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Wild Weed Pesto
With He Shou Wu

Many of us are accustomed to thinking that our fruit and veges must come
from the green grocer or at least the vege garden. This is not the case! The
lawn and those untended areas of the garden can hold many nutritious and
delicious plants just waiting to be eaten!

A few of my favourites are dandelion leaves, chickweed, plantain,

nasturtium and sorrel. They are all highly nutritious, being particularly high
in minerals such as potassium and magnesium. As well as being nutritious
and delicious, many of these herbs have a bitter taste profile which helps
support nutrient absorption and liver health.

They are perfect all blended up in this vegan pesto, especially when joined
by the nourishing yin tonic He Shou Wu. The root of this creeping vine (
also considered a weed) is perfect for those that are dog tired and depleted.
This makes it the perfect accompaniment to a green, mineral rich, weedy
3 cups of mixed greens - dandelion, chickweed, parsley, rocket,
coriander, nastutium, sorrel, plantain
3/4 cup of macadamias or other nuts or seeds
3 cloves of garlic
3 Tbsn of hemp seed oil
2 tspn of MDPP He Shou Wu
1 Tbsn ACV (apple cider vinegar)
juice of a lemon
salt & pepper to taste

Place all the ingredients into a food processor or high speed
blender and blend until combined but still slightly . Store in a jar in
the fridge.
Makes a perfect morning alkalising greens boost and tastes
delicious on sourdough toast.
Breakfast Muffins
With Cordyceps
Everyone loves a good muffin! These mushroom muffins are super easy,
vegan and full of immune modulating mushroom beta glucans. You can also
up the vitamin D content of these muffins by putting your mushrooms in the
sun for a few hours before using. I added a couple of umami tasting
cordyceps into these muffins to add more immune and lung supporting
nutrients. Makes 8 muffins

3 Tbsn of olive oil 1 cup wholemeal flour
125g fresh mushrooms 2 tsp MDPP Cordyceps
Salt & Pepper 1 1/4 tsp baking powder
3/4 cup of oat mylk 1/4 tsp baking soda
1/2 Tbsp white distilled vinegar 1/2 tsp dried thyme

Chop up mushrooms and fry in a little oil along with some salt
and pepper.
Preheat the oven to 180℃
Mix together the oat milk and vinegar. Set aside for at least 5
In a mixing bowl, mix together flour, cordyceps extract, baking
powder, baking soda and thyme. Add pinch of salt and pepper.
Whisk the 3 Tbsn of olive oil into the milk mixture until smooth.
Add liquid mixture to the flour mixture and stir until well
combined. Gently fold in mushrooms.
Pour the batter into a prepared mini muffin cups
Bake for 20-25 minutes or till the top looks cooked.
Serve warm with hummus and sprouts or some wild weed pesto.
Any Time Dhal
With Reishi
Dhal might be one of the best winter breakfasts out there. High in protein and
fibre and immune supporting spices. As it is highly spiced it can camouflage
the bitter flavour of adaptogenic, immune tonic mushroom extract reishi but
any mushroom extract would suit. Serves 4-5

1 tsp olive oil
2 tsp turmeric
2 onions
1 tsp garam masala
3 crushed garlic cloves
1 cup red lentils
1 Tbsn fresh ginger, grated
1 can chopped tomatoes
1/2 chilli, chopped
1 can coconut cream
2 tsp MDPP Reishi
2 cups of vege stock
1/2 tsp cumin
Juice of a lemon
1/2 tsp coriander
2 handfuls of spinach
1/2 tsp mustard seeds
Heat the oil in a large pan over a medium heat. Add the onion and
cook for 5 minutes. Add the garlic, ginger and red chilli and cook for
a few minutes. Add in the spices and reishi and cook for a minute or
Add the lentils, can of tomatoes, coconut mylk and stock, then stir to
Season with salt and pepper and cook on a medicum heat for 30
minutes until it has reduced and it is thick.
Taste and add more chilli if desired. Stir in the lemon juice and
spinach until it wilts.
Serve with roti, dosa or on toast for a lovely savoury breakfast
Try serving with rice or cauliflower rice for a nourishing, easy on the
wallet, lunch or dinner for the family.
Coconut & Rose Sago
With Ashwagandha
Oh ashwagandha. It is the herb I reach for in times of strife. When everything
feels a bit hard, when I am tired but sleepless, when I need a hug but feel
irritated. Its the great balancer. Traditionally used in milk, it is the perfect partner
for the creamy comfort of sago pudding. Sago is easy to use, vegan and
possibly the most delicious thing you will have this year. Serves 4

One cup of water For rosy berry toppng
1/2 cup sago 1 cup raspberries
2 cups oat mylk 1 grated apple
2 cups coconut cream 2 tspn rose water
1 Tbsp cornflour
1 Tbsp cold oat mylk
2 Tbsp coconut sugar
2 tspn MDPP Ashwagandha
2 tspn vanilla essence
Place the water into a large pot and bring to the boil. Add the sago and
simmer until all of the water is absorbed. At this point it will start to look
Add the coconut cream, oat mylk and salt. Stir well and leave on a
middle range heat until it comes to a boil. Reduce the heat and simmer
for about 20 minutes. It will start to look creamy.
In a cup mix together the cornflour and the cold oat mylk. Add this
mixture to the sago mixture. Keep stirring the mixture and add in the
sugar and the ashwagandha. Keep stirring until it is creamy and
bubbling. Remove from heat
Rosy raspberries
In another saucepan, gently heat together the raspberries, grated apple
and rose water until bubbling.
To Serve
Serve up sago in bowls and top with rosy raspberry mixture!
Cacao Shroom Muesli
With Shroom Potion
Muesli but not as you know it. Its chocolatey and nutty and also full of the
benefits of cacao, chaga, lions mane and gotu kola thanks to Shroom Potion. 
Cacao is not only the mother of chocolate but also full of feel good
phytochemicals and magnesium. Chaga is nourishing for the gut and immune
system while lions mane and gotu kola work as a tag team to nourish the
nervous system. This is a great way to start the day. And the kids will LOVE it.

