list of all the reports generated by WinFWDCal, go to the section on annual
calibration reports (page 50).

Chapter 3. Annual Calibration Procedure

Figure 40. Photo. Documentation screen - load cell frame.

Figure 41. Photo. Upper portion of certificate produced by WinFWDCal.

Software Users Manual: WinFWDCal

FWD Calibration Output PDDX File

In addition to the certificate, WinFWDCal produces an output file with the critical data. This
sample FWD Calibration output file is provided electronically as part of documentation. The
default file name is FWDCalibrationOutput dd-mmm-yyyy.ddx where dd-mmm-yyyy is the date
in day-month-year format. For instance if the calibration was completed on 21 June 2009, the file
name would be: FWDCalibrationOutput 21-June-2009.ddx.

A detailed example of an FWDCalibrationOutput file is given in appendix II.

Documentation Summary

Figure 42 shows the owner, name, and serial number of the FWD under calibration. There is also
a place on this screen for you to add a comment that will be saved and added to the

Documentation of Accelerometer

Figure 43 shows the results of the daily accelerometer calibration. These data are stored with the
FWD Calibration Output PDDX file.

Figure 42. Photo. Documentation screen - summary frame.

Chapter 3. Annual Calibration Procedure

Figure 43. Photo. Documentation screen - accelerometer frame.

Figure 44. Photo. Documentation screen - deflection sensors frame.

Software Users Manual: WinFWDCal

Documentation of Deflection Sensors

Figure 44 is where you can accept the deflection sensor reference and relative calibrations after
performing an even number of trials in each case. In addition, you can start a new trial or delete
existing trials from this screen.

Five buttons may be available at various steps in the calibration:

Perform Trial – Starts a new deflection sensor reference calibration trial. The button may
say Perform First Trial if none have been completed.

The type of trial to be performed (Reference or Relative) will be shown on the

Perform Trial button.

The Perform Trial button name will be changed to reflect the next trial to be

Delete Trials – Clicking on this button allows you to delete trials. This should not be done
unless there is very good evidence that one or more trials are unacceptable. The user will be
asked to confirm deletion of any trials.

The type of trial to be deleted (Reference or Relative) will be shown on the Delete
Trials button. Once all of the reference trials have been accepted, they cannot be

Deflection sensor trials are deleted as pairs (or in the case when an odd number
have been completed, the last trial may be deleted). It is not possible to delete a
trial from one pair and one trial from another pair (because the sensors are
inverted in the stand).

Deleting a trial or pair of trials will remove all of the data for those trials from all
records. They cannot be recovered! If there is any concern about the validity of
any trial, make a backup of the data first.

Accept Reference Trials – Clicking on this button will save the deflection sensor reference
trials and all of the data collected to date in the calibrations folder determined during setup.
The data should be reviewed carefully to be sure all of the reference calibration acceptance
criteria have been met. Once accepted, additional reference calibration trials will not be
Accept Relative Trials – Clicking on this button will save the deflection sensor relative
trials and all of the data collected to date in the calibrations folder determined during setup.
The data should be reviewed carefully to be sure all of the final acceptance criteria have been
met. Once accepted, additional deflection sensor relative trials will not be allowed. This is

Chapter 3. Annual Calibration Procedure

the final step in deflection sensor calibration.

Produce Certificate and FWD Calibration File (Sensors only) – This button will appear if
the deflection sensors calibration has been accepted. Clicking on this button will save all of
the data to date and produce the documentation for the deflection sensors calibration only.
The same output files will be generated as explained in the documentation topic.

Documentation of Load Cell

This screen is where you can accept the load cell calibration after performing at least two trials.
In addition, you can start a new trial or delete an existing trial from this screen.

Figure 45. Photo. Documentation screen - load cell frame.

Four buttons may be available on the screen:

Perform Load Cell Trial – Starts a new load cell trial. The button may say Perform First
Load Cell Trial if none have been completed.

The Perform Load Cell Trial button name will show the number of the next

Delete Load Cell Trials – Clicking on this button allows you to delete load cell trials. This
should not be done unless there is very good evidence that one or more trials are
unacceptable. The user will be asked to confirm deletion of any trial.

Software Users Manual: WinFWDCal

Deleting a trial will remove all of the data for that trial from all records. It cannot
be recovered! If there is any concern about the validity of the trial, make a backup
of the data first.

Accept Load Cell Trials – Clicking on this button will accept the load cell trials and save all
of the data collected to date in the calibration folder created during setup. The data should be
reviewed carefully to be sure all of the final acceptance criteria have been met. Once
accepted, additional load cell trials will not be allowed.
Produce Certificate and FWD Calibration File (Load Cell only) – This button will appear
if the load cell calibration has been accepted. Clicking on this button will save all of the data
to date and produce the documentation for the load cell calibration only. The same output
files will be generated as explained in the documentation topic.


In addition to saving every file read from the FWD, WinFWDCal saves simple text reports from
each step of the process as well as the final reports and the Calibration Certificate. A total of nine
file types are saved. Except for the certificate, the reports for the annual calibrations are all
ASCII text files. They are saved in the Calibrations folder. If Auto Print is turned on, the reports
are printed as the calibration proceeds.

Electronic versions of the files are saved in every case and may be printed using
any word processor including Notepad or WordPad.

Reports Generated

Below is a list of the nine file types saved by WinFWDCal. Most of the files do NOT need to be
printed or given to the FWD operator unless they are requested. However, the first two should be
given to the operator in electronic or paper form, or both. The brackets () show the naming
scheme for the files.

File and Report Naming

• Calibration Certificate (CalibrationCertificateDate.rtf)

The final certificate with the critical information from the calibration.
• FWDCalibrationOutput (FWDCalibrationOutput Date.ddx)
A record of the changes in the calibration in AASHTO PDDX format.(1,2)

This file is saved in electronic format on the flash drive used during calibration.
Be sure the FWD operator saves a copy on the FWD operations computer.

• FWDCalibrationRecord (FWDCalibrationRecord Date.ddx)

Chapter 3. Annual Calibration Procedure

A record of all the data from the calibration.

This file is named InterimCal.ddx during the calibration.
• FWDCalCenterConfig.Ini
The configuration file for the FWD calibration center.
Deflection Sensor Reference Calibration Reports

• Reference Trial (FWDSerialNumber Date Sensor S/N.RF#)

A record of a reference calibration trial for a deflection sensor.
• Reference Time History (Reference#-HhDd.txt)
A record of the time history for a particular drop.
Allows a review of the calibration by technical support.
Deflection Sensor Relative Calibration Reports

• Relative Trial (FWDSerialNumber Date .RL#)

A record of a relative calibration trial for a deflection sensor.
Load Cell Calibration Reports

• Load Cell Trial (FWDSerialNumber Date S/N.LC#)

A record of a reference calibration trial for a deflection sensor.
• Load Cell Time History (LoadCell#-HhDd.txt)
A record of the time history for a particular drop.
Allows a review of the calibration by technical support.

