An Assessment of The Impact of Agricultural Research in South Asia Since The Green Revolution

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An Assessment of the Impact of Agricultural Research in South Asia since the Green Revolution

Unit of the CGIAR System Office An Assessment of the
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e since the Green Revolution

Science Council August 2008

August 2008


Editing, layout and proofreading: Green Ink Publishing Services Ltd, UK (
Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research

An Assessment of the Impact of

Agricultural Research in South Asia
since the Green Revolution
Peter B.R. Hazell

Centre for Environmental Policy

Imperial College London

August 2008

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The CGIAR Science Council encourages fair use of this material provided proper citation is made.

Correct citation: Hazell P.B.R.. 2008. An Assessment of the Impact of Agricultural Research in South Asia since the Green
Revolution. Science Council Secretariat: Rome, Italy.

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Tables iv

Acronyms and abbreviations v

Acknowledgements vi

Foreword vii

Summary xi

1. Introduction 1

2. The changing context for R&D 2

2.1 An economic and social transformation 2
2.2 National responses 4
2.3 The CGIAR response 5
2.4 Assessing the impact of agricultural R&D 5

3. Productivity impacts 7
3.1 Productivity impact pathways 7
3.2 Evidence on economy and sector-wide impacts 7
3.3 Evidence on commodity-wide impacts 9

4. Social impacts 17
4.1 Poverty impact pathways 17
4.2 Evidence on impacts within adopting regions 18
4.3 Evidence on economy and sector-wide impacts 19
4.4 Evidence on inter-regional disparities 20
4.5 Evidence on nutrition impacts 20

5. Environmental impacts 22
5.1 Environmental impact pathways 22
5.2 The R&D response 24
5.3 Evidence on impact in Green Revolution areas 25
5.4 Evidence on impact in less-favored areas 26

6. Policy impacts 34
Water policy 34
Bangladesh: Changing the course of food and agricultural policy 34
Pakistan: Examining the effectiveness of subsidies 35

7. Conclusions 36
Productivity impacts 36
Social impacts 36
Environmental impacts 37
Policy impacts 37
Emergent issues 37
Reaching marginal farmers 37
Food price and growth linkage effects 38
Impact assessment issues 38

References 40

An Assessment of the Impact of Agricultural Research in South Asia since the Green Revolution  —  iii

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Table 1. Key economic and social indicators for South Asian countries 2
Table 2. Changes in average farm size and number of small farms 3
Table 3. Total public agricultural research expenditures (million 2005 PPP dollars) 5
Table 4. Estimated internal rates of return to agricultural research in South Asia 8
Table 5. Productivity and poverty effects of government investments in rural India,
1993 9
Table 6. Percentage of harvested area under modern varieties in South Asia 9
Table 7. Percentage of planted area under improved sorghum and millet varieties 10
Table 8. Annual growth rates for crop yields; major producing countries and
South Asia average (% per year) 11
Table 9. Estimated internal rates of return to crop improvement research in
South Asia 12
Table 10. Potato adoption area in South Asia, 2007 (ha) 15
Table 11. Change in extent of forest and other wooded land (‘000 ha) 22
Table 12. Extent of degradation of agricultural land in South Asia 23
Table 13. Classification of favored and less-favored areas 30

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Acronyms and abbreviations

AVRDC The World Vegetable Center

CGIAR Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research
CIP International Potato Center (Centro Internacional de la Papa)
CIMMYT International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (Centro
Internacional de Mejoramiento de Maiz y Trigo)
FAO Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
GDP gross domestic product
GIS geographic information systems
GLASOD Global Land Assessment of Degredation
GR Green Revolution
HYV high-yielding variety
IAASTD International Assessment of Agricultural Knowledge, Science and
Technology for Development
ICAR Indian Council for Agricultural Research
ICRISAT International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics
IFDC International Center for Soil Fertility and Agricultural Development
(formerly International Fertilizer Development Center)
IFPRI International Food Policy Research Institute
IGP Indo-Gangetic Plain
IIFAD International Institute for Food, Agriculture and Development
ILRI International Livestock Research Institute
IMT irrigation management transfer
IPM integrated pest management
IRRI International Rice Research Institute
IWMI International Water Management Institute
LFAs less-favored areas
LISA low-input sustainable agriculture
NARS national agricultural research system
NGO non-governmental organization
NRM natural resources management
PAANSA Policy Analysis and Advisory Network for South Asia
PIDE Pakistan Institute of Development Economics
R&D research and development
RBF raised-bed and furrow
RWC Rice-Wheat Consortium for the Indo-Gangetic Plains
SPIA Standing Panel on Impact Assessment
SRI system of rice intensification
SSNM site-specific nutrient management
TFP total factor productivity
UDP urea deep placement
WorldFish WorldFish Center (formerly International Center for Living Aquatic
Resources Management, ICLARM)
ZT zero tillage

An Assessment of the Impact of Agricultural Research in South Asia since the Green Revolution  — 

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The author is grateful to Jim Ryan, and two external reviewers for helpful
Mywish Maredia, and Tim Kelley for comments, and to Cynthia Bantilan
guidance and valuable comments at (ICRISAT), Deborah Templeton (IRRI),
critical stages in the preparation of this Meredith Giordano (IWMI), Graham
report, and to Nega Wubeneh and Jenny Thiele (CIP), John Dixon (CIMMYT), Jamie
Nasr of the Science Council Secretariat for Watts (Bioversity International), and
research assistance. Special thanks are Diemuth Pemsl (WorldFish) for help in
also due Jock Anderson, Dana Dalrymple, accessing materials from their centers.

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Background and nutritional status. While this and

other criticisms of the GR and post-GR era
The focus of agricultural research by the have often been made, the evidence to
Consultative Group on International Agri- support these claims has not been system-
cultural Research (CGIAR) and its national atically assembled and evaluated.
agricultural research system (NARS)
partners in South Asia in the 1960s and Agricultural research by the CGIAR in sub-
1970s on food crop technologies, especial- sequent decades has tried to address some
ly staple crop genetic improvement, was of these concerns/criticisms by including
driven by the immediate goal of increasing the goals of reducing poverty, protecting
food production and reducing food insecu- the environment and enhancing the sus-
rity. This historical focus on productivity- tainability of natural resources as part of
enhancing technologies in the region has its research strategy. Donors who are
been undeniably successful in achieving critical of the past research strategy in the
the food production goal that guided region are demanding accountability of
policy-makers and researchers at the time. investments towards these broader CGIAR
There is a considerable literature that goals and are concerned that the economic
documents the large impacts of this returns to research in the region may have
research-led productivity growth in the been declining since the 1970s.
cereal food crop sector in South Asia. This
Green Revolution (GR) literature provides
the theoretical basis and piecemeal empiri- Purpose of the study
cal evidence on the associated poverty,
food security and social impacts of this This study critically reviews and assesses the
technology-driven agricultural growth in large body of evidence on the impacts of
the region. agricultural research by the CGIAR and its
partners in South Asia. The long history of
However, the persistence of poverty, research, the extensive databases available
hunger and malnutrition despite the and the vast literature on impacts that exist
evidence of successful productivity effects, in this region provide a fertile ground for
which was evident mainly in rice and this study, which aims to systematically
wheat, has attracted criticism of the examine and understand the complexities
research-led agricultural technology revo- of how research has led to outputs, uptake,
lution in South Asia. Critics blame growing outcomes and impacts, and the distribu-
environmental problems on the increased tional consequences of these.
dependency on the external inputs and
improved management practices that The Standing Panel on Impact Assessment
accompanied productivity-increasing tech- (SPIA) was pleased to be able to engage
nologies. Also, since the productivity- Peter Hazell, a highly respected agricul­
enhancing technologies targeted two tural economist and researcher with a
major crops – rice and wheat – and areas wealth of experience in agricultural
with irrigation potential, as well as neglec- research and development (R&D) and
ting the marginal rainfed areas (and crops impact assessment, as well as a deep
grown in those areas), the technological knowledge of the South Asian develop-
revolution of the 1960s and 1970s is criti- ment and policy experience, to lead this
cized as having distributional effects unfa- study. The specific terms of reference given
vorable to resource-poor farmers. The to him for this study were the following:
technological bias towards rice and wheat
has also led to changes in the relative n To provide a systematic assessment of
prices of different food crops, and this is the extent and scope (type, focus, and
hypothesized to have negatively affected strategy of research) of CGIAR system
the traditional diets of local people and investments to date in South Asia (an
over time negatively impacted their health historical perspective)

An Assessment of the Impact of Agricultural Research in South Asia since the Green Revolution  —  vii

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n To critically review the literature and Some insights and inferences from
systematically summarize: i) the evi- the study
dence to date of outputs, uptake,
influence, outcomes, and impacts of Hazell describes the evolution of priorities
agricultural research (both positive and for agricultural R&D in South Asia from the
negative, economic and non-economic) time of the GR when ‘food first’ was the
in the region by CGIAR and partner imperative and productivity growth in food
NARS programs and ii) the distribution- staples in favored areas was established as
al consequences of research benefits in the primary goal. This led to a subsequent
terms of geographic regions, crop sec- focus in the 1980s on second-generation
tors, and types of producers/consumers priorities such as natural resources manage-
n To draw implications and lessons from ment (NRM), the off-site externalities that
this synthesis of the literature to arose from the intensification associated
address the issues of the gross (positive with the GR, increasing the productivity
and negative) and net payoffs from and quality of high-value crops, trees and
past investments by the CGIAR and livestock, agricultural intensification in
partners (the accountability question), many less-favored areas (LFAs) (including
as well as to help shape current and foodgrain crops), more precise targeting of
future priorities (the institutional the problems of the poor (including en-
learning question) hancing the micronutrient content of food
n To identify knowledge gaps and staples), and analysis of policy and institu-
researchable questions that will tional options for achieving more sustain-
improve the understanding of opp- able and pro-poor outcomes in the rural
ortunities for, and impediments to, sector. The available evidence presented in
agricultural technology enhancement this report suggests that the national public
as a strategy for achieving future R&D systems and the CGIAR have respond-
CGIAR goals, namely poverty allevia- ed well to these changing needs, both in
tion, food security, and environmental terms of their budgetary allocations and
sustainability. the kinds of research they have undertaken.

However, with the current dramatic cereal

In addressing these terms, SPIA hoped to price increases and disturbingly low global
generate a comprehensive and integrated foodgrain stocks leading to another food
assessment of the multi-dimensional crisis, one wonders whether we might not
impacts of CGIAR activities in the region be facing a ‘back to the future’ situation,
that, ultimately, would provide a better where the priority once again should be to
understanding of the direct and indirect sustainable foodgrain productivity improve-
pathways of past impacts of CGIAR and ment in the more-favored South Asian eco-
partner research on different producer systems. This is obviously a key strategic
and consumer groups, e.g., rural versus question both for the CGIAR and its NARS
urban, irrigated versus rainfed, resulting partners in the region. With the growing
from research-led productivity improve- numbers and share of urban poor expected
ments. The intention was to first assemble in future, there is also a question as to the
available information on economic appropriate future emphasis in R&D strate-
impacts, then to go beyond this benefit– gies on poor smallholder/subsistence
cost calculus into the documented social farmers with small or no marketable sur-
and environmental impacts in a more pluses of foodgrains, versus those farmers
systematic manner. with larger marketable surpluses that can
exert a more powerful influence on
SPIA believes this report goes a long way foodgrain prices, which are so critical to the
towards answering those critically impor- welfare of the urban poor and poor net
tant questions and compliments Peter buyers of foodgrains in rural areas.
Hazell for conducting a thorough review
and analysis and producing a well- Hazell’s analysis of alternative paradigms to
written, lucid report. It recommends the the GR approach such as organic farming
report to investors and stakeholders in and low-input sustainable agriculture (LISA)
the CGIAR and to its partners. favored by the International Assessment of

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Agricultural Knowledge, Science and Tech- and environmental goals in agricultural
nology for Development (IAASTD), indicate research and for determining the kinds of
that these do not seem to be viable in the research that offer the best prospects of
favored areas where the GR had its major win-win-win outcomes. While assertions
impact, but may offer more promise in abound about the negative environmental
LFAs. The conclusion one can draw from impacts of productivity-enhancing agricul-
this is that it is unlikely that shifting to such tural developments, there are actually few
alternative paradigms at this critical empirical studies that have documented or
juncture as an alternative to the GR quantified this effect. Indeed, it is likely
approach, as preferred by the IAASTD, that much of the productivity-enhancing
would successfully address the current food research has had positive (but unmeasured)
crisis. effects in terms of saving millions of
hectares of forested land from coming
Hazell points out that today agriculture in under crop cultivation.
South Asia is not so significant in the liveli-
hoods of the poor as it was in the GR era. As there are very few impact studies from
Rural nonfarm revenue is a much more im- South Asia that estimate returns to research
portant source of income than previously. investments corrected for environmental
This means that agricultural productivity costs and benefits, or that calculate the
increases from R&D cannot be expected to research investment cost associated with an
have the same impact on growth and observed reduction in the number of poor,
poverty alleviation as in the 1960s and Hazell emphasizes the need to develop a
1970s, even though it still remains the most set of environmental and poverty indicators
attractive win-win public investment oppor- that can be used in comprehensive impact
tunity in the region. There is some evidence assessments; a broader range of indicators,
of this in the declining poverty reduction not all of which need to be quantitative, is
impacts of rice research investments over required.
the time since the GR era from one study
cited by Hazell. While poverty reductions While SPIA fully concurs with the need to
are currently cost-effectively achieved by develop robust and relevant social and en-
rice research investments, the cost of raising vironmental indicators of the impact of ag-
each person out of poverty is increasing. ricultural research, it considers measurable
indicators preferable to qualitative ones, as
The main findings from Hazell’s analysis are they lend themselves to wider application
generally consistent with what is widely and aggregation of effects when scaling
known or believed about the GR and post- up. The need for such indicators applies to
GR developments, i.e., that agricultural all types of agricultural research, not only
research has continued to provide essential for productivity-enhancing avenues such as
outputs that have helped maintain produc- food crop genetic improvement research.
tivity growth in agriculture, continues to SPIA is about to commission such a study.
generate high economic rates of return on Social impacts can include effects on food
investments and, indirectly, through the security, poverty, vulnerability, nutrition,
price effects, has contributed to food health, education and the overall well-
security and poverty alleviation, both rural being of society. Environmental conse-
and urban. While a number of empirical quences can include the effects on the soil,
studies demonstrate the link between agri- water, wildlife and biodiversity of the local
cultural research investments and produc- and downstream (and global) environment.
tivity outcomes, there are few empirical Pecuniary and non-pecuniary indicators
studies that link agricultural research in- that capture direct and indirect, positive
vestments to poverty and environmental and negative, and intended and unintend-
outcomes. As Hazell points out, apart from ed social and environmental impacts will be
needing these kinds of studies to assess the explored in the SPIA study.
economic value of poverty and environ-
mentally oriented research, they are also Hazell indicates the need for a holistic
needed to better understand the potential household approach to the assessment of
tradeoffs and/or complementarities the impacts of agricultural research on
between attainment of productivity, social, poverty, due to its complexity. There are

An Assessment of the Impact of Agricultural Research in South Asia since the Green Revolution  —  ix

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winners and losers from research, both n The long-term cross commodity effects;
among households within a village and e.g., by investing heavily in rice and
even among members within a household, wheat improvement, did South Asia
as well as between rural and urban dwellers create a negative bias towards the devel-
and favored versus LFAs. These impacts are opment of coarse grains, pulses and oil-
also both direct and indirect. SPIA recog- seeds and did this bias have an adverse
nizes these complexities and is about to impact on the food income and nutri-
publish a document that provides strategic tional security of the poorest of the
guidance and a set of good practices in the poor?
design and conduct of ex post impact as- n The positive and negative impacts of
sessment studies of agricultural research increased productivity in wheat and rice
that covers some of these and other issues. systems beyond higher incomes and food
Needless to say, SPIA agrees with Hazell production
that there remains a need to further n The impacts of improved agricultural
document the poverty impacts of agricul- technology on different target groups
tural R&D in South Asia, as there are too (rural versus urban; irrigated versus rain-
few quality studies to draw upon. fed, etc.).
n The value and desirability of exploiting
According to the study, the jury is still out databases in conducting further impact
on whether specifically targeting agricul- assessment research to address the
tural research to the problems of poor impact gaps identified in this study, such
smallholder households and women is as the dearth of studies on crops other
paying off in South Asia. It seems clear that than rice, wheat, and maize and on live-
agricultural R&D is effective in reducing the stock and fish.
numbers of poor people, but its effective-
ness in reducing inequalities and inequities
is less clear. Other instruments may be pref- We are most grateful to Peter Hazell for
erable to achieve these goals. agreeing to undertake this study on behalf
of SPIA. It is obvious that his wide experi-
ence in South Asia enriched his assessment
Conclusions of the literature and led to a most percep-
tive report that contains many important
There are many other important insights in strategic implications.
the paper that deserve the readers’ atten-
tion. Space does not allow me to elaborate Thanks are due to my colleague in SPIA,
further here; however, suffice it to say that Mywish Maredia who was the focal point
in general the study has addressed all of on this study, along with Tim Kelley in the
the terms of reference, although to varying Science Council Secretariat who, along with
degrees. Where there was incomplete myself (as SPIA Chair) helped to define the
coverage, this was largely due to the original scope and rationale for the study
paucity of peer-reviewed literature, to and also provided guidance and critical
which the author limited his search. It is feedback at several points throughout its
possible that the grey literature could have conduct. We also appreciate the two
supplied additional information, but SPIA external referees who provided constructive
concurs with the author’s decision to only comments and suggestions to the author.
use quality references. He has identified
gaps in the literature as the terms of refer- Finally we thank Green Ink for editing and
ence specified and has provided a better producing this report for publication.
understanding and strategic guidance for
the CGIAR and its partners in their pursuit
of the goals of poverty alleviation, food Jim Ryan
security, and environmental sustainability
in South Asia. Chair,
Standing Panel on Impact Assessment
A few issues that deserve more attention and Member, Science Council
than was possible in the present study
include: 1 June, 2008

