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AC Gas Metal Are Welding fark Devall**, Chris Rickert**, Chris Laban**, and Mike Skilliter** ABSTRACT This project involves the evaluation of altemating current (AC) applied to the gas metal arc welding (GMAW) process. Square wave AC was used instead of direct current electrode Positive DCEP current normally used with GMAW in order to study the effects of AC current on penetration, are stability, and other characteristics. ‘To determine the general operating characteristics of the process, bead-on-plate welds were ‘made on 0.25-in. thick mild stel plate. The process was also tested in a practical application were lp joints were welded on 0.0625-in. 409 stainless steel sheet In the bead-on plate welds AC GMAW showed reduced heat input and penetration to the base metal as compared to the DCEP polarity. With a constant ratio of wire feed speed (WES) to travel speed (TS) (ie., constant weld volume), DCEP showed an increase in penetration depth and a more pronounced finger type penetration as the welding speed was increased. Using the same testing procedure for AC the penetration increase was not as pronounced when travel speeds were increased, 1b te testing Of the stainfess steel lap joints the relatively low penctration of AC GMAW allowed welding speeds as much as 50% greater than those obtainable with DCEP before burn- through occurred. Experiments on gap tolerances also showed that AC GMAW might be slightly more tolerant of larger gaps than DCEP although results of both wave forms produced very similar results INTRODUCTION Recently there has been increased research on the mets of using altemating current (AC) for ‘GMAW instead ofthe waditional DCEP. thas been eported thatthe reduced penetration of AC GMAW permits higher welding speeds on thin gauge material compared to DCEP, where increased welding speeds using DCEP tends to produce burn-hrough. AC GMAW is also reported to cause fewer problems with burn-through than DCEP in welding joints with non- uniform gaps. (Ref. 1-4) ‘This report shows how weld characteristics including penetration and heat input of AC GMAW compare to those of DCEP. First, the characteristics of the AC MAW process were identified and compared to the DCEP process by making bead-on-plate welds on mild steel plate and ‘comparing the results of penetration, heat input, and other characeristis. Testing showed that ‘AC GMAW has the effect of reducing heat input and penetration as compared to DCEP GMAW. “Eason Weng Instone ssPrevioily at The Ohi Stat Univers, Indus Welding and Systems Engitoeing Department Secondly, a comparison between the two processes was made in a practical application of welding lap joints on stainless steel sheet. The two processes were compared by running constant deposit area tests foreach process at their maximum travel speed. Results show thatthe [AC process can be used to increase travel speeds substantially for the same size weld bead. “Testng results also show that slightly larger gaps can be tolerated using the AC GMAW process. GMAW BACKGROUND Gas metal are welding with solid wire is used with direct current electrode positive (DCEP) polarity almost exclusively. This is because DCEP yields a more stable arc, smoother metal transfer, lower spatter, and better penetration than DCEN, and also because DCEP can be used to ‘obiain several diferent modes of metal transfer, including shor circuit, globular, and spray ‘modes. Direct current electrode negative (DCEN) polarity is usualy limited to globular transfer and is seldom used because the arc is unstable and spatter is unacceptable. According to one reference, a minimum of 5% oxygen is necessary in the shielding gas if are stability is to be ‘maintained. (Ref. 5) DCEN current does however offer some benefits for GMAW. A characteristic of DCEN GMAW is that a majority (around 70%) of the energy of the arc is used in heating the electrode and the remainder (around 30%) is used in heating the base. By contrast, this energy balance is reversed for DCEP polarity, (ie., about 70% of the energy occurs at the base metal and 30% ‘cours atthe electrode). (Ref. 6) This suggests the possibility that higher wire melting rates and less penetration are obtainable with DCEN than DCEP, The heat balance in the DCEN mode requires less current than DCEP to maintain the same melt off rate. This makes DCEN attractive {or applications where burn-through is a problem since penetration and heat input will both be reduced. AC GMAW is an attempt to capture the benefits of both DCEN and DCEP. DCEP offers good are stability and bead profile but has deep penetration which can cause burn-through on thin {gauge materials. DCEN can provide