Here is a key to the file names:

• # is the trial number
• Date is in a DD-MMM-YYYY format.
• h is the height number for a particular drop
• d is the drop number for a given height h


Given the following path to the data folder:

C:\WinFWDCal\Calibrations\Cornell Univ\8001-001\20100319.

The data folder contains time history data such as Reference1-H3D6.txt, and calibration results
such as 8001-001 19-Mar-2010 3162.RF1, 8001-001 19-Mar-2010 3162.RF2 and LoadCell2-
H3D6.txt, and raw data file Rel3.F25

• The example provides the following information:

o FWD serial number 8001-001A
o Calibration date 19 March 2010
o Sensor serial number 3162

Software Users Manual: WinFWDCal

o Drop Heights 3
o Drops per drop height 6
o Two reference calibration trials each for deflection sensor, three relative
calibration trials, and two load cell reference calibration trials.
A total of 117 files would be saved by WinFWDCal including the files read and converted from
the FWD. A total of 7 files would typically be read from the FWD; one for each trial and the
warm up file used during setup. All of the files should be saved and backed up on the FWD
calibration center computer.

• Two reports should be given to the FWD operator.

o CalibrationCertificate19-Mar-2010.rtf
The certificate shall be signed by a certified calibration center operator.
o FWDCalibrationOutput 19-Mar-2010.ddx
• The additional reports may be provided to the FWD operator, but are not required.
Calibration Reports

• FWDCalibrationRecord 19-Mar-2010.ddx
(Detailed record of the calibration with all data included)
• FWDCalCenterConfig.ini
(The current FWD calibration center configuration file)
Deflection Sensor Reference Calibration Reports

• 8001-001A 19-Mar-2010 SN.RF# (18 files)

(9 files for each sensor (serial number SN) and trial)
• Reference#-HhDd.txt (48 files)
(24 files per trial)
Deflection Sensor Relative Calibration Reports

• 8001-001A 19-Mar-2010 .RL# (2 files)

(1 file for each relative trial)
Load Cell Calibration Reports

• 8001-001A 19-Mar-2010.LC# (2 files)

(1 file for each relative trial)
• LoadCell1-H3D6.txt (48 files)
(24 files per trial)



After accelerometer calibration there are several checks performed to ensure the accelerometer is
performing as expected. Temperature and other changes in the electronics may cause the
message “Check Results” to appear. If this happens, Accept the results and repeat the
accelerometer calibration. If the message “Check Results” still appears, contact technical
support. The error checks are:

• Change in slope
The slope of the voltage versus acceleration line should be relatively constant over time
even with temperature changes. If the change is more than 0.25 percent, repeat the
accelerometer calibration.
• Change in offset
If the change is more than 0.01 g, repeat the accelerometer calibration.
• Ambient temperature
The accelerometer should only be used in the range -15 to +55 °C) (5 to 131°F).
• Time differential during data collection
To reduce the effect of hysteresis on the accelerometer, the maximum allowable delay
between the data taken in the +1 g and -1 g fields is 9 seconds.


Signal Conditioner with Deflection Sensors

• Unbalanced Zero should be within 100 mV or 5% of stored reading.

Signal Conditioner with Load Cell

• Unbalanced Zero should be within 100 mV or 5% of stored reading.

• Shunt calibration should be within 10 mV or 0.5% of stored reading.

In addition to the two checks above, the load plate of the FWD needs to be off the reference load
cell before proceeding. Otherwise, error messages will alert you to lift the plate in the air.


A discussion of the deflection time history trace can be found on page 32.

• Noise Limit for a given drop < 4 µm (0.16 mils) peak-to-peak.

Software Users Manual: WinFWDCal

This is not enough to reject the drop, but should result in a detailed review of the

• Standard deviation of a set of drops at a given height 2 µm (0.08 mils) plus 1 percent of
the mean deflection for that drop height.

This error is only critical if there is concern that the FWD is not properly set up.

• The time history trace should not show a pronounced slope or curvature indicating drift.
• The actual rise time (green portion of the time trace) should begin to rise very near zero
deflection and should show a sharp change in slope versus time.


A discussion of the load time history trace can be found on page 43..

• Noise Limit for a given drop < 0.35 kN (80 lbs)

This is not enough to reject the drop, but should result in a detailed review of the

• Standard deviation of a set of drops at a given height 0.2 kN (45 lbs) plus 2 percent of
the mean load level for that drop height

This error is only critical if there is a concern that the FWD is not properly set up.

• The time history trace baseline should be properly zeroed

• The actual rise time (green portion of the time trace) should begin to rise very near zero
force and should show a sharp change in slope versus time

The load at the start of the pulse should be less than 0.3 percent of the peak force.


• Ratio of standard deviations between the reference transducer and FWD is less than
3 or more than 1/3.

The ratio of the standard deviations for each drop height of data should be between 1/3
and 3. This is a conservative check to be sure the variability of the data are similar from
both the reference device (load cell or double integrated accelerometer) and the FWD.

Chapter 4. Acceptance Criteria

If this ratio is too large (or too small) there is some evidence the reference device or the
FWD may not be sufficiently repeatable. This should be verified by looking for outliers
in the relative calibration data.

This data check is not done if the standard deviations are very close to zero (<1 µm (0.04
mils) or <0.11 kN (25 lbs)). As the values get very small this ratio is not significant.
• Allowable Standard Error of Slope for Each Trial is ≤ 0.0020.

The standard error (of the y-estimate) on the regression between the reference device
(load cell or double integrated accelerometer) and the FWD should be no more than
0.0020. This tight tolerance assures linearity of the transducer and a strong correlation
between the reference device and the FWD.


Deflection Sensors

• Variation Between Trials

WinFWDCal will calculate the difference in the reference gain factors for each sensor
between the two trials. If the difference (absolute value) for every sensor is no more than
0.005, then the reference calibration test is complete. If any of the differences are greater
than 0.005, perform two additional trials. Thereafter accept the results and continue, but
note if any of the differences are more than 0.005.

Load Cell

• Variation Between Trials

o 2 trials
Difference (absolute value) in the reference gains is no more than 0.003.
o 3 or 4 trials
Standard deviation of the reference gain is no more than 0.003.
The random variation of the load cell gain is approximately 0.003. Thus if the differences or
standard deviations are less than this value, the variation of the results is considered random.


• The Standard Error for Each Trial should be less than 3 µm (0.12 mils).
• No significant outliers in the data.
o Figure 46 shows a good set of data. All of the data fall close together for each

Software Users Manual: WinFWDCal

Figure 46. Photo. Acceptable annual calibration relative calibration trial.

Figure 47. Photo. Unacceptable annual calibration relative calibration trial.