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The Green Revolution (GR) helped trans- favored areas (LFAs) with low levels of land
form South Asia. It pulled the region back productivity. Many of the rural poor have
from the edge of an abyss of famine and diversified their livelihoods to the point
led to regional food surpluses within 25 where agriculture now plays a relatively
years. It lifted many people out of poverty, small and declining role, a shift that has
made important contributions to economic been facilitated by growth of the nonfarm
growth, and saved large areas of forest, economy.
wetlands, and other fragile lands from con-
version to cropping. The research that un- In this evolving context, the priorities for
derpinned the GR was highly successful in R&D have changed from a narrow GR-era
achieving the objectives of the time, and it focus on the productivity of foodgrains to
returned a high rate of economic return. a need for more work on natural resources
But even as one important research agenda management (NRM) and sustainability
was fulfilled, new problems and challenges issues; managing off-site externalities; in-
arose that required significant evolution of creasing the productivity and quality of
the research and development (R&D) high-value crops, trees and livestock; agri-
system and its research priorities. cultural intensification in many LFAs; more
precise targeting of the problems of the
Poverty and malnutrition had not been poor, including enhancing the micronutri-
eliminated, and although poverty shares ent content of food staples; and analysis of
fell, the number of poor people stubbornly policy and institutional options for achiev-
persisted at unacceptable levels. Wide- ing more sustainable and pro-poor
spread malnutrition, increasingly in the outcomes in the rural sector.
form of micronutrient deficiencies rather
than calorie or protein shortages, also The available evidence suggests that the
remained. The GR introduced new environ- public R&D systems and the Consultative
mental problems of its own, especially those Group on International Agricultural
related to the poor management of irriga- Research (CGIAR) have responded well to
tion water, fertilizers, and pesticides. Doubts these changing needs, both in terms of
have arisen about the sustainability of in- their budgetary allocations and the kinds
tensively farmed systems, and off-site exter- of research they have undertaken.
nalities such as water pollution, siltation of Moreover, market liberalization has
rivers and waterways, and loss of biodiver- enabled a more diverse set of agents to
sity have imposed wider social costs. engage in agricultural R&D, and private
firms and non-governmental organizations
The economic transformation that began (NGOs) have helped ensure that important
to unroll in South Asia as the GR advanced research and extension needs have not
also dramatically changed the context for been overlooked.
agricultural R&D. Sustained increases in
average per capita income and urbaniza- The results of this changing research
tion led to diversification of national diets agenda have been mixed and are summa-
with rapid growth in demand for many rized under the headings of productivity,
high-value foods and slow growth in social, environmental, and policy impacts.
demand for food staples. Agriculture’s
share in the gross domestic product (GDP)
declined steadily, but its share in the work- Productivity impacts
force declined more slowly, leading to
widening income gaps between agricultural The yields of major food crops have con-
and non-agricultural workers. Continued tinued to grow on average, though some-
rural population growth also increased the times at slowing rates. Crop improvement
number of small-scale and marginal farmers research has continued to raise yield po-
and many of these are located in less- tentials, as illustrated by the development

An Assessment of the Impact of Agricultural Research in South Asia since the Green Revolution  —  xi

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of hybrid varieties for most of the major Social impacts
food crops. Breeders have also given
greater priority to stabilizing yields Agricultural research has had mixed impacts
through varieties that are more robust to on the poor within adopting regions.
environmental and pest stresses and are Impacts vary with the type of technology
genetically more diverse. Farmers have and the socio-economic conditions in which
widely adopted improved varieties. they are released. Also, because the poor
are impacted through a number of differ-
Increased productivity in agriculture still has ent channels (e.g., through changes in their
strong growth linkage impacts on regional own on-farm productivity, agricultural
and national economic development in wages and employment, food prices and
South Asia, but these are not so powerful local nonfarm opportunities), assessment of
as they were during the GR era. South net impacts requires a holistic approach at
Asia’s economic transformation has led to the household level. Now that agriculture
a more diverse set of engines for national plays a smaller role in the livelihoods of the
economic growth, and agriculture no rural poor, agricultural growth may offer
longer dominates; even many rural areas weaker benefits for the poor in adopting
are now driven more by urban than by agri- regions unless it is carefully targeted.
cultural linkages. However, productivity
growth in agriculture is still important for When the impacts of agricultural productiv-
underpinning a good deal of agro-based ity growth through growth linkages and
industry as well as the livelihoods of vast food prices are taken into account, there is
numbers of rural people. It is also necessary much more consistent evidence that it
for maintaining favorable national food reduces poverty. Since rural and urban poor
balances, keeping food prices down, and people alike spend large shares of their
meeting the region’s rapid growth in income on food, then their real incomes
demand for high-value foods. improve significantly when food prices fall.
Aggregate analyses show that public invest-
The economic returns to crop improve- ments in agricultural research have proved
ment research have remained high and very effective in reducing poverty, with
well in excess of national discount rates. more people raised above the poverty line
Public investments in crop improvement per dollar spent than almost any other
research also give higher returns than public investment in rural areas. Market lib-
most other public investments in rural eralization may have reduced the power of
areas. There is little credible evidence to the growth linkages and food price effects,
suggest these rates of return are declining as suggested by diminishing numbers of
over time. poor helped per dollar spent on research in
recent years. Even so, the numbers of poor
The CGIAR centers have remained at the helped each year remain impressive.
forefront of crop improvement research,
and large shares of the varieties released Agricultural R&D has been less successful in
by national programs contain improved reducing inter-household and inter-
genetic material obtained from the regional inequalities. In adopting regions
centers. Impact assessments that attribute where R&D has successfully reduced
some of the benefits from R&D to CGIAR poverty, it has sometimes disproportionate-
centers also confirm impressive contribu- ly helped richer households and widened
tions. They show annual benefits in excess income gaps. Also, LFAs that have not been
of US$1 billion just from the CGIAR’s work able to benefit from many improved tech-
on rice, wheat and maize, which is more nologies have also been left behind. Spill-in
than enough to cover the costs of the benefits in the form of cheaper foods and
CGIAR’s entire global program let alone improved migration opportunities have
the $65 million or so spent in South Asia helped buffer such inequalities, but they
each year. These kinds of calculations are have rarely been sufficient to remove them.
at best indicative but do suggest that from Agricultural research is by no means unique
a narrow productivity perspective the in accentuating inequalities while reducing
CGIAR’s research in South Asia continues poverty; economic growth in general can
to be a sound investment. have this effect. The solution may lie in

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better targeting of agricultural R&D, or save water and fertilizer use, and reduce
with complementary policy interventions problems with waterlogging, soil degrada-
(e.g., conditional cash transfers and pro- tion and nitrate runoff. IPM does not
gressive tax policies) that might be more appear to lead to significant yield gains in
cost-effective in reducing inequalities. South Asia, but it does save on pesticide
costs, reduces worker exposure to harmful
By generating food surpluses, agricultural pesticides, and protects biodiversity. Zero
R&D has helped overcome widespread mal- tillage and greater incorporation of organic
nutrition in South Asia due to insufficient matter into intensively farmed soils have
calorie and protein intake. Unfortunately, also proven beneficial. The evidence is
malnutrition persists, but now more in the much less clear on the benefits of organic
form of micronutrient deficiencies, often farming or the system of rice intensification
referred to as ‘hidden hunger’. The diversi- (SRI), though the contributions of some of
fication of diets into higher-value foods, SRI’s individual management practices for
even among the poor, has helped contain transplanting seedlings, water manage-
this problem, but many poor people are still ment, and soil improvement are consistent
lacking an adequate diet. Some agricultural with other research.
R&D has successfully addressed this problem
by increasing the productivity of nutrient- Research on these topics has generated
rich foods (e.g., fruits, vegetables, and fish) favorable benefit–cost ratios, but the po-
for on-farm consumption and by increasing tential benefits have been constrained by
marketed supplies that have lowered the adoption levels that are far too small in
prices of these products for the poor. relation to the scale of the environmental
However, it has been shown that, on their problems to be solved. Major reasons for
own, such interventions are often insuffi- poor adoption include the higher labor
cient to overcome hidden hunger among requirements of many improved manage-
participating households; it is also necessary ment practices, high levels of knowledge
to provide complementary investments in required of farmers, continued subsidies on
nutrition education and health services, water and fertilizer in many South Asian
targeted in ways that empower women countries, and the externality nature of
with additional spending power. some environmental problems. These
problems are not easily solved through
additional technology research, but require
Environmental impacts complementary changes in government
policies and local institutions. Some policy
Considerable research has been directed at research on these issues has had favorable
the environmental problems associated impacts.
with agriculture in South Asia. In GR areas,
R&D has focused on the problems of sus- In LFAs, good productivity impacts have
taining high yields in stressed environments been obtained from crop improvement
and reducing off-site externality problems. research focusing on plant tolerance of
In LFAs, research has focused on ways of re- drought and poor soil conditions and resis-
versing resource degradation and sustain- tance to pests and disease. The resulting
ably intensifying agricultural production. higher and more stable crop yields enable
These problems have attracted a diverse set subsistence-oriented farmers to reduce the
of NGOs as well as the usual public and area they use to plant food staples, thereby
international research institutions. easing pressure on more fragile land. In
India, public investments in crop improve-
In GR areas, some of the best yields and en- ment research in many LFAs have gener-
vironmental impacts have been obtained ated favorable benefit–cost ratios, some-
from research on more efficient use of times in excess of the ratios obtained from
water and fertilizers, and from integrated research in many GR areas. Research on
pest management (IPM) practices. Adapting watershed development and associated soil
management practices for irrigation and and water management issues has contrib-
fertilizer application to align more precisely uted to some successful watershed devel-
with the changing needs of plants over opment programs in South Asia. These
their growing period can improve yields, have been shown to increase agricultural

An Assessment of the Impact of Agricultural Research in South Asia since the Green Revolution  —  xiii

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productivity, reduce soil erosion, and agriculture in South Asia as the economic
improve groundwater levels. The most transformation proceeds. Agriculture’s
successful watershed development projects share in the GDP is already much lower
have strong local participation, usually in than its employment share, implying that
the form of a well-managed local organi- the average productivity of agricultural
zation. workers is already lower than that of non-
agricultural workers. This is reflected in
The spread of better technologies and man- widening per capita income gaps between
agement practices in LFAs has been con- farm and nonfarm workers and between
strained by poor infrastructure and market rural and urban areas. Unless South Asia is
access, high labor requirements, the need to become a much larger exporter of agri-
for farmer training, inadequate property cultural goods, the gap can only be reduced
rights, and the need for effective collective if the number of agricultural workers
action. Some policy research on these issues declines. This exit is a normal part of the
has had favorable impacts. economic transformation of a country, and
is driven by increasing opportunities for
workers to move to faster growing sectors
Policy impacts in manufacturing and services. In this
context, investments in large numbers of
The economic transformation of South Asia marginal farmers could simply end up
in recent years and the huge success of the delaying the inevitable, much as happened
GR necessitated some major changes in in Europe during the 20th century.
agricultural policies. With market liberal-
ization, the established role of the state in The second aspect to consider is that, while
marketing, storing, and distributing food, some types of agricultural research can be
providing farm credit and modern inputs, targeted at marginal farmers, it would be
and regulating international trade and too expensive to develop technologies that
agro-industry have all been challenged. The must be tailored to fit with their individual
rapid emergence of high-value agriculture and very diverse livelihood strategies.
and the seriousness of some of the environ- Further work is needed to identify the kinds
mental problems associated with agricul- of research that can still provide public
ture have also required new policy respons- goods on a sufficiently large scale to justify
es. As governments have sought to their cost and which are cost effective
navigate these turbulent waters, there has compared to alternative ways of assisting
been an important opportunity for policy marginal farmers. This issue becomes even
research to help inform the debate. more pressing as R&D resources are
directed at increasing the empowerment
and social capital of the poor.
Emergent issues

A number of issues have arisen in this study Food price and growth linkage
that warrant further attention. These effects
include questions of research policy and
measurement issues in impact assessment Has market liberalization and economic
studies. growth weakened food price effects and
growth multipliers to the point where agri-
cultural R&D can no longer make big reduc-
Reaching marginal farmers tions in poverty? Lower food prices and
growth linkages to the nonfarm economy
Given that agriculture now plays a relative- have played a large role in reducing
ly small part in the livelihoods of many poverty in South Asia in the past, but may
marginal farmers in South Asia, is it still be less important now that food prices are
worthwhile to target agricultural R&D to aligned more with border prices and agri-
their problems or are there less costly ap- culture is a relatively small motor of
proaches? There are two aspects to this national economic growth. There is some
question that need to be considered. First, evidence for this in the form of declining
many more workers will have to exit from poverty impacts per dollar spent on agri-

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cultural research in India, but this is an issue There are very few impact studies from
that warrants further study. A related issue South Asia that estimate a return to a
stems from the observed decline in total research investment corrected for environ-
factor productivity (TFP) growth for some mental costs and benefits, or which calcu-
crops. This implies that unit production late the research investment cost associated
costs are unlikely to fall at the same pace as with an observed reduction in the number
in the past, leaving less room for future of poor. Many environmental problems
price reductions. cannot be captured through productivity
impacts and hence are not so easily quanti-
fied. Other studies measure productivity
Impact assessment issues impacts from new technologies, but limit
their environmental analysis to qualitative
While far from perfect, the literature statements about environmental impacts.
contains a wealth of empirical studies that This may be the most that can realistically
link agricultural research investments to be hoped for, and if there were greater
productivity outcomes, with established agreement on which environmental indica-
analytical procedures for calculating rates tors to use, it would at least be possible to
of returns to investment and benefit–cost allow for research investments to be
ratios. What is lacking is a similar body of ranked in different dimensions. Much the
empirical studies linking agricultural same goes for assessing poverty impacts.
research investments to poverty and envi- While in principle it is possible to convert
ronmental outcomes. Apart from needing changes in the distribution of income into
these kinds of studies to assess the a single social welfare measure for benefit–
economic value of poverty and environ- cost analysis, it is generally more practical
mentally oriented research, they also help and insightful to work with a broader
to better understand the potential trad- range of poverty indicators, not all of
eoffs and complementarities between which need to be quantitative. Again,
product­ivity, social, and environmental agreement on a set of indicators would be
goals in agricultural research and to deter- helpful for more systematic and compara-
mine the kinds of research that offer the tive ranking of research investments in dif-
best win-win-win outcomes. ferent dimensions.

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1. Introduction

The Green Revolution (GR) brought modern report, is broadly defined to have begun in
science to bear on a widening Asian food the early 1980s and extends to the present
crisis in the 1960s. The speed and scale with time.
which it solved the food problem at
regional and national levels was remark- The post-GR period has seen a dramatic
able and unprecedented, and it contributed economic and social transformation in
to a substantial reduction in poverty and to South Asia that has redefined the context
launching broader economic growth in in which the agricultural R&D systems
Asian countries (Asian Development Bank, operate. Understanding this changing
2000). context is important for assessing how re-
sponsive the CGIAR and the national agri-
Although highly successful in achieving its cultural research systems (NARS) have been
primary food goal, the GR left many poor to evolving problems and opportunities, as
people and regions behind, an outcome well as evaluating how effective those re-
that was aggravated by continuing popula- sponses have been. In Section 2 the report
tion growth. While it saved large areas of begins with a brief review of this transfor-
forest, wetlands, and fragile lands from mation and the ways in which national
agricultural conversion, it did not save all policy-makers and agricultural R&D systems
and it generated environmental problems have responded.
of its own, especially ones related to the
overuse and mismanagement of modern The following sections then review the
inputs, the unsustainable use of irrigation evidence on the impact of agricultural R&D
water, and the loss of biodiversity within since the early 1980s. The review draws
rural landscapes and individual crop species almost entirely on peer-reviewed and pub-
(Asian Development Bank, 2000). lished studies so as to ensure reasonable
standards of evidence, and is structured
Agricultural research, including the contri- around four key themes. Section 3 assesses
butions of the Consultative Group on Inter- the productivity impacts of agricultural
national Agricultural Research (CGIAR), R&D; Section 4 assesses social impacts, par-
played a key role in developing the tech- ticularly inequality and poverty impacts;
nologies that powered the GR (Tribe, 1994; Section 5 assesses environmental impacts;
Rosegrant and Hazell, 2000). As a conse- and Section 6 assesses policy impacts. Each
quence, agricultural research and develop- section begins with an overview of the
ment (R&D) has been criticized for contrib- main pathways through which impact can
uting to the poverty and environmental occur, which is then followed by a review of
problems that have continued to plague the available empirical evidence. Section 7
the South Asian continent. In recent synthesizes the findings and makes some
decades, national and international R&D recommendations for future impact assess-
systems have tried to address some of these ment work.
concerns by including the goals of reducing
poverty, protecting the environment, and
enhancing the sustainability of natural re-
sources as part of their research strategy.
Donors who are critical of the past agricul-  An exhaustive literature search was conducted of
tural research strategy in the region seek published materials using electronic searches of library
and journal databases, CGIAR contact persons, and
accountability of investments towards these
personal contacts.
broader goals. To this end, this study
reviews and assesses a large body of
evidence on the impacts of agricultural
research by the CGIAR and its partners in
South Asia. The study focuses on the post-
GR era, which, for the purposes of this

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2. The changing context for R&D

2.1 An economic and social urbanization, and economic diversifica-
transformation tion, with a sharp drop in agriculture’s
share in national gross domestic product
The GR enabled South Asia to move from (GDP) (Table 1; Rosegrant and Hazell,
regional food shortages in the 1960s to 2000). Rising incomes and urbanization
food surpluses beyond effective demand have led to rapid diversification of
within 25 years, despite a 70% increase in national diets with high growth rates in
population. It also contributed to national demand for many high-value foods, par-
economic growth, though the pace of ticularly livestock products and fruits and
national economic growth only really vegetables (Joshi et al., 2007; Dorjee et al.,
picked up in the 1990s after a period of 2003). The agricultural sector has contin-
economic reforms and market liberaliza- ued to grow at respectable rates, as has
tion (Rosegrant and Hazell, 2000). Recent the sector’s total factor productivity (TFP)
years have seen significant growth in growth, but both now lag the manufactur-
national per capita incomes, rapid ing sector (Krishna, 2006).