low heat input, shallow penetration, and high deposition ‘ates, but is accompanied by Severe spatter, poor are stability, and a narrow weld bead with & igh crown, Ii the benefits of both polarities could be combined while eliminating the negative effects, many applications could stand to benefit from the AC GMAW process, particularly those ‘which involve fast production welding of thin gauge metas. LITERATURE REVIEW Early Work on AC GMAW Several research projects have been carried out on different types of AC GMAW. The term AC GMAW includes the use of a sinusoidal wave form, bu also describes @ non-syrmetrical square ‘wave output. AC GMAW does not necessaily use a symmetrical current output although it ean do so. In using modem square wave technology to produce an AC square wave the ratio of CEP to DCEN can be varied and the amplitudes of the two polarities ean also have different values. Welding with a square wave form helps to improve are stability by reducing are re- ignition problems during polarity transition, Several researchers have experimented with various types of AC GMAW wave forms, including ‘sinusoidal AC, various types of square wave forms, and others. Problems were encountered in ‘maintaining are stability using sinusoidal AC due to the extinguishing of the areas the current ‘rops to zero at the end of each half cycle, According to one group of researchers, (Ref. 7) during the change in polarity atthe end of each half cycle the ae tends to extinguish when using ‘open circuit voltages less than approximately 100 volts due tothe loss of ionization ofthe plasma in the are column, tis the ionized plasma in the arc column that helps to maintain electron transfer once the arc has stated. During the change in polarity in sinusoidal AC welding there is 1 short period of zero current where this ionization is lost and the arc tends to extinguish, This problem can be overcome by using very high open circuit voltages to re-ignte the are. High ‘open circuit voltages however are often a safety concem and itis desirable to keep open circuit voltages as low as feasible. One method of obtaining re-ignition while maintaining a low open circuit voltage is to use a circuit that provides a high voltage surge atthe time when current is zero. In their 1975 report, (Ref, 7) Lucas, Stret, and Watkins used a capacitive circuit which would fire a high voltage sitge at or near current zero. The results reported showed in one case that using a 600 volt surge permitted the open circuit voltage to be reduced from 250 to 75V while maintaining arc stability ‘The system was reported to be very effective in stabilizing the arc and the AC current produced desirable are characteristics. In general, the bead cross-sections produced by AC GMAW were Intermediate between DCEP GMAW and DCEN GMAW. A wider bead width was observed using AC than DCEN GMAW with a lower erown and greater penetration, while having a slightly narrower bead and less penetration than DCEP. The AC beads also did not show the pronounced finger type (ie, papilla) penetration found with DCEP beads but showed a more rounded bead profile ‘Modern Work on AC GMAW. ln recent years with the improvements in power source control technology, researchers have been able to try welding with several different AC wave forms. New welding power supplies are being built which can output almost any wave form desired and use microprocessor driven closed loop contol systems to sense arc voltage and amperage and make real time adjustments to the are. This enables power supplies to maintain arc stability, reduce spatter, improve weld bead profiles, and permit low heat input welding which can be used on thin materials. (Ref. 1,23,4) Many of these reports discuss the use of AC wave forms that are neither sinusoidal nor simple alternating square waves. Many of the wave forms reported are complex versions of square waves or other unique wave forms developed for specific applications. These advanced power supplies are reported to significantly improve welding of thin materials. Reports claim that these specialized wave forms reduce heat input while the arc sensing algorithms control spatter problems. Very little fundamental literature however is published on the use of basic AC square ‘wave forms for GMAW without the use of closed loop control systems or specialized wave forms. SCOPE/OBJECTIVES “The goal of this project was to develop some basic understanding of the welding characteristics of ACGMAW. Characteristies such as penetration, heat input, and are stability Were studied and ‘a comparison was made between welds made using conventional GMAW and welds made with ‘AC current. Sheet metal welding tests were also performed to show