Recent Advances in Impact Analysis Methods For of Agricultural Technology: Options For The CGIAR

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Recent Advances in Impact

Analysis Methods for
Ex-post Impact Assessments
of Agricultural Technology:
Options for the CGIAR

April 2011

Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research

Recent Advances in Impact

Analysis Methods for Ex-post
Impact Assessments of Agricultural
Technology: Options for the CGIAR
Alain de Janvry, Andrew Dustan, and Elisabeth Sadoulet

University of California at Berkeley

April 2011
The CGIAR Independent Science and Partnership Council encourages fair use of this material provided proper citation is made.

de Janvry, A., Dunstan, A., and Sadoulet, E. 2011. Recent Advances in Impact Analysis Methods for Ex-post Impact Assessments of
Agricultural Technology: Options for the CGIAR. Report prepared for the workshop: Increasing the rigor of ex-post impact
assessment of agricultural research: A discussion on estimating treatment effects, organized by the CGIAR Standing Panel on
Impact Assessment (SPIA), 2 October, 2010, Berkeley, California, USA. Independent Science and Partnership Council Secretariat:
Rome, Italy.

Acronyms and abbreviations iv

Acknowledgements v

Foreword vi

Summary xi

1. Introduction 1

2. Impact analysis: objectives and challenges 3

2.1 Agricultural technologies under consideration 3
2.2 Short-term microeconomic versus long-term and aggregate effects 5
2.3 Impacts to be considered 6

3. Microeconomic impact analysis 8

3.1 Conceptual framework for adoption 8
3.2 Estimating the effect of adoption for adopters 9
3.3 Selection and the counterfactual 9
3.4 Understanding spillovers from adoption 10
3.5 Dynamics of adoption 11

4. Current approaches to microeconomic impact analysis: summary and critiques 13

4.1 Qualitative methods 13
4.2 Research station and on-farm trials 13
4.3 Selection on observables designs 15
4.4 Difference-in-differences methods 17
4.5 Addressing spillovers from adoption 18

5. Suggested approaches and improvements 20

5.1 General recommendations 20
5.2 Approaches to avoid 20
5.3 Specific suggestions 23

6. Examples of approaches to evaluation 28

6.1 Genetically improved farmed tilapia 28
6.2 Treatment for internal parasites in goats 28
6.3 Drought-tolerant maize varieties 29

7. Long-term and aggregate effects 32

7.1 The challenge of estimating long-term and aggregate effects 32
7.2 Estimating the effects of technological change with long panel data 32
7.3 Extrapolating micro results with partial equilibrium simulation models 33
7.4 Poverty simulation 34
7.5 Computing aggregate impacts with general equilibrium simulation models 34

Endnotes 36


Recent Advances in Impact Analysis Methods for Ex-post Impact Assessments of Agricultural Technology  —  iii
Acronyms and abbreviations

ACIAR Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research

ATE average treatment effect
ATT average treatment effect on the treated
CES constant elasticity of substitution
CET constant elasticity of transformation
CGE computable general equilibrium
CGIAR Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research
DD difference-in-differences (or double difference)
DTMA drought tolerant maize for Africa
GIFT genetically improved farmed tilapia
HYV high-yielding variety
i.i.d. independent and identically distributed
IFPRI International Food Policy Research Institute
ILRI International Livestock Research Institute
ITT intention to treat
IV instrumental variable
LATE local average treatment effect
NGO non-governmental organization
OLS ordinary least squares
PSM propensity score matching
QPM quality protein maize
RCTs randomized controlled trials
SPIA Standing Panel on Impact Assessment
SAM social-accounting matrix


We thank Mark Rosenzweig and SPIA members for their comments.

iv  —  Recent Advances in Impact Analysis Methods for Ex-post Impact Assessments of Agricultural Technology

Technological change in agriculture has the recent research designs and analytical
potential to affect poor people positively tools.
and negatively, via different causal
pathways. These include direct impacts on As the authors explain, one of the short-
the incomes of poor farming households comings of the commonly used approach in
and indirect impacts via changes in food assessing economic impact is the assump-
prices, labor market effects, and economic tion that the extent of adoption and the
growth. How these various pathways play existence and size of the treatment effect
out in terms of their differential effects from adoption can be estimated separately.
across diverse groups of households under The authors rightly argue that treatment
different technology–environment combi- effect is endogenous to adoption, due to
nations is a complex phenomenon, and one both intervention placement and self-selec-
that is poorly documented empirically. For- tion. The use of randomized controlled
tunately, a number of recent advances in trials (RCTs) eliminates selection bias
micro- and macro-level empirical impact between treatment and control groups
assessment can shed some light on the through random assignment. Thus, RCTs are
issue. These innovations include significant being used increasingly in development
growth in the use of experimental and non- programs for their strong counterfactual
experimental statistical methods in devel- treatment and high internal validity. The
opment economics, advances in the amount authors provide a compelling analysis of
and the quality of household data, new the case for relying less on traditional esti-
spatial maps of poverty at sub-national mates of treatment effects (expert opinions
levels, and a range of applications of and agronomic experiments) and even
general equilibrium models. some newer methods (e.g., propensity score
matching) for assessing the impact of
The Consultative Group on International CGIAR research, and for relying more on
Agricultural Research’s (CGIAR’s) Standing research designs such as RCTs. While RCTs
Panel on Impact Assessment (SPIA) aims to appeal to many academics in development
capitalize on newly available data and economics and to some donors, they are
methods and thereby to conduct rigorous controversial and criticized by many in the
assessment on the ways in which techno- evaluation field. Some concerns relate to
logical change in agriculture can affect the cost: RCTs are expensive to implement,
various indicators of well being, which although the cost of getting the wrong
include poverty, hunger, and food security. answer using other methods is high. Other
As a first step in this exercise, SPIA commis- concerns relate to ethics: purposively
sioned Alain de Janvry, Andrew Dustan denying access to control groups can be
and Elisabeth Sadoulet at the University of ethically problematic in some circumstanc-
California, Berkeley to: (i) review and es. While these concerns may be legitimate
provide a critical evaluation of previous and should be taken seriously, there still
empirical ex-post impact assessments remains – in SPIA’s view – considerable
within the CGIAR; and (ii) suggest options scope for strengthening the internal
that could be used by the CGIAR in ex-post validity (and thereby credibility) of estimat-
identification of the poverty impacts of ing the average treatment effect of a tech-
technological change and the pathways nology by using experimental methods as a
involved in these impacts. In particular, the component of impact assessment.
authors were asked to examine the poten-
tial for: (i) micro-level studies using house- From SPIA’s perspective, the potential value
hold data (including experimental and of relying on RCTs for conducting ex-post
non-experimental designs); and (ii) simula- impact assessments lies in generating more
tions in general equilibrium models. This rigorous estimates of the treatment effects
report argues for enhancing rigor in these on incomes, poverty, and nutrition from
assessments by making greater use of adoption of a given technology in a given

Recent Advances in Impact Analysis Methods for Ex-post Impact Assessments of Agricultural Technology  —  v
location (where the testing occurs), includ- significant differences in poverty-related
ing local spillovers to non-adopters. outcome measures, or even incomes, when
Whether the estimated treatment effect specific agricultural technologies generate
will be useful ultimately for documenting only small increments in yield or profits.
large-scale impacts from CGIAR research This occurs when the benefit is specific to
(SPIA’s primary interest), as opposed to es- seasonal conditions, when the share of
tablishing efficacy in a limited environment, specific crop technologies to total agricul-
depends on the validity of assumptions tural income is relatively small, and when
related to the ease of scaling up, the type the adoption rate across villages (the unit
of intervention considered (simple vs. of randomization) is relatively low. The
complex), the number of years required to authors are fully aware of these challenges
determine the extent of impacts across and recognize the need to adjust sample
both adopters and non-adopters, and the sizes accordingly, although in some cases
representativeness of the selected environ- this will have costly resource implications.
ment in which the RCTs are conducted
(relative to ultimate adoption domain). In The authors are candid about their focus on
this respect, the experimental approach impacts that affect producers directly in the
may have more relevance for evaluation in short to medium term and within the
the early adoption stage for pilot testing context of partial equilibrium effects, which
the economic and social impacts of a new may be appropriate in those cases when
technology on a relatively smaller and well adoption does not significantly affect
defined scale, than for large-scale ex-post prices. But some of the most successful
impact assessment. CGIAR technologies may have significant
effects on prices; in which case the lion’s
One major challenge in being able to utilize share of the long-term benefit will be
estimates of poverty-related outcomes effec- captured by consumers. Ideally, we are
tively from a specific innovation via the RCT looking for a model that estimates year-by-
approach is selecting beforehand a CGIAR year producer and consumer gains as well
research-derived technology that is ultimate- as losses, including both direct and indirect
ly going to be ‘successful’, i.e., adopted on a effects, as adoption rolls out. While the
sufficiently large scale to justify the CGIAR report recognizes that there is a flow of
investment. Given the cost of impact evalua- impacts resulting from technology introduc-
tion, it is important to minimize the prob- tion, the major discussion focuses on esti-
ability of investing in impact evaluations of mating a snapshot of this flow, focusing
technologies that may ultimately fail to mainly on early adopters and those who
diffuse widely. Unlike other development may be affected through spillover effects.
interventions (e.g., food-for-work programs),
where the decision to scale up is made by While it may be tempting to abandon
the public sector, technology adoption is a previous methods for estimating treatment
private decision and there is no sure way to effects – for reasons justly criticized in this
determine which technologies will justify the report – RCTs and other more rigorous
relatively large investment in a rigorous methods will be unable to fill the gap im-
impact evaluation. Ultimately, only a few mediately, for they have their own limita-
technologies among the vast number being tions. Finally, adoption level is often the
tested by CGIAR Centers reach a large scale. most critical thing to get right, if accurate
Applying RCT approaches to all or most aggregate impacts are the goal of the eval-
CGIAR products would become burdensome uation. During the past decade, the CGIAR
and introduce a very costly and inefficient has neglected the process of routinely esti-
impact evaluation process. Careful consider- mating large-scale adoption and this is now
ation will therefore need to be given to de- constraining our ability to estimate ex-post
veloping criteria for selecting the technolo- impacts of agricultural research.
gies that are likely to be scaled up
successfully and that could be evaluated rig- Notwithstanding these concerns and limita-
orously. tions, SPIA believes the strongest and most
compelling argument for exploring the use
Another concern in impact assessment of RCTs is their ability to estimate economic
relates to the ability to detect statistically and social impacts together in the domain

vi  —  Recent Advances in Impact Analysis Methods for Ex-post Impact Assessments of Agricultural Technology
represented by the experiments, thereby thorough and insightful analysis of the
enhancing credibility in the impact assess- issues, and we eagerly anticipate further
ments conducted by the CGIAR. Stronger interactions with them on exploring ways
internal validity may also serve as a good of enhancing the rigor of ex-post impact
basis for estimating wider impacts at a later assessment.
stage, when the technology has diffused to
larger areas, thereby enhancing external
validity. Clearly there is still much to learn
about the value and role of RCTs in differ- Derek Byerlee
ent types of impact assessments and
contexts. Chair, Standing Panel on Impact Assess-
ment, CGIAR
The SPIA team takes this opportunity to
commend the authors for completing a April 2011

Recent Advances in Impact Analysis Methods for Ex-post Impact Assessments of Agricultural Technology  —  vii

This paper analyzes the challenges faced by able designs (regression methods or pro-
the Consultative Group on International pensity score matching, PSM) that attempt
Agricultural Research (CGIAR) in evaluating to control for selection bias using data col-
the impact of agricultural technologies and lected as part of a survey. This is because
suggests avenues for improving the meth- adopters and non-adopters certainly differ
odology used in impact analyses. The focus in both their observable and their non-ob-
is on technologies such as crop varieties, servable characteristics (such as entrepre-
whose adoption is described easily as a neurship or ingenuity), and it is these key
binary choice rather than best practice or characteristics that determine whether or
policy. not they adopt the new technology and
which outcomes are of interest. While ‘dif-
The dynamic nature of technology ference-in-differences’ (DD) methods are an
adoption and diffusion defines two sharply improvement on single difference methods,
contrasting types of analyses: (i) the ‘micro- they are based on the non-trivial assump-
economic’ analyses that attempt to tion that outcomes should be evolving simi-
measure the impact of adoption on indi- larly for those who choose to adopt and
vidual adopters in a context of limited dif- those who do not.
fusion, where there are considerable
numbers of non-adopters and general equi- An additional and closely related issue is
librium effects have not taken place; and that of spillovers from adoption, which
(ii) measurements of the aggregate impact affect both adopters and non-adopters.
of a continuously evolving line of variety Spillovers complicate the search for coun-
improvements. The paper focuses mainly on terfactuals, since true counterfactuals
issues and methods appropriate to the mi- should not be affected by adopters.
croeconomic impact analyses, an area in However, spillovers (positive or negative)
which there have been numerous recent also need to be accounted for in assessing
methodological developments that are not the impacts of adoption. It is also important
used widely or appropriately in the practice to understand that the ATT varies over
of impact assessment of agricultural tech- time. This is because adopters change their
nology adoption. A short section, however, usage of the new technology as they use it
recaps current practices in aggregate and and learn more about it, and the set of
long-term impacts. adopters of a new technology almost cer-
tainly changes with time.
The key quantity that impact evaluation
studies attempt to estimate is the average The broad suggestion made here is that,
effect of adoption on outcomes for those whenever possible, microeconomic impact
who have adopted, known as the average analysis should have explicit research
treatment effect on the treated (ATT). designs that allow the effect of the new
Because of the selection effect (the technology to be estimated without relying
presence of systematic differences between exclusively on the observable characteristics
comparison groups in ways that affect both of the potential adopters. While random-
treatment status and the outcomes from ization offers a solution to the selection
treatment), the main challenge is to estab- problem, the design needs to be such that
lish the proper counterfactual group the treated producers would be adopters in
against which to compare adopters. This a non-experimental set-up, and that there
paper argues that research stations and is no constraint on their behavior. Hence
on-farm trials are not appropriate, because randomization of technology over plots
they are unlikely to reflect the conditions within a farm is not suitable. Neither are
faced by actual adopters, or their behavior encouragement designs that induce a
in terms of the choice of complementary random sample of those who would
inputs, for instance. The authors also normally be non-adopters to adopt; this
question the validity of selection on observ- would estimate a local average treatment

viii  —  Recent Advances in Impact Analysis Methods for Ex-post Impact Assessments of Agricultural Technology
effect (on those induced to adopt) rather Other kinds of natural experiments
than the desired ATT. With spillovers, even (e.g., geographic discontinuity) may also
a scheme of randomization over house- be usable.
holds within a village will leave many unre- 4. There may be opportunities to use
solved problems. public–private–civil society partnerships
(e.g., agro-dealers) to perform supply-
To overcome these problems, this paper side interventions.
makes the following suggestions: 5. Researchers should plan the evaluation
1. Researchers should use either natural or before, and conduct it during, diffusion
randomized experiments in which the of a new technology. The fact that impact
village or the community is the unit of analysis is referred to as ex-post should
randomization. This will ensure the not suggest that the evaluation should be
issue of spillovers is neither ignored nor planned and performed after the fact.
discounted, and will acknowledge them
as potentially important results of The paper provides illustrations of these
adoption that are incorporated into the principles in three sketches showing plau-
measured effect of the new technology. sible impact analysis designs for genetically
2. When using randomization, researchers improved farm tilapia, treatment for
should pursue supply-side interventions internal parasites in goats, and drought-
in which the new technology is tolerant crop varieties.
introduced to entire villages. These
villages should not have been exposed The final section addresses the analysis of
to the technology before, and the long-term and aggregate effects, with the
technology should be sold at its market objective of measuring ex-post the aggre-
price, not subsidized. Adopters can then gate benefit of a technology that has
be defined as the set of farmers who diffused over a large area. The challenge
choose to adopt when the technology is is, of course, that there is no observable
available for purchase under ‘real counterfactual situation. In such a case,
world’ economic conditions. researchers have resorted to several differ-
3. Research designs should not be limited ent types of analyses. One is to focus on
to randomized controlled trials (RCTs). smaller units of observation (such as
Natural experiments can yield reliable villages) on the presumption that markets
estimates of impact even in the absence are not well integrated and therefore each
of controlled, explicit randomization. unit represents a small ‘economy’. In this
Rollouts of a technology that were case, econometric analyses of observations
arguably random, even if they were not over time are presumed to identify the
explicitly randomized, can be analyzed causal effect of an uneven development of
in a similar way to that of RCTs. Since technological change. The second type of
the assumption of randomness in the analysis uses simulation models to extrapo-
rollout cannot be fully tested, late impacts measured at the micro-level
knowledge of the institutional context (most often increases in yields) to the level
of the rollout and verification of some of aggregate effects. This includes the
statistical properties will be required. economic surplus method and the comput-
Rollouts allow for the analysis of able general equilibrium (CGE) simulation
technologies that have already been models. While these are useful simulations,
diffused and often allow use of very they are not impact estimations. This
large administrative databases. This is a paper emphasizes the need for the CGIAR
distinct advantage over RCTs, which can to focus on generating rigorous impact
only be used for new technologies. estimates.