Table 1. Key economic and social indicators for South Asian countries

Bangladesh India Nepal Pakistan Sri Lanka

Gross national income/capita (US$)

1980–1985 200 290 170 330 380
2006 450 820 320 800 1310
Average growth rate (%)
GDP, 2000–2006 5.6 7.4 2.7 5.4 4.8
GDP/capita, 2005–2006 4.9 7.7 -0.1 4.1 6.6
Agriculture Value Added, 1990–2005 3.2 2.5 2.9 3.5 1.4
Agriculture GDP share (%)
1970 54.6 45.2 67.3 36.8 28.3
1990 36.9 31.0 51.6 26.0 26.3
2005–2006 20.0 18.0 35.0 20.0 16.5
Agriculture labor share (%)
1970 83.5 72.6 94.4 64.6 55.3
1990–1992 66.4 68.1 82.3 48.9 44.3
2001–2003 51.7 Na Na 45.3 34.7
Urban population share (%)
1970–1985 17.5 24.3 7.8 29.3 21.4
1995–2001 25.6 27.9 12.2 33.4 23.1
Population growth (%)
Total (2000–2006) 1.9 1.5 2.1 2.4 0.4
Rural (1990–2005) 1.6 1.4 1.8 2.0 1.1
Poverty (%)a
Rural 53.0 30.2 34.6 35.9 27.0
Urban 36.6 24.7 9.6 24.2 15.0
National 49.8 28.6 30.9 32.6 25.0
Irrigated land (% cropland)
1990–1992 33.8 28.3 43.0 78.5 28.0
2001–2003 54.3 32.7 47.2 81.1 34.4
Growth rate (%), 1990–2005 3.8 1.4 1.0 0.9 2.2

a. The latest poverty data years are: Bangladesh 2000, India 1999/2000, Nepal 2003/04, Pakistan 1998/99 and Sri Lanka
1995/96. Na = not available
Sources: World Bank Indicators and World Bank (2007)

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Notwithstanding these generally favorable tion in food staples production and
trends, agriculture and the rural sector national self-sufficiency goals to greater
remain problematic. Despite out-migration, emphasis on high-value market chains
rural populations and agricultural work and private sector development.
forces have continued to grow in much of n There are too many small farms of ques-
the region, and the share of the total work tionable viability and too many workers
force engaged in agriculture remains obsti- in agriculture to provide reasonable lev-
nately high (Table 1). This has led to in- els of income parity with the non-agri-
creasing pressure on land, and the total cultural work force. On the other hand,
number of farms has continued to increase, growth in exit opportunities is still too
leading to a decline in the average farm low (see Bhalla and Hazell [2003] for an
size and an increase in the number of small analysis of the situation in India). Most
farms of less than 2 hectares (Table 2). South Asian countries have yet to reach
Given that agriculture’s GDP share is declin- a tipping point where the absolute num-
ing much faster than its labor share, the ber of their agricultural workers begins
average productivity of the agricultural to decline. Until that happens, agricul-
workforce (measured in GDP/capita) is nec- ture’s shares in GDP and employment
essarily falling relative to the productivity cannot begin to align, and the income
of the non-agricultural workforce, leading gap between the agricultural and non-
to widening income gaps between the agri- agricultural work forces will widen.
cultural and non-agricultural sectors. n Small farms that cannot diversify into
Poverty, which fell from 59.1% to 43.1% of high-value farming have little chance of
the population between 1975 and the early making an adequate income out of
1990s (Asian Development Bank, 2000), farming. At the same time, market
remains stubbornly high, especially in rural chains have changed, becoming more
areas (Table 1). competitive and integrated and increas-
ingly consumer-driven through the pene-
In this changing context, some of the key tration of supermarkets and other large
challenges that have emerged for agricul- trading firms. These changes have made
ture and the rural economy can be summa- it harder for small-scale farmers to par-
rized as follows: ticipate in new growth opportunities
and many have been left behind (Joshi
n The need to diversify agriculture into et al., 2007).
high-value production to match chang-
ing patterns of domestic and export  In India there were 226.8 million workers in agriculture
demand. This has required a shift in poli- in 1980; this increased to 249.2 million in 1990 and
cy priorities from heavy state interven- 286.8 million in 2000.

Table 2. Changes in average farm size and number of small farms

Number farms under

Country Census year Average farm size (ha) 2 ha (millions)

Bangladesha 1960 1.70

1983/84 0.91
1996 0.68 17.800c
Indiab 1971 2.30 49.114
1991 1.60 84.480
1995/96 1.40 92.822
Nepal b 1992 1.00 2.407
2002 0.80 3.083
Pakistan b 1971/73 5.30 1.059
1989 3.80 2.404
2000 3.10 3.814

Source: a. Hossain et al. 2007; b. Nagayets (2005); c. Anriquez and Bonomi (2007)

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n The rural poor have diversified their live- environmental damage (e.g., waterlogging
lihoods and agriculture now plays a rela- and salinization of irrigated lands, fertilizer
tively small and declining role. Many of runoff, high pesticide use) and to the un-
the agriculturally dependent rural poor sustainable use of ground water and wors-
are also concentrated in less-favored ening water scarcities. The public institu-
areas (LFAs), where gains in agricultural tions that provide power and water remain
productivity have been slower than else- inefficient and have not been adequately
where. reformed, and they are unresponsive to the
n There has been increasing public aware- changing needs of farmers.
ness of the environmental problems
associated with agriculture, and growing Policies towards the high-value sectors have
demand for improved environmental ser- generally been better, and the private
vices such as clean waterways, protection sector has been allowed to operate more
of forest, biodiversity, and sites of natu- freely. In value terms, horticultural and live-
ral beauty. These demands often conflict stock products now account for over half
with current agricultural interests. India’s agricultural output, with most going
Increasing water scarcities also pose a to the domestic market. Government is
growing conflict of interest between active in helping to promote high-value
farmers and the rest of society. exports, and this will be important for
future agricultural growth as domestic
high-value markets become saturated. A
policy challenge for the high-value sector is
2.2 National responses linking many more small-scale farmers into
these increasingly integrated market chains
The Indian experience, reviewed below, (Joshi et al., 2007).
typifies the important policy changes that
have occurred in most South Asian coun- The national agricultural R&D system has
tries. made several important adjustments over
the years. Beginning in the 1980s, the
The national policy response to the private sector, which had already been
changing agricultural situation in India has active in research on pesticides, fertilizers,
been slow compared to the speed with and agricultural machinery, began to
which the government embraced the expand into crop improvement research
economic liberalization policies of the early (Evenson et al., 1999). For example, across
1990s. Progress has been particularly slow Asia, the private sector has captured more
in liberalizing foodgrain markets, including than 89% of the maize seed market largely
associated agro-industries. This has led through the production of hybrid rather
many farmers and agro-processing firms to than open-pollinated varieties (Gerpacio,
become locked into unprofitable activities, 2003). This has been facilitated by a
with growing dependence on government national seed policy, which allows
price and subsidy supports. importation of seed materials and majority
ownership of seed companies by foreign
The government has been unable to cut companies. The government also provides
input subsidies for farmers (power, water, tax breaks for private research expenditures
fertilizer, and credit). The cost has grown to and has strengthened intellectual property
over Rs. 450 billion per year which, unlike in rights over research products (Pal and
earlier GR days, is now largely a wasted in- Byerlee, 2006). Some non-governmental
vestment in terms of productivity growth organizations (NGOs) have also become
(Jha, 2007). Moreover, the high cost of the actively involved, such as the M.S.
subsidies has squeezed out productive Swaminathan Research Foundation and the
public investments in rural infrastructure Mahyco Research Foundation.
and R&D, and these have shrunk as a share
of total public expenditure (World Bank, These changes have led to a much more
2007). diverse set of actors and agendas in
agricultural R&D, with more focus today on
The large input subsidies on power, water, NRM and sustainable agriculture, the
and fertilizer have also contributed to problems of LFAs and poor farmers, and

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more participatory research approaches. issues, including forest, fish, and biodi-
Yet, at the same time, there has been ex- versity
pansion of research capacity in modern n Greater focus on the problems of LFAs
science and biotechnology. n Agricultural policy.

In real terms, South Asian countries nearly The CGIAR consistently spends 25–30 % of
tripled their public spending on agricultural its total budget on Asia, although it does
R&D between 1981 and 2002 (Table 3). not report a separate breakout for South
Research has also been diversified over the Asia (CGIAR Annual Reports). Its research in
years to reflect the growing diversification South Asia is dominated by five centers: the
of the sector and the importance of envi- International Crops Research Institute for
ronmental and social issues. In 1996–1998, the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT), Internation-
about 35% of the research resources of the al Rice Research Institute (IRRI), Internation-
Indian Council for Agricultural Research al Maize and Wheat Improvement Center
(ICAR) were allocated to crops research, (CIMMYT), International Water Manage-
20% to livestock research, 15% to NRM, ment Institute (IWMI), and the Internation-
and 12% to horticulture. Social science al Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).
received about 2.5% of total expenditure Total CGIAR spending in Asia in 2006 was
but 10% of the allocation of total scientists US$131 million. Assuming half of this went
(Pal and Byerlee, 2006). Private sector to South Asia, this would have been about
research expenditure accounts for small US$65 million. This is slightly less than half
shares of total R&D spending in most South of the combined total budgets of the five
Asian countries other than India (Beintema centers that do most of the work in the
and Stads, 2008). region, and about 3% of total public R&D
spending in the region (Table 3). The CGIAR
has become a relatively small partner in the
2.3 The CGIAR response region.

The CGIAR centers have maintained a com-

modity research focus on productivity 2.4 Assessing the impact of
growth for South Asia, but with greater agricultural R&D
attention to sustaining high yields through
improved management techniques in GR Assessing the impact of agricultural R&D
systems (e.g., the Rice-Wheat Consortium within this rapidly unfolding economic,
for the Indo-Gangetic Plains [RWC]) and en- social, institutional and policy context is
hancing the nutritional and consumer traits complex, much more so than assessing
of modern crop varieties (e.g., the Harvest impact during the GR era. First, there are
Plus Challenge Program on biofortification). many more dimensions to impact assess-
Additionally, a broader research agenda has ment today, not all of which can easily be
evolved that includes work on: measured or quantified. In addition to the
usual productivity-based approaches, which
n Poverty, gender, and empowerment form the foundation of most benefit–cost
n More general environment and NRM and rate of return analyses, there are

Table 3. Total public agricultural research expenditures (million 2005 PPP dollars)

Bangladesh India Nepal Pakistan Sri Lanka South Asia

1981 396 630

1991 81 746 223 39 1103
1996 82 861 15 188 42 1188
2002 109 1355 26 171 51 1712

Source: Beintema and Stads (2008)

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important social (e.g., poverty, inequality, standard and quantitative indicators for
and empowerment) and environmental assessing productivity impacts, there is
(e.g., sustainability, ecosystem, and human much less consensus on how to measure
health) dimensions to consider. There is poverty and environmental impacts and
also a more diverse array of research less opportunity for establishing broadly
activity. Crop and livestock improvement accepted quantitative indicators. Addition-
work has been the mainstay of most ally, it is difficult to establish relevant
impact assessment work in the past, but counterfactuals for assessing impacts when
much research undertaken since the GR dynamic demographic and market forces
has focused on improved agronomic and are also impacting on poverty and inequal-
NRM practices, environmental manage- ity and adding to pressures on the environ-
ment, human nutrition and poverty alle- ment. Given the long lead times inherent
viation. The mix of research players has in bringing agricultural research to fruition
also changed, leading to more complex and in realizing environmental benefits,
interplays between research organizations. much agricultural research must be
Sometimes this leads to collaborative un- assessed in a long-term framework and
dertakings; sometimes it leads to competi- against goals and market and social
tion driven by different motives (e.g., contexts for which it was not necessarily
private versus public) or conflicting designed. There are also difficult issues to
research paradigms (e.g., low or no-input address when the impact of new technolo-
versus GR technologies). The resulting gies is to be attributed to specific institu-
‘contest’ of ideas and interventions can tions like CGIAR centers. Best practice
lead to healthy enrichment of the technol- guidelines need to be followed:
ogy options available to farmers and to
countervailing checks that prevent any one n Using an adequate counterfactual situa-
approach from overreaching. But some- tion
times it leads to misinformation and con- n Controlling for other relevant factors
fusion, as well as misdirection of scarce that drive change besides R&D
research resources. In this context, n Allowing for the long lead times charac-
evidence-based research that screens and teristic of much agricultural R&D
validates competing paradigms and tech- n Using credible impact measures for social
nologies can also have high social value. and environmental outcomes
Assessing these many dimensions of R&D n Evaluating investments against goals
requires a much broader review of differ- made at the time they were initiated, as
ent types of research activities than has well as against eventual outcomes.
been conventional in the past literature on
impact assessment. Given these kinds of difficulties, the review
that follows draws primarily on peer-
There are also difficult methodological reviewed publications, whose methods are
issues to address. While there are now most likely to meet best practice guidelines.

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3. Productivity impacts

3.1 Productivity impact pathways 3.2 Evidence on economy and
Given the large populations to be fed in
sector-wide impacts
the face of growing resource scarcities, im- The powerful economy-wide benefits ema-
proving agricultural productivity has con- nating from technologically driven agricul-
sistently remained one of the main objec- tural growth were amply demonstrated
tives of agricultural R&D in South Asian during the GR era in South Asia (Mellor,
countries. 1976). In India, the fact that the non-
agricultural share of total national employ-
The most direct way in which R&D can ment did not change for over a century
impact on productivity is through yield (until the full force of the GR was underway
levels and yield variability. But other in the 1970s) provided strong circumstantial
pathways are also important. Crop im- evidence of the importance of agricultural
provement research can shorten growing growth as a motor for the Indian economy.
periods and reduce plant sensitivity to day- This was also confirmed by Rangarajan
length, both of which enable more crops (1982) who estimated that a one percent-
to be grown on the same land each year. age point addition to the agricultural
Research on labor-saving technologies such growth rate stimulated a 0.5% addition to
as mechanization and herbicides can the growth rate of industrial output, and a
increase labor productivity, freeing up 0.7% addition to the growth rate of
labor for other income-generating activi- national income.
ties. Research on NRM, including water
management, can enhance as well as Regional growth linkage studies have also
sustain the productivity of key natural re- shown strong multiplier impacts from agri-
sources. cultural growth to the rural nonfarm
economy (Hazell and Haggblade, 1991;
Productivity growth in agriculture can also Hazell and Ramasamy, 1991). The size of
have far-reaching impacts on the produc- the multipliers vary depending on the
tivity and growth of regional and national method of analysis chosen, and for South
economies. There are several growth Asia they vary between US$0.30 to US$0.85
linkages that drive this relationship: – i.e., each dollar increase in agricultural
income leads to an additional US$0.30–0.85
n Benefits from lower food prices for increase in rural nonfarm earnings (Hagg-
workers blade et al., 2007). The multipliers tend to
n More abundant raw materials for agro- be larger in GR regions because of better
industry and export infrastructure and market town develop-
n Release of labor and capital (in the form ment, greater use of purchased farm inputs,
of rural savings and taxes) to the non- and higher per capita incomes and hence
farm sector consumer spending power (Hazell and
n Increased rural demands for non-food Haggblade, 1991).
consumer goods and services, which in
turn support growth in the service and As South Asian economies have grown and
manufacturing sectors. diversified, other important engines of
growth have emerged at national and
There is a substantial and compelling em- regional levels. In India, for example,
pirical literature on these productivity national economic growth has accelerated
impacts, the evidence for which is to new highs in recent years even as agri-
reviewed below in descending order from cultural growth has slowed. In many rural
macro to micro impacts. The productivity areas, the correlation between agricultural
impacts of improved NRM research are growth and growth of nonfarm income and
largely taken up in Section 5 because they employment has also become weaker
are also important for environmental (Harriss-White and Janakarajan, 1997;
sustainability. Foster and Rosenzweig, 2004). There is also

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evidence that the fastest growth in the the post-GR era and are summarized in
rural nonfarm economy is occurring in areas Table 4. Despite some differences in
linked to major urban centers and transport methods of analysis and time periods
corridors, regardless of their agricultural covered, all the studies show rates of return
base (Bhalla, 1997). that are much higher than any reasonable
discount rate.
This is not to say that agricultural growth is
now unimportant. Agriculture’s contribu- Fan et al. (2000b) used a simultaneous-
tion to national GDP is higher than ever in equations model to estimate the returns to
absolute terms; it is only less important in public investments in agricultural R&D in
relative terms. Moreover, large shares of India. In addition to controlling for other
the working population are still primarily types of public investments (necessary to
engaged in agriculture, as are most of the avoid biasing the estimated returns to
poor. Continued growth in agricultural pro- research), this approach has the added ad-
ductivity is needed to maintain favorable vantage of giving comparative returns
national food balances, meet rising between different types of public invest-
demands for high-value foods including ment. They found that public investment in
livestock products, and raise the living agricultural research yielded the highest
standard of those workers and poor people productivity return in recent decades, with
remaining in agriculture and rural areas. a benefit–cost ratio of 13.5 (Table 5). This
is more than double the benefit–cost
Economic impact of aggregate R&D ratio for the next best public investment –
investments rural roads, and more than 10 times the
Several studies have attempted to measure ratios for education, irrigation, and rural
the economic returns that can be attributed development.
to total public investments in agricultural
research. These studies invariably estimate Fan et al. (1999) also found that the
changes in TFP and the share of that marginal benefits of R&D investment in
change that can be attributed to agricul- India show little sign of diminishing over
tural R&D investments. Evenson et al. (1999) time, unlike some other public invest-
identified 10 ex post studies of the returns ments. This is confirmed by Evenson et al.
to aggregate research programs in South (1999) in a study of the determinants of
Asia. Seven of these, plus a more recent growth in India’s agricultural TFP from
study by Thirtle et al. (2003), extend into 1956 to 1987.

Table 4. Estimated internal rates of return to agricultural research in South Asia

Study Country Period Rate of return (%)

Nagy (1985) Pakistan 1959–1979 64

Khan and Akbari (1986) Pakistan 1955–1981 36
Evenson and McKinsey (1991) India 1958–1983 65
Dey and Evenson (1991) Bangladesh 1973–1989 143
Azam et al. (1991) Pakistan 1956–1985 58
Evenson and Bloom (1991) Pakistan 1955–1989 65
Rosegrant and Evenson (1992) India 1956–1987 62
Evenson et al. (1999) India 1977–1987 57
Thirtle et al. (2003) South Asia a
Various years 1985–1995 24

a Includes Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka

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Table 5. Productivity and poverty effects of government investments in rural India, 1993

Expenditure variable Productivity returns in agricul- Number of people lifted out

ture in rupees (Rs) per rupee of poverty per million rupees
invested invested

R&D 13.45 84.5

Irrigation 1.36 9.7
Roads 5.31 123.8
Education 1.39 41.0
Power 0.26 3.8
Soil and water 0.96 22.6
Rural development 1.09 17.8
Health 0.84 25.5

Source: Fan and Rao (2008)

3.3 Evidence on commodity-wide Adoption rates continue to rise (Tables 6

impacts and 7), and modern varieties are continu-
ally being improved and replaced (Lantican
et al., 2005; Evenson and Gollin, 2003).
Cereals CGIAR-related germplasm continues to be
The spread of modern cereal varieties in used extensively by national breeding
recent decades and their enormous contri- programs in South Asia (Evenson and
bution to the growth in food production Gollin, 2003). For example, over 90% of the
throughout South Asia has been widely wheat varieties now grown in South Asia
documented (Evenson and Gollin [2003] contain CIMMYT-related germplasm
provide a comprehensive assessment). (Lantican et al., 2005).