4 cups rolled oats 1/2 cup melted coconut oil
1/2 cup macadamias 1/2 cup maple syrup
1 cup slivered almonds 2 tspn vanilla extract
1 cup puffed grains - rice, quinoa etc. 1/2 cup shredded coconut)
1/3 cup cacao powder 1/2 cup cacao nibs
3 tspn MDPP Shroom Potion
Heat oven to 180 degrees
In a large bowl, mix together oats, almonds, macadamias, cacao,
Shroom Potion and puffed grains.
In a separate bowl, stir together melted coconut oil, maple
syrup and vanilla extract until combined.  Pour the coconut oil
mixture into the oats mixture, and combine.
Spread the muesli out on some baking paper on an oven tray.
Bake for 15-18 minutes, stirring once halfway through. 
Remove from the oven, stir and then sprinkle through the the
coconut and cacao nibs.
Let cool, store in an airtight container at room temperature for
up to 1 month.
Chai Spiced Oats
With Chaga
This spice mix is not only delicious and full of the adrenal, immune and gut
benefits of chaga but also - so versatile! Make chai tea with it, add it to baking in
place of mixed spice, add it as a topping to your coffee, make a spiced sago or
rice pudding or mix it through your porridge or cereal as in the recipe on the
following page. Make a big batch and slip it into everything! Its GOOD!


3 Tbsn cinnamon ground 1 tsp nutmeg grated
2 Tbsn ginger ground 1.5 tsp cloves ground
2 Tbsn cardamom ground 1.5 tsp fennel seeds ground
2 Tbsn MDPP Chaga 1 tsp anise powder ground

Grind all spices individually then blend together. Store in an airtight jar.
1 cup rolled oats + liquid for preparation
2.5 tspn Chaga Chai Blend
2 bananas, sliced into rounds
1/4 cup coconut oil
1/4 cup maple syrup

Cook the porridge according to instructions. Stir through 1.5 teaspoons
of Chaga Chai blend when the porridge is almost cooked.
In the meantime - heat the coconut oil in a frying pan. Add the maple
syrup and 1 teaspoon of Chaga Chai Blend and let it bubble.
Add bananas and simmer for a few minutes on each side until soft and
Remove bananas from heat and stir some of them through the porridge
and then place the rest on top.
Drizzle the rest of the maple/oil mix over the porridge.
Makes 2 serves
Hazelnut Spread
With Chaga
Its Nutella but not as you know it. Its still nutty and still creamy and
delicious but is vegan and contains all the good shit from chaga.

1½ c hazelnuts roasted 2 Tbsn Coconut mylk powder
1-2 Tbsp hemp seed oil 2 tspn MDPP Chaga
1/4 cup maple syrup ¼ tsp vanilla
2 Tbsp cacao
Toast hazelnuts in oven at 180 for 15 minutes but stir them often
While still warm, grind in a blender adding vanilla and oil during the
blending process.
Once a coarse nut butter has been formed, add cocoa powder,
coconut or almond mylk powder adding more oil as needed.
Blend until it is to your preference.
Shiitake Mexi Chips
With Shroom Squad

These immune boosting morsels can be made with any mushroom extract you
have. Here I have coated with Shroom Squad - our multifaceted 5 mushroom
blend. Perfect sprinkled on salads or on your toast in the morning! 

500g Shiitake Mushrooms
1 tsp each of chipotle, smoked paprika, coriander seed, cumin seed
2 tsp of MDPP Shroom Squad
2 Tbsn of oil for coating
Slice shiitakes, coat in oil and rub in the spice mixture. Bake in the oven at
about 160 for about 20 mins until crispy. Store in an airtight jar.
These are EPIC on sourdough and avo toast! or as a mid morning snack.
Magick Smoothie
With Mistys Magick Cocoa
Smoothies can be a good option for those who arent that enthused with a
heavy breakfast or as a mid morning snack. This smoothie is a chocolate dream
and contains a multitude of adaptogens and tonic herbs to support whole body
health. You can add greens, protein powder and hemp seed oil as well if you
wish. Makes 2 serves.

2 frozen bananas
2 cups oat mylk
2 level tablespoon MDPP Mistys Magick Cocoa
2 tspn hemp seeds
1 tspn vanilla
1/2 tspn of cinnamon
Put all ingredients into high speed blender and blend until smooth.
Bullet Proof Coffee
With Lions Mane
In small amounts, coffee can be a quick and easy brain boost. Bulletproof
coffee is often touted as a good way to prolong the positive cognitive benefits
of caffeine while negating the negative. Lions mane is a perfect addition to
coffee as it has documented benefits for cognition, focus and concentration.

1 cup of espresso coffee
1 tspn MCT oil
1 tspn MDPP Lions Mane Extract
1/2 tspn vanilla essence
1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon
Put all ingredients into high speed blender and blend until frothy
Sweeten with monk fruit and serve hot with extra cinnamon on top.
Have a magickal day

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