the maximum travel speeds ‘of the two processes and compare thie ability to tolerate joim gaps. EQUIPMENT ‘A Hobart Mega-Pulse MPI-350 constant voltage power supply with a Hobart 2450 wire feeder ‘was used. The torch was mounted on a horizoatal side beam carriage, A table with a fixture to hhold weld specimens was traversed beneath it. An Orbital VPAC variable polarity module was used for polarity switching. The current wave form was supplied from a Wavetck Model 185, 5 MB linvlog sweep generator which controlled the switching of the VPAC unit, The wave generator provided control of the percent DCEN and switching frequency. PC-based data acquisition hardware was used in conjunction with Labtech Notebook software to record voltage, current, and wire feed speed EXPERIMENTAL WORK Preliminary Testing On Mild Steel Bead-on-plate welds were made on 0.25 in. thick grit-blasted mild steel plate to obtain 2 fundamental understanding of the equipment and process characteristics. A data acquisition system was used to record the current, voltage, and wire feed speed for each weld at a 5 Kitz sampling rat. The welds were cross sectioned and macro etched. The penetration and weld areas were measured using Optimus v4.1 software in conjunction with a macroscope. ‘Testing of Contact Tip to Work Distance ‘This experiment was to determine the effects of contact tip-to-work distance (the distance from the end ofthe contact tip tothe base metal) on welding curtent, heat input, and penetration depth. ‘The goal was to identify any characteristic behavior differences between conventional GMAW and AC GMAW. In esting the effects of contact tip-to-work distance (CTWD), besd-on-plate welds were made using CTWDs of 0.5, 0.75, and |i For each CTWD three welds were made using 0%, 30%, and 70% DCEN. The process parameters used for this testing are shown in Table 1 ‘able 1- Parameters for CTWD and WES tests, 'ER705-3 filler wire diameter (CTWD (held constant in WFS tests) ‘Wire feed speed (held constant in CTWD tests), Travel speed 18 ipm ‘Voltage (machine sting) 32 vols ‘Work angle Odes. Travel angle deg. ‘Switching frequency 4542 ‘Shielding Gas BAF BWCORG ASEH Results of Contact Tip to Work Distance Tests ‘The results of testing CTWD are shown in Figures | through 3. Figure I shows that the CTWD has a similar effect on current whether using AC or 100% DCEP, In all cases the current decreases as CTWD increases for a fixed wire feed speed. The current drops when CTWD is increased because the added stickout of the wire increases the resistance, and since the power supply is constant voltage, a slight drop in curent results. All Uree wave forms exhibit the same trend toward lower currents at longer CTWD's which is not unusual. The lower currents associated with AC are thought tobe related to the more efficient burn-off rate ofthe DCEN part of the AC cycle. ‘THE EFFECT OF CTWD ON CURRENT ames) erwotin Figure 1 - Effect of CTWD on current ‘The effect of CTWD on heat input coincides with its effect on current. Figure 2 shows that an increase in CTWD produces a decrease in heat input, Heat input is dependent on current and is related by the following equation: H=EU6OVTS Where: H=energy in joules per linear measure of weld (inches or millimeters) 60 = unit conversion factor (60 seconds E=are voltage in volts, = welding current in amperes ‘TS = travel speed in linear measure per minute (infmin or mm/min) Because ofthis relationship, any change in current will result ina directly proportional change in heat input and thus the curves showing the effects of CTWD on current and heat input are very similar as expected. EFFECT OF CTWDON HEAT INPUT Ss mS exes Figure ate —— ‘of CTWD on heat input ‘The effect of CTWD on penetration can also be related to current. Figure 3 shows curves similar to those of Figures 1 and 2. The decreasing penetration as CTWD it increased ie because of the sccompanying decrease in current. As current is decreased, so is the eurrent density forthe same size wire. Since penetration is a function of current density, whenever the current density is reduced there will be a reduction in penetration forthe same wire diameter. Figure 3 - Effects of CTWD on penetration depth The results shown in Figures 1, 2, and 3 consistently show that current, heat input, and penetration depth are decreased as the percentage of DCEN polarity is increased. The effect of CTWD is the same for all of the wave forms tested, showing a trend toward less current, heat input, and penetration as CTWD is increased Wire Feed Speed Testing “The purpose ofthis experiment was to show the effets of diferent wire feed speeds on current, heat input, and penetration, To test the effects of WFS, the following