Recent Advances in Impact Analysis Methods for Ex-post Impact Assessments of Agricultural Technology  —  ix
1. Introduction

This paper analyzes the challenge faced by and how these benefits vary with time,
the Consultative Group on International depends on the specific technology and the
Agricultural Research (CGIAR) in evaluating good being considered, and includes the
the impacts of agricultural technologies rules of price formation on the correspond-
and suggests avenues for improving the ing markets. This creates a sharp contrast
methodology used in impact analysis. It between two types of questions and impact
complements other initiatives, particularly analyses.
the Standing Panel on Impact Assessment’s
(SPIA’s) recent review of the topic (Walker 1. Relatively early adopters
et al., 2008) and further work by Maredia This sort of analysis is performed typically in
(2009). This paper addresses issues similar a context in which adoption can be de-
to those covered in the above papers, scribed as a binary decision and where large
albeit with a different perspective and dif- numbers of non-adopters remain. The chal-
fering conclusions, while also reviewing lenge is to find a good counterfactual
recent impact analyses performed by among the non-adopters that will provide a
CGIAR research centers and proposing valid comparison with the adopters. Much
some ways to proceed with future progress has taken place over the last
research. As with the aforementioned 10 years in this type of impact analysis, with
papers, the focus is on the effect of specific the development of methods based exten-
technologies on outcomes such as con- sively on strategies for constructing a com-
sumption, income, and poverty. This con- parative sample of non-adopters. Applica-
trasts with another kind of impact analysis, tions are well developed in the fields of
which focuses on the effect of the CGIAR’s education and health, from which there is
research expenditures on similar much to learn, but less so in the field of
outcomes.1 Furthermore, the paper does technology. For lack of a better term, this
not discuss the related but different type of analysis will be referred to as
question, which is the analysis of the ‘microeconomic’.
extent or the determinants of adoption.
2. Longer-term impacts
In order to place this paper amongst the Measuring the longer-term impact (say, 20
vast literature available on the impact of years) of improvement and diffusion of a
technology adoption, it is necessary to particular line of technology development
consider the dynamic nature of technology presents a substantially different problem.
adoption and diffusion, because it defines Firstly, there is continuous evolution of the
some sharply contrasting types of analyses. technology over the years; secondly, there is
When new technologies are made avail- unlikely to be a suitable counterfactual (still
able, some individuals choose to adopt using the technology from 20 years ago)
them and expectedly benefit from the available for comparison with the current
adoption. As time passes, these individual adopters; and thirdly, many benefits of the
adoptions result in diffusion of the technol- technology will have diffused to consumers
ogy and its benefits across the population and workers through changes in prices and
and, importantly, the nature of the impacts general equilibrium effects. Rigorous esti-
changes fundamentally. Broadly speaking, mation of impact in this context relies on
the benefits of a technology tend to diffuse standard econometric techniques that can
within the economy to consumers and exploit the progressive and heterogeneous
workers, remaining only partially with pro- diffusion of the technology over time and
ducers. The share of benefits accruing to space, provided one can identify sufficient
each set of actors in the economy varies as units that can be treated independently.
markets adjust to the effects of the new The particular challenges with this method
technology on outputs and demand for are to address the endogeneity of the diffu-
production inputs. The extent to which pro- sion process and the existence of compa-
ducers retain the benefits from adoption, rable information over time and space on

Recent Advances in Impact Analysis Methods for Ex-post Impact Assessments of Agricultural Technology  —  1
the outcomes of interest, which include tant element of the hybrid approach men-
profit, income, poverty, etc. A very different tioned above, so it is worthwhile to
hybrid approach to this question combines estimate them correctly. For the sake of
some estimation of microeconomic impact completeness, the paper presents a short
(as defined above) with observed patterns section addressing aggregate and long-
of diffusion and a model for changes in term approaches, although the authors are
prices and general equilibrium effects, and not aware of significant recent advances in
produces simulated aggregate and long- this type of analysis nor do we make sug-
term effects. Because of the extreme diffi- gestions that justify more extensive treat-
culty of carrying out a rigorous and credible ment of these methods.
estimation of long-term aggregate effects
of a stream of technological change, this Section 2 presents some preliminary reflec-
hybrid approach is the most commonly used tions on the objectives of and challenges to
in impact assessments of technology under- impact analysis. Section 3 sets out a simple
taken by the CGIAR. analytical framework for analyzing
adoption and its effects at the microeco-
This paper focuses almost entirely on the nomic level. Section 4 reviews impact
microeconomic methods of impact analysis analysis methods used in recent studies and
for two reasons. Firstly, this is an area that offers critiques of those methods. Section 5
has witnessed numerous recent method- offers suggestions for improving impact
ological developments that are still not studies, while section 6 gives examples of
widely or appropriately used in the practice the applications of these suggestions.
of impact assessment of agricultural tech- Section 7 departs from the focus on micro-
nology change. Secondly, even if one is in- economic analysis used in most of this
terested mostly in the long-term macroeco- paper and discusses methods for addressing
nomic impact of technology change, these the long-term and aggregate effects of a
microeconomic estimates serve as an impor- technology.

2  —  Recent Advances in Impact Analysis Methods for Ex-post Impact Assessments of Agricultural Technology
2. Impact analysis: objectives and challenges

2.1 Agricultural technologies under In the case that the technology being evalu-
consideration ated may have only incremental increases in
yield or decreases in production cost when
Before defining impact analysis and discuss- compared to the prevailing variety, estimat-
ing its implementation, it is worthwhile to ing the (potentially small) marginal impact
consider the different kinds of agricultural of the new technology probably requires
technologies that are likely to be evaluated. large sample sizes, or else lacks the power
Each type of technology has unique limita- to precisely estimate the effect. This is an
tions that must be kept in mind when important practical consideration.
setting expectations about what we can
learn from impact analysis and the chal- Measuring the effect of the new variety
lenges that will arise when implementing over the unimproved (i.e., not the next-
evaluations. best) one if there is no counterfactual
group using the unimproved seed requires
1. Yield-increasing and cost-saving being able to find the counterfactual in the
technologies past and controlling for everything else
Examples of yield-increasing technologies that may have happened over time. This is
include new seed varieties (main advantage discussed in section 7, which presents
is in output per hectare), fertilizers, and methods for retrospective estimation of the
certain new cultivation practices. Cost- aggregate impact of a lengthy research
saving technologies may also include new program that has released many successive
seed varieties that require fewer comple- outputs, such as those discussed in Byerlee
mentary inputs, as well as cultivation prac- and Traxler (1995) and Morris (2002).
tices that produce equal results with less
effort. Both yield-increasing and cost-saving 2. Risk-mitigating technologies
technologies reduce the cost per unit of These technologies might not raise yields in
output, with the possible difference that times where conditions are favorable, but
yield-increasing technologies actually allow they reduce the risk of very bad outcomes
for higher gross output if some inputs (es- when negative shocks occur. Drought- and
pecially land) are limited. These technolo- pest-resistant seed varieties and livestock
gies are often presented or recommended vaccines are good examples of risk-
to producers as packages, including a seed mitigating technologies.
variety and the associated best manage-
ment practice. This paper focuses on the Evaluating risk-mitigating technologies is
‘seed’ component of the technology for difficult. While adoption may impact
two reasons. Firstly, much CGIAR-funded expected outcomes, these effects may not
research consists of the development of always be observed. For example, consider
new varieties.2 Secondly, the choice of com- a drought-resistant variety that minimizes
plementary inputs is itself an endogenous yield losses in years of low rainfall but is
response to the adoption of the new otherwise the same as other varieties.
variety, and hence it is an integral part of Adoption increases expected yield, but if
determining the impact of adopting a new the farm survey takes place in a year with
variety. good rains, no benefit is observed. If the
survey takes place during a drought year,
In microeconomic impact analysis, we the yield gain is observed, and the research-
compare adopters with counterfactual non- er might mistakenly generalize this as a
adopters, thereby measuring the marginal benefit that is realized annually. A similar
effects of the adoption of a new variety problem applies to livestock vaccines,
over the variety still in use by the non- where inoculation could insure against dev-
adopters. This suggests that the method is astating herd losses due to contagious
best used for relatively large technological diseases (see e.g., Catley et al., 2009). But if
jumps that are likely to have a large impact. the risk of disease outbreak in the region is

Recent Advances in Impact Analysis Methods for Ex-post Impact Assessments of Agricultural Technology  —  3
relatively low, then even an evaluation of the impact of the development of the new
outcomes over a number of years would variety. (For example, the variety needs to
find no benefit. Little can be done about offer the producer benefits over the tradi-
this problem; if shocks are required for the tional one, and consumers have to be
benefit of the technology to manifest itself, aware of and willing to consume the com-
and the shocks do not occur, then there is modity.) In the meantime, however, one can
no way to estimate impact (in the absence focus on one link of this chain of causality
of a well-understood insurance market that and measure the impact of the ‘availability
prices production risk). of the new variety’ to the consumers. This
requires a research approach that focuses
3. Quality-improving technologies on these consumers rather than the produc-
These technologies result in outputs that ers as the unit of interest, and the outcome
are of higher quality in some respect, even of interest will be measures of nutrition or
if yield does not improve. Perhaps the best health, for example, rather than monetary
example of such a technology is quality values. (Note that not all consumers stand
protein maize (QPM). Improved sweet to benefit from the enhanced variety; for
potatoes (see Low et al., 2007) provide example, only the under-nourished popula-
another illustration. This class of technolo- tion will benefit from a nutritionally
gies differs from the previous two in that enhanced variety, so it is necessary to
the main benefits accrue to consumers. define the proper target population.)

The impact of quality-improving innova- As an example of a quality-improving tech-

tions is difficult to evaluate, in part because nology, QPM has been shown to have nutri-
the channel of transmission from the avail- tional benefits (Gunaratna et al., 2010).
ability of the new variety to the manifesta- Current impact analyses have randomized
tion of benefits involves several actors. the supply of QPM to consumers, initially
‘Adoption’ by consumers requires that pro- providing food to the children directly
ducers have already adopted and produced (which makes it more of a biological experi-
the variety so that it is available to consum- ment), but now more often supplying the
ers, and that consumers have chosen to household with grains, therefore avoiding
consume it. the issue of uptake at the household level,
but maintaining the behavioral compo-
Two polar cases are presented here: the first nents in the use of these grains that affect
is when the commodity can be identified the impact. A further step would be to
clearly and there is an effective demand for offer labeled QPM for purchase by house-
what is now a differentiated product. With holds at various prices, in order to estimate
market forces at work, the commodity will the impact when consumers face an
command a higher price than the unim- adoption decision. Much of the discussion
proved variety. An obvious way to estimate in this paper can be applied to such an
the economic valuation of quality gains in a exercise by considering consumers instead
commodity is to see how the price of the of producers as the unit of analysis.
improved variety compares to that of the
traditional one. With knowledge of supply 4. Technologies that alter environmental
and demand curves, one can calculate externalities
welfare gains from its introduction. New cultivation and livestock management
techniques may fall into this category, as
The second case is where market failures may fertilizers. These are differentiated
may prevent the internalization of quality from technologies that improve or maintain
differences into prices, either because the plot-level soil quality in that they prevent
product is not discernible visually from the negative externalities on neighboring
unimproved varieties and there is no property or public resources, for example
labeling system to differentiate it on local through groundwater contamination.
markets, or because the potential beneficia-
ries do not command an effective demand. Potential roadblocks to successful impact
The challenge then is to put into place a analysis for these technologies are fairly
supply chain and induce consumer demand, obvious. Very little of the effect of the tech-
before thinking of a strategy to evaluate nology can be observed at the level of the

4  —  Recent Advances in Impact Analysis Methods for Ex-post Impact Assessments of Agricultural Technology
adopter. The impacts on public resources out that when a new agricultural technol-
can be hard to measure, and such impacts ogy increases output, aggregate supply of
could take a long time to manifest. Yet, the commodity increases and prices (of a
without taking into account these external good with imperfect tradability) must fall
effects, the social value of the technology for markets to clear. As their yields increase,
can be vastly under-estimated. Indeed, early adopters may experience large
CGIAR returns from investing in technolo- positive impacts from the technology on
gies that alter environmental externalities outcomes such as income and profit, but as
have frequently been found to be low. there are few adopters, overall prices fall
only a little. This is essentially a short-term
2.2 Short-term microeconomic effect of the new technology, because low
versus long-term and aggregate levels of adoption mean that market prices
have yet to be affected.
The goal in performing an impact analysis As more farmers adopt, the increased
for a technological innovation or interven- output may drive down economy-wide
tion is to estimate the total effect of the output prices to the extent that adoption
new technology on a set of outcome vari- fails to raise farmers’ profits (this is known
ables, after some amount of diffusion has as ‘Cochrane’s Technological Treadmill’).
taken place (Maredia, 2009). Maredia lays Input prices may also change as the new
out the steps pursued by existing impact technology results in different demands for
evaluations to estimate this total effect. factors of production. The decline in profit-
Here we summarize her exposition and ability does not indicate that farmers are
maintain her notation. In Maredia’s frame- irrational: no (small-scale) farmer accounts
work, two key quantities must be estimated for his own adoption’s impact on prices, as
in order to arrive at the total impact of a they simply maximize profits while taking
new technology: the extent of adoption prices as given. In the end, the majority of
(Ec) and the average effect that adoption the benefits accruing from the technology
has on outcomes for those who have may go to consumers, who benefit from
adopted (Es). For example, Es may be the lower commodity prices. Thus the long-
average increase in annual profits per term/post-diffusion general equilibrium
hectare for a farmer adopting a new variety effect in which output and input prices
of maize and Ec may be the total number adjust at the macro level can be quite dif-
of hectares planted with the new variety. ferent from the short-term partial equilib-
Or, Es may be the change in poverty head- rium effect. In addition, once diffusion has
count for a village that received a techno- taken place, even in the absence of general
logical intervention and Ec the number of equilibrium effects, it remains difficult to
villages that received the intervention. find valid counterfactual non-adopters,
since those that remain non-adopters are
There is an intimate relationship between likely to be very different from the
the process of diffusion and the appropri- adopters in meaningful ways.
ate average effect that needs to be estimat-
ed. Due to this dynamic process, Es cannot Keeping in mind the dynamic nature of
be measured separately from the time and adoption and the potential for important
location of the adoption, and most long-term general equilibrium effects, how
probably not after diffusion has taken should the researcher proceed in estimating
place. Thus, current approaches for estimat- the total effect of a new technology?
ing Es and Ec may be appropriate in some
cases but not in others, for a variety of 1. The short-term impact measure is itself
reasons. interesting. It may prove a useful tool
for informing researchers of the value
The principal reason that Es is not static is of the technology to at least the first
that general equilibrium effects relating to wave of adopters. The average effect of
diffusion of a technology change its impact adoption for adopters (Es) is probably
over time. This can be extremely important the most interesting. But even the
for an impact analysis and the interpreta- extent (or lack of extent) of adoption
tion of its results. Cochrane (1979) points (Ec) is informative. As we will argue,