Table 6. Percentage of harvested area under modern varieties in South Asia

Rice Wheat Maize

1965 0.0 1.7 0.0

1970 10.2 39.6 17.1
1975 26.6 72.5 26.3
1980 36.3 78.2 34.4
1985 44.2 82.9 42.5
1990 52.6 87.3 47.1
1995 59.0 90.1 48.8
2000 71.0 94.5 53.5

Source: Gollin et al. (2005)

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Table 7. Percentage of planted area under improved sorghum and millet varieties

Country Year %

India 1966 1.0
1971 4.1
1976 15.4
1981 23.3
1986 34.5
1991 54.8
1998 71.0

Pakistan 1995–1996 21.0

Millet b

India 1995–1996 65.0

a. Deb et al. (2005b) and Deb and Bantilan (2003)

b. Bantilan and Deb (2003)

Yields of wheat and rice have continued to Byerlee (2002) have shown that degrada-
rise on average across South Asia, but tion of soil and water are directly implicat-
despite continuing improvements in crop ed in the slowing of TFP growth in the
varieties (e.g., the recent release of hybrid wheat­–rice system of the Pakistan Punjab.
rice), annual growth rates are slowing Ladha et al. (2003) examined long-term
(Table 8). This is confirmed by more careful yield trials data at multiple sites across
micro-based studies of wheat and rice yields South Asia and found stagnating or declin-
in the Indo-Gangetic Plain (IGP) (Murgai et ing yield trends when input use is held
al., 2001; Ladha et al., 2003; Cassman and constant. One consequence has been that
Pingali, 1993; Bhandari et al., 2003) and in farmers have had to use increasing amounts
India’s major irrigated rice-growing states of fertilizers to maintain the same yields
(Janaiah et al., 2005). There are several over time (Pingali et al., 1997). There is also
possible reasons for this slowdown: dis- concern that pest and disease resistance to
placement of cereals on better lands by modern pesticides now slows yield growth,
more profitable crops like groundnuts (Ma- and that breeders have largely exploited
heshwari, 1998); diminishing returns to the yield potentials of major GR crops –
modern varieties when irrigation and fertil- though sizeable gaps still remain between
izer use are already at high levels; and the experiment-plot and average farmer yields.
fact that foodgrain prices have until We return to these issues in Section 5.
recently been low relative to input costs,
making additional intensification less prof- Growth in sorghum yields has also slowed,
itable. But there are concerns that the but the yields of maize and millets have
slowdown also reflects a deteriorating crop- accelerated in recent years (Table 8). In the
growing environment in intensive case of maize, the rapid spread of hybrids
monocrop systems. Ali and Byerlee (2002) since the 1980s has added significantly to
and Murgai et al. (2001), for example, yields. Singh and Morris (2005) estimated
report deteriorating soil and water quality that without hybrid maize, India’s annual
in the rice–wheat system of the IGP, and maize production would be about one
Pingali et al. (1997) report degradation of million tons (or 10 %) less each year.
soils and buildup of toxins in intensive Growth in millet yields accelerated in recent
paddy (irrigated rice) systems. years because improved varieties were only
developed and released in the 1980s, and
These problems are reflected in growing are still spreading (Bantilan and Deb, 2003).
evidence on stagnating or even declining
levels of TFP in some of these farming Not all of this progress can be credited
systems (e.g., Janaiah et al., 2005). Ali and to agricultural research. Nevertheless,

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Table 8. Annual growth rates for crop yields; major producing countries and South Asia aver-
age (% per year)

Crop/country 1961–1970 1971–1980 1981–1990 1991–2000 2001–2005 1961–2005

Bangladesh 0.43 2.45 2.67 2.67 2.27 1.97
India 1.14 1.64 3.59 1.08 0.85 1.95
South Asia 1.15 1.78 3.20 1.46 1.17 1.94
India 4.46 1.87 3.11 1.82 -0.98 3.05
Pakistan 3.82 3.49 1.62 2.60 2.64 2.65
South Asia 4.27 2.31 2.67 2.03 -0.22 2.95
India 0.54 5.09 1.76 -0.05 0.05 1.38
South Asia 0.58 4.90 1.71 -0.05 0.08 1.35
India 2.02 1.59 2.00 2.04 6.03 1.90
South Asia 1.94 1.54 1.89 2.01 5.89 1.84
India 1.67 1.36 2.52 2.54 1.01 1.73
Pakistan 0.63 1.30 1.29 2.99 15.90 1.63
South Asia 1.69 0.90 2.33 3.51 10.63 2.14
India 0.34 0.93 1.20 0.56 4.37 1.10
South Asia 0.46 0.90 1.17 0.57 4.17 1.08
India 3.82 -1.38 0.22 0.8 2.90 0.18
Pakistan 1.46 0.34 -0.42 3.88 1.42 1.03
South Asia -0.80 -4.11 2.28 4.86 2.98 0.14
India 2.17 3.71 2.21 1.54 -1.52 2.39
Nepal 0.63 -0.73 2.84 0.90 3.62 1.56
Pakistan 2.65 -0.44 -0.37 4.29 2.74 1.35
South Asia 2.78 3.14 1.88 1.56 -0.69 2.23

Source: Calculated from FAOSTAT (

estimates of the economic value of crop im- Going beyond rate of return calculations,
provement research in South Asia are con- Fan (2007) estimated that India’s rice
sistently high (Evensen and Gollin, 2003). variety improvement work contributes
Table 8 summarizes the rates of return esti- about US$3–4 billion per year to national
mated for a range of commodities as found rice production in constant 2000 prices, con-
in studies published since 1985. siderably greater than the total annual cost
of the national R&D system (Table 3). Using
Rates of return range from 20% to 155% some plausible and alternative attribution
and average 60%. They are also consistent rules, Fan also estimated that IRRI’s rice
with the high average returns reported in improvement work can be credited with
the literature for all Asia: Evenson (2001) between 12% and 64% of India’s US$3.6
reported an average rate of return of 67% billion gain in 2000 (i.e., a gain of between
and Alston et al. (2000) reported an US$432 million and US$2304 million), and
average rate of 49.6% (median 78.1%). with 40–80% of the US$3.9 billion gain in
Alston et al. (2000) and Evenson et al. 1991 (i.e., a gain of between US$1560
(1999) found no evidence that rates of million and US$3120 million). He notes that
return are declining over time. IRRI’s contribution has diminished since

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Table 9. Estimated internal rates of return to crop improvement research in South Asia

Rate of return Benefit–

Study Country Commodity Period (%) cost ratio

Nagy (1985) Pakistan Maize 1967–1981 19

Wheat 58
Morris et al. (1992) Nepal Wheat 1966–1990 37–54
Evenson and McKinsey (1991) India Rice 1954–1984 155
Wheat 51
Jowar (Sorghum) 117
Bajra (Pearl 107
millet) 94
Byerlee (1993) Pakistan Wheat 1978–1987 22
Azam et al. (1991) Pakistan Wheat 1956–1985 76
Rice 84
Maize 45
Pearl millet 42
Sorghum 48
Collins (1995) Pakistan Wheat 60–71
Iqbal (1991) Pakistan Rice 1971–1988 50–57
Byerlee and Traxler (1995) South Asia Wheat 91
(spring bread)
Hossain (1998) Bangladesh Rice 1973–1993 16.6
Joshi and Bantilan (1998) India Groundnuts 13.5–25.2 2.1–9.4
(improved variety
plus RBF)
Bantilan and Joshi (1996) India Pigeonpea 1986–2005 a 61
(wilt resistance)
Ramasamy et al. (2000) India Pearl millet 1970–2000 a 27
Mittal and Kumar (2005) India Wheat 1976–1980 65.5
1986–1990 67.8
1991–1995 61.1

a. Projected beyond historical data. RBF = raised bed and furrow

1991 but is still far more each year than is area grown, South Asia captures about
needed to justify the institute’s entire 28% of the benefits, or US$560–1710
research budget. Indeed, in both years it million per year. Similarly, Morris et al.
was enough to cover the annual cost of the (2003; p.156) estimated that the economic
CGIAR’s entire global program! benefits to the developing world from
using CIMMYT-derived maize germplasm
Lantican et al. (2005) estimated that the fall in the range of US$557–770 million
additional value of wheat production in de- each year. Again they do not provide a
veloping countries attributable to interna- regional allocation of these benefits, but
tional wheat improvement research ranges assuming that benefits are shared in rough
from US$2.0 to US$6.1 billion per year proportion to the world share of the area
(2002 dollars). They did not provide a
regional allocation of these benefits, but  This may overstate the benefits to South Asia, since
assuming that benefits are shared in rough the share of the area planted to wheat varieties with
CIMMYT germplasm is lower for all Asia than for the rest
proportion to the share of the world wheat of the developing world (Lantican et al., 2005).

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grown, South Asia captures about 8% of National yield and production variability
the total benefits, or US$45–62 million per are less of a policy issue today, given that
year. international trade can play a bigger role in
stabilizing market supplies and prices. But
Stability of cereal production since large areas of major cereals are still
Modern cereal varieties were developed to planted to relatively few modern varieties,
give higher yields in favorable environ- concern remains about the risk of possible
ments, such as irrigated areas with high fer- genetic uniformity, making crops vulner-
tilizer usage. This led to some initial able to catastrophic yield losses from
concern that they would be more vulner- changes in pests, diseases, and climate. The
able to pest and weather stresses than tra- famine that was triggered by potato blight
ditional varieties, increasing the risk of in Ireland in the 19th century is often cited
major yield and food production shortfalls as an historical example of society’s vulner-
in unfavorable years. Early work by Mehra ability to a narrow genetic base in food
(1981) among others suggested that yield crops. As early as 1786, colonial officers on
variability for cereals in India was increasing the Asian subcontinent recorded the devas-
relative to increases in average yield (higher tation and hunger caused by epidemics of
coefficients of variation) at the national rust disease in wheat. According to such
level, raising the specter of a growing risk records, wheat landraces in India, to which
of national food shortages and high prices millions of hectares were planted, were
in some years. Subsequent analysis showed highly susceptible to rust disease (Howard
that at the plot level, many modern variet- and Howard, 1909). The hunger and starva-
ies were no more risky than traditional vari- tion associated with these events was ag-
eties in terms of downside risk, and that gravated by the absence of any serious
while some crop yields measured at relief efforts at the time, and hence would
regional and national levels were becoming be less likely to occur today. Apart from a
more variable (a bigger problem for maize few isolated incidents, mostly outside the
and other rainfed cereals than for wheat or South Asian continent (e.g., southern corn
rice), this was largely the result of more leaf blight – Helminthosporium maydis – in
correlated or synchronized patterns of the US in 1970 and the vulnerability of IR 8
spatial yield variation (Hazell, 1982, 1989). rice to brown plant hopper in Southeast
Several scholars suggested that these Asia), there has not been a recorded catas-
changes might be attributable to the wide- trophe in production of major food crops in
spread adoption of more input-intensive modern times.
production methods that led to larger and
more synchronized yield responses to The absence of any catastrophic crop
changes in market signals and weather failures is due in large part to extensive
events, shorter planting periods with mech- behind-the-scenes scientific work to
anization, and the planting of large areas prevent such disasters. Crop genetic unifor-
to the same or genetically similar crop vari- mity has been counteracted by spending
eties (e.g., Hazell, 1982; Ray, 1983; Rao et more on conserving genetic resources and
al., 1988). Later studies showed that rice making them accessible for breeding
and wheat yields generally became more purposes; through breeding approaches
stable in South Asia in the 1990s, but the that broaden the genetic base of varieties
patterns for maize and coarse grains were supplied to farmers; and by changing vari-
more mixed, especially at country and sub- eties more frequently over time in order to
regional levels (Sharma et al., 2006; Chand stay ahead of evolving pests, disease and
and Raju, 2008; Gollin, 2006; Larson et al., climate risks (Smale et al., forthcoming).
2004; Deb and Bantilan, 2003; Singh and These measures reflect the growing
Byerlee, 1990).
 Work with molecular markers shows that at the
molecular level, the amount of diversity present within
CIMMYT-bred wheat materials has risen steadily over
 See relevant case study material in Anderson and Hazell time, and the newest CIMMYT lines show similar levels
(1989). of diversity to landraces (Lantican et al., 2005). The
 In contrast to India, Tisdell (1988) found that relative steady increments in diversity reflect the increasing use
yield and production variability of foodgrain fell at district by CIMMYT wheat breeders of varieties and advanced
and national levels in Bangladesh over a similar time lines derived from multiple landraces and synthetic
period. wheats.

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strength of national breeding and genetic agronomic practices built around a raised-
conservation programs, as well as the bed and furrow (RBF) concept. This
backup and support provided by CGIAR package was widely adopted in the state
centers. For example, the CGIAR centers of Maharashtra during the early 1990s and
have contributed to the buildup and char- by 1994 was applied to 47,000 hectares, or
acterization of germplasm banks for South about 31% of the total groundnut area.
Asian crops and have facilitated access to Improved groundnut varieties grown
genetic materials from other parts of the without the full RBF package were also
world. They also spend significant shares adopted on 83% of the cropped area. The
(estimated at between 33% and 50% for full technology package led to average
the commodity centers) of their budgets on yield gains of 38%. It also proved profit-
‘maintenance’ research in order to provide able and average net income increased by
national systems with new germplasm on a 70% per hectare. Taking into account the
timely basis in response to emerging new full costs of the research program incurred
pest, disease and climate risks (Smale et al., by ICRISAT and its Indian partners in devel-
forthcoming). oping the RBF package, the benefit–cost
ratio is estimated at between 2.1 and 9.4
Oilseeds (with internal rates of return between
Demand for vegetable oils has grown 13.5% and 25.2%) over the 1974–2005
rapidly in South Asia since the GR. In India, period, depending on assumptions about
a growing share of this demand has needed the extent of adoption of key components
to be met by imports because domestic pro- of the technology package. The lion’s
duction could not keep pace. Yield growth share of the economic gains is estimated
has accelerated in recent years (Table 8) to be captured by farmers, with less than
and the area planted to oilseeds has also 20% accruing to consumers through lower
increased. In some areas, oilseeds are now groundnut prices.
more profitable than cereals on irrigated
land (e.g., Maheshwari, 1998). Pulses
Pulses are important leguminous protein-
In India, groundnut is the main oilseed rich crops. Grown mostly under nonirrigat-
crop, and ICRISAT has worked with the ed conditions, they are important to the
Indian NARS to develop improved varieties poor. The area planted to pulses stagnated
that are higher-yielding and more resistant or declined with the spread of high-yielding
to disease, pests, and drought. Deb et al. cereal technologies because there were no
(2005a) found that improved varieties have comparable improvements in pulse tech-
been widely adopted in the main ground- nologies at the time. Yields have since in-
nut-producing states of India, and that in creased but the gains tend to be crop-
many cases yields have increased by 50– specific. Chickpea yields, for example, have
100%. Compared to the best-performing picked up in recent years in South Asia
local varieties, the improved varieties also (Table 8), but in India, yields of most other
have 20–30% lower per-ton production pulses grew by less than 1% per year during
costs and per-hectare returns that are at the 1990s, and TFP growth fared little
least 50% higher. The net economic return better (Joshi and Saxena, 2002). Research
to the groundnut improvement research is targeted at pulses has led to improved vari-
not calculated. eties – India alone released 92 improved
pulse varieties during the Eighth Plan
Joshi and Bantilan (1998) have assessed the period (Ramasamy and Selvaraj, 2002) – but
economic returns to an ICRISAT-promoted there has been only modest impact at ag-
groundnut technology package that gregate levels. Nevertheless, there have
involves improved varieties plus improved been smaller scale successes.

Joshi et al. (2005a) report a more than

 Ongoing efforts to contain the spread of Ug99, a new
race of stem rust (Puccinia graminis tritici) in wheat doubling of chickpea production in
that emerged in Uganda in 1999 and has spread to Andhra Pradesh between 1980 and 1995
wheat-growing areas of Kenya and Sudan and now (to 36,000 tons), driven by higher yields
threatens Asia is a good example of payoff from genetic (up 247%) and an increased crop area. The
conservation and maintenance research (Wanyera et al.,
2006). adoption of improved varieties developed

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by ICRISAT played an important role in this Mungbeans are one of the more important
expansion. pulses grown in Pakistan, and about 90% of
the crop is grown in the Punjab. Improved
Shiyani et al. (2002) assessed the impact of varieties were developed by the NARS and
two of ICRISAT’s improved chickpea variet- The World Vegetable Center (AVRDC) that
ies in a poor tribal area in Gujarat, India. are high-yielding, pest-resistant, fast-
The two improved varieties (ICCV 2 and growing and have good consumption char-
ICCV 10) were selected from a range of acteristics. These varieties were released in
existing ICRISAT varieties using participa- the early 1980s (Ali et al, 1997). Ali et al.
tory methods. The improved varieties (1997) have assessed the economic impact
spread quickly, and based on a farm survey, of the improved mungbean varieties based
Shiyani et al. (2002) found that they in- on a farm survey conducted in the Pakistan
creased yields over the traditional variety Punjab in 1994. They report that adoption
by 55% for ICCV 10 and 34% for ICCV 2. was rapid and widespread: Desi, the main
Both varieties reduced unit costs of produc- traditional variety, was grown by 80% of
tion, and net returns per hectare increased farmers in 1988 but by only 10% in 1994.
by 84% for ICCV 10 and 68% for ICCV 2. At the same time, the area planted to
Both varieties also doubled labor productiv- mungbeans increased from about 100,000
ity and reduced the variability of yields. An hectares to 167,900 hectares, and their im-
analysis of adoption patterns shows signifi- portance in total pulses increased from 3%
cantly greater adoption among small-scale in 1980 to 11% in 1993/94. Modern varieties
farmers than larger-scale farmers. raised yields by 45% and per-hectare profit
by 240%. Because mungbeans are grown in
Bantilan and Joshi (1996) assessed the rotation with wheat each year (over two
impact of a wilt-resistant variety of pigeon- cropping seasons), they also had residual
pea (ICP 8863) developed by ICRISAT and impact on wheat yields and reduced the
partners in the 1980s. Wilt is a major need for nitrogen fertilizer by about 45%.
problem in Karnataka, considered the pi- Using a consumer and producer surplus
geonpea granary of India, and nearby approach and also taking account of the
growing areas in Andhra Pradesh, Maha- benefit to wheat production, Ali et al.
rashtra, and Madhya Pradesh. Together, (1997) estimated the net social benefit of
these areas grew 1,280,000 hectares of pi- the improved varieties to be US$20 million,
geonpea in 1990. The improved variety not or US$119 per hectare of mungbeans
only provided wilt resistance, but also raised grown in 1993/94. They did not estimate
yields by 57% and reduced production costs the research costs incurred in developing
per ton by 45%. Although released in the the varieties.
late 1980s, it had been adopted on 60% of
the crop area by 1992/93. Taking account of Potatoes
the research costs of ICRISAT and its Growth in potato yields has slowed in
partners, the internal rate of return was recent years for South Asia, mainly
estimated at 61%. because of slowing yield growth in India,