Chapter 4. Acceptance Criteria

o Figure 47 shows a set of data that should be rejected even though the standard
error is low. Sensor D1 is offset consistently from the other sensors. The reasons
for this should be investigated and corrected before proceeding.
o A good rule of thumb is that the data should plot compactly for each drop.


The following criteria are true for both deflection sensors and load cell calibration. They should
be checked in the following order.

The criteria should be satisfied for each transducer separately.

1. Absolute difference in the final gain factor compared to the initial gain factor from the
previous calibration shall be no more than 1.0 percent. If this criterion is satisfied, the final
gain factor for the sensor shall be accepted. If this criterion is not satisfied for a sensor, then
evaluate it according to the next criterion.

2. The final gain factor should fall within a range of 0.980 to 1.020. If this criterion is
satisfied, the final gain factor for the sensor shall be accepted. If this criterion is not satisfied
for a sensor, then evaluate it according to the next criterion.

3. If a historical record of previous calibrations according to this procedure is available for the
sensor for a period of four years or more, and there are at least three previous calibration
results over this period of time, then the best fit time rate of change of the final gain factor
for the sensor shall be no more than 0.3 percent per year. If this criterion is satisfied, the
final gain factor for the sensor shall be accepted.


If the final gain factor for every sensor satisfies at least one of the acceptance criteria in the
previous section, a Certificate of Calibration shall be issued and signed by a certified calibration
center operator.


Much like the annual FWD calibration, WinFWDCal walks you through the monthly calibration

The first step is to select either Monthly Relative Calibration or Replace a


The procedure should be carried out using the relative calibration stand provided
by the FWD manufacturer.

This relative calibration procedure differs from that used for annual calibration.
The two procedures may not be interchanged entirely or in part.


After starting WinFWDCal and choosing Monthly Calibration, select the type of FWD and
sensor type. Then select the number of sensors. Instructions on setting up the FWD and the
arrangement of the sensors in the stand for each set of drops are shown on screen. Figure 48
shows the initial screen after selecting the FWD type and number of sensors. (From this screen
you may also select Auto Print or change the unit system to be used.)

Figure 48. Photo. Monthly relative calibration after selection of FWD type and number of

Software Users Manual: WinFWDCal

The FWD should be warmed-up prior to performing the monthly relative


Select the FWD drop height and the distance from the loading plate to the sensor
stand to yield deflections near 500 µm ± 100 µm (20mils ± 4 mils). This is
important to meet the statistical needs of the monthly calibration.

Chip a small divot in the pavement, or glue a washer on the pavement, to assure
that the distance from the FWD load plate to the calibration stand will remain
constant during the calibration.

After performing the drops, transfer the data from the FWD to the WinFWDCal software using
the Browse button.

WinFWDCal performs the critical calculations as shown on figure 49. A grid shows the existing
gain factor, means ratio, and relative gain for each sensor. In addition, there are two columns
alerting you to whether the particular sensor meets the acceptance criteria for the monthly
relative calibration. If the tolerance criteria are met, the relative calibration is complete. If not, a
second relative calibration trial should be performed.

The 2 percent column is provided as a historical reference to the older SHRP

protocol. It is not a requirement of the AASHTO R32 calibration protocol.

Figure 49. Photo. Monthly relative calibration analysis of data.

Chapter 5. Monthly Calibration Procedure

The standard error is shown in a frame near the bottom right of the screen in both metric and
English units. If the standard error is more than 3 µm (0.12 mils), WinFWDCal highlights the
values. While there is no standard for the maximum standard error, a larger value may indicate
possible anomalies or other problems such as a loose sensor.

The graph on the next screen (figure 50) should be examined carefully.

Five buttons are available.

Accept – Accepts the trial. The Accept button only appears after the graph has been
reviewed. The Next button will show you the relative calibration plot.
Reject – Rejects and sets up for a new trial. The user is asked to confirm rejection of the
Show ANOVA – Shows the ANOVA statistics used to generate the standard error. Usually
not reviewed unless there is an anomaly on the graph or the standard error is too large.
Show Rel. Trial Plot – Shows a plot of the relative calibration trial. Allows you to
graphically review the results.
Back – Goes back to the initial screen to choose a different data file.

Figure 50. Photo. Monthly relative calibration – plot of FWD data which is acceptable.

The graph allows you to look for trends or anomalies. Figure 50 shows an acceptable relative
trial. The range of acceptable data for a given drop in a monthly calibration is larger than that of

Software Users Manual: WinFWDCal

an annual calibration. The slight downward trend of the data is not a concern, as it will be
accounted for in the ANOVA.

Figure 51. Photo. Monthly relative calibration – plot of FWD data which is unacceptable
due to outliers.

Figure 51 shows an unacceptable trial. Several sensors appear to be loose in the stand. Although
this trial would have failed due to a large standard error, it is possible to have a low
standard error and still have an anomaly that would require the trial to be rejected (see figure 52).
There are several warnings in the message box on the trial data screen that should be reviewed.

After accepting a trial, you should check the monthly calibration acceptance criteria to determine
whether a second trial is needed.


Individual Trial

The following criteria should be applied to each trial. If these criteria are not met, the trial should
be rejected and repeated.

• No anomalies should be found in the plot of the data.

A Cochran test of variance is done on the data. It may detect outliers even when a low
standard error occurs. In figure 52 the standard error is less than 3, but the Cochran test
was not passed.

Chapter 5. Monthly Calibration Procedure

Even if the trial fails the Cochran test, that is not enough to reject the trial. If the
data plot is very tight and the standard error is small, the trial is still valid.

Monthly Calibration – First Trial

• All of the adjustment ratios are between 0.997 and 1.003 inclusive.
In this case, all of the adjustment ratios are statistically the same as 1.000. No change
should be made the gains in the FWD. The monthly relative calibration test is complete.

If this criterion is not met, a second trial should be performed.

Figure 52. Photo. Monthly relative calibration – plot of FWD data with low standard error
which is unacceptable due to outliers.

Monthly Calibration – Two Trials

• The absolute difference between the trial 1 and trial 2 gains for each sensor should be
less than or equal to 0.003.
If this criterion is passed, the updated gains have been verified and the gains for all sensors
should be updated, not just the sensors that had the adjustment ratios more than 0.003. The
monthly relative calibration test is complete.

Software Users Manual: WinFWDCal

If this criterion is not met, repeat the calibration performing two new trials. If the
second calibration set still does not pass, the FWD operator should schedule an
annual calibration as soon as possible.

Reports will be discussed in a subsequent section.


After selecting Replace a Sensor, the next steps are very similar to the standard monthly relative
calibration. The user should follow the on screen instructions with the new sensor in place on the
FWD. The factory supplied gain factor for the new sensor should NOT be changed prior to the

After transferring the data from the FWD to WinFWDCal, a box with the numbers for all the
sensors will be shown on the right (figure 53).