Recent Advances in Impact Analysis Methods for Ex-post Impact Assessments of Agricultural Technology  —  5
however, these results may not be growing.3 This is however a fundamental
extrapolated to infer total impact when observational problem, not an estimation
adoption expands. or measurement problem, and hence it will
2. There are also cases where one can be ignored here as it does not pertain to
expect general equilibrium effects to be the questions raised in this paper. Adoption
small. A seed variety that addresses a studies abound and generally go far
particular type of disease affecting only beyond simply estimating Ec; they also
a certain region may be extremely attempt to study the determinants of
important for that region without adoption. This undertaking is complex and
necessarily affecting the aggregate presents its own set of challenges (see, e.g.,
supply of the commodity in ways that the Agricultural Technology Adoption Ini-
generate changes in prices. Similarly, tiative, 2010). While in the end, studies of
one may think of a variety that caters to the determinants of adoption may use
one type of producer (a variety that econometric methods that are similar to
performs well with limited input use, those reviewed here, the issues raised are
but would be suboptimal for farmers not the same as those we will raise in mea-
who have resources to use inputs). Even suring the impact of adoption. Hence
an important technological change that neither criticism of commonly used
increases the domestic production of a methods or suggestions made for designing
crop may not induce price changes if randomized controlled trials (RCTs) made in
the country is open to imports and this paper should be applied directly to the
exports. In these cases, the aggregate estimation of technology adoption.
effect of the technology may be
measured by the simple product Es × Ec Estimating the average impact on adopters
provided that the estimated effect size from adoption (Es) is generally difficult and
Es corresponds to the estimated area of requires careful attention. Thus the remain-
adoption Ec. It is still the case that der of this paper focuses almost entirely on
finding counterfactual non-adopters is a this task and its complications. The key chal-
major challenge under these lenges to be addressed are:
circumstances. 1. Estimating effects for the correct
3. On the other hand, once the diffusion population: obtaining the effect of the
process is well advanced and prices have technology for farmers that actually
adjusted, it is not clear that a currently adopt.
measured Es has relevance for inferring 2. Establishing causality: isolating
the impact that may have occurred in differences in observed outcomes that
the past. Nor is it clear how one would are due to adoption.
be able to observe any non-adopters 3. Accounting for spillovers: including the
that would form a valid counterfactual spillovers from adoption in estimates of
for measuring an impact, however large a technology’s impact.
it remains. We therefore address this
type of analysis separately in section 7. 2.3 Impacts to be considered
Estimates of the extent of adoption (Ec) can Farm-level restricted profits are the natural
be obtained from an adoption survey that place to start when looking for the immedi-
samples the population under consider- ate impacts of a new technology.4 These
ation. The principal data necessary for esti- represent the expected profitability that
mating Ec include indicators to identify drives farmers to adopt a new production
whether the household has adopted (if the technology and provides the channel
adoption decision is binary) or measures of through which adoption increases producer
the extent of adoption (if a household’s welfare. Yield is another, apparently
adoption may be incomplete). Measuring simpler, measure of impact for agricultural
the extent of adoption itself may present technologies. While this may be an interest-
challenges, especially if it is the case (as in ing impact to measure, it does not in itself
the use of a specific variety) that varieties reveal the extent of the producer’s welfare
are crossed, that their names vary over geo- affected by the technology. As Foster and
graphical areas, and/or that farmers may Rosenzweig (2010) state, adoption can be
not even know the exact varieties they are accompanied by input adjustment by

6  —  Recent Advances in Impact Analysis Methods for Ex-post Impact Assessments of Agricultural Technology
farmers, so that the positive impact of yield affects household welfare. Compared to
increases on profits could be mitigated to farm profits, however, these impacts may be
some extent by increased expenditures on mitigated substantially. For example, while
inputs. On the other hand, a labor-saving a new technology may have a large propor-
innovation might not change yield per tional impact on profitability, farm income
hectare but instead give the same amount from the crop in question may form a only a
of output with less work, whether supplied small portion of total household income
by the farmer or by hired labor. Profits and therefore have only a marginal overall
account for both changes in revenues from effect with little chance of pulling families
increased output and changes in expenses out of poverty. (Furthermore, exit from
from input adjustment, and in so doing poverty may take place through a slow ac-
they give us a measure of the first-order mi- cumulation of assets due to increased
croeconomic impact of the new technology. profits, which would take a long time to
manifest and become observable to the re-
It is also important to estimate impacts on searcher.) Thus these measures add substan-
household income, expenditure, and tial information to estimates of profitability
poverty because this gives a measure of the and may paint a different picture of the im-
extent to which the technology actually portance of a new technology.

Recent Advances in Impact Analysis Methods for Ex-post Impact Assessments of Agricultural Technology  —  7
3. Microeconomic impact analysis

3.1 Conceptual framework for well as to make it comparable with the

adoption familiar Heckman selection model and
easily applicable to the propensity score
Coherent impact analysis should place matching methods that have become so
technology adoption within a conceptual popular in impact analysis in recent years.
framework that treats potential adopters The analysis can be extended to continuous
as agents who make decisions in their own adoption choices while retaining its key
best interest. Foster and Rosenzweig results. Adoption of a specific technology,
(2010) point out that “adoption and input such as a seed variety, can often be thought
use are the outcomes of optimizing by het- of as binary, even if the farmer does not
erogeneous agents”. This optimization fully adopt the technology ‘package’ by
takes place in the presence of constraints making self-selected adjustments to inputs
on the budget, information, credit access, and farm management practices. Manage-
and the availability of both the technology ment and input use are endogenously
and other inputs. Viewing adoption adjusted by the farmer in response to seed
through the lens of constrained optimiza- variety adoption, which is dichotomous
tion by rational agents implies that house- unless the new variety is used alongside an
holds should adopt a technology only if: old variety on the same plot. The profit
(i) adoption is actually a choice that can be function is restricted because fixed factors
taken (i.e., the technology is available and such as land are not taken into account.
affordable); and (ii) adoption is expected
to be profitable or otherwise advanta- When εit is zero, adoption takes place only
geous. if maximized expected profits with the new
technology exceed maximized expected
A simple model of adoption and its result- profits from non-adoption. Larger variance
ing effect on outcomes can illustrate this in ε will cause more farmers to mistakenly
idea more precisely. What follows is a adopt or not adopt in spite of expected
variant of the well-known Heckman (1979) profitability. (Here we are setting aside the
selection model, in which selection into issue of risk and any other factors that
‘treatment’ (adoption) is made by farmers make profit maximization inadequate for
on the basis of expected profitability. For characterizing the adoption decision, but
now, it is assumed that farmers have access they can be conceptualized by replacing the
to the technology. There are two sets of profit function with a utility function.)
variables that determine the expected prof- Unless εit is large, the farmers observed to
itability of adoption for farmer i at time t: be adopting are in large part those who
one that is observable by the researcher (Zit) expected the technology to be profitable.
and one that is not (Uit). Rule (1) below
characterizes the adoption decision; where The outcome variable (e.g., household con-
T is a binary indicator of adoption, Eπ* is sumption, poverty status, or profits) Yit is a
the maximized value of a restricted general function of observed variables Xit, unob-
expected profit function, and εit is an inde- served variables Vit, adoption status Tit, and
pendent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) an i.i.d. error term ηit (see Rule 2 at the top
error term. The adoption decision is of the next page); where X and Z can share
modeled as binary here for simplicity, as elements and U and V can share elements.

1 if Eπ* (Zit, Uit; Tit = 1) – Eπ* (Zit, Uit; Tit = 0) + εit > 0
Tit (Zit, Uit, εit) =
0 otherwise

8  —  Recent Advances in Impact Analysis Methods for Ex-post Impact Assessments of Agricultural Technology
(2) nology to increase expected profits to a
greater extent for them than it would for
Yit = Yit [Xit, Vit, Tit (Zit, Uit, εit ), ηit ] the poor. However, it may also increase risk.
Since the poor are usually unable to insure
against risk through insurance or credit
markets, the rich could be more likely to
3.2 Estimating the effect of adopt despite their lower gains from
adoption for adopters adoption, so that the ATE on expected
The selection model in (1) and (2) shows profit may exceed the ATT (see Agricultural
why it is important for impact analyses to Technology Adoption Initiative, 2010 for
focus on estimating the effect of adoption more examples of constraints on adoption).
for those who actually adopt, rather than The ATE could also exceed the ATT if those
for the entire population of potential with the highest returns cannot adopt due
adopters. Using the terminology of treat- to credit or other supply constraints.
ment effects, our interest is in the average
treatment effect on the treated (ATT) Thus, while the ATE of a technology is inter-
rather than the average treatment effect esting in its own right, it is not useful in the
(ATE: the average effect from adoption for context of an impact analysis where selec-
the entire population under consideration, tion into adoption may be important. The
whether or not adoption takes place and ATT – the effect of adoption for adopters
the effect is actually realized). – is the quantity that should be estimated.

Looking at (1), we see that adopters and 3.3 Selection and the counterfactual
non-adopters are fundamentally different
in the benefits they would experience from In addition to the potential returns to
using the technology. Adopters have char- adoption, adopters usually differ from non-
acteristics, both observed and unobserved, adopters in the variables that determine
that make adoption profitable in expecta- the outcomes of interest. The obvious
tion. On the other hand, non-adopters problem is selection bias: if the unobserv-
refrain from using the technology because able variables in U (which determine
they expect to lose money by doing so. In adoption) and V (which determine
this simple model, then, the ATT for profits outcome) are correlated, then estimating
is positive because it includes only adopters, (1) and (2) will give a biased estimate of the
while the ATE could be positive, negative, effect of adoption on the outcome. The
or zero because it also includes non- extent of this bias depends on the impor-
adopters. The outcome of interest is not tance of the unobservable variables in their
always profit, but since profits are positively respective equations, as well as the strength
correlated with such measures as consump- of the correlation between the unobserv-
tion and poverty, this relationship between ables determining adoption and those de-
the ATT and ATE can be expected to hold termining outcomes.
for these outcomes.
There are many plausible reasons why U
Extending this simple model, though, one and V should be correlated, relating to
can find situations in which the ATE does farmer and plot characteristics and also to
not necessarily give a lower bound for the temporal shocks. One example is farmer
(absolute value of the) ATT. When some ability, which cannot be accounted for
non-adopters would have higher gains entirely by observable characteristics such
from the technology than the adopters, the as age and education. When all else is
ATE can exceed the ATT. Sunding and Zil- equal, the more effective farmers probably
berman (2001) review the literature on risky have higher profits (so ability is in V), while
technologies and present a model in which they are also likely to have higher returns
technologies may not be adopted fully even to the technology because they are more
when they raise expected profits. For ‘savvy’ in their implementation (so ability is
example, in developing countries, richer in U). In the case of fertilizer adoption,
farmers may be already using an intermedi- Foster and Rosenzweig (2010) use the
ate technology that is superior to that avail- example that good soil quality (often unob-
able to the poor, and that helps a new tech- served) increases yields regardless of fertil-

Recent Advances in Impact Analysis Methods for Ex-post Impact Assessments of Agricultural Technology  —  9
izer use as well as increasing the return to designs (in section 5), as well as examples of
fertilizer use. Thus, soil quality is in U since projects in which they could be implement-
it affects returns and therefore influences ed (in section 6), are provided later in this
the decision to adopt, and it is also in V paper.
since it affects the outcome (yield, income,
profit) directly. Even plot-level rainfall 3.4 Understanding spillovers from
shocks can enter both U and V if the tech- adoption
nology is adopted after some of the
season’s rainfall takes place; for example Thus far, it has been assumed that when a
with some types of fertilizers or cultivation farmer adopts a new technology, only his
techniques. None of these examples are own outcomes are affected. In reality,
trivial; in fact, one or more are likely to adoption can have local impacts on the
apply to most agricultural technologies. outcomes of other adopters and non-
adopters, even in the absence of economy-
Discussion of the selection problem leads wide general equilibrium effects.5 House-
into that of a major challenge in impact holds interact in local factor and
analysis: how to establish a proper counter- commodity markets in which prices and
factual group against which to compare quantities can change as a result of
adopters. To estimate the effect of a tech- adoption by some of the participants. Ad-
nology, it is necessary to know the outcome ditional output due to adoption can, firstly,
for the adopting farmers if they had not increase the demand for labor in the local
adopted. The fact that adoption is the result market, potentially raising wages (if there
of optimization creates a potentially serious is no excess labor supply) but almost cer-
problem with selection into treatment on tainly increasing the level of employment
the basis of unobservable characteristics, as and income for laborers. Secondly, it can
explained above. Thus two farmers who are increase or decrease the demand for other
observationally equivalent in every way scarce inputs, changing prices locally and
except for adoption (and outcomes) are thus altering the parameters of farmers’
probably not equivalent on unobservables. profit maximization problems. Thirdly, if
Because of this, it is inadequate to use the the local market is not well integrated with
observationally identical non-adopter as the outside markets, increased local output can
‘without’ comparison for the adopter. The lead to lowering prices for all buyers and
inadequacy of ‘selection on observables’ ap- sellers. When a farmer adopts, this may
proaches (those in which equivalence on ob- have spillovers for other adopters, such as
servable characteristics is assumed to imply providing the opportunity to learn from his
equal probability of adoption) will be dis- experience (e.g., Conley and Udry, 2010),
cussed further in section 4.3 in the review of thereby increasing the realized return to
recent impact analyses. adoption. There may also be effects for
non-adopters beyond changing local prices
To arrive at a reasonable counterfactual and wages if they are affected directly by
group of non-adopters, it is necessary to the existence of the technology. For
take into account the possibility of very sig- example, a technology with negative envi-
nificant selection on unobservables arising ronmental externalities could affect nearby
from farmers’ profit maximization problems. households and farms.
This asks the researcher to move beyond se-
lection on observables and towards research The existence of spillovers may be an im-
designs that establish an explicit and plau- portant consequence of the diffusion of a
sible counterfactual group for comparison technology, so spillovers need to be
with the adopters. Careful research designs included when estimating impacts. At first
are almost certainly more difficult to plan it might appear preferable to estimate the
and implement than the ubiquitous selec- ATT separately from the spillovers; after all,
tion on observables evaluations. They usually the stated goal of impact evaluation so far
require advanced planning before diffusion has been to find the effect of adoption for
of the technology, and the implementation adopters. In the presence of spillovers,
or identification of a mechanism that influ- however, it is necessary to qualify this state-
ences adoption independent of unobserv- ment. The quantity we need to evaluate for
able characteristics. Suggestions for such Es is (ATT + average spillover), because this