Table 10. Potato adoption area in South Asia, 2007 (ha)

CIP distributed, CIP cross, NARS NARS cross, CIP Total CIP­—NARS % total planted
Country NARS released selected progenitor partnerships area

Bangladesh 5595 5595 1.47

India 43,016 43,016 3.11
Nepal 35,842 35,842 19.60
Pakistan 0.00
Total 35,842 5595 43,016 84,453 4.11

Source: Unpublished data provided by Graham Thiele, International Potato Center (CIP)

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the largest producing country in the production impacts yielded an estimated
region (Table 8). International Potato present-day value of net benefits over 10
Center (CIP)-related breeding material has years of US$42 million, an expected
yet to widely penetrate the region and benefit–cost ratio of 15 and an internal
was planted on only 4.1% of the potato rate of return of 28% (Kristjanson et
area in 2007 (Table 10), despite an earlier al.,1999). The research is ongoing and
study showing favorable impacts on yields hence has not yet been subjected to an ex
and per hectare returns (Khatana et al., post assessment.
1996). Khatana et al. (1996) also calculated
a projected rate of return of 33% to CIP’s The CGIAR centers have undertaken some
research in India, but this must now be work on vegetables and fruits within the
downgraded because of adoption has context of nutrition and biodiversity conser-
been much slower than was projected at vation (e.g., Bioversity International’s work
the time of the study. on in-situ conservation), but these are not
likely to have had major productivity
Other commodities impacts. AVRDC is a more important player
The rapid growth of high-value agriculture in South Asia, and has contributed to pro-
in South Asia in recent years has led to a ductivity-enhancing research in Bangladesh.
substantial increase in agricultural research In an assessment of that work, Ali and Hau
targeted to high-value commodities. As (2001) show high on-farm returns during
noted earlier, the private sector has the 1990s, improved nutrition outcomes
expanded rapidly into these markets and and an internal rate of return of 42% to
from 1996 to 1998, ICAR – the Indian NARS the cost of AVRDC’s research investment.
– spent about one-third of its total budget However, due to the small scale of the
on livestock and horticulture research. work, the net benefits to the country were
only about US$1 million per year.
The real growth in livestock production in
South Asia since 1980 has been in poultry, WorldFish (formerly ICLARM) has developed
eggs, and dairy production. The only in- genetically improved strains of Nile tilapia
volvement of the CGIAR centers has been for on-farm production and has extended
in research on policy and marketing issues, these to farmers in six Asian countries, in-
and on increasing feed supplies. The Inter- cluding Bangladesh. An assessment of on-
national Livestock Research Institute (ILRI), farm trials by Deb and Dey (2006) showed
ICRISAT, and ICAR have been working yield gains of 78% in Bangladesh, achieved
jointly to develop dual-purpose varieties of without any increase in production costs.
sorghum and millet that have more nutri- Using economic surplus methods, Deb and
tious straw for feeding to ruminants. An Dey (2006) quantified the benefits from –
ex ante assessment using geographic infor- and costs of – research and dissemination
mation systems (GIS) to identify potential by WorldFish and its partners in all six coun-
adoption areas and a feed–animal perfor- tries and obtained an internal rate of
mance simulation model to estimate return of 70.2%.

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4. Social impacts

4.1 Poverty impact pathways Agricultural research could also benefit the
poor in less direct ways. Growth in adopt-
The primary goal of agricultural research ing regions could create employment op-
during the GR era was to increase food pro- portunities for migrant workers from other
duction. Historically, this led to a focus on less dynamic regions. It could also stimulate
foodgrains in high-potential areas where the growth in the rural and urban nonfarm
quickest and highest returns to R&D could be economy with benefits for a wide range of
expected. This strategy was extremely suc- rural and urban poor people. Research
cessful in achieving its primary goal in South could lead to lower food prices for all types
Asia. Additionally, it helped cut poverty in of poor people. It could also improve their
the region during the 1970s and 1980s – access to foods that are high in nutrients
from 59.1% of the population in 1975 to and crucial to their well-being – particularly
43.1% in the early 1990s (Rosegrant and that of poor women.
Hazell, 2000). But it did not eliminate
poverty or malnutrition, and today, despite However, agricultural research could also
the fact that most South Asian countries now work against the poor. Some technologies
have plentiful national food supplies, are more suited to larger farms, and some
poverty is still a major problem. About 450 input-intensive technologies that are in
million South Asians currently live below the principle scale-neutral may nevertheless
US$1 per day poverty line (about the same as favor large farms because of their better
in 1975), and 80% of these are rural and access to irrigation water, fertilizers, seeds,
obtain at least part of their livelihood from and credit. Some technologies (e.g., mecha-
agriculture and allied activities (World Bank, nization and herbicides) could displace
2007; Ahmed et al., 2008). The agricultural labor, leading to lower earnings for
research systems have responded to this agricultural workers. By favoring some
problem by targeting more of their research regions or farmers over others, technology
towards the problems of small-scale farmers could harm non-adopting farmers by
and the rural poor in the hopes of enhancing lowering their product prices even though
its poverty-reducing impacts. only the adopting farmers benefit from cost
Given the complex causes underlying
poverty and the diversity of livelihoods Given that many of the rural poor are si-
found among poor people, the relationship multaneously farmers, paid agricultural
between agricultural research and poverty workers, net buyers of food, and earn
alleviation is necessarily complex. There are nonfarm sources of income, the impacts of
a number of pathways through which technological change on their poverty
improved technologies could potentially status could be indeterminate, with house-
benefit the poor (Hazell and Haddad, holds experiencing gains in some dimen-
2001). Within adopting regions, research sions and losses in others. For example, the
could help poor farmers directly through same household might gain from reduced
increased own-farm production, providing food prices and from higher nonfarm wage
more food and nutrients for their own con- earnings, but lose from lower farm gate
sumption and increasing the output of prices and agricultural wages. Measuring
marketed products for greater farm net benefits to the poor requires a full
income. Small-scale farmers and landless household income analysis of direct and
laborers could gain additional agricultural indirect impacts, as well as consideration of
employment opportunities and higher the impacts on poor households that are
wages within adopting regions. Research not engaged in agriculture and/or who live
could also empower the poor by increasing outside adopting regions. Much of the con-
their access to decision-making processes, troversy that exists in the literature about
enhancing their capacity for collective how R&D impacts on the poor has arisen
action, and reducing their vulnerability to because too many studies have taken only a
economic shocks via asset accumulation. partial view of the problem.

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There is a large literature on the impacts of gaining proportionally more income than
agricultural research on the poor in South larger farmers, resulting in a net improve-
Asia but hardly any impact studies exist ment in the distribution of village income
that quantify the research costs of reducing (e.g., Hazell and Ramasamy, 1991;
poverty. Many studies focus on assessing Maheshwari, 1998; Thapa et al., 1992).
changes in income distribution or poverty
in areas where new technologies have Freebairn (1995) reviewed 307 published
been adopted, but only a few attempt to studies on the GR and performed a meta-
link changes in inequity or poverty to analysis. Nearly all the studies that he
research expenditures. More recently, reviewed focused on changes in inequality
measures of poverty have also been and income distribution rather than on
expanded to include broader and less absolute poverty, the latter emerging as a
quantifiable social impacts, such as empow- more important issue in the 1990s. Free-
erment and changes in social capital. One bairn found that 40% of the studies he
consequence is that if we focus only on reviewed reported that income became
quantitative studies that evaluate the more concentrated within adopting
impact of research investments, this section regions, 12% reported that it remained un-
of the paper would be very short indeed changed or improved, and 48% offered no
and would not do justice to the large conclusion. He also found there were more
amount of research that has been done on favorable outcomes in the literature on
poverty issues or to the large number of Asia than elsewhere, and that within the
studies that shed useful light on how Asian literature, Asian authors gave more
improved technologies can benefit the favorable conclusions than non-Asian
poor at farm and community levels. Those authors. Later studies did not report more
who invest in agricultural research need to favorable outcomes than earlier studies,
know that relevant work has been under- thereby casting some doubt on the proposi-
taken with proven poverty-reduction tion that small-scale farmers adopted,
impacts in the field, even if we do not yet albeit later than large-scale farmers.
have much quantitative evidence to show However, it should be noted that Free-
which types of research give the best bairn’s analysis did not include repeat
poverty impact per dollar invested. studies undertaken at the same sites over
time, such as Hazell and Ramasamy (1991)
and Jewitt and Baker (2007), both of whom
4.2 Evidence on impacts within found favorable longer-term impacts on in-
adopting regions equality. Freebairn (1995) also found that
micro-based case studies reported the most
The initial experience with the GR in Asia favorable outcomes, while macro-based
stimulated a huge number of studies on essays reported the worst outcomes.
how technological change affects poor
farmers and landless workers within Walker (2000) argued that reducing in-
adopting regions. A number of village and equality is not the same thing as reducing
household studies conducted soon after the poverty, and that it may be much more dif-
release of GR technologies raised concern ficult to achieve through agricultural R&D.
that large farms were the main beneficia- More recent studies focusing directly on
ries of the technology and poor farmers poverty confirm that improved technolo-
were either unaffected or made worse-off. gies do impact favorably on many small-
More recent evidence shows mixed scale farmers, but the gains for the smallest
outcomes. Small-scale farmers did lag farms and landless agricultural workers can
behind large farmers in adopting GR tech- be too small to raise them above poverty
nologies, yet many of them eventually did thresholds (Hossain et al., 2007; Mendola,
so. Many of these small-farm adopters 2007). However, the poor can benefit in
benefited from increased production, other ways too. Hossain et al. (2007) found
greater employment opportunities, and that in Bangladesh the spread of high-
higher wages in the agricultural and yielding variety (HYV) rice helped reduce
nonfarm sectors (Lipton with Longhurst, the vulnerability of the poor by stabilizing
1989). In some cases, small-scale farmers employment earnings, reducing food
and landless laborers actually ended up prices and their seasonal fluctuations, and

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enhancing their ability to cope with natural 4.3 Evidence on economy and
disasters. In India, Bantilan and Padmaja sector-wide impacts
(2008) found that the spread of ICRISAT’s
groundnut improvement technology based There is a large econometric literature that
on a RBF concept helped increase social net- uses cross-country or time-series data to
working and collective action within estimate the relationship between agricul-
adopting villages, and this proved especially tural productivity growth and poverty. These
helpful to poor farmers and women in studies generally found high poverty reduc-
accessing farm inputs, credit, and farm im- tion elasticities for agricultural productivity
plements, and in sharing knowledge. Use of growth. Thirtle et al. (2003) estimated that
participatory research methods in the selec- each 1% increase in crop productivity
tion of improved rice varieties in Uttar reduces the number of poor people by
Pradesh, India has been shown to empower 0.48% in Asia. For India, Ravallion and Datt
women as decision-makers in their farming (1996) estimated that a 1% increase in agri-
and family roles, as well as leading to cultural value added per hectare leads to a
greater adoption of improved varieties 0.4% reduction in poverty in the short run
(Paris et al., 2008). and 1.9% in the long run, the latter arising
through the indirect effects of lower food
The lessons from many past studies may prices and higher wages. Fan et al. (2000b)
have less relevance today because of the estimated that each 1% increase in agricul-
changing nature of the livelihoods of the tural production in India reduces the
rural poor in south Asia. With rapid growth number of rural poor by 0.24%. For South
in nonfarm opportunities in much of South Asia, these poverty elasticities are still much
Asia as well as shrinking farm sizes, farming higher for agriculture than for other sectors
and agricultural employment have become of the economy (World Bank, 2007; Hasan
less important in the livelihood strategies of and Quibria, 2004).
the rural poor (Nargis and Hossain, 2006;
Kajisa and Palanichamy, 2006; Lanjouw and There is some evidence that the poverty
Shariff, 2004). Within this new context, elasticity of agricultural growth may be di-
many poor people with limited access to minishing because the rural poor are
land gain more from nonfarm opportuni- becoming less dependent on agriculture. In
ties than from productivity gains or wage Pakistan, for example, agricultural growth
earnings in farming, though investments in was associated with rapid reductions in
education and access to capital are often rural poverty in the 1970s and 1980s, but
crucial for accessing such opportunities the incidence of rural poverty hardly
(World Bank, 2007; Nargis and Hossain, changed in the 1990s despite continuing
2006; Kajisa and Palanichamy, 2006; agricultural growth (Dorosh et al., 2003).
Krishna, 2005). This is not to say that Dorosh, et al. (2003) show that this is partly
publicly funded agricultural research because a growing share of the rural poor
cannot still usefully be targeted to the households (46% by 2001–2002) had
problems of poor part-time farmers. Hazell become disengaged from agriculture; even
and Haddad (2001) identified several op- small farm households and landless agricul-
portunities, including increasing the pro- tural worker households received about
ductivity of food staples to free up land and half their income from nonfarm sources.
labor for other activities, improving the
nutrient content of staples, developing new Some of the studies reviewed in Section 3
technologies for small-scale home garden- that quantified the productivity impacts of
ing of micronutrient-rich food, and using public investments in agricultural R&D also
participatory research methods to enhance assessed the impacts on poverty reduction
the relevance of improved technologies for and provide comparisons with other types
poor farmers. But questions arise about the of public investment. Fan et al. (1999)
efficacy of these kinds of interventions and found that agricultural R&D investments in
whether they are cost effective in reducing India have not only given the highest pro-
poverty compared to alternative types of ductivity returns in recent decades, but
interventions. Answering these questions have also lifted more people out of poverty
should be a priority for future impact per unit of expenditure than most other
studies. types of public investment (Table 5).

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Investments in agricultural R&D and rural Haddad, 2001). A question arises as to
roads dominate all others in terms of the whether the power of these indirect
size of their impacts, and can be considered benefits has diminished over time with
the best win–win strategies for achieving market liberalization and greater diversifi-
growth and poverty alleviation in India. cation of South Asian economies. Also, if
unit production costs are not falling as in
Fan et al. (2007) have used an econometric the past (as reflected in stagnating TFP
model to estimate the impact of rice growth) this will also constrain future food
research in India on poverty reduction, in- price reductions. This is an issue that
cluding providing a breakout of an warrants further study.
estimate of IRRI’s contribution. They found
that about 5 million rural poor people have
been lifted out of poverty each year as a 4.4 Evidence on inter-regional
result of rice improvement research in disparities
India. Using plausible attribution rules, they
estimated that IRRI’s research contribution Agricultural development in South Asia has
accounts for significant shares of these not benefited all regions equally; some of the
annual reductions in the number of rural poorest regions that depend on rainfed agri-
poor. In 1991, IRRI was attributed with culture were slow in benefiting from the GR
raising 2.73 million rural poor people out of (Prahladachar, 1983). The widening income
poverty, but because of the lag structures in gaps that resulted have been buffered to
their model, the contribution declined over some extent by inter-regional migration. In
time to only 0.56 million rural poor in 1999. India, the GR led to the seasonal migration of
They calculated that the number of persons over a million agricultural workers each year
lifted out of poverty for each US$1 million from the eastern states to Punjab and
spent by IRRI declined from 59,040 in 1991 Haryana (Oberai and Singh, 1980; Westley,
to 15,490 persons in 1999. This corresponds 1986). These numbers were tempered in later
to an increase in the cost of raising each years as the GR technology eventually spilt
person out of poverty from US$0.046 per over into eastern India in conjunction with
day in 1991 to US$0.177 per day in 1999. the spread of tube wells. In a study of the
impact of the GR in a sample of Asian
Fan (2007) also estimated the impact of villages, David and Otsuka (1994) asked
agricultural research on urban poverty in whether regional labor markets were able to
India. He estimated that in 1970, accumu- spread the benefits between adopting and
lated agricultural research investments non-adopting villages and found that
lifted 1.2 million urban poor out of poverty, seasonal migration did go some way to fulfill-
and this annual reduction increased to 1.7 ing that role. But while migration can buffer
million by 1995. These numbers correspond widening income differentials between
to between 2 and 2.5% of the remaining regions, it is rarely sufficient to avoid them.
urban poor each year. On a cost basis, 196 In India, for example, regional inequalities
urban poor were lifted out of poverty in widened during the GR era (Galwani et al.,
1970 for each million rupees spent, and this 2007), and the incidence of poverty remains
had declined to 72 urban poor per million high in many LFAs (Fan and Hazell, 2000).
rupees by 1995. Since the same investment
on research also lifted many rural poor out
of poverty (see above), there is a double 4.5 Evidence on nutrition impacts
dividend that makes research investments
especially attractive for reducing poverty. Agricultural research has been very success-
ful in increasing the supply of food and
Lower food prices and growth linkages to reducing prices of food staples in South Asia.
the nonfarm economy played a large role in Making food staples more available and less
most of the results cited above, and these costly has proved an important way through
benefit the urban as well as the rural poor. which poor people benefited from techno-
These indirect impacts have sometimes logical change in agriculture (Rosegrant and
proved more powerful and positive than Hazell 2000; Fan et al., 1999; Fan, 2007).
the direct impacts of R&D on the poor Several micro-level studies from the GR era
within adopting regions (Hazell and in South Asia found that higher yields

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typically led to greater calorie and protein amounts on milk, meat, and other nutrient-
intake among rural households within rich foods, the decline in the share of
adopting regions. For example, Pinstrup- staples is also apparent among the poorest
Andersen and Jaramillo (1991) found that 25% (J.V. Meenakshi, personal communica-
the spread of HYV rice in North Arcot tion). However, since deficiencies in iron
district, South India, led to substantial in- and the B vitamins are common among the
creases over a 10-year period in the energy poor, the increases in micronutrient-rich
and protein consumption of farmers and foods must not always have been high
landless workers. Their analysis showed enough to offset the decline from cereals.
that, after controlling for changes in Other micronutrient deficiencies exist (e.g.,
nonfarm sources of income and food prices, vitamins C and D), but these are not related
about one-third of the calorie increase to reductions in cereal consumption.
could be attributed to increased rice pro-
duction. Ryan and Asokan (1977) also found Agricultural research has been directed at
complementary net increases in protein and the problem of enhancing the nutritional
calorie availability as a result of GR wheat quality of the diets of the poor. The main
in the six major producing states of India, research strategies are:
despite some reduction in the area of
pulses grown. n Improvements in the productivity of
fruits, vegetables, livestock, and fish,
More aggregate analysis of the impacts of both in home gardens and ponds for on-
rising incomes on diets and nutrient intake farm consumption and more generally to
has proved more complex, particularly as increase the marketed supplies of these
concern has shifted from calorie and protein nutrient-rich foods
deficiencies to micronutrients and broader n Promotion of food-crop biodiversity,
nutritional well-being. Food price declines especially traditional crops and cultivars
are, in general, good for households that that are rich in nutrients
purchase more food than they sell, as this n Biofortification of major food staples.
amounts to an increase in their real income.
Real income increases can be used to Ali and Hau’s (2001) assessment of AVRDC’s
increase consumption of important staples program in Bangladesh showed significant
and to purchase more diverse and nutrition- improvements in nutrition among partici-
ally rich diets. However, a study of Bangla- pating farm families, as well as increased
desh showed that a downward trend in the supplies and lower-priced vegetables in the
price of rice between 1973–1975 and 1994– market. However, they also found that
1996 was accompanied by upward trends in while home gardens can increase incomes
the real prices of others foods that are richer as well as improve nutritional intake, they
in micronutrients, making these less acces- are not sufficient to improve nutrition to
sible to the poor (Bouis, 2000). Similar desired levels and there is still need for nu-
patterns were observed in India during the tritional education. After reviewing 30 agri-
1970s and 1980s when farmers diverted land cultural interventions (including six from
away from pulses to wheat and rice, leading South Asia) to improve nutrition among
to sharp increases in the price of pulses and participating families, Berti et al. (2004) also
a drop in their per capita consumption conclude that interventions need to be
(Kennedy and Bouis, 1993; Kataki, 2002). complemented by investments in nutrition
education and health services and targeted
Since then, there have been substantial in ways that empower women with addi-
changes in food intake patterns in rural tional spending power.
India. In particular, the share of cereals in
total food expenditure has declined, while Biofortification research is relatively new
that of milk, meat, vegetables, and fruits and, although the CGIAR and its national
has increased. Per capita consumption of partners are working together on some
cereals has also fallen in absolute terms aspects of this under the aegis of the
(Nasurudeen et al., 2006). It is significant Harvest Plus Challenge Program (Bouis et
that these substitutions occurred both al., 2000), it is rather early to measure any
among the rich and the poor; not only do impacts, although one ex ante study has
the top 25% spend relatively greater been completed (Meenakshi et al., 2007).