three WFS settings were tused: $30, 580, and 630 jpm. The same three wave forms used in the CTWD tests were again ‘used in the testing of WFS: 0%, 305%, and 70% DCEN. Process parameters used are shown in Table I Results of Wire Feed Speed Testing The testing of WES vs. current shows that current inereases proportionally with an increase on WES (sce Figure 4). This is expected since the WFS and current are proportional fora constant voltage power supply. The curves forthe different wave forms show that the effect of inreasing. the WES is the same forall wave forms. Except forthe current differences at each WFS, the three wave forms show similar trends. ‘THE EFFECT OF WFS ON CURRENT = |= = Stes acc a =) a = ‘so <= WS tm) igure 4- Eject of WES on current Figure 5 shows that the result of increasing WES is an increase in heat input. These results parallel the results of WES vs. current, The three wave forms plotted show very similar trends and again differ only in their average values for curent as a result ofthe effects of the DCEN one |e anna |-a—70% 008 WS fm Figure 5 Eifects of WPS on heat input Penetration tests yield results which are somewhat surprising. As shown in Figure 6, the effect ‘of WES on penetration depth shows different results for DCEP compared to AC. ‘The DCEP bead shows a relatively linear increase in penetration as WFS was increased while the AC beads show a peak penetration at $80 ipm. These results do not appear consistent withthe results of, the current and heat input tests. One would expect close correlation of results between the three tests. Some penetration measurements shown in Figure 6 could be misteading and are suspected {o be a result of non-uniform penetration depth along the length of the weld bead. ‘There is a possibilty that some of the measured weld cross-sections were taken at locations where the penetration was unusually shallow. More investigation will be necessary in order to check the results shown in Figur 6 ‘THE EFFECT OF WES ON PENETRATION Dern ore ] aan | il a — cor —— wes tom) | Figure 6 - Effects of WFS on penetration depth. Constant Deposit Area Testing ‘The goal ofthis experiment was to compare the penetration characteristics of AC GMAW and conventional GMAW as WES is increased while using a constant WES/TS ratio (ie, constant ‘weld volume). At increasing travel speeds in DCEP welding there is an increase in penetration even when the same size bead is being deposited (constant deposit area). Even though the WFSITS ratio is the same, the current is higher with an increased WES since current is dependent on WES. This increased current causes a higher current density and thus results in a igreater are force. Penetration esting was carried out here to observe the effects of AC current on this phenomenon. ‘To perform this experiment penetration tests were conducted by running weld beads at three different deposition rates for each of two wave forms (DCEP and 75% DCEN) while using @ constant WES/TS ratio. The parameters used for testing ae listed in Table 2 and a WFSITS ratio ‘of 7.0 was used dusing testing, Table 2- Parameters used to examine the differences in penetration between DCEP and AC GMAW with constant weld volume TER7OS-3 ier wire diameter 0.035. a) 075 in. ‘Voltage (eting) ‘varied 1o control spater ‘Work angle ‘Odeg. Travel angle Odes Switching frequene) 45 Hz ‘Shielding gas [SiG AreRCO,@45emh Rocults of Constant Deposit Area Testing Figure 7 shows the results of the WES vs. penetration testing of the DCEP and 759% DCEN wave forms. As the figure shows the penetration ofthe AC GMAW weld is significantly less than the DCEP weld. It appears thatthe two wave forms exhibit simular trends toward deeper penetration at higher wire feed speeds, with the AC wave form yielding a slightly lesser slope. These results can be attributed partially to che reduced heat input of the DCEN part of the AC wave form. In addition to this there is possibilty thatthe DCEN produces a lesser are force than DCEP. PENETRATION USING CONSTANT DEPOSIT |. | He cl = Figure 7 - Effect of increasing deposition rate for a constant WES/TS ratio eet mn ion In these experiments lap joint welds were made on 0.0625-in. thick 409 stainless stee} sheet to ‘evaluate the practical benefits of AC GMAW. Gap Tolerance Testing In this test AC GMAW was tested on shest metal lap joints to determine whether larger joint aps can be tolerated using AC GMAW than with 100% DCEP without causing burn-through. It was expected thatthe lower heat input inherent to the DCEN process would be beneficial in welding thin sheet metal, 1In performing this experiment lap joints are welded while using shims to hold a certain size gap between the two pieces being