The Social Role of Imitation in Autism

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Infants & Young Children

Vol. 21, No. 2, pp. 107–119

Copyright  c 2008 Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

The Social Role

of Imitation in Autism
Implications for the Treatment
of Imitation Deficits
Brooke Ingersoll, PhD
Individuals with autism exhibit significant deficits in imitation skills. This article reviews the impor-
tance of imitation in typical development, focusing on the social function of imitation and its role
in the development of social communication skills. Second, it reviews evidence suggesting an asso-
ciation between imitation deficits and social communication impairments in children with autism.
Third, it discusses limitations of the current method for teaching imitation that targets only the
learning function of imitation. Finally, it describes a new imitation intervention designed to teach
the social use of imitation in young children with autism. Key words: autism, early intervention,
imitation, social communication

C HILDREN WITH AUTISM exhibit signifi-

cant impairment in imitation skills. These
deficits have been reported on a variety of
found effect on learning and development
in children with autism (Meltzoff & Gopnik,
1994; Rogers & Pennington, 1991), making it
tasks including symbolic and nonsymbolic an important focus of intervention.
body movements, symbolic and functional This article reviews the importance of imi-
object use, vocalizations, and facial expres- tation in development. In particular, it focuses
sions (for review, see Smith & Bryson, 1994; on the social function of imitation and its role
Williams, Whiten, & Singh, 2004). In typi- in the development of social communication
cal infants, imitation emerges early in devel- skills. Second, it reviews evidence suggesting
opment (Meltzoff & Moore, 1977) and plays an association between imitation deficits and
a crucial role in the development of cog- social communication impairments in chil-
nitive and social communication behaviors, dren with autism. Third, it discusses limita-
such as language, play, and joint attention tions of the current method for teaching im-
(Rogers & Pennington, 1991). This associa- itation that targets only the learning function
tion, as well as evidence for the specificity of of imitation. Finally, it describes an imitation
the imitation deficit in autism (eg, Charman intervention designed to teach the social use
et al., 1997; Rogers, Hepburn, Stackhouse, of imitation in young children with autism.
& Wehner, 2003; Stone, Ousley, & Littleford,
1997), has led some researchers to propose ROLE OF IMITATION IN DEVELOPMENT
imitation as a primary deficit that has a pro-
In typical infants, imitation emerges early
in development (Meltzoff & Moore, 1977)
and serves 2 distinct functions: a learning
Author Affiliation: Lewis & Clark College, Portland,
Oregon. function, through which infants acquire new
skills and knowledge, and a social function,
This study was supported by grants from the Organiza-
tion for Autism Research and Cure Autism Now. through which infants engage in social and
emotional exchanges with others (Uzgiris,
Corresponding Author: Brooke Ingersoll, PhD, 105B
Psychology Bldg, Michigan State University, East 1981). It is through this social use of imita-
Lansing, MI 48824 ( tion that typically developing infants acquire

the social communication skills that are found more sophisticated play skills (Morrison &
to be deficient in children with autism. Kuhn, 1983). Imitation of peers serves to in-
For example, in typical infants, early face- crease and refine peer interactions during
to-face interactions with caregivers are often early childhood and remains a strong elicitor
characterized by mutual or reciprocal imita- of social interest throughout childhood.
tion in which both the caregiver and the in- In sum, the social use of imitation in in-
fant engage in imitation of the others’ vocal- fancy and early childhood is associated with
izations and facial expressions. It is through the development of more sophisticated social
these reciprocal imitation games that infants communication skills. This research would
communicate social interest in their partner suggest that a disruption in the early social
(Nadel, Guerini, Peze, & Rivet, 1999; Uzgiris, use of imitation might have a significant im-
1981, 1999), develop a sense of shared affec- pact on the development of other social com-
tive experience (Malatesta & Izard, 1984), and munication skills, a hypothesis proposed by
engage in conversational turn-taking eventu- others (Meltzoff & Gopnik, 1994; Rogers &
ally necessary during spoken communication Pennington, 1991).
(Trevarthen, Kokkinaki, & Fiamenghi, 1999).
Toward the end of the first year, play be- RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN IMITATION
tween the infant and caregiver becomes more AND SOCIAL COMMUNICATION
object focused and the infant begins to imitate BEHAVIOR IN AUTISM
the caregiver’s actions with toys (eg, Uzgiris,
1990). In the second year, imitation games Indeed, the research on autism suggests a
often involve affective gestures (Kuczynski, relationship between imitative performance
Zahn-Waxler, & Redke-Yarrow, 1987). Among and other social communication skills, includ-
mother-child dyads, imitation remains one of ing language, play, and joint attention. There
the most common, stable patterns of interac- is considerable support for an association be-
tion throughout early childhood (Halliday & tween imitation and language abilities in chil-
Leslie, 1986). Reciprocal imitation serves to dren with autism. Dawson and Adams (1984)
express interest and engagement between the found that children with autism categorized as
child and caregiver (Waxler & Yarrow, 1975) high imitators verbalized to the experimenter
and is a strategy through which the child significantly more than children categorized
learns conventional actions with toys (Uzgiris, as low imitators. Sigman and Ungerer (1984)
1990) and affective gestures (Kuczynski et al., found that children with autism exhibited spe-
1987). cific deficits in vocal and gestural imitation
Reciprocal imitation also plays a key role compared with typical children and children
in early peer interactions. Performance of with developmental delay. These skills were
the same act on the same object initiates correlated with receptive language for all 3
interactions between toddlers (Mueller & groups, and vocal imitation was correlated
Lucas, 1975) and often results in maintained with expressive language in typical children
or increased social interaction including coun- and children with autism.
terimitation (Eckerman & Stein, 1990; Grusec A longitudinal study of imitation and lan-
& Abramovitch, 1982). Sustained reciprocal guage in children with autism found an asso-
imitation is the predominant mode of so- ciation between gestural imitation and the de-
cial interaction and preverbal communication velopment of expressive language 6 months
between same-aged toddlers (Baudonniere, later in young children with autism (Stone
1988; Eckerman, 1993). These imitative ex- et al., 1997). In another longitudinal study,
changes appear to foster continued social in- Stone and Yoder (2001) found that motor im-
teraction by communicating a common un- itation ability at age 2 significantly predicted
derstanding of ongoing activities (Eckerman, language outcomes at age 4, suggesting the
1993) and play a role in the acquisition of strong correlation between motor imitation
Imitation and Autism 109