10  —  Recent Advances in Impact Analysis Methods for Ex-post Impact Assessments of Agricultural Technology
gives the average effect of the technology When adopters learn to use a technology
when taken up by actual adopters. more effectively, its impact on outcomes
such as yield should increase. Conley and
Spillovers from adoption complicate the Udry (2010) provide an example in the
necessary task of identifying the non- context of pineapple farmers in Ghana,
adoption counterfactual. Even if the coun- where farmers change their usage of fertil-
terfactual group is defined perfectly in the izer based on the results of previous efforts
absence of spillovers, introducing spillovers (both their own and those of others). The
between the adopters and counterfactual effect of the introduction of pineapple
farmers will invalidate the comparison farming on profits and consumption in a
between them. This is the well-known farmer’s first year would be expected to be
problem of control group contamination. different from that in his second or tenth
The control group is supposed to represent year, as he calibrates the fertilizer usage to
the outcome in the absence of the technol- his own plot. Thus, even when the set of
ogy, but if adoption indirectly changes adopters stays constant across years, Es
outcomes for the control farmers, then should evolve over time.
their outcomes no longer reflect the coun-
terfactual. This can lead to either over- or The set of adopters of a new technology
under-estimation of the technology’s almost certainly changes with time.
impact. If spillovers between adopters and Sunding and Zilberman (2001) make this
the counterfactual non-adopters are point clearly in their review of agricultural
positive, then the technology will appear technology adoption. One reason for the
less effective because the control group will change in adopters is that while some
be better off than it would have been in farmers may choose not to adopt initially,
the absence of adoption. If the spillovers when they observe other farmers using the
are negative, then the technology will technology, they learn about it (how to im-
appear more effective. Failing to account plement it and the expect profits) and
for spillovers will result in an estimate that adopt later on. Farmers with large land-
does not bound the true effect. Thus it is holdings might adopt first because they can
necessary to account explicitly for spillovers experiment with and learn about it on a
in the research design. In some cases this portion of their land and expand its use
may lead to changing the unit of observa- later, while smallholders tend to adopt later
tion from, for example, individual produc- after learning from the larger-scale farmers.
ers to villages. Another explanation is that high interest
rates can make adoption prohibitively ex-
3.5 Dynamics of adoption pensive. This could be particularly impor-
tant in developing countries where, if all
When estimating the average impact of a else is equal, wealthy farmers have resourc-
technology on adopters (Es), it is important es to self-finance adoption or can access
to understand that Es varies over time, even credit at lower rates, and will adopt first.
when long-term general equilibrium effects Poorer farmers may adopt later, as they
are disregarded. Because of this, the timing learn by observing adopters that the tech-
of the evaluation has an effect on the esti- nology is sufficiently profitable to justify
mated impact of the technology and needs borrowing, if the price of the technology
to be considered carefully. The extent to falls, or when lenders become more willing
which the dynamics of adoption matters to finance the technology cheaply after
depends upon the characteristics of the tech- seeing that it is profitable.
nology, particularly its pattern of diffusion
and the importance of learning in utilizing The evolving set of adopters is important
the technology effectively. The dynamics of because, even if farmer-specific effects of
adoption is important even in the short-term adoption never change, these effects differ
when economy-wide prices are unchanged by farmer. Large landholders and entrepre-
by adoption, as discussed above. neurial farmers, often the first to adopt,
could have the highest returns from
One reason that Es varies over time is that adoption. Hence the average impact of the
adopters change their usage of the new technology in the first year (when it is used
technology as they use and learn about it. by only the most effective farmers who are

Recent Advances in Impact Analysis Methods for Ex-post Impact Assessments of Agricultural Technology  —  11
often less constrained in their ability to changes continuously. The total realized
utilize complementary inputs) could be impact is the integral of this flow, from the
higher than in subsequent years when less- time of the technology introduction until
efficient and more-constrained farmers the present. Estimating a snapshot of the
have adopted. flow using an impact evaluation may
provide an adequate approximation of the
It is clear that the effect of a technology on technology’s effects, but it is necessary to
adopters evolves over time, both because of consider the dynamics of adoption and how
within-individual changes in returns and this affects the usefulness of such estimates
the continuous adoption by new adopters (see section 7 for further discussion). The
with heterogeneous returns from the new snapshot may not provide a good estimate
technology. Impact analyses using identical of such measures as farm profit if farmers
methodologies, but taking place at differ- take a loss in the first years of adoption
ent intervals after introduction, will arrive while they adjust their farm management
at different estimates of the technology’s techniques and capital stock to optimize
average impact, even in the absence of use of the new technology, and when
general equilibrium effects. This is because negative returns from adoption in one year
the impact of a technology is not a static may be outweighed by subsequent positive
measure. Rather, it is a flow of impacts that returns.

12  —  Recent Advances in Impact Analysis Methods for Ex-post Impact Assessments of Agricultural Technology
4. Current approaches to microeconomic impact analysis:
summary and critiques

Much of the recent microeconomic impact role to that of careful quantitative analysis,
analysis literature, both within the CGIAR informing researchers about the data they
and elsewhere, draws on a common set of should collect and the likely impacts on
tools to estimate the effect of technological which to focus as they perform statistical
innovations. In addition to qualitative analyses.
methods (addressed here briefly), the most
prevalent methods used are research 4.2 Research station and on-farm
station or on-farm trials, selection on ob- trials
servables such as propensity score matching
(PSM) and regression adjustment, and dif- An approach used widely in ex-ante impact
ference-in-differences or double difference assessment of new agricultural technolo-
(DD) analysis (sometimes combined with gies, but also in ex-post estimations, is that
PSM). Because these methods are ubiqui- of piloting the technology on test plots.
tous, it is worth looking more closely at Typically, the new technology is employed
each of them for the specific objective of alongside the traditional technology, either
measuring the impact of technological in a research station or on farms in areas
change and considering their strengths and where the technology is being or will be
weaknesses. used.7 The average difference in yields
between plots using the different technolo-
4.1 Qualitative methods gies is taken to be the effect of adoption
on yield. This estimate can be used to make
Qualitative methods of technology impact inferences about changes in farm-level
evaluation use such tools as interviews and profitability due to adoption as well as
focus groups rather than quantitative data aggregate changes in output and surplus
to arrive at their conclusions.6 Qualitative after diffusion has taken place.
studies are useful because they typically
elicit information on the impacts of a new A number of recent impact analysis studies
technology directly from the people use the results from trials to estimate the
affected. This gives researchers an idea of effects of a wide range of technologies. For
which impacts to look for in a quantitative example, Alene et al. (2009) used on-farm
analysis. For example, interviews might trial data from various sources to estimate
suggest that people who adopted also yield gains from improved varieties of
hired many more laborers for the harvest, maize in West and Central African coun-
leading researchers to collect detailed em- tries, then projected these gains into the
ployment data among both agricultural adopted area to arrive at total yield growth
and non-agricultural households. Once a attributable to improved varieties. Laxmi et
causal effect has been established quantita- al. (2007) used both on-station and on-farm
tively at the level of reduced form equa- trials to evaluate the impact of zero tillage
tions, qualitative methods can be useful to on rice and wheat yields in India, as well as
suggest the mechanisms at play, which may on water use and other outcomes. An
not be revealed in the quantitative analysis. analysis by the Asian Development Bank
(Operations Evaluation Department, 2005)
Such methods, however, are insufficient to on a project involving the WorldFish Center,
rigorously characterize the impact of a estimated the impact of genetically
technology. It goes without saying that in- improved farmed tilapia on yields with
terview responses do not always match both types of trials. SPIA’s recent publica-
with the story told by the data. Also, while tion: Strategic Guidance for Ex-post Impact
qualitative results might suggest that some Assessment of Agricultural Research
impact is present, they cannot describe the (Walker et al., 2008), considers the use of
scale of the impact. When the goal is to experimental plots for ex-post impact
quantify impacts with any level of accuracy, analysis to be a “good practice” in many
qualitative methods must play a secondary cases.

Recent Advances in Impact Analysis Methods for Ex-post Impact Assessments of Agricultural Technology  —  13
On-station trials have an obvious limitation can be expressed as ΔῩ = ῩT – ῩC, where ῩT
in the set of effects that can be estimated, is the average yield on those farms receiv-
primarily that of the change in yields that ing the HYV seed ‘treatment’ and ῩC is the
are due to the new technology. Impacts on average yield on the control farms. This ex-
even relatively simple measures such as pression can be decomposed into the
income and profitability cannot be obtained change due to HYV seed on farms with
without making a number of assumptions. suitable (S) and unsuitable (U) soil for HYV:
Firstly, assumptions about input and output ΔῩ = ῩT – ῩC = pS ( ῩST – ῩSC ) + (1 – pS) (ῩUT – ῩUC),
prices must be made; secondly – and perhaps where pS is the proportion of households
more importantly – the experimenter must with suitable soil.
decide how to alter the other inputs (e.g.,
fertilizer and labor) in conjunction with Once the technology is actually released, it
using the new technology, which may not is unlikely that type-U farmers will adopt
resemble farmers’ solutions to the profit the HYV seeds because they offer no advan-
maximization problem. Foster and Rosenz- tage over traditional seed. If type-S farmers
weig (2010) point out that accounting for do adopt (we assume it is profitable to do
even small changes in the use of inputs can so), then the change in yield for adopters is
drastically change the estimated effect of a ΔῩS = ( ῩST – ῩSC ) ≠ ΔῩ. Note that this is the
new technology on profits. quantity in which we are interested (Es)
because it corresponds to the average gain
Furthermore, research stations may not realized due to actual adoption rather than
reflect the actual conditions faced by po- the predicted gain for a random, possibly
tential adopters. Plot characteristics, such as non-adopting, household. In the terminol-
soil quality and access to irrigation, may ogy of treatment effects, the on-farm trial
differ substantially between the station and gives the ATE while the quantity of interest
the farm. If the advantage provided by the is the ATT.
new technology varies with such character-
istics, then the estimated impact may be In the given example, an on-farm trial
overstated or understated in comparison would understate the yield gains accruing
with farmers’ own experiences. Real-world from adoption because it includes house-
farms may also be managed differently holds who would not gain from the new
from on-station plots in terms of farming technology and thus not adopt. However,
techniques, input provision, and skillful im- the bias need not be downward. If, for
plementation of the technology. Each of example, the households with the highest
these factors is likely to affect the returns gains from adoption were also the most
to the technology.8 credit-constrained and consequently unable
to adopt, then the RCT could overstate the
While on-farm trials may ameliorate some real-world ATT. Because the direction of the
of these problems to some degree, a serious bias from an on-farm trial (whether ran-
drawback remains: there is typically no domized or not) is ambiguous, such an
reason to be certain that the farmers and exercise is unable to give a firm lower or
farms participating in a trial are representa- upper bound on the effects of the new
tive of those who actually adopt the tech- technology under real-world conditions.
nology. To illustrate this issue, consider the
‘ideal’ case of an RCT in which a set of Both types of trials are unable to account
households is chosen randomly to adopt a for the potentially important role of spill-
new high-yielding variety (HYV) of seed overs arising from the introduction of a
and another set is chosen randomly to act new technology. This issue is addressed
as a control, continuing to use the tradi- further below.
tional seed variety. Suppose the objective is
simply to measure the change in yield due Hence, while on-station and on-farm trials
to the HYV, and further suppose that there may be useful in some capacity, especially
are two types of farms in each group, those for ex-ante analysis, they do not offer a
whose soil is well suited to HYV seeds and reliable estimate of the effects of a technol-
those whose soil is not (i.e., with no gains ogy on such simple measures as yields, and
from HYV use). At harvest, the measured especially not for such complicated
change in average yield from HYV seeds outcomes as profits.

14  —  Recent Advances in Impact Analysis Methods for Ex-post Impact Assessments of Agricultural Technology
4.3 Selection on observables placement of groundwater wells for agri-
designs cultural irrigation in Northern Mali. Dey et
al. (2010) apply PSM to investigate the
In contrast with research station and economic impacts of adopting integrated
on-farm trials, selection on observables ap- agriculture-aquaculture systems in Southern
proaches attempt to recover Es by observ- Malawi. Kassie et al. (2010) compare
ing outcomes after households have adopters and non-adopters of improved
already chosen whether or not to adopt the groundnut varieties in Uganda in terms of
new technology. The main problem faced crop income.9�
by such methods is finding an appropriate
group of non-adopters with whom to If the assumption of selection on observ-
compare the adopters (see section 3.3). Se- ables holds (and the logit or probit func-
lection on observables designs, whether tional form approximates the true selection
using regression adjustment or PSM, equation adequately) then PSM gives the
attempts to solve this problem by assuming ATT (Es), as desired. For this to be true, it
that adoption is ‘as good as random’ after must also be the case that there are no
conditioning on some set of observable spillover effects between the adopters and
household, plot, and/or community charac- non-adopters (discussed below). Selection
teristics. Returning to equations (1) and (2), on observables is clearly a strong assump-
this implies that after controlling for Zit, Uit tion in the context of technology adoption
(the set of unobserved determinants of and, of course, is fundamentally untestable.
adoption) is uncorrelated with Vit (the un- Returning to Foster and Rosenzweig’s
observed determinants of the outcome (2010) assertion that adoption (or non-
variable). adoption) is a choice that results from opti-
mization, we can reconsider the adoption
A regression adjustment model (linear re- and outcome equations in the context of
gression that controls for observables af- PSM to show how PSM can fail to establish
fecting selection) assumes that a linear a viable comparison group of non-adopters
combination of the observables is sufficient against which to measure changes in
to control for all factors simultaneously af- outcomes.
fecting both the adoption decision and the
outcome variable (this assumption is relaxed To simplify the illustration, we will suppose
when using difference-in-differences, as ex- that there is only one observable factor, x,
plained below). There is often some confu- and one unobservable factor, u, and that
sion about how much PSM relaxes this as- these factors affect both the profitability of
sumption. By matching adopters and adoption and the outcome variable. We can
non-adopters on the basis of the propensity also rewrite the change in profitability due
score generated by a first-stage logit or to adoption as B (xi, ui) so that adoption
probit model, PSM basically allows for a occurs only if B (xit, uit) + εi > 0
somewhat arbitrary non-linear combination (suppressing the time subscript). Finally, we
of the observables to control for factors af- assume without loss of generality that
fecting both adoption and outcomes δB > 0 and δY > 0,
(Rosenbaum and Rubin, 1984). It does not δu δu
alter the basic assumption that the observ- where Y is the outcome under consider-
able explanatory variables are sufficient to ation, such as yield or profit.
characterize all determinants of adoption
that also affect the outcome variable. Suppose that there are two farmers with
equal values of x, but that farmer A adopts
A plethora of recent impact analysis papers and farmer N chooses not to adopt. Then
are willing to make this assumption in a PSM will use farmer N as the counterfactual
wide range of evaluations. Kumar and for A since their observables are the same.
Quisumbing (2010) use PSM to study the But because A adopted while N did not,
effect of adopting new fishpond manage- B (xA, uA) + εA > 0 > B (xN, uN) + εN. Then it
ment technologies and vegetable varieties must be true that uA > uN and/or εA > εN.
on household-level economic and nutrition- In the former case, the assumption that
al outcomes in Bangladesh. Dillon (2008) δY > 0
uses PSM to try to control for endogenous δu implies that if neither farmer had