welded. In determining optimum parameters, the parameters listed in Table 3 are held constant for all test. ‘Table 3 - Parameters for Gap Tolerance Testing 'ER 409 stainless steel wire diameter 0.045 in. ‘Travel speed 40 ipm: ‘Shielding gas 38% Ar2% O,@45cih “Travel angle 20 dey [Work angle 35 dey ‘The WES and voltage had to be adjusted for each new gap size in onler to fill the gap properly and control spatter and are length. Determining the WES for a given gap was done by ineeasing ‘WES until joint fll was sufficient and then further increasing until burn-through occurred. Once bum-through occurred, the voltage was adjusted to minimize spatter and the WFS backed off slightly so as to maximize the WFS without causing burn-through. ‘This was done for several ap sizes (using shim stock) and two different wave forms; 100% DCEP and 754 DCEN. Results of Gap Tolerance Testing Following isa list ofthe optimum welding parameters found for DCEP current © DCEP Parameters = Voltage = 23 volts = WES 280 jpm max — Maximum weldable - 0,060 in. ‘These parameters and those in Table 3 represent the optimum pararneters for welding with DCEP current. The maximum weldable gap using DCEP is 0.060 in. with a WS of 280 ipm. Ifthe WES is decreased in order to lower the heat input, lack of fusion occurs. If it is increased in order to accommodate a larger gap, excessive heat input causes burn-through, ‘The use of 75% DCEN current is optimized using the parameters listed below and those in Table 3 © 78% DCEN Parameters = Voltage -27 volts = WRS-315ipm = Maximum weldable gap - 0.065 in. [As shown above, the maximum weldable gap using 75% DCEN is 0.065 in, slightly greater than that possible with DCEP current. ‘The WES is increased by 35 ipm in order to provide sufficient ‘ap fil. Any increase beyond 315 ipm to weld a larger gap results in burn-through, The results ofthis experiment show that AC GMAW might offer some benefit over DCEP where zaps are difficult to control. Further experimentation and optimization of the process might result in even greater improvements in performance over DCEP. Constant Deposit Area Testing The objective of this test was to evaluate the ability of AC GMAW to obtain higher welding speeds than DCEP GMAW. The reduced heat input of the AC process shows potential for increasing welding speeds significantly without causing bur-through ‘To compare the maximum travel speeds achievable with AC GMAW compared to DCEP, lap joints were made with no gap at different travel speeds while holding the WES/TS ratio constant in ofder to maintain a constant bead size. Beads were made using 100% DCEP and 75% DCEN and travel speed was increased until bur-through occurred. Travel speeds forthe two wave forms were then compared. Table 4 shows parameters held constant during the tests. Table 4- Parameters for SS tap joints 409 SS filler wire diameter D045 crwD 0.75 in. ‘Voltage seting) ‘varied to minimize spatter ‘Shielding Gas ‘SBHAT-2O, @45eth Results of Constant Deposit Area Testing, Following is a comparison of the WES and TS parameters used for wo weld beads which maximized the deposition rate without causing burn-through. * DCEP = Maximum WFS - 280 ipm = Maximum TS - 40ipm © 18% DCEN = Maximum WES - 420 ipm Maximum TS - 60 ipm ‘As the data shows 759% DCEN results in a 50% increase in travel speed over DCEP in going from 40 to 60 ipm. This isa significant finding and shows a potential benefit of using AC GMAW for welding of thin materials. Not only does the AC process result in faster welding speeds, but the reduced heat input per inch also has the potential to help reduce. problems. CONCLUSIONS ‘The use of AC current for GMAW offers several potential advantages over conventional GMAW using DCEP current. Reduction in welding curtent is one characteristic ofthe process and offers advantages of lower welding power costs and reduced heat input per inch of weld. ‘The reduced heat input of the process allows for increased ability to tolerate joint gaps and allows for faster welding speeds than conventional DCEP GMAW without causing burn-through. AC GMAW has great potential for improving production rates and reducing distortion problems in the welding of thin sheet metal, More research is being conducted to further understand the process characteristics of AC GMAW. Characteristics such as ar stability, modes of metal transfer, and penetration profiles ace being studied. REFERENCES 1, Nacey, ., Pagano, K. 1995, Advancements in DC and AC Low Current Pulse GMAW. North American Welding Research Conference Proceedings, paper 2-3. 2. Tanimoto, J, Minooka, M., Nishida, Y. 1988. Development of the AC pulsed MAG Welding Process. 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