Figure 53. Photo. Monthly calibration – replace a sensor with the list of sensors shown on
the right side of the screen.

Select the sensor being replaced and then click on the Next button. The software will perform the
calculations and the results screen will be shown.

Chapter 5. Monthly Calibration Procedure

The standard error is shown in a frame near the bottom right of the screen in both metric and
English units. If the standard error is more than 3 µm (0.12mils), WinFWDCal highlights the
values. While there is no standard for the maximum standard error, a large value may indicate
possible anomalies or other problems such as a loose sensor.

The graph on the next screen (figures 50 – 52) should be examined carefully.

Five buttons are available:

Accept – Accepts the trial. The Accept button only appears after the graph has been
reviewed. The Next button will show you the relative calibration plot.
Reject – Rejects and sets up for a new trial. The user is asked to confirm rejection of the
Show ANOVA – Shows the ANOVA statistics used to generate the standard error. Usually
not reviewed unless there is an anomaly on the graph or the standard error is too large.
Show Rel. Trial Plot – Shows a plot of the relative calibration trial. Allows you to
graphically review the results.
Back – Goes back to the initial screen to choose a different data file.

The graph allows you to look for trends or anomalies.

A minimum of two trials are needed whenever a sensor is replaced. Whether a third or fourth
trial is needed and the requirements for accepting the trials are discussed in the following section.


Individual Trial

Just as in a standard monthly relative calibration, the following criteria should be applied to each
trial. If these criteria are not met, the trial should be rejected and repeated.

• No anomalies should be found in the plot of the data.

A Cochran test of variance is done on the data. It may detect outliers even when a low
standard error occurs.

Replace a Sensor – Two Trials

• Only the sensor being replaced has an adjustment ratio and gain determined. The
absolute difference in the gains between first and second trials for the sensor being
replaced should be less than 0.003.

If this criterion is passed, the calculated final gain should be updated in the FWD operating
system. The monthly relative calibration test is complete.

Software Users Manual: WinFWDCal

If this criterion is not met, a third and fourth trial should be performed.

Replace a Sensor – Three or Four Trials

• The standard deviation for the final gain for the sensor being replaced should be less
than or equal to 0.003.

If this criterion is passed, the calculated final gain should be updated in the FWD operating

If this criterion is not met after four trials, the FWD operator should schedule an
annual calibration as soon as possible.


The reports for the monthly calibrations are all ASCII text files. They are saved in the same
folder where the original FWD data files read are located. If Auto Print is turned on, they are
printed as the calibration proceeds.

Electronic versions of the files are saved in every case and may be printed using
any word processor including Notepad or WordPad.

Trial reports contain all of the data from each trial as well as the results of the ANOVA and other
statistical calculations. The final reports vary depending upon the type of report being saved.

File Naming Scheme

All the files are named using a simple scheme.

The saved files are named FWDFilename_Date.EXT where:

• FWDFilename is the name of the file read into WinFWDCal

• Date is the date in DD_MMM_YYYY format
• EXT is a three letter extension depending on the file type.

Monthly Relative Calibration

Two types of reports are saved for each calibration.

1. Each trial report is saved with the extension MC# where:

o MC stands for monthly calibration.

Chapter 5. Monthly Calibration Procedure

o # is the trial number.

2. The final report has the extension MFG, which stands for monthly final gain. The last trial
file name is saved as the final file name.

The final report is ONLY printed when two trials are done. If only one trial is
needed, there is no need to save the final report, as the gains do NOT change.


• The example assumes the files read in are named MonthlyRelCal#.F25, where # is the
number of the trial.
• The date for the calibration is 8 December 2009.
• 2 trials
o Trial 1 – MonthlyRelCal1_8_December_2009.MC1
o Trial 2 – MonthlyRelCal2_8_December_2009.MC1
o Final – MonthlyRelCal2_8_December_2009.MFG

Replace a Sensor

Two types of reports are saved for each calibration.

1. Each trial is saved with the extension SC# where:

o SC stands for Sensor replacement Calibration

o # is the trial number.
2. The final report has the extension SFG, which stands for Sensor replacement Final Gain.


• The example assumes the files read in are named MonthlyRelCal#.F25, where # is the
number of the trial.
• The date for the calibration is 8 December 2009.
• 3 trials.
o Trial 1 – MonthlyRelCal1_8_December_2009.SC1
o Trial 2 – MonthlyRelCal2_8_December_2009.SC1
o Trial 3 – MonthlyRelCal3_8_December_2009.SC1
o Final – MonthlyRelCal3_8_December_2009.SFG



Most error messages in WinFWDCal are assigned a number. This allows you to quickly review
the details for that particular error and helps with technical support.

#1 - 99 Benign or informational messages: These messages are primarily there to help

you move to the next step in the program.

#100 - 199 Warning or follow-up messages: Items that may need a follow up or are
warning you before proceeding.

#200 - 299 Serious errors: These errors generally require you to take action.

#300 - 399 Fatal errors: Require rejection of data or restarting of WinFWDCal.


5 - Accelerometer Trigger

To determine the accelerometer trigger level, prepare an FWD drop at the LOWEST level to be
used in sensor calibration. This is due to the fact the sensitivity is smallest at the lowest drop
height. If a sensitivity level can be found at the lowest drop level, this value should work fine
with the higher load levels.

6 - Determine Number of Drops per Each Height

The range of deflections being used during the actual calibration is used to calculate the
minimum number of drops to provide the level of precision needed during the testing. In order to
calculate this, drops from the FWD at the highest and lowest load levels to be used in the
calibration are collected. WinFWDCal then determines the minimum number of drops. More
drops than the minimum are acceptable and may be used when a pre-programmed sequence is
available in the FWD computer. The same sequence determined for the deflection sensors should
be used for load cell calibration.

10 - Minimum Number of Drops per Drop Height

Shows the result of the calculated minimum number of drops to meet the requirements of
maximum allowable error in the calibration. By clicking OK, you accept this value as the
minimum number of drops. More drops than calculated are allowed. This value is changed on the
General tab of the Setup Screen.

Software Users Manual: WinFWDCal

12 - Attach Reference Load Cell

This message alerts the FWD calibration center operator to go ahead and attach the Reference
Load Cell. This allows the Reference Load Cell to warm up during Relative calibration of the
deflection sensors.


100 – Select the FWDCalCenterConfig.ini File to Be Used in the Review

When in review mode the software allows you to read in the center configuration file associated
with the calibration. This message alerts you to read in the file to be used during this calibration.
The existing configuration file is restored when WinFWDCal is shut down.

101 – Overwrite existing FWDCalCenterConfig.ini File

When the KUSB board is plugged in, the center operator can read in a new or updated
configuration file using the Update FWDCalCenterConfig.ini button.

The existing configuration file will be replaced so you should make a backup of
the file before proceeding.