Recent Advances in Impact Analysis Methods for Ex-post Impact Assessments of Agricultural Technology  —  15
adopted, farmer A would have a higher cult or even impossible to collect sufficient
expected outcome than farmer N. That is, data to predict adoption reasonably. For
EYA (x, uA, TA = 0) > EYN (x, uN, TN = 0). Hence example, Kumar and Quisumbing (2010)
the non-adopter was not a valid counter- predict adoption of new fishpond manage-
factual for the adopter because they would ment technologies and vegetable varieties
have had different expected outcomes in using farm size, household composition and
the absence of treatment. education level, and whether various shocks
were experienced during the study period.
Minimal assumptions about the relationship It is unlikely that these factors exhaust the
between unobservable attributes, true determinants of adoption (keeping in
adoption, and outcomes were necessary to mind the decision as one of profit or utility
arrive at this breakdown in PSM. It was maximization), such as land quality, farm
sufficient for δB and δY characteristics, available assets and credit
δu δu to be nonzero access at baseline, and farmer skill. Indeed,
(i.e. the unobservable factor affects both it is unlikely that many of the important de-
the profitability of adoption and the terminants of adoption could be collected
outcome variable itself), which is not only or quantified even if significant monetary
plausible but also probable in most cases of resources were available to the researcher.
technology adoption. Intuitively, the
problem is that PSM assumes that observa- It is difficult to imagine that farmers decide
tionally similar farmers are on average the whether or not to adopt technologies in a
same, even when one of them has chosen way that is largely random in relation to
rationally to adopt and the other has not. It farm- or household-level outcomes. Yet
is highly unlikely that this is the case, pre- unless the adoption equation is strongly
cisely because farmers are choosing to predictive of the adoption decision, we are
maximize profit or otherwise optimize some left to believe just that. For this reason it is
outcome. By employing PSM, we virtually important to know the strength of the
guarantee that there will be an imbalance adoption equation, for example its pseudo-
of unobservables after balancing on observ- R2, in order to know whether the observ-
ables between adopters and non-adopters. able variables predict adoption adequately.
This is the standard selection bias problem Many impact analysis studies do not report
and is discussed often in the context of this statistic, while those that do (e.g.,
linear regression models. If linear regression Kassie et al., 2010) tend to indicate that the
models do not solve the selection bias adoption equation is quite weak, leaving
problem, then PSM does not either. The ad- much of the decision attributable to unob-
vantage offered by PSM is that it models se- served factors.
lection on observables more flexibly; but
like linear regression, it does not address se- A final technical note on PSM is in order.
lection on unobservables. Many studies rightfully ‘trim’ the adopting
and non-adopting observations to ensure
Existing impact analyses rarely consider the overlap of the propensity score between
adoption process carefully when applying the two groups. Ravallion (2005) makes an
PSM and fail to ask seriously whether the important point on this subject: if trimming
available observational data are sufficient the dataset results in the dropping of some
to characterize the adoption decision as a adopters (i.e., those with the highest prob-
rational business choice in the face of con- ability of adoption), then the resulting
straints. Ravallion (2005) notes, in the estimate of the impact of adoption is not
context of antipoverty programs, that the the true ATT. Adopters with the highest
performance of PSM relies heavily on the propensity score may be those with the
adequacy of the data collected in character- highest gains from adoption, in which case
izing adoption. In this case, where the trimming them from the sample means that
rollout of an antipoverty program is still the benefit of adoption for adopters (the
highly incomplete, selection is made from ATT) is understated. Of course this does not
among households that were not offered suggest that researchers employing PSM
the option to participate in the program, should not trim their dataset; the problem
hence the selection bias does not occur. In is that those with exceptionally high pro-
the case of technology adoption, it is diffi- pensity scores simply do not have a valid

16  —  Recent Advances in Impact Analysis Methods for Ex-post Impact Assessments of Agricultural Technology
counterfactual counterpart, even on the planned in advance and where the inter-
basis of observables. vention may be better defined than with
the introduction of a new technology.
4.4 Difference-in-differences
methods While expanded use of DD in impact
analysis would be a positive development
There is a growing and welcome trend in and certainly no worse than single-
impact analysis in the application of DD difference methods in controlling for selec-
methods using panel data. DD has the ad- tion bias in adoption, DD methods do not
vantage of allowing the researcher to eliminate the need to think carefully about
control for the time-invariant characteristics the adoption decision and ways in which
of individuals or households when compar- adopters may differ from non-adopters. It is
ing adopters and non-adopters of a tech- not a priori obvious that outcomes should
nology. This weakens the key assumption be evolving similarly for those who choose
required for the validity of comparisons to adopt and those who do not, even after
between adopters and non-adopters: sin- considering observable characteristics.
gle-difference (cross-sectional) approaches
require that, after controlling for observ- For example, consider that the more inno-
able characteristics, the two groups would vative and entrepreneurial farmers may be
have the same expected outcomes in the those who adopt a new technology. Such
absence of adoption. Instead, DD methods characteristics will not be recorded on a
require that, after controlling for observ- survey and are not necessarily correlated
ables, the change in expected outcomes highly with observable characteristics. If
between the pre- and post-adoption these farmers are generally the most suc-
surveys would be the same in the absence cessful in their village, we might expect
of adoption. them to be increasing their yields and
profits at a faster rate than non-adopters
Due to the increased data requirements of even in the absence of the new technology,
DD, few technology adoption analyses have as they continually improve their farming
used it. An early example of using longitu- practices and possibly adopt other technol-
dinal data in impact analysis for agricultural ogies. Thus DD estimates would falsely at-
technologies is found in Walker and tribute these increases to adoption, when
Kshirsagar (1985), which uses two waves of in reality they are due to the fact that the
surveys to study the effects of adopting yields and profits of the more able farmers
machine threshing technology in India. follow a different trajectory than that of
Dillon (2008), mentioned above, uses DD the less able.
along with PSM to investigate the impact of
irrigation from wells on agricultural pro- As another example illustrating where DD
duction, household consumption, and nutri- could fail, suppose that adopters of a new
tion in Northern Mali. Also mentioned technology have plots that are more sensi-
above, Kumar and Quisumbing (2010) apply tive to rainfall shocks than those of non-
DD with PSM to study the consequences of adopters. If, during the follow-up survey,
adopting new fishpond management tech- drought has affected the entire sample of
nologies and vegetable varieties in Bangla- farmers, then adopters will have lower
desh. Rusike et al. (2010) also use PSM yields due to their greater responsiveness to
alongside DD in investigating adoption the rainfall shock, but this effect cannot be
rates (not the impact) of new varieties of disentangled from the effect of adopting
cassava in Malawi. Finally, Omilola (2009) the new technology.
attempts to apply DD to a dataset in which
only one wave of data was collected, with With these illustrations in mind, it is clear
the ‘baseline’ data in fact constructed by that DD does not solve the potentially
asking farmers retrospective survey ques- serious issues of selection bias involved in
tions. The goal of that paper is to see if technology adoption and that adopters and
tube well adoption in Nigeria decreased non-adopters need not follow parallel
poverty. DD methods are applied more trends in outcomes in the absence of
widely in program evaluation contexts, adoption. One way to test for the validity
where evaluation is more likely to be of the parallel trends assumption is to use

Recent Advances in Impact Analysis Methods for Ex-post Impact Assessments of Agricultural Technology  —  17
multiple years of pre-adoption panel data methods in establishing the proper counter-
to see whether the two groups are follow- factual group against which to compare
ing similar trends prior to adoption. While adopters. The issue of spillovers from adoption
finding parallel trends does not guarantee – on both other adopters and non-adopters
that trends would be the same during the – presents an additional and closely related
post-adoption period, it does provide a subject that is faced by most impact analyses.
compelling piece of evidence that this may Section 3.4 addresses the issue of spillovers in
be the case. Of course a long panel dataset detail. This section discusses how the existence
requires significantly more data collection of spillovers affects current impact analyses
than a simple DD approach, and may be dif- and the ways in which they may affect the
ficult to implement in many cases. conclusions of such work. Spillovers are not
simply econometric issues that must be ad-
One lesson from the existing impact dressed with improved methods, but rather
analysis studies using DD is that, for such a fundamental consequences of technology
study to be convincing, it needs to be adoption that must be considered carefully.
planned in advance of the introduction of
the new technology so that proper baseline Most impact analyses (including nearly all
data can be collected. Using retrospective those mentioned in this section) compare
data from questions asked during the post- adopters with non-adopters within the
diffusion survey instead (as in Omilola, same village or set of villages. Even suppos-
2009) is likely to result in substantial mea- ing that the researcher successfully creates
surement error among both dependent and a valid counterfactual group for the
explanatory variables. Measurement error adopters among the non-adopters (i.e., the
in explanatory variables is a particularly two groups would have the same outcomes
serious problem in analyses using longitudi- in single-difference models or the same
nal data (such as DD) and can result in esti- change in outcomes in DD models), the ex-
mates that are greatly biased towards zero. istence of spillovers can result in incorrect
Likewise, collecting baseline data after the estimates of the impact of adoption.
technology has already been adopted fails Miguel and Kremer (2004) make this point
to capture the full effect of adoption. This clearly in the context of de-worming drugs.
occurs in Kumar and Quisumbing (2010) While the drugs in fact had large impacts
because the baseline surveys occur up to on rates of illness and other outcomes,
several years after adoption, and the paper failing to account for the fact that treated
discusses this problem in detail. Many of students ceased infecting untreated
the adopters in the sample had probably students would cause one to conclude erro-
already experienced some of the adoption neously that the drugs had no effect at all
gains by the time the baseline data were on the non-adopters.
collected, so the difference between
baseline and follow-up survey outcomes A similar issue is likely to afflict existing
probably understated the effects of impact analyses of agricultural technolo-
adoption. gies. To illustrate with a recent evaluation,
consider Omilola (2009). Suppose for sim-
Designing the impact evaluation prior to plicity that within a village, people
rolling out a new technology can prevent randomly choose whether or not to adopt a
these problems by planning baseline survey new tube well or pump technology, so that
collection ahead of time, as is done current- we can ignore selection bias in adoption. If
ly with program evaluations. Of course, if it use of these technologies for irrigation
is possible to plan a technology rollout and yields a larger harvest for adopters, then
its evaluation, there are probably better there are a number of ways in which this
evaluation methods available than DD. increase could affect non-adopters. Firstly,
These will be discussed in section 5. the larger harvest may increase demand for
labor, driving up wages. This would increase
4.5 Addressing spillovers from income for non-adopters over and above
adoption the case in which nobody adopted.
Secondly, if the market for agricultural
The previous discussion focuses primarily on products is restricted to a small geographi-
the limitations of popular econometric cal area, the increased output will drive

18  —  Recent Advances in Impact Analysis Methods for Ex-post Impact Assessments of Agricultural Technology
down prices and thus lower farm income spillover from adopters to non-adopters
for all producers. Thirdly, if there is some unless there is substantial inter-village in-
form of mutual insurance in the village, teraction, which the author states is not a
income gains accruing to adopters may be concern. If we ignore the selection bias
shared with non-adopters. Fourthly, non- issue, then a comparison of adopters with
adopters may have an opportunity to make non-adopters is valid. However, there is
use of the adopters’ wells or pumps for another problem. Random shocks, particu-
their own farms, even though they have larly rainfall, are often clustered at the
not adopted the technology themselves. village level. It is necessary to account for
This could raise output and income for non- this intra-village correlation in statistical
adopters. Certainly there could be other comparisons between adopters and non-
channels through which non-adopters are adopters. Doing so can raise the standard
affected by others’ adoption as well. errors of estimates substantially, especially
if the number of clusters (villages) is small.
Many of the spillover channels could lead In the case of Dillon’s irrigation study
to the author’s conclusion that the effects (which does not appear to account for clus-
of adopting such irrigation technologies are tering in its computation of standard
small, even when the effects are, in fact, errors), there are only ten villages, a suffi-
large. When adoption by some also benefits ciently low number to suggest that precise
the non-adopters, the gains from the new comparisons that also account for spillovers
technology are understated because it are unlikely.
appears that the adopters would have been
quite well off even without the new tech- Laboratory and on-farm trials might seem
nology. On the other hand, if non-adopters to offer an advantage by strictly controlling
suffer due to adoption by others, as in the the behavior of the control group to
case of prices being driven down, the new prevent spillovers from adopters. But, aside
technology may appear more beneficial from the problems with these trials ex-
than it really is. Indeed, spillovers invalidate plained above, it is worth noting that we
the use of the non-adopters as the counter- do not want to eliminate spillover effects
factual for adopters because they no longer when studying the effects of a new tech-
represent the true experiences of adopters nology. Spillovers, on both adopters and
in the absence of the technology. non-adopters, are a consequence of
adoption in the real world and thus it is im-
The problems posed by spillovers are miti- portant to incorporate them in calculations
gated if adoption takes place at the village of the technology’s impact. By ignoring
level, for example as in the village-level spillovers, by design, laboratory and
irrigation programs studied by Dillon on-farm trials fail to reflect the true impacts
(2008). In this case there is probably little of adoption.