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5. Environmental impacts

5.1 Environmental impact pathways cropped area, helping to save forest and
other fragile lands from agricultural conver-
Agricultural growth can impact on the envi- sion (Nelson and Maredia, 1999). But inten-
ronment in many ways and it is helpful to sification often brings its own environmen-
distinguish between the problems associ- tal problems. These include water
ated with intensive irrigated and high-po- contamination with nitrates and phos-
tential rainfed areas, where agricultural phates from fertilizers and manures, pesti-
growth is largely of the land-intensification cide poisoning of people and wildlife, un-
(yield-increasing) type, and the problems of sustainable extraction of irrigation water
less-favored or less-developed areas, where from rivers and groundwater, and loss of
agricultural growth is often of the expan- biodiversity within agriculture and at land-
sionary (land-increasing) type. It should be scape levels (Santikarn Kaosa-Ard et al.,
noted, however, that the problems of the 2000; Pingali and Rosegrant, 2001). Intensi-
two types can sometimes overlap. The fication pathways are associated with the
drivers of change and the appropriate GR and arise mostly in irrigated and high-
research and policy responses are quite dif- potential rainfed areas.
ferent in these two environments (Hazell
and Wood, 2008). Just how serious are the environmental
problems associated with agriculture, and
In LFAs, crop area expansion is often are they likely to undermine future produc-
realized by reductions in the length of tion and South Asia’s ability to feed itself?
fallows and by encroachment into forests Measuring environmental impacts of
and fragile lands (e.g., steep hillsides and research and technological change is diffi-
watershed protection areas), resulting in cult and as a result good empirical evidence
land erosion, declining soil fertility, and loss is fragmentary, often subjective, and some-
of biodiversity. Expansionary pathways in times in direct contradiction with the
South Asia are typically associated with overall trends in agricultural productivity.
areas of poor infrastructure and market The available evidence tells a mixed story.
access, poverty, and population pressure.
Some good news is that despite continued
Agricultural intensification in high-poten- agricultural growth, the total forest area in
tial areas helps avoid the kinds of problems South Asia has changed little since 1990
that prevail in many LFAs. By increasing (Table 11). Declines in Nepal, Pakistan and
yields, it reduces pressure to expand the Sri Lanka have been offset by forest expan-

Table 11. Change in extent of forest and other wooded land (‘000 ha)

Forest Other wooded land

Country 1990 2000 2005 1990 2000 2005

Bangladesh 882 884 871 44 53 58

Bhutan 3035 3141 3195 566 609 611
India 63,939 67,554 67,701 5894 4732 4110
Nepal 4817 3900 3636 1180 1753 1897
Pakistan 2527 2116 1902 1191 1323 1389
Sri Lanka 2350 2082 1933 0 0 0
Total 77,580 79,677 79,238 8875 8470 8065

Source: FAO (2005)

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sion in India. There has, however, been a road construction, and urban and industrial
10% decline in the total area of other encroachment. Even where agriculture is
woodland, including a 30% reduction in responsible, we need to separate out the
India, which may be a better indicator of land degradation due to agricultural exten-
the competition between tree cover and sification versus agricultural intensification.
agricultural expansion, particularly in LFAs. It is also hard to reconcile some of these es-
timates with the continuing growth in
Less encouraging are several international average yields and land productivity across
land-assessment exercises that have South Asia. While there are reports of
reported widespread degradation of most hotspot areas where degradation is ad-
types of agricultural land in South Asia. The versely affecting both the productivity and
Global Land Assessment of Degradation sustainability of land, there must be large
(GLASOD) mapping exercise of Oldeman et areas where agricultural productivity is not
al. (1991) found that 43% of South Asia’s adversely affected and where the problems
agricultural land was degraded to some are overstated. Some of the problem areas
degree. Young (1993) subsequently revis- are intensively farmed irrigated areas, but
ited these estimates using additional many are rainfed farming areas that, espe-
national data, claiming the problem was cially in the Himalayas and semi-arid areas,
actually more severe and that nearly three- are farmed more extensively.
quarters of the agricultural land area was
degraded to some extent, and that 40% More detailed data are available about the
was moderately or severely degraded impact of irrigation on the waterlogging
(Table 12). Degradation associated with ir- and salinization of irrigated land:
rigation accounts for 23% of the total
degraded area and for 25% of the moder- n About 4.2 million hectares of irrigated
ately or severely degraded area. For India, lands (26% total) are affected by salini-
Sehgal and Abrol (1994) estimated that zation in Pakistan (Ghassemi et al.,
64% of the land area is degraded to some 1995). Chakravorty (1998) claims that
extent, with 54% moderately to severely one-third of the irrigated area in
degraded. Pakistan is subject to waterlogging and
14% is saline. Salinity retards plant
Although these data provide a useful growth – he also claims agricultural out-
warning, they do not tell us much about put is lower than it would otherwise be,
the causes. Agriculture is only one contrib- by about 25%.
uting factor; others include geological pro- n Dogra (1986) estimates that in India
cesses (especially in the Himalayas), mining, nearly 4.5 million hectares of irrigated

Table 12. Extent of degradation of agricultural land in South Asiaa

% total that is
% total that moderately or
Type of degradation is degraded severely degraded

Water erosion 25 15
Wind erosion 18 13.9
Soil fertility decline 13 1.3
Waterlogging 2 1.5
Salinization 9 6.5
Lowering of water table 6 2.4
Total 73 40.6

a. Includes Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Iran, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka.
Source: Young (1993) as summarized by Scherr (1999)

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land are affected by salinization and a 5.2 The R&D response
further 6 million hectares by waterlog-
ging; India had about 57 million hectares A growing awareness of these environmen-
of net irrigated land in the late 1990s. tal problems has led to significant changes
Umali (1993), quoted in Maredia and in agricultural R&D in South Asia since the
Pingali (2001, p. 13) claims that 7 million early GR years. It has led to the entry of en-
hectares of arable land has been aban- vironmentally oriented NGOs, some of
doned in India because of excessive salt. whom have contested the GR approach and
n In a random sample of 110 farmers from undertaken research and extension activi-
four villages in Uttar Pradesh, Joshi and ties of their own to broaden the spectrum
Jha (1991) found a 50% decline in crop of technologies and farming practices avail-
yields over 8 years due to salinization and able to farmers. The national and interna-
waterlogging in irrigation systems. tional R&D systems have also invested
heavily in NRM research and technologies
Even more disconcerting for irrigated agri- and management practices for improving
culture is the threat from the growing water, pest, and soil fertility management.
scarcity of fresh water in much of South
Asia. Many countries are approaching the One of the outcomes of greater NGO in-
point where they can no longer afford to volvement has been a lively debate about
allocate two-thirds or more of their fresh competing farming paradigms, and ‘alter-
water supplies to agriculture (Comprehen- native’ farming has been offered as a more
sive Assessment Secretariat, 2006). Most of sustainable and environmentally friendly
the major river systems in South Asia are alternative to the modern-input based
already fully exploited, and the massive ex- approach associated with the GR. The alter-
pansion of tubewell irrigation in Bangla- native farming approach includes extremes
desh, India, and Pakistan has led to serious that eschew use of any modern inputs as a
overdrawing of groundwater and falling matter of principle (e.g., organic farming),
water tables. but also includes more eclectic whole-
farming systems approaches such as low
On the Indian subcontinent, groundwater external input farming (Tripp, 2006) and
withdrawals have surged from less than 20 ecoagriculture (McNeely and Scherr, 2003).
cubic kilometres to more than 250 cubic ki- Pretty (2008) provides a useful review of
lometres per year since the 1950s (Shah et these approaches.
al., 2003). More than a fifth of groundwa-
ter aquifers are overexploited in the While the alternative farming literature
Punjab, Haryana, Rajasthan, and Tamil provides many successful examples of agri-
Nadu, and groundwater levels are falling cultural intensification, most of these have
(World Bank, 2007; Postel, 1993). Even as arisen in rainfed farming systems that
current water supplies are stretched, the largely missed out on the GR. We shall
demands for industry, urban household use, review several of these experiences in
and environmental purposes are growing Section 5.4 on LFAs. But by ‘sleight of ag-
(Comprehensive gregation’, proponents of alternative agri-
Assessment Secretariat, 2006; Rosegrant culture frequently mix these kinds of suc-
and Hazell, 2000). It would seem that either cesses with much more modest results
farmers must learn to use irrigation water obtained in GR areas, giving the impression
more sparingly and more sustainably, or the that productivity levels can be increased
irrigated area will have to contract. significantly across the board by switching
to alternative farming approaches. In fact,
Finally, as discussed in Section 3, there is most alternative farming approaches
growing evidence from long-term crop cannot match the high productivity levels
trials and declining TFP of the adverse achieved by modern farming methods in
impact of environmental stress on crop GR areas. Pretty et al. (2007) in a revisit of
yields in some GR areas. This may be the Pretty et al. (2003) examined yield claims
result of the formation of hard pans in the for 286 sustainable agriculture projects
sub-soil, soil toxicity buildups – especially
iron – and micronutrient deficiencies –
 Sometimes also called ‘sustainable’ or ‘ecological’
especially zinc (Pingali et al., 1997). farming.

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disaggregated into eight farming systems that span the spectrum from zero use of
categories developed by Dixon et al. (2001) modern inputs to high but precision-
and showed that the more sizeable gains managed use.
nearly all arose within rainfed farming
systems. Moreover, the gains reported for Organic farming
rice and wheat yields, the main GR crops, Despite widespread publicity to the contrary,
were modest, sometimes even negative. organic farming seems to have little to offer
farmers in GR areas who wish to continue to
Despite significant R&D investments in envi- grow cereals. A recent study (Halberg et al.,
ronmentally oriented research of both par- 2006, p. 40) concludes: “In high-yielding
adigms, there are very few impact studies regions with near to economic optimal
of the value of that work. As with poverty inputs of fertilizers and pesticides, the yields
impact assessment, the state of the art in of organic farming are between 15 and 35%
assessing environmental impacts in ways lower than present yields when comparing
that can be quantified in social cost–benefit single crops, and possibly at the low end
calculations is still poorly developed. This is (35%) when including crop failures and the
partly because of difficulties in measuring need for green manure in crop rotations.”
environmental changes over the time spans This statement draws heavily on results from
and levels of scale required, and also temperate countries, and crop losses could
because of difficulties in assigning be even higher in tropical countries because
economic values to changes, even when of greater problems with pest and disease
they can be measured (Freeman et al., control. The same study concludes that
2005). The few impact studies that exist organic farming has more to offer farmers in
either report changes in selected physical less-intensively farmed areas, such as many
indicators or rely on farmers’ perceptions LFAs, or farmers who can benefit from price
of change in resource or environmental premiums for organically produced foods.
condition. However, these are sufficient to Zundel and Kilcher (2007) report somewhat
demonstrate that relevant work has been lower yield losses for organic farming in
undertaken with proven productivity and temperate and irrigated areas, but do not
environmental impacts in the field, even allow for crop failures and diversion of land
though we do not yet have calculations of to produce green manure and other organic
the rates of return to those investments to matter.
show which types of institutions or research
give the best returns. Badgley et al. (2007) reviewed a large
number of published studies comparing
In reviewing these developments and their organic and conventional crops. Although
impacts, we continue with the useful dis- they claim organically grown grains in de-
tinction between intensively farmed GR veloping countries have an average yield
areas and extensively farmed LFAs. advantage of 57%, the more detailed
results in their Table A1 tell a more
nuanced story. Organically grown rice
5.3 Evidence on impact in Green under irrigated conditions in South Asian
Revolution areas countries showed little if any yield gain.
The best organic farming yield gains for
Only a few GR critics argue for a drastic South Asia were obtained on upland rice
reversal from GR to traditional technologies and for maize and sorghum grown under
of the kinds that dominated South Asia
before the GR (e.g., Shiva, 1991; Nellitha-
 Since organic agriculture involves greater generation of
nam et al., 1998). Such authors claim that plant nutrients and organic matter within the landscape
yield growth rates were already high through crop rotations, fallows, green manures, and
before the GR, but ignore the fact that this integration of livestock into cropping systems, each
was largely the result of the spread of irri- hectare of cropland harvested must be supported by
additional land dedicated to these other needs. While
gation and fertilizers prior to the introduc- it might well be possible to obtain comparable yields
tion of HYVs (Evenson et al., 1999). More for some crops at the plot level, farm level productivity
generally, R&D has contributed to a broad can be considerably lower for organic farming. Yet few
range of technologies for improving soil, studies of yield gains with organic farming seem to make
this basic correction, leading to results that are inevitably
water and pest management in GR areas biased in their favour.

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rainfed conditions. These are areas where (Sheehy et al., 2005). Proponents argue that
the conventionally grown crops usually there are strong synergies between the dif-
receive limited nutrient inputs of any kind ferent management components of SRI that
and hence produce low yields. lead to strong root growth and higher
yields, although these synergies are not
System of rice intensification (SRI) well understood (Mishra et al., 2006).
SRI was developed in the early1980s by
Henri de Laulanie, a French missionary Few of the yield claims have been verified
priest in Madagascar, as another alternative under controlled experimental conditions.
farming approach to the available GR rice Trials undertaken at IRRI found no signifi-
technologies for small-scale farmers. It has cant yield differences between SRI and con-
since been widely promoted by a number ventional GR practices (quoted in Namara
of NGOs and the International Institute for et al., 2003). McDonald et al. (2006)
Food, Agriculture and Development (IIFAD) analyzed 40 sets of field trial results
at Cornell University (http://ciifad.cornell. reported in the literature (five from Mada-
edu/sri). Not only was SRI initially devel- gascar and 35 from 11 Asian countries)
oped outside the international and public- which compared SRI with ‘best manage-
sector research systems, but if its claimed ment practices’ appropriate to each site.
benefits proved true, it would render irrel- Apart from the five Madagascar studies,
evant much of the research on intensive which consistently showed higher yields
rice farming that has been conducted in with SRI, SRI led to an average yield loss of
recent decades by the public and interna- 11% in the other 35 studies, with a range
tional R&D systems. Not surprisingly, SRI has of -61% to 22%.
attracted the attention of the scientific and
donor communities and sparked a lively Yield gains appear to be better in farm
debate and research agenda. adoption studies. Farmers in Ratnapura and
Kurunegala Districts in Sri Lanka obtained
The main components of SRI are: trans- 44% higher yields on average with SRI than
planting of young seedlings (8–15 day-old with modern rice farming methods
instead of 3–4 week-old plants) on small (Namara et al., 2003), and the average yield
hills at much lower plant densities than gain was 32% for farmers in Purila District
usual; water management that keeps the of West Bengal (Sinha and Talati, 2007).
soil moist rather than flooded; frequent However, in both studies SRI farmers
weeding; and use of large amounts of showed considerable variation in the man-
organic compost for fertilizer. agement methods they used, making it
rather unclear as to what was being
The claimed benefits include: high yields compared in the name of SRI. For example,
even with traditional rice varieties; a signifi- many SRI farmers used inorganic fertilizer
cant savings in seed; little or no artificial as well as compost, many grew modern as
fertilizer required; natural pest and disease well as traditional rice varieties, and their
control, eliminating the need for pesticides; weeding and water management practices
reduced water use; and a flexible manage- varied considerably.
ment that allows farmers to experiment
and adapt the approach to their particular SRI has yet to be widely adopted in any one
growing conditions. The approach is country, although it can be found on small
claimed to be environmentally sustainable scales in many countries, including many
and of particularly relevance for poorer parts of South Asia.10 Some of the reasons
farmers who cannot afford modern inputs for poor uptake include: the difficulties of
(Uphoff, 2003). controlling water with sufficient precision
in many surface irrigation systems, the need
Controversy has arisen because of claims of for large amounts of compost, and the high
very high yields, sometimes exceeding the labor demands for transplanting, hand
best experiment station yields for modern weeding11 and generating and distributing
rice technologies, sometimes even without
the use of fertilizer or modern varieties. 10 See
These high yields defy current understand- 11 The combination of wide spacing and reduced flooding
creates ideal conditions for weed growth and hence the
ing of the physiology of rice plant growth need for frequent weeding.