103 – Excess Noise in the Load Cell Average Zero Array

If the amount of variation is too large in the zero portion (red line) of the load cell time trace, this
error message will show. The center operator should examine the data to see if the zero portion is
correct. This error shows up a lot at the lowest drop height on many FWDs. The current limit for
load cell zero noise is: 0.35 kN (80 lbs). This noise error is explained in more detail in the Load
Cell Time History topic (page 43)..

104 – Error in +/- A/B readings

During the load cell prerequisites, the center operator does a shunt calibration check of the
reference equipment. This is the +B reading minus the –B reading (+A reading minus the -A
reading for some load cells). The maximum difference in the shunt calibration value is 0.5
percent or 10 mV. If this value is too large, the operator is asked to be sure the signal conditioner
is warmed up and the gain knob is set to the proper level.

105 – Calibration Folder Already Exists

This message alerts the operator that there is already data in the folder where WinFWDCal is
about to save data and gives the operator a chance to back up the data if needed.

106 – FWD Data File Does Not Contain Drop Data

When reading in FWD data, if there are no drops in the file, this message shows.

Appendix I. Error Messages

112 – Reference Load Cell Calibration Out of Date

If the reference load cell calibration is more than one year old, the operator is alerted to get the
load cell calibrated as soon as possible. It is not necessary to stop the FWD calibration.

113 – Excess noise in the Zero Adjustment Array

If the amount of variation is too large in the 25 ms prior to the initial zero point in the deflection
time trace, this error message will show. This period is red on the trace. The center operator
should examine the data to see if the double integration is done properly. The most common
method is to unzoom the trace and look at the full second of deflection data. The current limit for
double integrated accelerometer noise is: 4 µm (0.16 mils). More details can be found in the
deflection sensor time history topic.

150 – Error reading the FWD History

When reading the FWD History PDDX file, WinFWDCal checks that the name, model, and
FWD serial number match the values currently being evaluated. Since these are text values, it is
very easy for them to be different. The operator should check to be sure the history file is correct.

170 – No Change in Gain Factors

In a monthly calibration the gains do not need to be changed if the adjustment factors for all
sensors are between 0.997-1.003 inclusive. The calculated adjustments are trivial. The
calibration test is complete, and no change of the gain factors shall be made.

171 – Update Gain Factors in FWD

At least one of the adjustment factors was not in the range of 0.997-1.003. All the sensor gains
should be updated, not just the gain outside the 0.997-1.003 range.

172 - Trial Gain Factor for Replacement Sensor

The only factor reported is the gain for the sensor being replaced. The ANOVA calculations,
however, are on the full set of data. The standard error should still be under 3 µm as acceptance

173 – Gain Factor for Replacement Sensor

The only gain that needs to be updated in a field replacement is the sensor that is being replaced.
Be sure any other software changes have also be updated. A monthly relative calibration should
be done once this is complete.

Software Users Manual: WinFWDCal


201 – Excessive Load Cell Zero Offset

During load cell prerequisites, the FWD load plate should not be on the reference load cell when
recording the unbalanced zero. If it is, the load cell unbalanced zero will not pass the maximum
difference check. Another alternative is that the unbalanced zero of the reference load cell has
changed too much. If the operator cannot pass this check, the reference load cell may need to be

202 – Polarity Issue

During the load cell shunt calibration check, the +/-B (+/-A for some load cells) switch may have
been pushed in the wrong direction (or not moved at all). Also, in the Vishay model 2310B
signal conditioners the switches stay in position rather than resetting to the neutral position. Be
sure the switches are in the proper position for each step in the prerequisites.

203 – Too Many Drops Needed

The maximum number of drops per drop height is 10. If the calculation of the required number
of drops exceeds 10, the operator is given advice to increase the deflections or increase the range
of deflections from the lowest to the highest drop height. The FWD may be moved closer to the
calibration stand or, if the current number of drop heights is 3, you should try 4 drop heights.

204 – Cannot Read Interim Calibration File

The data for an ongoing calibration is stored in an interim calibration ddx file. When trying to
read the data as part of a review of a calibration, WinFWDCal will alert you if the file has been

206 – Load Cell Gain Outside Recommended Limits

If the load cell final gain is outside the maximum range recommended by the FWD manufacturer
(generally +/-2 percent), this error flag shows. It is not fatal. If the load cell final gain is changing
by less than 1 percent from the last calibration, the load cell calibration is still acceptable. Check
the final gain acceptance criteria.

207 – Sensor Gain Outside Recommended Limits

If the deflection sensor final gain is outside the maximum range recommended by the FWD
manufacturer (generally +/-2 percent), this error flag shows. It is not fatal. If a particular sensor
final gain is changing by less than 1 percent from the last calibration, the calibration is still
acceptable. Check the final gain acceptance criteria.

Appendix I. Error Messages

210 – Unbalanced Zero

If the unbalanced zero has changed by more than 100 mV or 0.5 percent from the last reference
load cell calibration, this error message will display. If the operator cannot pass this check, the
reference load cell may need to be recalibrated.

211 – Shunt Switch Not Set to Neutral Position

If the ±A or ±B switch is not reset to the neutral position after collecting the ‘-‘ shunt reading,
the resulting voltages will be off. This problem is more likely with newer signal conditioners,
which do not automatically re-center the switch. The user should just reset the switch to the
neutral position and continue.

212 – Excess Standard Error

For any given reference trial (load cell or deflection sensor) the maximum standard error of the
adjustment factor ±0.0020. If this value is exceeded, the trial may need to be repeated. This error
is not fatal as data just above the limit may still be useable in some limited situations. The center
operator should only accept data after consulting with technical support.

214 – Standard Deviation Too Large

If the ratio of the standard deviations between the reference device and the FWD for one of the
Drop Heights in reference calibration exceeds three, this may be a sign of unacceptable variation.
The operator should examine the data carefully to be sure the variation is acceptable. If the
standard error is less than ±0.002, then the reference trial is probably acceptable.

216 – Need to Recalibrate the Accelerometer

If the accelerometer is possibly out of calibration, this message shows rather than allowing you
to continue. In most cases, WinFWDCal will take you to the daily accelerometer calibration
automatically. The daily accelerometer calibration needs to be done if any of the following are

• More than 4 hours since the last daily accelerometer calibration

• A temperature difference of 5°C (9°F) since the last accelerometer calibration

220 – Excess Drop-to-Drop Deflection Variation

The maximum variation for the deflection for a given drop height is 2 µm (0.08 mils) plus one
percent of the mean for that deflection level. This can be due to large variation in the FWD. It
may indicate a need for maintenance of the FWD. It can also occur when one of the drops for a
given height was actually not at the prescribed level.

Software Users Manual: WinFWDCal

221 – Excess Drop-to-Drop Load Variation

The maximum variation for the load for a given drop height is 0.2 kN (45 lbs) plus two percent
of the mean for that load level. This can be due to large variation in the FWD. It may indicate a
need for maintenance of the FWD. It can also occur when one of the drops for a given height was
actually not at the prescribed level.