Recent Advances in Impact Analysis Methods for Ex-post Impact Assessments of Agricultural Technology  —  19
5. Suggested approaches and improvements

5.1 General recommendations their usefulness. Three RCT design issues are
described below.
Current approaches to microeconomic
impact analysis suffer from two main weak- 1. Plot-level randomization
nesses: problematic formation of the coun- There has been much interest in the work
terfactual non-adopting group, and failure of Duflo et al. (2008) in conducting on-farm
to account for spillovers between adopters trials in which participating farms had one
and non-adopters. Addressing these key small plot allocated randomly to no fertil-
shortcomings is a formidable challenge that izer and two plots allocated to using pre-
cannot be overcome in the space of one determined amounts of fertilizer. The paper
paper. However, the recommendations has appeal in part because it uses a simple
below provide a step towards this goal. method of randomization (at the plot level)
to estimate the gains from the new tech-
It is evident from the above discussion that nology, removing the possibility of bias
current approaches rely almost exclusively from farmers selecting certain types of land
on some form of selection on observables into adoption.
and that such a strategy will rarely lead to
convincing results. The broad suggestion The objective of the study was to demon-
made here is that, whenever possible, strate the value of using an appropriate
impact analysis should be based upon amount of fertilizer, and this method is per-
micro-studies with explicit research designs fectly appropriate for that purpose.
that estimate the effect of the new techno- However, the method would not be suitable
logy without relying exclusively on the ob- for ex-post impact analysis of agricultural
servable characteristics of potential technologies. The fundamental problem
adopters. Optimally, such research with applying this approach to ex-post
programs should be planned in advance of analysis is that it does not estimate the
the technology’s introduction and diffusion. effect of the technology for actual adopters
While such programs can be difficult and (ATT), but rather the average effect (ATE)
expensive to implement, they allow for the over an arbitrary set of farmers and pieces of
application of econometric techniques for land. As a result, there is little or no im-
which the underlying assumptions are clear provement over the on-farm trials discussed
and relatively mild. Thus the results earlier. Restricting the sample of farmers to
stemming from their implementation will those who would normally adopt is not
be more credible and more likely to with- possible unless adoption is determined
stand scrutiny than those from ex-post eval- totally by observable characteristics, in which
uations relying on strong and usually un- case an RCT would not be necessary because
reasonable assumptions. adopters and non-adopters could simply be
compared after diffusion by using PSM. Fur-
5.2 Approaches to avoid thermore, even if the set of adopters were
known, the plots of land they would choose
Recent papers, both academic and policy- for adoption might differ from those
oriented, have focused on the potential ap- selected for planting in the RCT.
plication of RCTs in impact analysis of agri-
cultural technologies. While the use of RCTs If it were certain that real-world adoption
has significant potential to add rigor to would take place only among those farmers
future analyses, and indeed much of the in the sample with the highest returns to
rest of this section discusses this possibility, the technology, then the RCT might give a
it is important to point out that certain ap- lower bound on the ATT because it includes
plications of RCTs would not be fruitful, farmers with low enough returns to deter
either because they fail to overcome the adoption. But non-adoption could take
problems with current methods, or because place for a number of reasons (see Agricul-
they introduce new issues that undermine tural Technology Adoption Initiative, 2010),

20  —  Recent Advances in Impact Analysis Methods for Ex-post Impact Assessments of Agricultural Technology
such that the estimated effect of the tech- because they received the treatment
nology is not a lower bound. For example, (Imbens and Angrist, 1994). A necessary
if the farmers with the highest returns from condition for the LATE to be valid is that
adoption are also the most credit- treatment must have no effect on the
constrained, then the ATE may underesti- control group. This would be invalid in a
mate the true ATT. Thus the result of a demand-side intervention if, for example,
within-farm randomized design fails to the increased demand for a technology in-
bound the effect of the new technology. creased its price and caused some farmers
in the control group not to adopt.
An RCT in which technology is randomized
within a farm may fail to induce farmers to Demand-side instruments are therefore un-
act as they would if they had optimally desirable for two reasons. Firstly, they do
chosen to adopt the technology. Farmers not estimate the impact of the technology
who have a small test plot assigned to a for farmers who would have adopted even
new technology may have little incentive to without the intervention. These infra-
take the time to implement the technology marginal adopters probably differ substan-
carefully. Non-governmental organization tially from those who adopt only when they
(NGO) staff or extension agents who advise receive the treatment; they may have
the farmers will not solve the problem, as higher returns to the technology and thus
they may induce different behavior from rationally adopt without the treatment, or
that exhibited by actual adopters. Inputs, they may have lower returns but be less
both variable and fixed, may not be constrained in some way that allows them
adjusted optimally on the treated plot. to adopt without having received the treat-
(Foster and Rosenzweig, 2010, note too ment. Secondly, the estimated effect is, by
that changes in inputs allocated specifically construction, only for farmers who would
to the test plot might be difficult to not adopt in the real world sans interven-
measure.) Thus even the ATE may be esti- tion. We know this because the LATE
mated incorrectly. Hence this approach has measures the difference in outcomes
potential issues with both internal and between marginal adopters due to treat-
external validity that make it an untenable ment and farmers in the control group who
option for impact evaluation. are like them in every way except treat-
ment status but who choose not to adopt.
2. Demand-side interventions Hence, a demand-side instrument does not
Offering a demand-side intervention that estimate the effect of adoption for any real-
induces some farmers to adopt an available world adopters but does estimate the
technology, for example an encouragement returns for some real-world non-adopters.
design that pushes a randomly selected set This is a problem if we believe that technol-
of farmers to adopt, is a strategy mention- ogy adoption is the result of optimization
ed for moving away from on-farm trials to by farmers with respect to the expected
a design that allows farmers to select into gains from adoption.
adoption. The basic idea behind encourage-
ment designs is to use the encouragement To illustrate this point further, we present a
as an instrumental variable for adoption, graphical representation of a simple en-
then to use two-stage least squares to couragement design in a village where the
obtain the effect of adoption on the technology has just been introduced and is
outcome of interest.10 Other examples of available to all farmers, and where all
demand-side instruments include random farmers underestimate the benefits of
extension of credit to some farmers or ran- adoption. Half the farmers receive exten-
domized price subsidies through coupon sion services explaining the technology’s
distribution. benefits. It is assumed that farmers are risk-
neutral and expected profit maximizers,
Demand-side interventions will not recover adopting only if the technology will
the ATT of a new technology. Regressions increase their expected profits. It is also
using an instrumental variable obtain the assumed that adoption is a binary decision
local average treatment effect (LATE) of (yes or no). Figure 1 plots supply and
adoption, which is the average effect of demand for the technology. For simplicity,
adoption only for those induced to adopt supply of the technology (S) is assumed to

Recent Advances in Impact Analysis Methods for Ex-post Impact Assessments of Agricultural Technology  —  21
be perfectly elastic, e.g., offered at a implications if the researcher’s goal is to
uniform price set by the government. estimate the true impact of the technology
on profitability in the real world (ATT). The
The demand curve for the control group is correct measure of this is (A + B) / qC, which
denoted DC. If adoption is binary, each is the average profit from adoption for
point (q, p) on DC indicates the number of farmers who adopt without any demand-
control group farmers (q) for whom side intervention. However, the LATE from
expected profit gross of the technology cost two-stage least squares is C / (qT – qC ): the
is at least p. The encouragement interven- average profit from adoption for those
tion can be thought of as raising the induced to adopt by the intervention. The
expected benefit of adoption, which we graph shows clearly that the LATE is much
assume (only for convenience) equates lower than the desired ATT because the
expected with actual profitability. Thus LATE measures only the effect for the
treatment shifts the demand curve for the farmers for which benefits are the least.
treated group to DT.
3. Household-level randomization
Of the control group, qC farmers adopt. Of Experiments (natural or controlled) in
the treatment group, qT farmers adopt: a which the randomization occurs at the level
higher number than in the control group. of the household or plot are unlikely to
The important feature of this graph is the result in reliable impact estimates. Random-
location on the demand curve of the izing at the plot level leads to the problems
farmers induced to adopt by the treatment discussed above, while randomizing at the
(between qC and qT). These farmers have household level has other problems, dis-
low net profits from adoption. Consider the cussed below.

pC = pT S


qC qT

Adopt regardless Induced to adopt

of treatment by treatment

Figure 1. Supply and demand for a technology and the estimation of ATT vs. LATE

22  —  Recent Advances in Impact Analysis Methods for Ex-post Impact Assessments of Agricultural Technology
The most serious issue with randomizing the offer of the technology compared with
over households (instead of over villages, those who would have adopted if given the
for example) is that adoption by some in treatment. Instead it measures the effect
the treated group will probably affect the for those induced to adopt compared with
outcomes of the control group. Such spill- a mixture of adopting and non-adopting
overs invalidate comparisons between households. Dropping the adopting house-
treated and control groups as a basis for es- holds in the control group from the sample
timating the effect of a new technology. prior to analysis does not fix the problem,
Sections 3.4 and 4.5 explain the problem of because these may have indeed been the
spillovers and how they affect current selec- farmers that correspond to the adopters in
tion on observables approaches. The the treated group. In this case, the treated
problems described in the latter section adopters would be compared with control
carry over even to otherwise well-planned farmers who would never adopt, and this is
RCTs where randomization of technology the wrong counterfactual group for esti-
over households is explicit. mating the LATE.

To illustrate, we return to the example of 5.3 Specific suggestions

tube wells in section 4.4. Suppose that
instead of comparing adopters and non- Having cautioned against several potential
adopters on observables, an RCT took place new approaches for impact analysis, this
at the time the technology was introduced. section presents suggestions for future
A group of farmers was selected for treat- work. The main purpose of these sugges-
ment in which they were visited by exten- tions is to help in clearly identifying a coun-
sion agents, told about the new technol- terfactual group against which to compare
ogy, and offered the necessary materials for adopters, accounting for inevitable spill-
sale. The control group was not visited. overs from adoption, and limiting contami-
Baseline data were taken before any nation of the control group.
adoption and then a follow-up took place
two years later to see how farm profitabil- 1. Use natural or randomized experiments
ity and household consumption had where the village, community, or other
changed. appropriate social grouping is the unit of
Randomization does not solve any of the By ‘natural’ experiment we mean a situa-
spillover problems discussed in the selection tion in which assignment of the treatment
on observables case: wage effects, local is as good as random, possibly conditional
price effects, mutual insurance effects, and on some observable variables, but that no
usage of the wells by non-adopters. Any of specific attempt was made to randomize
these could be serious enough to limit the the treatment as in an RCT. The rollout of a
validity of the experiment. Spillovers within technology over time and space might con-
the village are a consequence of adoption stitute a natural experiment in some cases.
itself, not the research design being used. Using natural or randomized experiments
They will exist regardless of the researcher’s in which the village, community, or other
approach. appropriate social grouping is the unit of
randomization addresses the issue of spill-
A further issue with randomization at the overs, not by ignoring them or trying to
household level is that, in many cases, create an environment in which they do
farmers in the control group may gain not exist, but rather by acknowledging
access to the new technology and choose to that they are potentially important results
adopt it even when it is not offered to of adoption and incorporating them into
them, a problem often referred to as con- the measured effect of the new technol-
tamination of the control group. This is par- ogy. Randomizing at a level higher than
ticularly likely if the new technology is a that of the household in the presence of
farming technique rather than a physical spillovers has recently become standard
input that is purchased. Adoption by practice among development economists.
control farmers is a problem because the In the field of health, for example, Miguel
estimated LATE no longer gives the effect and Kremer (2004) randomize drug treat-
for those who were induced to adopt by ment at the school level and Cohen and

Recent Advances in Impact Analysis Methods for Ex-post Impact Assessments of Agricultural Technology  —  23
Dupas (2010) randomize mosquito net (2009), in which some farmers are offered a
prices at the clinic level. In education, technology while it is withheld from others
Muralidharan and Sundararaman (2009) in the same village. Withholding treatment
and Kremer et al. (2009) randomize teacher from some villages is a less artificial act
and student incentives (respectively) at the than withholding it from households, as the
school level. number of treated villages is likely to be
determined by budget constraints and
When randomization takes place at the treating any of the control villages is unfea-
village level (as an example used for conve- sible. Of course, data collection must still
nience, since this discussion applies also to take place in the control villages, and if the
other levels of randomization) in an RCT, marginal cost of distributing the technol-
two-stage least squares can be performed ogy during surveying is low, then the artifi-
using households as the unit of analysis, cial withholding of treatment will present
provided that the standard errors are clus- an issue.
tered at the village level.11 Clustering typi-
cally causes standard errors to be much A further benefit from including many
greater and requires many villages to be villages in an evaluation is that the effect of
included in the experiment, which increases the technology is estimated using several
the cost and scale of the project. While this geographically distinct locales. This adds a
is an unfortunate consequence, the alterna- degree of external validity to the results,
tive of household-level randomization gives since the estimates will be based on the
a (potentially seriously) biased estimate of results of adoption across locations with po-
the effect of the new technology. tentially heterogeneous effects from
adoption. For example, if the new technol-
When randomization takes place at the ogy is useful only when rainfall is scarce
village level and individuals are used as the (such as a drought-resistant seed variety),
unit of observation, regressing the outcome then measuring the effects of adoption
of interest on treatment status gives the only in a village that experiences plentiful
average effect of the treatment being rain will not reveal the true returns of
offered, regardless of whether the treat- adoption. A study covering many villages,
ment induces adoption. This is known as however, could observe a range of rainfall
the intention to treat effect (ITT). The ITT is levels and obtain an estimated effect closer
a useful quantity because it gives the to the true quantity.
average impact of the treatment per house-
hold regardless of adoption status, which 2. Use supply-side interventions where the
can be used as a measure of the effective- new technology is introduced to entire
ness of the treatment. The ITT accounts for villages
all effects of the technology, both directly Village-level clustering is not sufficient to
through adoption and through spillover recover the desired (ATT + average spill-
effects on adopters and non-adopters. over) estimate because it does not ensure
that adoption due to the treatment corre-
The LATE scales the ITT by the fraction of sponds to those who would take up the
adopters, so it measures the effect of technology under true market conditions.
adoption per adopter. Because the LATE is For this reason, the treatment should
just the scaled ITT, it still includes the effect simulate the introduction of the new tech-
of spillovers. Provided that the treatment nology on the market as closely as possible.
induces adoption for all farmers who would The simplest example of this in the setting
adopt under real-world conditions, while of an RCT is to choose a set of villages that
not inducing adoption for real-world non- do not have the technology and to
adopters, the LATE gives the desired randomly choose a subset of villages in
quantity for impact analysis of a technol- which to sell the technology at the ‘market
ogy: the ATT plus the average spillover price’. Adopters will then be the entire set
effect per adopter. of farmers who find it optimal to adopt
when the technology is available for
In the case of an RCT, clustered randomiza- purchase, i.e., those who would purchase
tion also ameliorates, to some extent, the under real-world conditions. The LATE is as
ethical dilemma presented by Maredia desired: the effect of the technology, (ATT +

24  —  Recent Advances in Impact Analysis Methods for Ex-post Impact Assessments of Agricultural Technology
average spillover), when the technology is of technologies that have already been
made available for sale. diffused. It often allows for use of very
large administrative databases. This is a
It is important to note that not all supply- distinct advantage over RCTs, which are
side interventions yield the correct LATE. If only possible for new technologies.
the product is already available in villages
and the intervention is a subsidy to sellers Other kinds of natural experiments may be
that shifts supply of the technology usable as well. A geographic discontinuity
outward, then the analysis suffers from approach may be possible when a specific
problems similar to those discussed for de- area is chosen for diffusion of the technol-
mand-side treatments. Only the effect on ogy. Provided that the boundary defining
marginal adopters is estimated. Thus it is which farmers receive the technology is not
important for the supply-side intervention physically or politically important (such that
to be a relaxation of a supply constraint so villages on either side of the boundary are
that villages with no access to the technol- very different from each other), the two
ogy are given access at market prices. groups of villages can be compared, with
the status of being on the ‘diffusion side’ of
3. Do not limit research designs to RCTs. the boundary used as the indicator of treat-
Natural experiments can yield reliable ment. The natural experiment is that, since
estimates of impact even in the absence of the boundary is assumed to be arbitrary,
controlled, explicit randomization the side on which the villages lie is essen-
There are situations in which an RCT is a tially random. Regression discontinuity
plausible option that should be pursued. If methods might be applied in order to
a new technology must be rolled out over account for differences between the two
time due to supply constraints, randomizing sides of the boundary due to continuous
the villages receiving the technology at changes in village characteristics over
each phase of the rollout may be a simple space.12 However, here again, we measure
and feasible task that provides precisely the only local treatment effects in the proximity
supply-side RCT necessary for estimating of the discontinuity rule.
impact. This can be done by matching pairs
of villages based on observables, then An example in which a boundary disconti-
randomly drawing treatment within each nuity design might be successful is the in-
pair. Care must be taken not to ‘sabotage’ troduction of technologies that control
the technology by introducing it to areas in Striga hermonthica, a parasitic weed that
which it is unlikely to be taken up, since has spread widely throughout Africa, sup-
such a strategy could damage the reputa- pressing yields of maize and other grains in
tion of the technology and inhibit its suc- affected areas (Berner et al., 1994). Striga is
cessful expansion. spread by wind, livestock droppings, and
sale of contaminated seed at markets.
In other cases, it is not possible to plan and There may be a geographical frontier
carry out an RCT. While there may be op- between areas that are infested and those
portunities for good impact analysis, some that have yet to be affected, with the
creativity is required. Rollouts of a technol- frontier advancing from year to year.
ogy that were arguably random, even when Suppose that researchers map the infesta-
they were not explicitly randomized, can be tion frontier and collect baseline data on
analyzed in a similar way to those of RCTs. crop yields (and other outcomes), prior to
The assumption of randomness in the the introduction of a new striga control
rollout cannot be fully tested, so it is impor- technology (whether chemical or biological)
tant that researchers with institutional for sale to farmers.
knowledge of the technology and its
rollout process provide guidance on how Figure 2 gives a stylized illustration of the
the rollout occurred. In other cases, the geographic discontinuity design that could
rollout follows explicit rules based on ob- be used in this context. The ‘T’ villages are
servables that can be used to instrument those affected by striga where the new
treatment. Provided that the necessary data technology is offered for sale. The ‘U’
are available, treating the rollout process as villages are unaffected because the infesta-
a natural experiment allows for the analysis tion has yet to reach them. The boxed ‘U’