and language development in children with relationship between the ability to imitate ac-
autism. In contrast, after controlling for devel- tions with objects and the development of
opmental age, Rogers et al. (2003) did not find higher level play behaviors; however, the re-
a relationship between imitation skills (oral, lationship may be mediated by developmental
object, or body) and concurrent language age age.
in young children with autism. This finding Imitation deficits may further disrupt the
may be due to the use of different imitation development of peer play, as early peer in-
tasks (oral-motor vs verbal) or may suggest teractions are heavily based on reciprocal
that the relationship between imitation and imitation with toys (Eckerman & Didow,
language is mediated by other factors. 1996; Eckerman & Stein, 1990). Indeed, Stone
The research also supports a relationship and Lemanek (1990) found that parents of
between imitation and play skills in autism. A preschool-aged children with autism reported
variety of studies have indicated that young that their child displayed significantly less
children with autism are impaired on the imitation of another child at play compared
imitation of functional and arbitrary actions with parents of children with developmental
with play materials (eg, Charman et al., 1997; delays.
1998; DeMyer et al., 1972; Stone et al., Several studies have found a correlation be-
1997). Hammes and Langdell (1981) found tween imitation and joint attention in autism.
that children with autism performed signifi- In nonverbal children with autism, Curcio
cantly worse than children with learning dif- (1978) found that higher gesture imitation
ficulties on imitation tasks involving 1 real performance predicted more sophisticated
object and 1 imaginary object or pantomime communicative gestures. In another study,
of an action with 2 imaginary objects. Libby, Abrahamsen and Mitchell (1990) found that
Powell, Messer, and Jordan (1997) found that vocal imitation was highly correlated with the
children with autism demonstrated specific number of pragmatic functions including joint
difficulties with the imitation of a series of attention that children with autism used dur-
pretend acts that formed scripts compared ing spontaneous communication. Carpenter,
with typical children and children with Down Pennington, and Rogers (2002) found ob-
syndrome. These findings are notable be- ject imitation and coordinated joint attention
cause children with autism also display simi- were correlated in preschool-aged children
lar deficits in their spontaneous play (Jarrold, with autism, with object imitation preceding
Boucher, & Smith, 1993). the development of joint attention. Rogers
In addition, Stone et al. (1997) found that et al. (2003) found that both object imitation
for children with autism, imitation of actions and oral imitation were correlated with initiat-
with objects at 2 years of age was highly cor- ing joint attention in the Early Social Commu-
related with the development of play skills nication Scales (Mundy, Hogan, & Doehring,
1 year later, suggesting the ability to imitate 1996) in young children with autism after con-
functional and symbolic actions is related to trolling for developmental age.
the development of play skills. Ingersoll and In a more direct analysis of the relation-
Schreibman (2006) found an increase in the ship, Ingersoll and Schreibman (2006) demon-
use of spontaneous pretend play in 2 young strated that teaching object imitation skills to
children with autism after teaching them to young children with autism increased coor-
imitate actions with objects. However, Rogers dinated joint attention. Interestingly, Whalen,
et al. (2003) found that object imitation was Schreibman, and Ingersoll (2006) found that
not correlated with a concurrent measure of training joint attention initiations (coordi-
play skills in children with autism after con- nated joint attention, showing, and pointing)
trolling for developmental age, whereas it was in young children with autism resulted in in-
for children with developmental disabilities. creases in object imitation. These findings
These findings suggest that that there is a suggest that in autism, imitation and joint