250 – Number of Sensors in the FWD Data File is Zero

If the number of sensors is listed as zero in the data file, this message will show. Please review
the FWD file to be sure it contains the proper data.

251 – The Number of Drops in the FWD Data File is Incorrect

For monthly relative calibration the number of drops in the FWD data file should be five times
the number of sensors. This error can occur if the seating drops were saved or one or more sets of
drops were not performed or saved.

252 – The Difference in the Relative Trial Gains is too Large

In monthly relative calibration, if one or more sensors have a difference in the calculated gains
for the two trials is greater than 0.003, reject the first two trials and perform two more trials. If
the second attempt also exceeds the allowable difference, the annual calibration procedure shall
be performed as soon as possible.

270 - Error in Calculating Deflection

If the integration procedure fails, the reported deflections will be -1 for both microns and mils.
Try repeating the drop. If this does not work, look for vibrations or other possible noise issues
causing the integration procedure to fail.


300 – Missing Critical Files

When WinFWDCal starts, it examines the program directory and checks that several critical files
are in the directory. If they are not, this message occurs and alerts you to make sure the files are
in the program directory. The critical files are:

FWDCalCenterConfig.ini – Center configuration file

PDDXconvert.exe – FWD file conversion software
CertificateTemplate.rtf – Calibration certificate template
FWDCalCenters.mdb – Database with the names and ID numbers of current FWD
calibration centers

Appendix I. Error Messages

302 – Acceleration Outside Acceptable Limits

The reference accelerometer has a limit of ±5 g. An acceleration reading outside this range is not
reliable. To zero the accelerometer for integration, Earth's gravity (a value of about -1 g) is
removed from all readings. Therefore the actual maximum allowable range is +3.9 to -5.9 g. This
error alerts you that the relative acceleration is too large and provides a couple of options to
reduce the peak acceleration. The drop should be rejected!

303 – Peak Load Above Acceptable Limits

The reference load cell has a peak load limit of 105 kN (23,500 lbs). Any load reading above this
should not be used. This error alerts you that the peak load is too large. The drop should be


The information in this appendix is provided to foster concise, complete, accurate and efficient
input/output data transfer between the FWD operating system (field program) and the
WinFWDCal software. Defined here is a format for a minimum subset of the many data items
listed in reference 1, appendix C, needed to facilitate annual and monthly calibration.

Electronic methods should be used to transfer data between the FWD computer and the
calibration computer. The preferred way to do that is via the PDDX file format.(1, 2) Some of this
information is required for record keeping purposes, while most of the data items are used in the
calibration calculations. The two files described below are ASCII text files.

At the beginning of a calibration the FWD computer must provide some information about the
load cell and deflection sensor serial numbers, the initial (current) gain factors, the FWD
operator's name, etc. The FWD operating program (field program) should be able to produce a
file named FWDCalibrationInput dd-mmm-yyyy.DDX (where dd is the date, mmm is the
month abbreviation, and yyyy is the year (e.g., 12-Nov-2012)).

After an annual or monthly calibration has been completed WinFWDCal produces an output file
named FWDCalibrationOutput dd-mmm-yyyy.DDX. The FWD computer needs to be able to
read the results from this file


The following is a typical example of the contents of FWDCalibrationInput dd-mmm-

yyyy.DDX. A complete description of each data item is provided in reference 1, appendix C. The
operator referred to in the file is the FWD operator. The file should have the standard name and
contents, regardless of which brand of FWD created it.

[Pavement Deflection Data Exchange File]

PDDXVersionNumber = 2.0
DelimiterSymbol = ,
DecimalSymbol = .

[Operations Information]
FileName =D:\WINFWD\Temp\FWDCalibrationInput 20-Feb-2009.ddx
EndDate = 29-Apr-2012
EndTime = 15:43
OperatorName = Rodney Fluster

LoadUnits = pound-force
DeflectionUnits = mil

[Device Information]
DeviceDesignationName = Dynatest FWD
DeviceModelNumber = 8001
DeviceSerialNumber = 8001-001
LoadCellSerialNumber = 0331
SensorSerialNumbers = 3170, 3162, 3163, 3164, 3165, 3166, 3167, 3168, 3169

Software Users Manual: WinFWDCal

[Device Configuration]
NumberOfDeflectionSensors = 9

[Device Calibration]
LoadCellCalibrationCenterDate = 20-Feb-2011
LoadCellCalibrationCenterGain = 1.006
SensorCalibrationCenterDate = 20-Feb-2011
SensorCalibrationCenterGain = 1.001, 0.999, 1.001, 0.999, 0.999, 0.998, 1,
0.996, 0.999


The following is a typical example of the contents of FWDCalibrationOutput dd-mmm-

yyyy.DDX. A complete description of each data item is provided in reference 1, appendix C.
Both the FWD operator and the calibration center operator are named in the file.

[Pavement Deflection Data Exchange File]

PDDXVersionNumber = 2.0
DelimiterSymbol = ,
DecimalSymbol = .

[Operations Information]
FileName = C:\WinFWDCal\InterimCal20120429\FWDCalibrationOutput 29-Apr-
EndDate = 29-Apr-2012
EndTime = 18:25
OperatorName = Daniel Atkins

[Device Information]
DeviceDesignationName = 8001-001
DeviceModelNumber = 8001
DeviceSerialNumber = 8001-001
LoadCellSerialNumber = 0331
SensorSerialNumbers = 3170, 3162, 3163, 3164, 3165, 3166, 3167, 3168, 3169

[Device Configuration]
NumberOfDeflectionSensors = 9

[Device Calibration]
LoadCellCalibrationCenterDate = 29-Apr-2012
LoadCellCalibrationCenterGain = 1.003
SensorCalibrationCenterDate = 29-Apr-2012
SensorCalibrationCenterGain = 1.002, 1.002, 1.003, 1.000, 1.000, 0.999,
1.002, 0.997, 1.001

[FWD Calibration Center Information]

VersionNumber = Version 2.4.18 22-Dec-2011
CalibrationCenter = Pennsylvania DOT
CalCenterIDCode = 25
CalibrationCenterOperator = Dave Heinl
TypeOfCalibration = Annual



Version 2.2 adds additional help and includes a Users Manual for both WinFWDCal and PDDX
Convert. It also includes updates and bugs found during the 2010 Quality Assurance visits:

• Created a database of calibration centers

This file, installed with WinFWDCal, can be updated as new centers are installed and
removes the hard coding of the calibration centers from earlier versions of the software.
• Repaired the delete trials subroutine
The routine was deleting the wrong trials due to an improper setting of the index for the
deleted trials.
• Set default keystrokes during setup
Setup the enter key to be the focus throughout the calibration setup whenever possible. In
some cases, the spacebar is the default key needed to move forward.
• Added a signature block to the final certificate
In addition to the signature block, there were several other minor corrections made to the
final certificate, including elimination of some extraneous notes.
• Allow push button to be used during setup
The push button can now be used during trigger setting and determination of the number
of drops routines.