Recent Advances in Impact Analysis Methods for Ex-post Impact Assessments of Agricultural Technology  —  25


U T T T: treated
U: untreated
T in sample

boundary of infestation

Figure 2. Stylized illustration of a geographic discontinuity design

and ‘T’ villages form the treatment and Such unique research designs will be case-
control groups under consideration, specific and will require intimate knowl-
because they are sufficiently close to the edge of the technology’s introduction and
boundary to make them comparable along subsequent diffusion. Brainstorming involv-
all dimensions except for their exposure to ing economists as well as staff involved in
striga. the technology’s development and release
will help identify suitable options.
The effect of the technology can be esti-
mated by a DD method that uses introduc- Whether use of PSM survives as a viable
tion of the technology as an instrument for strategy depends on the details of the tech-
adoption, then compares the change in nology diffusion process. The only situation
yield for the baseline-infested (treated) in which PSM is obviously suitable is when
areas to the baseline-uninfested areas availability of the technology in villages is
(control). The intuition is that in the as good as random after conditioning on
absence of infestation, changes in yield observable characteristics of the village.
over time between the treatment and This does not seem likely, but if the re-
control villages would be similar. Then the searcher can justify such an assumption,
DD estimator recovers the average change PSM could be a useful approach.
in yield due to adoption, because the unin-
fested area is an appropriate counterfac- 4. Leverage public–private–civil society
tual. Note that while no randomization of partnerships to perform supply-side
treatment is necessary for this evaluation, it interventions
is necessary to have baseline data for both The most likely best case for RCT is the
treatment and control areas, as well as random introduction of a new technology
follow-up data after adoption has occurred. into villages. A potentially attractive means
for doing this is to pursue partnerships
Needless to say, the list of possible research between the originator of the technology
designs is longer than: i) RCTs; ii) arguably / and organizations that are already on the
‘as-good-as’ random rollouts; and iii) geo- ground distributing the technology,
graphic discontinuities. The key is to be whether they are private dealers or NGOs.
creative when defining sources of random In the case of seeds, partnerships with local
variation in supply of the new technology. agro-dealers could provide a fruitful col-

26  —  Recent Advances in Impact Analysis Methods for Ex-post Impact Assessments of Agricultural Technology
laboration for introducing new varieties to the only sustainable suppliers. Incorporating
selected areas. Local agro-dealers already them into the process at the evaluation
provide agricultural inputs to villages and phase is a natural way to accurately estimate
so provide a natural channel for distribut- the effects of the new technology.
ing new varieties.
5. Plan the evaluation before and conduct
An RCT including agro-dealers in the supply it during diffusion of a new technology
chain would need to do two things with The fact that impact analyses are referred
respect to distribution of the new seed to as ex-post does not suggest that they
variety. Firstly, it would have to make the should be planned and performed after the
new variety available to a random subset of fact, a point made clearly in Maredia
dealers. Secondly, it would have to provide (2009). Baseline surveys that reflect pre-
adequate incentives for dealers to actually adoption outcomes accurately must be un-
buy the seeds and offer them for sale to dertaken prior to diffusion, and these may
farmers in their territories. The former take some time to carry out. It goes without
should be simple in most cases, since agro- saying that an RCT requires advanced
dealers already form part of the supply planning prior to rollout of the technology,
chain. The latter might be accomplished by but even if the rollout is not explicitly ran-
subsidizing the wholesale price of seeds to domized, any follow-up surveys taking
dealers. place during the rollout must be ready for
An advantage of releasing the new technol-
ogy through agro-dealers is that farmers are Failing to plan the evaluation ahead of time
already used to buying from them and will has multiple negative consequences. The
have some confidence that supply will first is that it may result in a lack of appro-
remain available in the future (as opposed priate baseline data on the pre-adoption
to obviously randomized interventions characteristics of farmers and villages. The
where it is unclear whether the new tech- second is that the researcher may miss a
nology will continue to be offered for sale in chance to implement a clear research
the future). In addition, prices are set ac- design. The last is more subtle and relates to
cording to market forces because the dealer the temptation to evaluate the technologies
has a profit motive. This makes observed that are perceived to have been already suc-
adoption more reliable than interventions cessful. By planning and executing impact
that push new technologies by methods analyses for all projects, even those that are
outside of the traditional supply chain. After not perceived to be successes, it is possible
all, once the rollout is complete, regardless to obtain a better picture of the returns to
of the method, it is likely that dealers will be the entire portfolio of projects.

Recent Advances in Impact Analysis Methods for Ex-post Impact Assessments of Agricultural Technology  —  27
6. Examples of approaches to evaluation

The goal of this section is to give concrete subset of villages or communities that are
examples of impact analyses that could be un- engaged in tilapia farming and randomize
dertaken using the methods discussed. Each them into treatment and control groups.
example is based on a new technology devel- Then a baseline survey of household and
oped in collaboration with a CGIAR research farm characteristics would be conducted.
center and each proposes a way to evaluate
impact as the technology is rolled out. It should If public–private partnerships are viable in
be noted that these proposals are for new Bangladesh, aquaculture suppliers and
technologies that have yet to be completely dealers in or near villages selected for treat-
diffused. This is not a coincidence: the best ap- ment would be offered the GIFT seed and
plications are those for which evaluations take monetary incentives to sell the new variety.
place as the technology is rolling out. This would both make supply available to
dealers and ensure that they actually offer
6.1 Genetically improved farmed the GIFT for sale so that farmers have a
tilapia chance to adopt it. If private partnerships are
not feasible but NGO or governmental in-
The Worldfish Center, along with other or- volvement is strong, these groups could offer
ganizations, has spent decades developing extension services that sell GIFT in the treated
genetically improved farmed tilapia (GIFT) villages. Control villages would experience no
through selective breeding programs. The changes. After a period of time long enough
fish ‘seed’ is distributed through public– for farmers to purchase, use, and realize the
private partnerships in many countries, benefits and costs of the new variety, a fol-
mostly in Southeast Asia. Adoption has low-up survey would be conducted.
been most successful in the Philippines and
Thailand. Distribution in Bangladesh has For the empirical analysis, the dependent
been logistically difficult, resulting in very variable would be the change in outcome
little adoption. Adoption in Vietnam has (yield, income, profit, consumption, etc.)
had some success, but there appears to be between baseline and follow-up surveys.
room for more growth. The variable of interest – adoption of the
GIFT variety – would be instrumented by a
Previous impact evaluation, summarized in variable equal to 1 if the village was
an Asian Development Bank report (Opera- offered GIFT seed and 0 if the village was a
tions Evaluation Department, 2005), has control. The estimated coefficient on
relied mostly on research station and adoption would then give the effect of
on-farm evaluations of differences in yield adoption on adopters (ATT), plus any spill-
(weight at harvest) and surveys of fish overs induced by adoption.
farmers for information on profitability.
The report states that the yield numbers are It is not clear (to the authors) how much
controversial, highly debated, and not care- learning-by-doing there is in tilapia farming
fully peer-reviewed. or how fast adoption would take place. If
these are thought to be important factors,
Because the ADB report mentions explicitly then follow-up surveys could take place
that there have been supply-side con- over successive years to estimate the path
straints in Bangladesh, an RCT may be ap- of adoption and outcomes over time, but
propriate for assessing the impact of GIFT only if the control group did not obtain the
on such outcomes as yield, income, farm GIFT technology in the meantime.
profits, and poverty. While the estimated
impacts would be specific to Bangladesh, 6.2 Treatment for internal parasites
the results may be applicable to some in goats
extent to countries where diffusion has
already been successful. The first step of the During the past decade, the Australian
evaluation would be to identify a random Centre for International Agricultural

28  —  Recent Advances in Impact Analysis Methods for Ex-post Impact Assessments of Agricultural Technology
Research (ACIAR) and the International school. The second effect of interest is from
Livestock Research Institute (ILRI), among an instrumental variable (IV) regression
others, have conducted a program to using the school’s presence as an instru-
educate Filipino farmers about the serious ment for farmers’ adoption of the new
problem of parasites in goats, and to help techniques.
them introduce strategies for preventing
mortality from parasites. The work is docu- An obvious concern with this approach is
mented in a report by ACIAR (Montes et al., the potential for spillover of knowledge
2008). After researching optimal procedures between communities where the schools
and technologies for preventing and com- are offered and those where they are not.
bating parasites, they performed outreach The seriousness of this problem depends on
activities in the form of intensive farmer the geographical distance between the
livestock schools funded by national and communities and the degree of interaction
local governments. Farmers invested their between them. It does not seem that the
time and effort in class learning as well as spread of parasites between farmers’ herds
investing in de-worming drugs and making is an important issue. Even in the presence
on-farm improvements. The focus was on of spillovers of this sort, an RCT would still
non-chemical means of control, partly be useful. If there is no spillover, then the
because drug-resistant worms are becoming IV regression yields the pure ATT of the
a serious problem. new techniques, while if there are spill-
overs, the IV regression gives the ATT plus
Previous impact analysis has attempted to the impact of the spillovers from adoption.
estimate the ATT through a case study with
very few animals. This ATT does not neces- 6.3 Drought-tolerant maize varieties
sarily reflect the impact of the methods
because it is not clear that it represents the The Drought Tolerant Maize for Africa
outcomes under actual ranching behavior. (DTMA) Project13 is a major ongoing effort
These benefits were then projected onto conducted by the International Maize and
the population by using the estimated Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT) and
adoption rate in the regions included in the the International Institute for Tropical Agri-
program. culture (IITA). The project claims that the
gains from introduction of drought-toler-
The technology being evaluated is a ant varieties will lead to yield advantages
package of livestock management tech- of up to 34% over improved but non-
niques taught by the schools. A simple drought-tolerant varieties (La Rovere et al.,
impact evaluation of this technology would 2010), with up to 50% advantage during
select a group of villages or communities drought seasons. This is an ex-ante estimate
where goats are raised, then randomly from field trials, so it is important to
offer field school classes to a subset of evaluate such claims under real-world
them. This should be done only in parts of adoption as the program progresses and
the country that have not yet been exposed diffusion takes place.
to the schools, since the program took
place initially in two regions but would be A straightforward RCT supplying new seed
suitable for other areas of the country as varieties to a random subset of agro-dealers
well. After the classes conclude and suffi- could be used for such an evaluation.
cient time has passed for farmers to fully Indeed, given that the project is still at a
implement their new techniques, follow-up relatively early stage and supply is still
data could be collected on farm-level severely constrained, this could prove to be
outcomes. an excellent candidate for an RCT evalua-
tion. An additional approach may also be
An analysis that randomly offers classes in useful, and this is illustrated here as an
new regions would have two effects of example of using a natural experiment for
interest. First is the reduced form effective- the evaluation of technologies.
ness of the schools themselves in changing
outcomes. This can be obtained by regress- Drought tolerance is a risk-reducing tech-
ing outcomes of interest (profitability, herd nology designed to limit yield losses in
mortality, etc.) on the presence of a field times of drought rather than increase yields

Recent Advances in Impact Analysis Methods for Ex-post Impact Assessments of Agricultural Technology  —  29
in times of adequate rainfall. As discussed structed measure of predicted drought.
in section 2.1, evaluating this technology After matching farmers on the basis of
requires that drought actually occurs for drought risk, the DD estimator can be used
some of the farmers involved in the evalua- to see how the change in yield over
tion. Our suggested approach is to compare baseline differed by drought status. The
adopters in areas with equal levels of average of this difference is the yield ad-
drought risk, but where some experienced vantage of the technology under drought
drought and others did not. A DD estimator conditions.
that controls for ex-ante drought risk can
be used to obtain estimates of the yield This estimate can then be multiplied by the
effects (and other outcomes) for actual average probability of drought to obtain
adopters. In this case, the randomization the expected annual yield gain from
required for identification in a natural ex- adoption for adopters. A similar method
periment comes from rainfall shocks. could then be used to estimate impacts for
profits, income, and poverty status,
The first step of this evaluation would be to provided that sufficient data were collect-
perform a baseline survey on areas where ed. Adoption effects could then be disag-
adoption of drought-tolerant varieties is gregated on the basis of drought risk. The
likely to be high when they become avail- effect for farmers at relatively low drought
able on the market. A follow-up survey risk might be compared with those at high
would then be conducted on the same risk to see if the realized gains during
farmers once sufficient time has passed for drought seasons are the same. Stratifying
substantial adoption to occur. Researchers the matching on such other household
would then identify the subsample of characteristics as gender of household head
farmers who had adopted the new or education level could give effects for dif-
drought-tolerant varieties made available ferent subpopulations, providing a richer
by DTMA. The sample should include view of the distribution of the technology’s
farmers within a similar agro-ecological impacts.
zone (although the evaluation could
include comparisons within several zones), There are important caveats to this research
but who are spread far enough apart to approach. Adopting the technology and
provide variation in realized rainfall and lowering drought vulnerability for maize
drought. The sample would then be further may lead farmers to re-optimize their pro-
limited to adopting farmers who experi- duction plan and farm activities, which
enced drought at baseline. This is an impor- could include the planting of more risky
tant requirement for identifying the effect crops since their maize production risk has
of the drought-tolerant varieties. fallen. Since adopting farmers experiencing
drought and those not experiencing
The next step would be to compile fine- drought will have engaged equally in this
grained historical rainfall data for the areas re-optimization, such an effect would not
in the sample. This data would be used to be identified by looking at differences
estimate the drought risk for each farmer in between the two groups of adopters. Simi-
the dataset. larly, if the drought-tolerant variety has an
improved yield even in times of good
The econometric strategy is to compare rainfall, this change cannot be identified
adopters with similar levels of drought risk separately from the time trend in yields for
but who had different realized drought adopters. The estimated adoption effect
outcomes. This can be done either with here would indicate only by how much the
ordinary least squares (OLS) regression or adoption of drought-tolerant varieties
with PSM. Indeed, this is a good example of alters the drought to no drought spread in
the proper use of PSM, since matching outcomes. Changes in production behaviors
between farmers that were affected by and good-weather yield could be examined
drought and those that were not would casually by comparing changes in crop com-
take place on the estimated probability of position and labor supply for adopters with
drought. The key assumption to make this those of non-adopters using DD, but the
analysis valid is that risk of drought is validity of this analysis would depend on
random after conditioning on our con- the assumption that in the absence of

30  —  Recent Advances in Impact Analysis Methods for Ex-post Impact Assessments of Agricultural Technology
drought-tolerant adoption, the adopters rainfall and drought are basically random
and non-adopters would have changed after conditioning on the past history of
these choice variables in the same way and rainfall. The fact that the technology’s
that yield trends for the non-drought-toler- benefits are activated randomly allows
ant variety were similar between adopters adopters to be compared with other
and non-adopters. adopters. The key here is that we are not
matching on the basis of a choice variable,
The key aspect of this example, and what but rather on an arguably exogenous
makes a natural experiment feasible, is that variable in the form of drought risk.