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compost. This is confirmed by available undertook focus group discussions with
adoption studies. In Sri Lanka, adoption is adopting and nonadopting farmers at sites
positively related to family size (availability in India and two sites in Southeast Asia. For
of labor) and ownership of animals (avail- India, yields of adopting farmers were
ability of manure) and is more common found to be 17% higher. Modest savings in
among rainfed than irrigated rice farmers fertilizer use were largely offset by higher
(Namara et al., 2003). Moser and Barrett labor costs, but profit per hectare was 48%
(2003) obtained similar results in an higher. There was also a useful reduction in
adoption study in Madagascar. Moser and emissions of nitrous oxide, a powerful
Barrett (2003), Namara et al. (2003), and greenhouse gas. In an impact study in West
Sinha and Talati (2007) all found that Bengal, India, Islam et al. (2007) found
adopters only practice SRI on small parts of small (but not significant) increases in
their rice area despite higher returns to yields, but 20% savings in nitrogen use and
both land and labor, and they also found 50% savings in pesticide use, and economic
high rates of disadoption. This again benefits of US$19–27 per hectare depend-
suggests important constraints, possibly ing on the season.
labor or suitability of available irrigation
systems, as well as disappointing returns. The International Center for Soil Fertility
and Agricultural Development (IFDC) has
Improved nutrient management been pioneering urea deep placement
More pragmatic approaches to intensive (UDP) technology in rice. This involves the
farming seek to increase the efficiency of deep placement of urea in the form of su-
fertilizer use rather than displace it, thereby pergranules or small briquettes into
reducing production costs and environmen- puddled soil shortly after transplanting the
tal problems. Fertilizer efficiency can be rice (Bowen et al., 2005). The method
improved through more precise matching improves nitrogen-use efficiency by
of nutrients to plant needs during the keeping most of the urea nitrogen in the
growing season, and by switching to soil close to the plant roots and out of the
improved fertilizers such as controlled- floodwater where it is susceptible to loss.
release fertilizers and deep-placement On-farm trials in Bangladesh that compared
technologies. UDP with standard urea broadcasting prac-
tices showed 50–60% savings in urea use
Site-specific nutrient management (SSNM) and yield increases of about one ton per
was developed by IRRI and its partners as a hectare (Bowen et al., 2005). The briquettes
way of reducing fertilizer use, raising yields, are also simple to make with small pressing
and avoiding nitrate runoff and greenhouse machines, and can create additional local
gas emissions (especially nitrous oxide) from employment. Adoption data are not avail-
intensive rice paddies (Pampolino et al., able, but the approach appears to be
2007). Developed in the mid-1990s, SSNM is spreading in Bangladesh with the active
a form of precision farming that aims to support of the government.
apply nutrients at optimal rates and times –
taking account of other sources of nutrients Low or zero tillage (ZT)
in the field and the stage of plant growth – In response to the declining growth in pro-
to achieve high rice yields and high efficien- ductivity of the rice–wheat farming system
cy of nutrient use by the crop. Farmers apply in the IGP, ZT has been adapted and intro-
nitrogen several times over the growing duced by the RWC, a partnership of CGIAR
period and use leaf color charts to deter- centers and the NARS from Bangladesh,
mine how much nitrogen to apply at differ- India, Nepal, and Pakistan. The technology
ent stages. SSNM has been tested through involves the direct planting of wheat after
on-farm trials in several Asian countries and rice without any land preparation. Rice crop
IRRI has developed practical manuals and a residues from the previous season are left
web site ( to guide on the ground as mulch. The wheat seed is
application. typically inserted together with small
amounts of fertilizer into slits made with a
Pampolino et al. (2007) provide an special tractor-drawn seed drill. The tech-
economic assessment of SSNM compared nology has many claimed advantages over
to farmers’ usual fertilizer practices. They conventional tillage in the rice–wheat

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system: it saves labor, fertilizer and energy; RWC partners in developing the technology
minimizes planting delays between crops; for India’s IGP. Even with conservative as-
conserves soil; reduces irrigation water sumptions about yield gains (6%) and cost
needs; increases tolerance to drought; and savings (5%), the estimated benefit–cost
reduces greenhouse gas emissions (Eren- ratio is 39 and the internal rate of return is
stein et al., 2007; World Bank, 2007). But it 57%. With more optimistic assumptions
often requires some use of herbicides for (yield gains and cost savings of 10%), the
general weed control. A key ingredient for benefit–cost ratio increases to 68 and the
its success has been the development of an internal rate of return to 66%. This analysis
appropriate seed drill for local conditions in does not include any environmental
the IGP. benefits.

In an assessment of the technology based on Improved water management

a sample of farmers in Haryana, India and Improved water management in South
the Punjab, Pakistan, Erenstein et al. (2007) Asian agriculture is essential for redressing
found that ZT adoption has been rapid. In growing water scarcities, improving water
Haryana, 34.5% of the sampled farmers had quality, and halting the degradation of
adopted in 2003/04 and 19.4% in the additional irrigated land. This will require
Punjab, even though diffusion of the tech- significant and complementary changes in
nology only began around 2000. Adopting policies, institutions, and water manage-
farmers used the technology on large shares ment technologies. Agricultural research
of their total wheat areas. Adoption has has been conducted on all three aspects,
been highest on larger farms with tractors. although little of this research has been
The study found mixed results for yield gains subjected to impact analyses.
and water savings (more significant in
Haryana than the Punjab) but all farms Technical research has shown the potential
made drastic savings in tractor and fuel to increase yields in irrigated farming with
costs. There were no observed impacts on substantial savings in water use (e.g.,
the following rice crop. Although the tech- Mondal et al., 1993; Guerra et al., 1998).
nology is attractive to farmers, the high per- Realizing these gains is easiest when
centage of non-adopting farmers together farmers have direct control over their water
with disadoption rates of 10–15% suggests supplies, as with tubewell irrigation or
continuing constraints on its use. No one small-scale farmer-managed irrigation
factor was clearly identified in the study, but schemes. For larger schemes, the best hope
access to tractors and ZT seed drills is impor- lies in the devolution of water manage-
tant, especially for smaller farms. Rental ment to local water user groups or associa-
markets for these machines exist but may tions, an approach known as irrigation
not offer farmers sufficient flexibility in the management transfer (IMT).
timing of their operations, which is crucial if
higher yields are to be obtained. Other ZT IMT began to be adopted in some South
assessments from adoption studies, on-farm Asian countries during the late 1980s as a
trials and focus group discussions confirm response to the disappointing performance
the large savings in tractor and fuel costs, of many large-scale irrigation schemes. It
and most show significant water savings and was hoped that IMT would increase the
yield gains (Laxmi et al., 2007; Laxmi and accountability of water irrigation services to
Mishra, 2007). farmers, encourage greater farmer input
into the maintenance of irrigation systems,
It is estimated that about 200,000 hectares improve cost recovery, and enable
of wheat was planted under ZT in the improved control of water at local levels.
Pakistan IGP in 2001/02 and 820,000 All this was expected to lead to higher
hectares in the Indian IGP in 2003/04 (about water use efficiency, increased agricultural
8% of the total wheat area). The latter had productivity, better environmental
doubled by 2004/05 (Laxmi et al., 2007). outcomes, and irrigation schemes that were
Based on an estimated ceiling adoption more financially sustainable.
rate of 33%, Laxmi et al. (2007) undertook
an economic assessment of the likely Despite the promise, there was little hard
returns to the research costs incurred by the evidence to show that IMT did in fact lead

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to these realized benefits. IWMI therefore many of the first HYVs released had poor
embarked on a set of studies in 1992 to resistance to some important pests. The
monitor and evaluate the experience with problem was compounded by a shift to
IMT and provide guidelines for its successful higher cropping intensities, monocropping,
implementation in the future. The results high fertilizer use (which creates dense,
from the Asian case studies proved disap- lush canopies in which pests can thrive),
pointing. Sri Lanka, which began to imple- and the planting of large adjacent areas to
ment IMT in 1988, is typical of the results similar varieties with a common susceptibil-
obtained. Samad and Vermillion (1999) ity. Control was initially based on prophy-
surveyed irrigation schemes that had been lactic chemical applications, driven by the
transferred and some that had not, and calendar rather than incidence of pest
within each there were schemes that were attack. This approach disrupted the natural
rehabilitated and some that were not. The pest–predator balance and led to a resur-
findings suggest only modest gains to gence of pest populations that required
farmers or the sustainability of irrigation even more pesticide applications to control.
schemes. Farmers in IMT areas did not incur Problems were compounded by the buildup
additional water supply costs, but neither of pest resistance to the most commonly
did they perceive any improvements in the used pesticides. As pesticide use increased,
quality of water services they received from so did environmental and health problems.
their irrigation agency. There were signifi- Rola and Pingali (1993) found that the
cant gains in yields, land, and water pro- health costs of pesticide use in rice reached
ductivity in some IMT areas, but the best the point where they more than offset the
results were obtained in schemes that were economic benefits from pest control.
both rehabilitated and transferred to
producer organizations. Simply devolving As these problems began to emerge, re-
management without also rehabilitating searchers gave greater attention to the de-
the irrigation schemes achieved little. velopment of crop varieties that have good
resistance to important pests and biological
Following these mixed findings, IWMI and ecological pest control methods. This
embarked on a follow-up program of led to the development of IPM, an
research to identify best practice approach- approach that integrates pest-resistant vari-
es from around the developing world. eties, natural control mechanisms, and the
Within South Asia, IWMI subsequently judicious use of some pesticides. The CGIAR
provided policy advice to the governments centers have been important sources of
of Sri Lanka and Nepal in developing research on IPM, and IRRI has been espe-
national IMT strategies, and engaged in cially important for IPM in rice in Asia
action research in Pakistan and Sri Lanka to (Waibel, 1999).
help improve implementation policies. This
led to the development with the Food and Bangladesh has been in the forefront of
Agriculture Organization of the United IPM since 1981, and the government, with
Nations (FAO) of a handbook on best assistance from FAO, has aggressively
practice (Vermillion and Sagardoy, 1999) promoted the approach through farmers’
and to a number of guidelines papers on training schools. Sabur and Molla (2001)
specific implementation issues. undertook a farm survey in 1997/98 and
found that IPM farmers used less than half
A subsequent assessment of IWMI’s work on the amount of pesticides on rice than non-
IMT is provided by Giordano et al. (2007). IPM farmers and had significantly higher
They claim significant impact on water gross income per hectare. Similar results
policies in Nepal and Sri Lanka and some were obtained by Susmita et al. (2007) and
success in affecting the employment of by Rasul and Thapa (2003). Both studies
improved techniques in Pakistan and Nepal. found that IPM farmers saved significantly
They also report high demand for IWMI’s on costs (labor and pesticides). None of the
guideline publications on IMT. studies report any significant productivity
impact from use or IPM, so the main
Integrated pest management (IPM) economic benefits arise from lower costs.
Pest problems emerged as an important Farmers perceived fewer health problems
problem during the early GR era because with IPM in all three studies, though

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neither Susmita et al. (2007) or Rasul and soils, steep slopes, or other biophysical con-
Thapa (2003) could find statistical differ- straints; as well as areas that may have
ences between the perceptions of adopting higher development potential but that are
and non-adopting farmers. None of the presently under-exploited due to poor in-
studies provides any data on environmental frastructure and market access, low popula-
impacts. tion density, or other socioeconomic con-
straints. Conceptually they include all the
There is no hard evidence to show that IPM shaded areas in Table 13.
has been widely adopted among South
Asian farmers. There are two difficult con- An attempt to operationalize this two-di-
straints to overcome. One is farmer mensioned concept of LFAs suggests that
training; IPM is knowledge-intensive, about one quarter of South Asia’s rural
requiring farmers have the capability to population live in LFAs (World Bank, 2007).
identify harmful and beneficial insects and
the ability to flexibly manage their Much of the deforestation, woodland loss,
response to pest attacks. Farmer field and land degradation (including soil
schools have had some success in providing erosion and soil fertility loss) that has
the required training (Waibel, 1999; Tripp occurred in South Asia arose in LFAs that
et al., 2006; van den Berg and Jiggins, did not benefit much from the GR. This
2007). But this can be a slow and expensive degradation is often driven by insufficient
way of training large numbers of farmers – agricultural intensification relative to popu-
particularly if, as Tripp et al. (2006) found in lation growth. As more and more people
Sri Lanka, knowledge-intensive methods seek to eke a living out of these areas, they
like IPM do not easily spread from farmer expand cropping in unsustainable and
to farmer. The other constraint is the need erosive ways and fail to replenish the soil
for collective action among neighboring nutrients that they remove. While migra-
farmers. IPM cannot be successfully under- tion and nonfarm development have im-
taken at single plot or farm levels but must portant roles to play in reducing pressures
be adopted at landscape levels. This is dif- on the natural resource base, more sustain-
ficult to organize without effective commu- able forms of agricultural growth are
nity or producer organizations. needed if the environmental problems in
these areas are to be reversed.

5.4 Evidence on impact in less- LFAs also account for a significant propor-
favored areas tion of the rural poor in South Asia. Precise
estimation is difficult because poverty data
Following Pender and Hazell (2000), LFAs are reported by administrative units rather
are broadly defined in this paper to include than by agroecological areas or farming
lands that have been neglected by humans systems. Fan and Hazell (2000) estimated
as well as by nature. They include marginal that 41% of India’s rural poor (76 million
lands that are of low agricultural potential people) lived in LFAs in 1993, and ICRISAT
due to low and uncertain rainfall, poor estimates that 40% of India’s rural poor live

Table 13. Classification of favored and less-favored areas

Agricultural potential

Access to markets and Low

infrastructure High (biophysical constraints)

High Favored areas Marginal areas (LFAs)

Low Remote areas (LFAs) Marginal and remote LFAs

Source: Pender and Hazell (2000)

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in the semi-arid tropics and another 16% in improving NRM practices that conserve and
arid areas and semi-arid temperate areas efficiently use scarce water, control erosion,
(Rao et al., 2005). There is some controversy and restore soil fertility while using low
about whether the incidence of poverty is amounts of external inputs. These kinds of
higher among LFA populations than in ir- technology improvements can lead to sig-
rigated and high-potential rainfed areas, nificant gains in productivity and stability
but since estimates range from “no signifi- while reversing some types of resource deg-
cant difference” (Kelley and Rao, 1995) to radation. Within this context, there has
“higher concentrations of poor in LFAs” been considerable convergence between
(Fan and Hazell, 2000), this controversy the objectives and approaches of different
need not detract from the importance of farming paradigms for LFAs.
agricultural research for LFAs.
The analysis by Pretty et al. (2007) of yield
An early and appropriate (at that time) bias claims for 286 sustainable agriculture
during the GR era towards R&D spending projects from around the developing world
on irrigated areas and best rainfed areas showed that the more sizeable gains nearly
has changed. Pal and Byerlee (2006) found all arose within rainfed farming systems.
no evidence of any underinvestment Some of the most successful projects for
(relative to irrigated areas) in rainfed and these areas included improved crop variet-
marginal lands by 1996–1998. At a com- ies, water harvesting, soil, and water con-
modity level, Byerlee and Morris (1993) did servation at catchment or watershed levels,
not find any bias for wheat research, but and use of organic residues for soil im-
Pandey and Pal (2007) found a modest bias provement. For South Asia, yield gains of
against LFAs in the allocation of research 63% are reported for highland mixed
scientists for rice research. These studies cal- farming systems in India, Nepal, Pakistan,
culate desired research shares on the basis and Sri Lanka, and 79% for rainfed mixed
of congruency with agricultural or com- farming systems in India.
modity outputs and not on the basis of
poverty. An analysis based on poverty Of 293 yield ratios for organic versus
might tell a different story, but that would modern crop production methods,
first require resolving the controversy about reviewed by Badgley et al. (2007), only 10
where the poor are most concentrated, as have relevance to LFAs in South Asia. There
well as an analysis of the relative merits of are five ratios for upland rice (ranging from
the indirect (e.g., food and labor market) 1.23 in Pakistan to 3.4 in Nepal) and five for
benefits from investing in each type of area sorghum and millets in India (ranging from
(Renkow, 2000). An environmental perspec- 1.65 to 3.5). Organic farming in these loca-
tive might also justify greater investment in tions requires mixed farming, soil and
agricultural research in many LFAs12. water conservation, and use of organic
residues for soil improvement.
Most LFAs in South Asia are unsuitable for
the kinds of intensive monocrop farming While there are grounds to be skeptical
associated with the GR. A lack of irrigation about the high yield levels claimed in some
potential, erratic and often deficient of these studies (Cassman, 2007), they are
rainfall, poor soils, and, often, sloped land consistent with the fact that the existing
make crops less responsive to fertilizers, farming systems are low-yielding, usually
and the fragility of the resource base because of low rates of application of fertil-
requires more integrated and mixed izers or organic matter and poor soil and
farming approaches to avoid degradation. water management. In these circumstances,
Economically, the remoteness of many LFAs many improved NRM practices that reverse
from markets also makes modern inputs ex- land degradation, improve soil condition,
pensive relative to the prices farmers and provide much-needed water and nutri-
receive for their products. In this context, ents for crops can make a large difference,
a lot of research has been targeted at whether motivated by alternative or modern
agricultural philosophies. Even so, one
recent study undertaken in a less-developed
12 An attempt to prioritize agricultural R&D on the basis of and hilly area of Himachal Pradesh, India,
production, poverty, and environmental goals has been
undertaken by Mruthyunjaya et al. (2003). found that while organically grown wheat

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and maize were more profitable than their The measured impacts of some of the com-
modern production counterparts, this was modity-improvement work reviewed in
nearly all due to a price premium of about Section 3.2 have arisen in LFAs (e.g., maize,
100% (Thakur and Sharma, 2005). sorghum, and millet), although the cited
studies do not separate out the impacts in
Important lines of research in LFAs involving LFAs from GR areas. However, a few
CGIAR centers in South Asia include crop im- examples illustrate the impacts of crop-
provement, watershed development, and improvement research that was targeted to
integrated soil nutrient management. the specific problems of poor people in
Crop improvement research
Much plant breeding for LFAs has focused As mentioned earlier, Shiyani et al. (2002)
on producing varieties that can withstand found that ICRISAT-improved chickpea vari-
drought and poor soil conditions and that eties have been widely adopted in a poor
have greater pest and disease resistance. tribal area in Gujarat, India, with favorable
Such varieties can raise average yield impacts on yields, unit production costs,
response and reduce yield instability. They and net returns per hectare.
can also contribute to reductions in pesti-
cide use and, by raising the productivity of ICRISAT’s package of improved groundnut
food crops, help reduce the cropped area varieties grown in combination with
needed by subsistence-oriented farmers. improved agronomy practices built around
This can reduce the pressure on more an RBF concept (see Table 9 and earlier dis-
fragile lands and free up some land and cussion) is another example of a commod-
labor for other activities. Most of ICRISAT’s ity-improvement program that has paid off
crop improvement research is directed at handsomely in an LFA – in this case the
LFAs, and there are spill-in benefits to these semi-arid tropical areas of central India. The
areas from the crop improvement work high internal rate of return of about 25%
that IRRI (upland rice), CIMMYT (maize), reported by Joshi and Bantilan (1998) is
and CIP (potatoes) undertake more broadly seemingly robust to within a percentage
in Asia. point or two, even when corrected for
possible positive and negative environmen-
At an aggregate level, there is evidence tal outcomes that affect yield and produc-
from India that crop improvement research tion costs (Bantilan et al., 2005). This is one
is having favorable productivity and of the few available impact studies that
poverty impacts in many LFAs (Fan and attempts to value environmental impacts
Hazell, 2000). Based on an econometric within a benefit–cost analysis framework.
analysis of time-series data for three differ-
ent types of agricultural areas (irrigated, Watershed development
high-potential rainfed, and low-potential There have been significant investments in
rainfed), they found more favorable research on watershed development in
marginal returns (measured as rupees of South Asia in recent decades. India began
agricultural production per additional developing model operational research
hectare planted to modern varieties) for projects in a number of representative wa-
crop improvement research in low-potential tersheds in the mid-1970s, and these were
rainfed areas than in either high-potential used to test and validate integrated water-
rainfed areas or irrigated areas. Moreover, shed management approaches before they
additional crop research investment in low- were scaled up in huge publicly funded
potential rainfed areas lifts more people schemes across the country. By 1999/2000,
out of poverty than in the other two types India had spent Rs. 35,915 million to
of areas. Fan et al. (2000a) provide a more develop 37 million ha, or 22% of the
nuanced set of results for 13 different types problem area (Babu and Dhyani, 2005),
of rainfed zones in India. They found seven and by the late 1990s was spending about
zones where the benefit–cost ratio for US$500 million each year on additional
additional crop-improvement research is watershed development projects (Kerr et
greater than five and where there are also al., 2000). The total had exceeded US$2
favorable poverty impacts. Neither of these billion by 1999/2000 (Joshi et al., 2004).
studies assesses environmental impacts. ICRISAT and IWMI have both undertaken