attention behaviors are related and increases multiple, successive trials. The adult selects
in one positively affect the other. It may be specific subskills, such as individual nonver-
that joint attention and imitation, particularly bal actions, from meaningful and arbitrary ac-
with objects, both involve triadic engagement tions the child is not yet performing. The child
and that either one can support the use of the is taught to imitate in response to the adult’s
other. discriminative stimulus “Do this” through the
In summary, children with autism exhibit use of explicit prompting, prompt fading, and
significant deficits in imitation that are associ- contingent reinforcement with food or other
ated with impairments in other social commu- artificial reinforcers.
nication skills. It unclear whether imitation is Although this method is successful for
mediating these relationships directly (Rogers teaching verbal and nonverbal imitation
& Pennington, 1991), or whether they are due in a controlled setting (Baer, Peterson, &
to some other developmental variable that is Sherman, 1967; Lovaas, Berberich, Perloff,
also reflected in the measurement of imitation & Schaeffer, 1966; Metz, 1965), it has been
skills. For example, imitation has also been criticized for several reasons. First, the adult-
shown to be highly correlated with devel- directed nature of the instruction and tight
opmental age and autistic symptoms (Rogers stimulus control can compromise the spon-
et al., 2003), as well as social responsivity taneous use of skills (Carr, 1981). Second,
(McDuffie et al., 2007; Rogers et al., 2003), all the highly structured teaching environment
of which may affect social communication de- (Lovaas, 1977) and use of artificial reinforcers
velopment more generally. It is also possible (Koegel, O’Dell, & Koegel, 1987) can prevent
that engagement in specific social communi- generalization to the natural environment (eg,
cation behaviors influences the development Spradlin & Siegel, 1982). Third, imitation is
of imitation skills. Regardless of the direction taught in isolation, rather than in the context
of the relationship, since imitation serves both of co-occurring social communicative behav-
as learning tool and as social strategy, its dis- iors, making it unrepresentative of natural
ruption is likely to have a profound effect adult-child interactions, and potentially limit-
on learning and development (Rogers, 1999; ing its use by parents and other family mem-
Rogers & Pennington, 1991). This possibil- bers (Schreibman, Kaneko, & Koegel, 1991).
ity highlights the importance of interventions Most important, this approach targets only
that teach imitation early in development. the learning function of imitation. Although
imitation in this form may be useful for
LIMITATIONS OF CURRENT IMITATION teaching other behaviors such as self-help
INTERVENTIONS skills, it likely does not serve as a build-
ing block for more advanced social com-
The structured behavioral approach for munication behaviors. Teaching imitation’s
teaching imitation skills, often referred to as social function may be especially important,
discrete trial training, is a commonly used given recent research that suggests that chil-
approach in early intervention programs. This dren with autism are particularly impaired
approach targets imitation as a learning skill, in their spontaneous social use of imitation
rather than a social skill, which, once estab- (Ingersoll, in press; McDuffie et al., 2007;
lished, is used to teach other more complex Rogers et al., 2003). For example, Whiten and
behaviors (Lovaas, Freitas, Nelson, & Whalen, Brown (1998) found that although individ-
1967). The learning environment is highly uals with autism were able to imitate after
structured and adult directed, usually with being briefly taught to imitate through a se-
the child and adult facing each other at a ries of prompts, they did not imitate spon-
table (eg, Lovaas, 1987; Maurice, Green, & taneously, as well as young typical and de-
Luce, 1996). Imitation is broken down into velopmentally delayed children. The authors
discrete subskills, which are presented over suggested that individuals with autism are
Imitation and Autism 111

capable of imitation, as evidenced by their im- significantly better in the structured-elicited