Version 2.1 cleans up several issues related to the major upgrade of version 2.0:

• Turned off ability to close DAQ window

The program crashes if this window is closed because the KUSB board is turned off in
the middle of collecting data.
• Fixed runtime error when printing certificate
Problem appears to be related to the embedding of the certificate template internal to the
program. Reset to use an external template for now.
• Pulse time problem
Error in pulse time calculations due to improper indexing of data lead to under reporting
of the pulse length in many cases.
• Update of files saved with calibration
Updated the naming schema of the file name to match the actual trial number.
• Updated focus of software
Changed focus during setup to allow enter key or button use as much as possible.

Software Users Manual: WinFWDCal


Version 2.0 is a major upgrade that improves the flow of the program, enables several new
features and adds a context sensitive help to the software. Below are some of the more salient

• Added context sensitive help

Added a context sensitive help to help the user during calibration.
• Added step-by-step setup
Changed the start of a calibration to a step-by-step process. This should make it easier for
someone who has not used WinFWDCal in a while properly setup the calibration. The
software now forces the user to perform a check of the trigger level and the reference
• Menus turned off
Many of the menu items have been turned off to force the user to go through the software
in a specific order.
• Turned on monthly calibration
Activated monthly deflection sensor calibration, including an electronic record. Like the
annual setup, the software walks the user through the process.
• Updated Setup screens
As part of the upgrade, we redid the layout of many of the screens in the setup to make it
more user friendly.
• Added ability to delete trials
Trials which are obviously not valid can be deleted. Deflection sensor trials can only be
deleted as a pair (or the first of an uncompleted pair).
• Force user to review all graphs
The software now forces the user to review any and all graphs in reference, relative, and
monthly calibrations.
• Eliminate deletion of time histories
This question was removed as requested by the FWD calibration centers.
• Change in the double integration
The software now collects a burst of data just after the starting the KUSB board in
deflection sensor reference calibration. These data are used to define 1 g acceleration and
are used for the initial double integration. In addition, the zero points for velocity and
deflection calculations have been modified to improve the double integration method.


• Updated calibration acceptance criteria

All of the changes in the FWD Calibration protocol sent out over the summer have been
incorporated into the software. Please let us know if you have problems or if the program

Appendix III. Release Notes

appears to be too restrictive.

• Collect Initial Burst after pushing button when using accelerometer
This change is done to eliminate some of the false triggers and allow a possible new
integration method to be reviewed. The new method may or may not be used, but the data
burst will stay. This will cause a slight delay between pushing the button and the screen
turning green. WinFWDCal will change screens immediately so there should be no major
concerns that the program has frozen.
• Reset FWDCalibration.ddx
The electronic file output of the calibration has been reset to provide only the critical
information needed by WinFWDCal and the FWD operating system. The general format
is the same as AASHTO PDDX version 1.0, but has some slight differences to meet the
needs of FWD calibration. The figure below shows all of the critical data needed for all
FWD calibrations. KUAB FWDs with seismometers will have additional lines of data
involving the static calibration.
• Updated setup and results flow
Reviewed the setup and results screens to improve flow. For example, a button was added
to allow calibration of the accelerometer button directly from the FWD Center screen.
Also reset the order of the tabs on each screen and cleaned up the data that was reported.
• Added second check when deleting interim calibration
Also made sure the interim data are deleted when not being used. This should eliminate
some of the extra data from old calibrations being saved.
• Turned on error messages for excess acceleration on trigger page
This will alert the FWD center operator of possible excess acceleration problems before
starting the calibration.


• Added ability to delete trials

On the Results page, the ability to delete trials that are obviously incorrect has been
added. Care should be taken to select only unneeded information as the trial data are
deleted from the computer. For sensor calibration only pairs (or uncompleted pairs) can
be deleted.
• General review of software
A series of small programming requests and bugs were corrected to improve program
flow and user friendliness. A full list of these changes can be obtained from the Cornell
Local Roads Program.
• Removed accelerometer calibration certificate page
After accelerometer calibration a screen showing the updated calibration coefficients
used to be shown. This information is now available on the Results & Certification form
under the Accelerometer tab. It is no longer shown automatically.
• Added FWD Owner and FWD Name to all screens

Software Users Manual: WinFWDCal

The name of the FWD and FWD owner determined during setup of the calibration are
now shown in the upper left corner of each screen. When in simulation mode the
backgrounds are set to red to help alert the user that they are in simulation mode.
• Forced review of reference calibration graphs
Reset the program flow to require all reference (sensor and load cell) regression plots
must be examined before accepting the calibration. While this can be done quickly, the
graphs provide all of the critical information needed to determine the quality of the
calibration. Also added some data to this screen to make it easier to know which sensor is
being examined. You can now accept the data directly from this screen. No need to go
“back” to the collect FWD data screen.
• Removed ANOVA from relative calibration review
The full ANOVA chart is no longer shown automatically during relative calibration. The
critical variable of standard error due to error is shown and the ANOVA table may be
review through the use of a command button. The standard error of any single trial should
be 3 µm or less (<0.12 mils).
• Reset Main and Next buttons
The Main Menu button was moved to the header on each screen. The most likely next
step will be shown as a button in the lower right corner of each screen. Next, Accept, and
Calculate are all examples of names on the button that may be encountered.
• Reset fulcrum calculation
Until August 2008, the program worked backwards from the trigger point in 5 ms
increments (75 readings per set), calculating an average and standard deviation for each
period. Experience showed that the standard deviation should be less than 0.02 g. If it is
not, the data were too variable because we were still examining data during the FWD
pulse, so the program tried the next earlier 5 ms interval. Once a data set was accepted,
the time at the later end of the interval was selected as the initial zero condition.
However, we have found it is possible to have data that passes the standard deviation
requirement, but still has the pulse rise at the later end of the increment. This can happen
when just a few data points at the end of the increment actually from the pulse rise do not
create a large enough variation. In this case, the standard deviation threshold may not be

Due to these problems, a new method has been developed to determine the initial
boundary condition known as the fulcrum. The new method uses a running standard
deviation of the 25 ms prior to each particular time. The data are examined to find a small
standard deviation prior to the trigger. This ensures that there is a period of constant
acceleration as would be found during a quiet period. More details on this new method
can be obtained by contacting the Cornell Local Roads Program.