Recent Advances in Impact Analysis Methods for Ex-post Impact Assessments of Agricultural Technology  —  31
7. Long-term and aggregate effects

7.1 The challenge of estimating 7.2 Estimating the effects of

long-term and aggregate effects technological change with long
panel data
The econometric methods discussed so far
can be used to establish the impact of tech- This is best illustrated by Foster and Rosenz-
nology adoption on outcomes at the weig’s body of work on the effects of the
producer level. These outcomes can be of dif- Green Revolution in India (Foster and
ferent types (yield on the plot, production on Rosenzweig, 1996; 2003; and 2004). Starting
the farm, welfare of the household, or labor in the mid-1960s with the introduction of
demand), but in all cases impact is being new hybrid seed varieties, the Green Revo-
measured on the units of observation used in lution led to significant improvements in
the statistical analysis (similar methods can be crop yields over a long period of time. An
used to measure impact at the consumer important aspect of the Green Revolution
level, on health for example). The units could experience is that it progressed at a differ-
be villages, but will never be much bigger ent speed in different parts of the country,
since statistical analysis requires a very large creating the opportunity to analyze its
number of observations. In addition, such effects in a panel setup. A simplified model
impact can be measured only when technol- that captures the essence of the methodol-
ogy diffusion is incomplete and it is possible ogy for measuring the impact of yield im-
to find counterfactuals that are unaffected by provement on household or village level
the technology. Therefore, impact analyses outcomes is written as:
can be conducted only before sector-wide or
economy-wide effects have taken place, if the Yivt = βyieldvt + Xivtγ + μi + vt + εivt
implementation or even the data collection
requires some design. Yvt = βyieldvt + Xvtγ + μv + vt + εvt

On the other hand, we are often interested where Yivt (Yvt) are outcomes of interest at
in measuring ex-post the aggregate benefit the household (village) level, yield is an
of a technology that has diffused over large index of yield at the village level, X are
areas. In this case, the overall impact of the control variables, μi (μv) are fixed household
technology should capture the changes that (village) effects, vt fixed time effects, and ε
occurred in aggregate supply, demand, and error terms. The yield index is a Laspeyres
price in the sector. If the sector is large index of village level yield on irrigated HYV
enough, with spillovers into input markets, crops. Foster and Rosenzweig use a panel of
employment, and income effects, the impact about 4,000 households from 250 villages
analysis should also include general equilib- with three rounds of observations (in 1971,
rium effects. There is, of course, no counter- 1982, and 1999).
factual situation that can be observed, and
hence researchers will resort to different With spatial and temporal fixed effects,
types of analyses. One is to focus on smaller identification of the impacts of an
units of observation (such as villages) on the increase in yield comes from the
presumption that markets are not well inte- differential change in yields across
grated, so each unit represents a small villages. In some specifications, the time-
‘economy’; and to rely on econometric fixed effect is State-specific, focusing the
analysis of the observations over time to identification on the differential pace of
identify the causal effect of uneven develop- yield improvements across villages within
ment of technological change on these a State. Outcomes of interest are, for
units. The second type of analysis is to resort example, agricultural income, non-farm
to simulation models to extrapolate impacts income, or total income at the household
measured at the micro level (most often in- level; and rural wage, non-farm employ-
creases in yields) to the level of aggregate ment, total income, or poverty at the
effects. village level.

32  —  Recent Advances in Impact Analysis Methods for Ex-post Impact Assessments of Agricultural Technology
A couple of issues are worth noting: economy at large. They rely on functional
1. The yield index used in the equation is form assumptions, assumptions on supply
affected by more than just and demand elasticities, and strong as-
technological change. This is because it sumptions on the functioning of the
results not only from technological markets. Hence, in no way can these models
change but also from changes in be considered to estimate an aggregate
productive inputs such as fertilizer, impact in the same sense as econometric
labor, or education, all possibly methods. On the other hand, they are a
influenced by technological change, but powerful way of translating micro-level es-
also by other factors. So there may be timations into plausible orders of magni-
some concern that changes in the yield tude of macro effects, if done with care and
index at the village level capture the with sufficient sensitivity analysis.
other factors that are correlated but not
due to technology change. To The most common of these simulation
circumvent this problem, Foster and models is the economic surplus approach,
Rosenzweig (1996 and 2003) recover a based on a partial equilibrium model of the
district-year specific technology factor sector in which the technological change
from estimation of a farm-level profit has occurred. The idea is that technological
function, and then instrument yield change induces a shift in the supply curve,
with this technology factor and some which in turn induces a decline in price and
village characteristics. a new equilibrium on the market. The
economic surplus is calculated as:

( 1 + 12 ε k+ ε )
2. The estimation measures the effects of
relative changes in yields across villages, ES = pqk s d
but not the nationwide or State-level
aggregate effects of technology where p and q are the initial price and
change. For example, the extent to quantity of the commodity of interest, k is
which the Green Revolution brought the proportional shift in the supply curve
about a large decline in prices over the induced by technology change, and εs and
whole of India, thereby reducing εd are the supply and demand elasticities.
poverty, is captured by the time-fixed
effects and not attributed to the The key input to this simulation is of course
changes in yield. the k factor, i.e., the direct effect of techno-
logical change on the supply curve. The
Still, this approach goes a long way towards factors that allow the extrapolation from k
understanding the aggregate and long- to the value of the economic surplus are
term impacts of a large technological the observed total output and price, and
change such as that embedded in the Green the assumed elasticities (usually drawn from
Revolution. Note, however, that the analysis some other studies).
is very demanding in terms of data, as it
requires a sufficiently large sample of ob- The k factor is determined by the combina-
servations to be representative of the ag- tion of changes in yield and costs. Pictured
gregate area of concern, over a long period on a supply curve, changes in yield are hori-
of time that covers the technology diffusion zontal shifts, while cost reductions are
period, and detailed farm data that allow vertical shifts, which can be made equiva-
for extracting the role of technological lent to proportional yield changes with the
change from observed yields. supply elasticity. Most studies focus on in-
creases in yields. Changes in yields them-
7.3 Extrapolating micro results with selves are drawn from either field trials or
partial equilibrium simulation observational differences in yields between
crop varieties. Neither is very satisfactory.
models What is needed is an estimated supply shift
A second type of analysis uses simulation or yield increase that can be causally attrib-
models. These translate or extrapolate the uted to technological change. Hence the
(estimated/measured) microeconomic challenge is as described in section 7.2 on
effects into some aggregate number, based estimating the impact of technology on
on assumptions about the sector or the yield.

Recent Advances in Impact Analysis Methods for Ex-post Impact Assessments of Agricultural Technology  —  33
This method has been used extensively in general equilibrium models for cases where
ex-post studies, computing time series of the change in technology is sufficiently
economic surplus based on observed output large to induce effects on trade and on
and prices, and assumed elasticities, and output and input markets that, in turn, may
then aggregating the results over years to induce spillover effects on other sectors
compute the aggregate effect. In many of (Arndt et al., 1999; Dorosh and Thurlow,
these studies, the principal effort has been 2009; Diao et al., 2010). The most
to measure the area (and output) affected commonly used type is the computable
by the specific technological change of general equilibrium (CGE), a model in
interest, notably the development of which supply and demand in all markets is
certain varieties by the CGIAR (Byerlee and balanced with endogenous prices, although
Traxler, 1995). Some studies run sensitivity a few studies use the social-accounting
analyses to the assumed elasticities. The matrix (SAM) multiplier approach, a
method is also used in ex-ante studies, Keynesian demand-driven general equilib-
based on field trials for specific varieties rium model with excess supply in all
(see Falck-Zepeda et al., 2007). markets.

7.4 Poverty simulation CGEs essentially represent a system of

markets that reach equilibrium through
A further step in applying a ‘poverty elastic- prices. Very broadly speaking, they consist
ity’ to the calculated aggregate production of: (i) supply functions for each sector of the
increase or welfare effect to obtain an economy, derived from production models
impact on poverty has been taken (Fan et that are usually some combination of a
al., 2005; Alene et al., 2009). The key constant elasticity of substitution (CES) ag-
question of course is how the poverty elas- gregate in primary factors of production and
ticity has been estimated and whether or Leontief technology for intermediate inputs;
not it applies to this specific context. Obvi- (ii) demand functions emanating from
ously, the poverty effects of an increase in households (using some standard demand
aggregate welfare depend on who benefit- system); and (iii) markets that balance either
ed from the increase in economic surplus with flexible prices or with quantity adjust-
among large producers, small producers, ments according to tradability.
urban consumers, etc., and what their initial
poverty levels were. So it seems a bit of a CGEs were developed initially for the
stretch to conduct a simulation exercise by modeling of trade and they remain stron-
applying a poverty elasticity estimated in a gest in this area. Foreign goods and
different context to an aggregate increase in domestic goods are imperfect substitutes
production. Poverty impact should be ad- (using CES and constant elasticity of trans-
dressed with rigorous econometric analyses formation or CET functions), which also
like those discussed in section 7.2. lead to specific demands for imports and
supplies of exports in response to the
In conclusion, the validity and usefulness of relative prices of foreign and domestic
these simulations is nothing less than the goods. The rest of the model includes gov-
validity of the elements that enter into the ernment and institutions that tax or
simulations. It is therefore critically impor- transfer, mostly with fixed shares (e.g., the
tant that the k factor is estimated rigorous- return to labor or to capital in each sector is
ly, that sensitivity analyses are made on the allocated in fixed proportions across house-
elasticities in the economic surplus simula- holds, etc.). Sectors thus compete through
tions, and that it is clear that these are their interactions in the input and factor
useful simulations as opposed to impact markets. The data needed for such models
estimations. essentially provide a static picture of all the
flows in one particular year (the SAM
7.5 Computing aggregate impacts derived from national income accounts and
with general equilibrium simulation an input–output matrix) from which all
shares are derived and which have four sets
models of elasticities: (i) elasticity of substitution
Going beyond the sector model discussed in between factors in the production function;
the previous section, researchers have used (ii) demand elasticities (or more specifically

34  —  Recent Advances in Impact Analysis Methods for Ex-post Impact Assessments of Agricultural Technology
the parameters of a consistent demand the extent of these models’ assumptions (in
system) for households; (iii) elasticity of sub- terms of market functions, representation of
stitution between imported and domestic agents that make choices, existence of trans-
goods; and (iv) elasticity of transformation actions costs and constraints, heterogeneity
between commodities for the domestic across producers, etc.) makes them more
markets and exports for each sector. suitable for discussion of alternative broad
policy choices than for actual predictions of
CGEs can have different levels of disaggre- the effect of such specific shocks as techno-
gation (e.g., number of sectors, number of logical change. The paper by de Janvry and
household types) and, because elasticities Sadoulet (2002) uses archetype CGEs to illus-
are rarely estimated and most often trate the different channels through which
‘guessed’, there is a difficult tradeoff an agricultural technological change can
between gaining details in shares and affect the rest of the economy. Although
having to rely on an increasing number of widely cited, this paper only intends to illus-
assumed elasticities. Most CGEs are static trate the different channels incorporated in
models, although some have introduced a CGE, and to show how their relative im-
the updating of capital stocks, labor supply, portance varies with the relative structural
and possibly technological factors that features of economies, the degree of
make them sequentially dynamic. However, openness of the economy, the substitutabil-
an additional set of assumptions is needed ity between foreign and domestic goods,
for these ‘updatings’. Some models attempt and the functioning of markets. Stark con-
to capture the particularity of self-con- trasts can then be shown to exist in the
sumption (Arndt et al., 1999), or link micro- impacts of the same technological change
simulations applying the results obtained in across archetypes that represent a South
CGEs to individual households and, by this, Asian or a sub-Saharan economy. Sensitivity
to obtain a better measure for poverty analysis shows qualitative results to be
effects (Diao et al., 2010). robust, but quantitative results cannot be
taken too seriously. In the application of
CGEs have the advantages of a consistency focus of this paper – measuring the impact
framework that forces markets and budgets of a technological change – CGE simulations
to balance, and an anchoring of all simulat- can basically help track, under a set of
ed effects on the observed initial relative strong assumptions, the economy-wide
sizes of sectors and commodities. However, effects of that particular change.

Recent Advances in Impact Analysis Methods for Ex-post Impact Assessments of Agricultural Technology  —  35

1 Examples of this type of analysis include 7 Bellon and Reeves (2002) collect a
Fan et al. (2000), Evenson and Gollin number of recent papers elaborating on
(2003), Raitzer and Kelley (2008), on-farm trial methods and their
Maredia and Raitzer (2010), and Alston comparison with research station trials.
et al. (2000). 8 Note the contrast between the
2 This paper does not specifically address objectives and methods of the
issues concerning CGIAR research on agricultural scientist and the economist.
best practice or policy. The scientist wants to hold all factors
3 As Gollin (2010) says, “the current constant between treatment and
generation of improved varieties is not control plots, including all
so easily identified. Nowadays, we are complementary inputs. The economist,
often trying to distinguish between one on the other hand, most certainly does
generation of improved varieties and a not want to hold all else constant, as
previous generation. Are farmers the endogenous adjustments of inputs
growing the ‘old’ hybrid maize, or a and management practices due to
‘new’ hybrid maize? … It is not clear adoption are potentially important
that farmers themselves can accurately determinants of differences in outcomes
tell you what varieties they are between adopting and non-adopting
growing. Even where they purchase farmers. Failing to adjust inputs and
seed, the nature of seed systems in management practices to the new
Africa is such that they may not know technology corresponds to measuring a
with any accuracy what variety they are sub-optimal use of the new technology
growing”. from the farmer’s vantage point.
4 In the case where farmers engage in 9 PSM methods are also common in
substantial subsistence consumption, studies that go beyond analysis of
implied profits can still be measured by agricultural technologies, for example
treating own-consumption as a sale at evaluations by the International Food
local market prices, because this Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) on
approximates the opportunity cost of community development projects
own-consumption. (Nkonya et al., 2008) and farmer field
5 While there are such other interesting schools (Davis et al., 2010).
spillovers as economy-wide price effects 10 Encouragement designs are common in
and the effects of adoption by one medical research, e.g., Hirano et al.
farmer on the adoption decision- (2000). Bradlow (1998) gives a clear
making of other farmers, this paper explanation of encouragement designs
focuses only on spillovers that affect along with an application to marketing.
such microeconomic outcomes as 11 See Cameron and Trivedi (2005) for a
income and profits. technical but approachable review of
6 Good examples of this work can be clustered standard errors, which is
found in Adato and Meinzen-Dick beyond the scope of this paper.
(2007). We should point out that by 12 Imbens and Lemieux (2008) provide a
‘qualitative analysis’ we mean methods useful guide to regression discontinuity
that are not data-driven in reaching designs. An important caveat of all
their conclusions. There is some discontinuity designs is that they
confusion on this point because in a estimate the LATE for those close to the
quantitative analysis, binary variables boundary, which might not be
(like poverty status) are often called applicable far from the boundary.
‘qualitative’ data. Using binary variables 13 For more information about DTMA, see
in a quantitative framework does not
imply that the analysis is qualitative.

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