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research on watershed development and Kerr et al. (2000) surveyed 86 villages in
related soil and water management issues Maharashtra and Andhra Pradesh, some of
and have been involved in watershed evalu- which were included in watershed projects
ation work. and some not. Three types of projects
were included: government (Ministry of
There have been many evaluations of Agriculture)-run projects, NGO-run
watershed development projects in India, projects, and projects that were run collab-
though seemingly none on the returns to oratively between NGOs and state govern-
research on watershed development. Joshi ment. The government projects largely
et al. (2005b) undertook a meta-analysis of focused on technical improvements; NGO
311 evaluation studies spanning a large projects focused more on social organiza-
number of types of projects and agrocli- tion; and the collaborative projects tried to
matic conditions. They found that the draw on the strengths of both approaches.
average benefit–cost ratio was 2.14 (with a Qualitative and quantitative data were
range of 0.8–7.1), and the average internal both collected, including data on condi-
rate of return was 22% (with a range of tions in the study villages before and after
1.4–94%). On average, the projects created the projects were implemented.
additional employment of 181 days per
hectare per year, increased the irrigated Overall, the participatory NGO projects
area by 34% and the cropping intensity by performed better than their technocratic,
64%, and slowed soil losses by 0.82 tons government-run counterparts. However,
per hectare per year. Among other things, participation combined with sound techni-
the meta-analysis showed that the cal input performed best of all. For
benefit–cost ratio was: example, while all projects reduced soil
erosion on uncultivated lands in their
n Higher in areas with annual rainfall of upper watersheds reasonably well, the
between 700 and 1100 mm than in NGO and NGO/government collaborative
areas with low (less than 700 mm) or projects had particularly good records in
high (greater than 1100 mm) rainfall this regard. Greater NGO and community
n 42% greater in macro-watersheds involvement also helped ensure that
(greater than 1250 hectares) than in project investments were maintained over
micro-watersheds time. Although definitive hydrological
n Larger when state governments were data were not available, farmers in villages
involved in the planning and execution in NGO and NGO/government projects fre-
compared to purely central government quently perceived that the projects’ water-
projects harvesting efforts increased the availability
n Higher when there was active people’s of water for irrigation and their net
participation. returns to rainfed farming were higher.

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6. Policy impacts

The economic transformation of South Asia to attribute any impact to the CGIAR
in recent years and the huge success of the centers. Many of the policy reforms are not
GR have necessitated some major changes yet complete (e.g., the phasing out of key
in agricultural policies. With market liberal- input subsidies and reform of water
ization, the established roles of the state in policies), and some might have been imple-
marketing, storing and distributing food, mented regardless without the benefit of
providing farm credit and modern inputs, policy research. Fortunately, a few impact
and regulating international trade and assessments have been undertaken that
agro-industry have all been challenged. The shed some light on the value of policy
rapid emergence of high-value agriculture research in South Asia in recent years.
and the seriousness of some of the environ-
mental problems associated with agricul-
ture have also required new policy respons- Water policy
es. As governments have sought to
navigate these turbulent waters, there has IWMI’s work on IMT has already been
been an important opportunity for policy reviewed in Section 5.3. Giordano et al.
research to help inform the debate. (2007) show that this work led to significant
impact on water policies in Sri Lanka and
A vast policy research literature written had some success in affecting the employ-
during this period in South Asia is testament ment of improved techniques in Pakistan
to the prolific response of the region’s own and Nepal. They also report high demand
researchers. The CGIAR centers have also for IWMI’s guideline publications on IMT.
been active participants, including through
networking endeavors, such as that created
by IFPRI in the Policy Analysis and Advisory Bangladesh: Changing the course of
Network for South Asia (PAANSA), described food and agricultural policy
in an evaluative manner by Paarlberg (2005; During 1989–1994, IFPRI placed a small
ICRISAT, IRRI, and IWMI, for example, have team of researchers in Bangladesh to col-
contributed many policy studies for improv- laborate with the Ministry of Food on a set
ing adoption of improved technologies, of research activities to guide aspects of the
NRM, and IPM (Pingali et al., 1997; Pingali market liberalization program. The impact
and Rosegrant, 2001). IWMI has contributed of this program is reviewed by Babu (2000).
to improved understanding of water policies A study of the comparative advantages of
from river basin management to manage- different crops guided the development of
ment of irrigation schemes to water man- a new strategy aimed at diversifying agri-
agement in farmers’ fields. ICRISAT has culture. Studies of rice and wheat markets
worked on policy issues related to mechani- found that the government could turn
zation, risk and technology design, herbi- grain procurement and sales over to the
cides and equity, marketing, credit policies, private sector without harming the food
and watershed management. IFPRI has con- security of the poor. When the government
tributed to many of these issues and to a opened the grain markets to private-sector
wide range of other policy issues, including participation, it saved US$37 million by
market and trade policy reform, public in- lowering the official procurement price.
vestment, food subsidies, and environmental
issues. Other external agencies such as the An IFPRI study of the rural food ration
World Bank and Asian Development Bank program uncovered poor management and
have also made many important analytical substantial leakages. The government had
contributions. long been aware that the ration program
was not effectively reaching its intended
It is difficult to tease out the impact of all beneficiaries – the rural poor – and the
this policy research, and even more so to try study put hard numbers to the govern-

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ment’s suspicions. By eliminating the body of research – over 80 journal articles
program, the government saved US$60 and research manuscripts – that policy-
million. Some of these savings were used to makers drew on as they made policy deci-
increase expenditures on other better sions. IFPRI’s research, from 1986 to 1991,
targeted food and nutrition programs, in- resulted in over US$200 million in savings to
cluding the innovative ‘Food for Education’ the government. The total cost of research
program. Later evaluations found that this for the entire period was only about US$6
program raised school attendance by about million.
30%. Besides these policy changes, the
research resulted in other more effective IFPRI’s work on the wheat ration shop
programs and strategies and saved the gov- program provides a clear example of the
ernment at least US$100 million, many changes Pakistan made in its food policies.
times the research cost of less than US$5 In this program, poor consumers were able
million (Babu 2000; Ryan and Meng, 2004). to buy subsidized wheat from special shops.
Moreover, the collaboration increased the By the 1980s, the government was spending
body of knowledge on food policy in Ban- millions on a program that was, by most
gladesh and the number of people accounts, corrupt and ineffective. Policy-
equipped to make use of it, by producing makers wanted to know if the program
more than 70 research reports and provid- helped the poor or not, and what the
ing training in food policy analysis to over effects on the poor would be if the
200 individuals. program were eliminated. In a national
survey, IFPRI-PIDE research showed that
well over half the wheat never reached the
Pakistan: Examining the target population. Only 19% of the popula-
effectiveness of subsidies tion in cities and 5% of the population in
rural areas, where most of the poor lived,
In collaboration with the Pakistan Institute even used the ration shops. The research
of Development Economics (PIDE) and the put numbers to the program’s failure to
Pakistan Ministry of Food and Agriculture, reach the poor, a finding that was expected
IFPRI’s research and policy dialogue were but until then had been based mostly on
instrumental in changing the direction of conjecture, anecdotes, and one small study.
food and agricultural policies in Pakistan. The research provided solid data to drive
The impact of the program is reviewed by the final nail in the coffin of the ration
Islam and Garrett (1997). From 1986 to shop system. The government abolished the
1994, this collaboration produced a large wheat ration shops in 1987.

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7. Conclusions

The post-GR period has seen profound approach is to attribute to CGIAR invest-
changes in the economic situation in South ments the same rates of return as those
Asia and evolving challenges for the agri- achieved at national levels for aggregate
cultural R&D system. The priorities have measures of public research expenditure.
changed from a narrow focus on the pro- This would suggest an annual rate of return
ductivity of foodgrains to a need for more of between 25–50% (Table 4). Assuming a
work on NRM and sustainability issues; in- sustained annual investment of around
creasing the productivity and quality of US$65 million (see Section 2.3), this leads to
high-value crops, trees and livestock; agri- an annual average payoff of between
cultural intensification in many LFAs; more US$17.5 million and US$35 million. But this
precise targeting of the problems of the estimate is much lower than the payoffs
poor, including enhancing the micronutri- suggested for recent years by Fan (2007),
ent content of food staples; and analysis of Lantican et al. (2005), and Morris et al.
policy and institutional options for achiev- (2003). As discussed in Section 3.3, these
ing more sustainable and pro-poor studies suggest annual payoffs from the
outcomes in the rural sector. CGIAR’s research of between US$432
million and US$2304 million for rice,
The available evidence suggests that both US$560 million to US$1710 million for
national and international systems have re- wheat, and US$45 to US$62 million for
sponded well to these changing needs in maize research. Even without including the
terms of their budgetary allocations and CGIAR’s other lines of research, the estimat-
the kinds of research they have undertaken. ed payoff already exceeds US$1 billion each
Moreover, market liberalization has year, which is more than enough to cover
enabled a more diverse set of agents to the costs of the CGIAR’s entire global
engage in agricultural R&D, and private program, let alone the US$65 million or so
firms and NGOs have helped ensure that spent in South Asia each year. These kinds
important research and extension needs of calculations are at best indicative, but
have not been overlooked. they do suggest that, from a narrow pro-
ductivity perspective, the CGIAR’s research
There is also reasonable evidence to show in South Asia continues to be a sound in-
that agricultural R&D has been broadly suc- vestment, much as Raitzer and Kelley (2008)
cessful in achieving many of its new goals. have shown at the global level.

Productivity impacts Social impacts

The economic returns to crop improvement Research has made important contribu-
research have remained high and well in tions to reducing poverty in South Asia,
excess of national discount rates. Public in- but it has done less well in reducing inter-
vestments in crop improvement research household and inter-regional inequities.
have also given higher returns than most Often, favorable poverty impacts arise
other public investments in rural areas. from the indirect benefits of increases in
There is little credible evidence to suggest productivity, such as the reductions in food
these rates of return are declining over prices that arise from technologies that
time. reduce farmers’ growing costs per ton of
output. Indirect growth benefits in the
Given the patchy nature of the available nonfarm economy are another example.
impact studies and the fact that few have Measured at these levels, agricultural
attempted to make any direct attribution research can be a cost-effective way of
to the work of the CGIAR centers, only a reducing poverty, both relative to other
few inferences can be offered about the public investments and in terms of the cost
returns to CGIAR investments. One per person raised out of poverty.

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Within adopting regions, the impact funding, more rigorous assessments are
evidence is more mixed and there is insuf- needed. While their approaches seem to
ficient evidence to conclude whether or not work well in LFAs, they have proved disap-
the more deliberate targeting of agricul- pointing in GR areas. There is no evidence
tural research to the problems of poor that organic farming or low external input
households and women – including use of approaches can match current high yields in
participatory research methods – is paying GR areas whereas more precision approach-
off. This is an area of impact assessment es to modern inputs seem to offer signifi-
that warrants further attention, especially cant steps in the right direction.
as the rural poor have diversified their live-
lihoods and are less easily helped through Another challenge facing researchers in
agricultural productivity growth. South Asia is the generally poor adoption
rates by farmers of many improved NRM
practices that reduce environmental
Environmental impacts damage. There are several possible reasons
for this, including high levels of knowledge
There has been a rich research agenda tar- required for their practice, perverse incen-
geting environmental problems associated tives caused by input subsidies, labor con-
with agriculture and a demonstrated po- straints and insecure property rights, diffi-
tential for favorable impacts in farmers’ culties of organizing collective action, and
fields. Many improved technologies and externality problems. Additional policy
NRM practices are also win-win, in that they research on these issues might be able to
halt or reverse environmental problems help leverage additional impact from past
while increasing yields and/or reducing and future technology research.
modern input use and cost. Despite this,
there are virtually no impact studies from
South Asia that estimate a return to a Policy impacts
research investment corrected for environ-
mental costs and benefits. The closest is the A vast amount of policy research has been
Bantilan et al. (2005) study of ICRISAT’s undertaken in South Asia since the GR, and
groundnut improvement technology for several CGIAR centers have been active par-
the semi-arid areas of India. The high ticipants. Case studies show favorable
internal rate of return of about 25% returns to policy research, though the con-
reported by Joshi and Bantilan (1998) in an ditions under which it leads to policy
earlier study is seemingly robust to within a change are not well understood. Additional
percentage point or two, even when cor- policy research is needed to identify more
rected for possible positive and negative practical solutions for overcoming some of
environmental outcomes that affect yield the constraints to adoption of more envi-
and production costs (Bantilan et al., 2005). ronmentally favorable technologies and
But many environmental problems cannot NRM practices.
be captured through productivity impacts
and hence are not so easily quantified.
Other studies measure productivity impacts Emergent issues
from new technologies, but limit their envi-
ronmental analysis to qualitative state- A number of issues have arisen in this study
ments about environmental impacts. For that warrant further attention. These
example, the Kerr et al. (2000) study of wa- include questions of research policy and
tershed development projects in India. This measurement issues in impact assessment
may be the most that can realistically be studies.
hoped for, and if there were greater agree-
ment on the environmental indicators to
use it would be possible to at least allow Reaching marginal farmers
for research investments to be ranked in
different dimensions. Given that agriculture now plays a relative-
ly small part in the livelihoods of many
Given the popularity of alternative farming marginal farmers in South Asia, is it still
approaches and their competition for R&D worthwhile to target agricultural R&D to

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their problems, or are there less costly ap- aligned more with border prices and agri-
proaches? There are two aspects to this culture is a relatively small motor of
question that need to be considered. Firstly, national economic growth. There is some
many more workers are going to have to evidence for this in the form of declining
exit from agriculture in South Asia as the poverty impacts per dollar spent on agricul-
economic transformation proceeds. Agricul- tural research in India, but this is an issue
ture’s share in GDP is already much lower that warrants further study. A related issue
than its employment share, implying that stems from the observed decline in TFP
the average productivity of agricultural growth for some crops. This implies that
workers is already lower than that of non- unit production costs are unlikely to fall at
agricultural workers. This is reflected in the same pace as in the past, leaving less
widening per capita income gaps between room for future price reductions.
farm and nonfarm workers and between
rural and urban areas. Unless South Asia is
to become a much larger exporter of agri- Impact assessment issues
cultural goods, the gap can only be reduced
if the number of agricultural workers While far from perfect, the literature
declines. This exit is a normal part of the contains a wealth of empirical studies that
economic transformation of a country and link agricultural research investments to
is driven by increasing opportunities for productivity outcomes, with established
workers to move to faster-growing sectors analytical procedures for calculating rates
in manufacturing and services. In this of returns to investment and benefit–cost
context, investments in the farming activi- ratios. What is lacking is a similar body of
ties of large numbers of marginal farmers empirical studies linking agricultural
could simply end up delaying the inevita- research investments to poverty and envi-
ble, much as happened in Europe during ronmental outcomes. Apart from needing
the 20th century. these kinds of studies to assess the
economic value of poverty and environ-
The second aspect to consider is that, while mentally oriented research, they are also
some types of agricultural research can be needed to better understand the potential
targeted at marginal farmers, it would be tradeoffs and complementarities between
too expensive to develop technologies that productivity, social, and environmental
have to be tailored to fit with their individ- goals in agricultural research and for deter-
ual and very diverse livelihood strategies. mining the kinds of research that offer the
Further work is needed to identify the kinds best win-win-win outcomes.
of research that can still provide public
goods on a sufficiently large scale to justify There are very few impact studies from
their cost, and which are cost-effective South Asia that estimate a return to a
compared to alternative ways of assisting research investment corrected for environ-
marginal farmers. This issue becomes even mental costs and benefits, or that calculate
more pressing as R&D resources are the research investment cost associated with
directed at increasing the empowerment an observed reduction in the number of
and social capital of the poor. poor. Many environmental problems cannot
be captured through productivity impacts
and hence are not so easily quantified.
Food price and growth linkage Other studies measure productivity impacts
effects from new technologies, but limit their envi-
ronmental analysis to qualitative statements
Has market liberalization and economic about environmental impacts. This may be
growth weakened food price effects and the most that can realistically be hoped for,
growth multipliers to the point where agri- and if there were greater agreement on the
cultural R&D can no longer make large re- environmental indicators to use, then it
ductions in poverty? Lower food prices and would be possible to at least allow for
growth linkages to the nonfarm economy research investments to be ranked in differ-
have played a large role in reducing ent dimensions. Much the same goes for as-
poverty in South Asia in the past, but may sessing poverty impacts. While in principle it
be less important now that food prices are is possible to convert changes in the mean

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and distribution of income into a single these are important issues. IRRI, for
social welfare measure for benefit–cost example, does work on rice problems that
analysis, it is generally more practical and cut across Asian rice systems, and much the
insightful to work with a broader range of same can be said about the commodity
poverty indicators, not all of which need to work of CIMMYT and ICRISAT. Shiferaw et
be quantitative. Again, agreement on a set al. (2004) have characterized some of these
of indicators would be helpful for more sys- spillovers for South Asia, and Maredia and
tematic and comparative ranking of research Byerlee (2000) have developed a model for
investments in different dimensions. quantifying their impacts, but still missing is
a comprehensive analysis of their benefits
Finally, very little has been said in this and implications for calculations of the
report about regional spillovers and spill-ins economic returns to agricultural research in
from agricultural research in South Asia, yet South Asia.

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