• Reset release numbering schema

In order to eliminate any possible confusion, new releases will have a modified three-
digit versioning. Every revision will be incremented by a digit in the third number unless

Appendix III. Release Notes

the first or second number is changed due to a major or minor change. The third number
will be reset to 000 then. Notes will be updated for each minor release will include each
• Added version number to FWDCalibration.DDX
The version number will now be saved with the FWDCalibration.DDX file. This will
allow the exact version used to be determined easily.
• Copy FWDCalCenterConfig.ini with Interim data
The FWDCalCenterConfig.ini file is now copied to the Interim Data folder, and when the
calibration is complete, it is copied to the dated calibration folder.
• Fixed infinite loop due to a Windows error
A 76 error (directory not found) in WinFWDCal occurred when typing in gains manually.
Caused if the InterimCalibration folder is missing. Added a check for directory statement
(and created the directory if needed).
• Added cycling to the Plot Graph screen
Added the ability to cycle through graphs on the Plot Graph screen when reviewing
reference calibration of the deflection sensors.
• Fixed error in the reporting of the Standard Errors in deflection sensor calibration
A variable not set properly caused the reported standard error on the Get FWD Data and
Plot Graph screens to be reported incorrectly. The actual adjustment factors and the
internal checks were correct and any calibration gains were reported correctly. However,
this error might cause an improper acceptance if all of the graphs were not reviewed.
Older RF1 and RF2 files will have incorrect means and standard deviations shown.
• Added cycling to the Plot Graph screen
In order to help the FWD center operator, the cycling buttons on the Get FWD Data
screen were reproduced on the Plot Graph screen.
• General review of code for possible clock errors
Reviewed the program and made changes in a few locations to try to eliminate clock
errors (440 errors). Reset the installation package and the help guide.


Many individuals including calibration center operators and FWD manufacturers provided
helpful assistance, advice, and permission to use information provided during the development of
the calibration protocol and the WinFWDCal software.
The authors particularly want to thank Peter Schmalzer, Half-Space Engineering, who provided
Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) code for importing several of the file formats

FWD Manufacturers
René Clemen, Klavs Olsen and Hans Christian Korsgaard – Carl Bro
Karsten Skrydstrup, William Beck and Dave Morrow – Dynatest
Abbas Butt and Ole Tholen – ERI-KUAB
Reuben Williams and Tim Martin – Fugro Consultants LP
Gary Sanati – Foundation Mechanics

FWD Calibration Centers

Dave Wassel and Cal Heinl – North Atlantic LTPP FWD calibration center
David Bullock – North Central LTPP FWD calibration center
Eric Prieve and Ed Trujillo – Western LTPP FWD calibration center
John Ragsdale – Southern LTPP FWD calibration center


1. Irwin, L.H., D.P. Orr, and D. Atkins. (2010) FWD Calibration Center and Operational
Improvements: Redevelopment of the Calibration Protocol and Equipment.
Report No. FHWA-HRT-07-040. Office of Infrastructure Research and Development,
Federal Highway Administration. McLean, VA

2. AASHTO. (1998). Pavement Deflection Data Exchange: Technical Data Guide, Version 1.0.
American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials. Washington, DC.

3. AASHTO R32-09. (2010). “Calibrating the Load Cell and Deflection Sensors for a Falling
Weight Deflectometer.” Standard Specifications for Transportation Materials and Methods of
Sampling and Testing, Part 1B: Specifications. Association of State Highway and
Transportation Officials. Washington, DC.

4. Cornell Local Roads Program. (2010). Software Users Manual: PDDXconvert. CLRP Report
No. 2010-05. Cornell Local Roads Program. Ithaca, NY.


About Triggering ...................................... 20 Error Messages.................................... 69–75
Accelerometer .... 3, 9, 10, 13, 14, 15, 16, 19,
20, 21, 22, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 30, 32, 35, F
37, 46, 47, 53, 54, 55, 69, 71, 73, 75, 81 File and Report Naming............................ 50
Accelerometer Calibration ............ 14, 46, 73 Final Acceptance Criteria ......................... 57
Accelerometer Trigger ........................ 13, 69 FWD Calibration Output PDDX File ....... 46
Accelerometer Trigger Level.............. 13, 20 FWD Configuration Data.......................... 17
Acceptance Criteria................................... 53 FWD Information...................................... 13
Accelerometer ....................................... 53 FWD Input/Output File Formats............... 77
Deflection Time History ....................... 53
Final ...................................................... 57 G
Load Cell Time History ........................ 54
Prerequisite ........................................... 53 Gain Factor.................................... 30, 41, 71
Reference Calibration ........................... 55
Reference Trial...................................... 54
Relative Trial ........................................ 55 Load Cell 1, 2, 13, 37, 39, 43, 44, 49, 69, 71,
Annual Calibration............................ 1, 2, 50 72, 73, 75
Annual Calibration Reports ...................... 50 Load Cell Calibration................................ 37
Auto Print.......................... 13, 14, 50, 59, 66 Load Cell Trigger Level............................ 22
Available Interim Calibration ..................... 6 Load Levels............................................... 13
Location of Simulation Files..................... 23
Calibration Center Information................. 13
Calibration Review ..................................... 8 Minimum Number .............................. 13, 69
Calibration Setup ...................................... 13 Drops per Drop Height.......................... 69
Calibration Triggers and Drop Sequence.. 19 Monthly Calibration........................ 1, 62, 66
Certificate of Calibration .......................... 57 Monthly Relative Calibration ................... 59
Colors in WinFWDCal................................ 5
Common Problems................................ 9–11 N
New Calibration .......................................... 6
D New Installation .......................................... 3
DAQ – KUSB Window .............................. 8 Number of Drops per Load Level............. 23
Data Acquisition ................................... 8, 19 Number of Load Levels ............................ 23
Deflection Sensor Calibration................... 25
Deflection Sensor Reference Calibration.. 27 P
Deflection Sensor Relative Calibration .... 33 PDDX File .................................... 18, 46, 71
Deflection Sensor Time History ............... 32 Prerequisites - Deflection Sensors ............ 25
Deflection Sensors .... 1, 2, 13, 27, 33, 48, 69 Prerequisites - Load Cells ......................... 37
Determine Number of Drops .................... 24 Problems ..................................................... 9
Documentation........................ 46, 48, 49, 50 Push Button................................... 27, 39, 79
Drop Sequence .......................................... 22

Software Users Manual: WinFWDCal

R Software Bugs........................................... 11
Standard Error..................................... 33, 73
Reference Calibration Drop Sequence...... 22
Start Up ................................................... 3, 6
Reference Calibration Trigger Levels....... 19
Reinstallation .............................................. 4
Replace a Sensor ....................................... 64
Replace a Sensor Acceptance Criteria ...... 65 Technical Support ........................... 9, 11, 69
Reporting Software Bugs.......................... 11 Temperature ............................ 15, 16, 53, 73
Running a Calibration Review.................... 8 Time History ........................... 32, 39, 43, 74
Trigger Level .............. 19, 22, 33, 43, 69, 80
Sensitivity ................................................. 69
Unit System............................................... 17


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