itation performance in the elicited condition, and the spontaneous-instrumental condition
but lack the social motivation to imitate spon- than in the naturalistic social condition (Stone
taneously. et al., 2004). In a related study, Ingersoll (in
Hobson and Lee (1999) compared chil- press) found that young children with autism
dren with autism and developmental delay were less likely to imitate in a naturalistic
on an object imitation task in which the ex- setting compared with a structured setting;
perimenter modeled the action in either a however, typically developing children did
“harsh” or “gentle” style. They found that al- not exhibit this discrepancy. This finding sug-
though children with autism imitated as many gests that for children with autism, the ability
goal-directed actions as developmentally de- to imitate in a structured setting does not
layed children, they did not imitate the ex- translate to imitation in more naturalistic play
perimenter’s style. They suggested that chil- settings. It also suggests that children with
dren with autism have difficulty with self- autism are particularly impaired in their abil-
other knowledge, which could lead to lack ity to imitate when the function of imitation
of self-identification via imitation (Hobson & is purely social. McDuffie et al. (2007) also
Lee, 1999), suggesting that imitation deficits found that imitation in structured-elicited and
in autism may reflect difficulty with the social spontaneous-instrumental conditions were
use of imitation. associated with attention-following skills,
Ingersoll, Schreibman, and Tran (2003) whereas performance in the naturalistic so-
found that children with autism were more cial condition was associated with reciprocal
likely to imitate actions with objects that pro- social interaction, suggesting imitation serves
duced a sensory effect in the form of flashing different functions in different contexts and
lights and sounds than those that did not. Typ- may be mediated by different underlying
ically developing children matched for men- skills (Rogers et al., 2003).
tal age did not show this discrepancy and im- In summary, the current method for teach-
itated all actions equally well. The typically ing imitation to young children with autism
developing children also used more social may not adequately address the social func-
behaviors during imitation than the children tion of imitation. It is likely that the social
with autism. The authors suggested that typ- use of imitation is involved in the develop-
ical children are motivated to imitate by the ment of other social communication skills
social feedback (ie, eye contact with exper- (Rogers et al., 2003). Thus, intervention pro-
imenter, exchange of positive affect) they re- grams that promote the social use of imita-
ceive during the interaction, whereas the chil- tion would be most effective at promoting the
dren with autism, who are not motivated by development of other social communication
social feedback, prefer to imitate only when skills (McDuffie et al., 2007).
provided with a nonsocial reward (ie, sensory
Stone, Ulman, Swanson, McMahon, and OF IMITATION
Turner (2004) examined immediate imita-
tion skills in young children with autism Reciprocal imitation training (RIT) is a
in 3 conditions, a structured-elicited condi- naturalistic imitation intervention designed to
tion, a naturalistic social condition, and a teach the social use of imitation to young chil-
spontaneous-instrumental condition in which dren with autism during play (Table 1). It is
children observed an experimenter activate based on a naturalistic behavioral model, and
a mechanical device to produce lights and thus shares several features with other natu-
sounds and were then given the opportunity ralistic behavioral approaches such as pivotal
to imitate without instructions. Their study response training (Koegel et al., 1987, 1989),
found that the children with autism imitated incidental teaching (Hart & Risley, 1968;
Table 1. Goals, techniques, and rationale for reciprocal imitation training

Goal Teaching component Rationale

Increase child Contingent imitation: The partner imitates the child’s Increases eye contact and coordinated joint attention.
responsivity actions with toys, gestures/body movements, and Prepares child to imitate partner and teaches
vocalizations at the same time as the child. reciprocity.
Increase imitative Linguistic mapping: The partner describes what the Provides appropriate language models. Increases
language child is attending to and/or doing using simplified imitative and spontaneous language.
language (eg, “Dog is walking”) or sound effects.
Teach imitation The partner implements the imitation training procedure Teaches reciprocal turn-taking, allows child to take turns
once a minute on average during play. Once the child leading and following play partner. Enhances social
has successfully imitated the partner, the partner components of imitation.
returns to imitating child and using linguistic mapping.
Model: The partner models an action paired with a verbal Verbal marker provides cue to imitate but, since it is
marker that describes the action up to 3 times. consistently varied, it does not lead to prompt
The partner begins modeling familiar actions with the Beginning with familiar actions and following the child’s

object the child is engaged with. As the child becomes lead enhances motivation and encourages spontaneous
more imitative, the partner begins to intersperse novel imitation. Gradually introducing novel actions builds
actions. play skills.
The partner models a descriptive gesture that is Gestures are modeled within context to encourage
functionally related to the child’s play. Descriptive spontaneous gesture use of meaningful gestures.
gestures include conventional, affective, object,
attribute, and action gestures.
Prompting: The partner uses physical guidance to Provides child with information on what to do, assists
encourage the child to imitate the modeled action if with motor planning, and encourages future imitation
the child does not spontaneous imitate after the third via negative reinforcement.
Contingent reinforcement: The partner praises the child Encourages future imitation via positive social
after imitating and allows the child continued access to reinforcement (praise) and tangible reinforcement
the toys. (continued access to materials).
Imitation and Autism 113

McGee, Krantz, Mason, & McClannahan, forth or spinning its wheels, the adult might
1983), and milieu teaching (Alpert & Kaiser, model rolling it back and forth, while the child
1992; Kaiser, Yoder, & Keetz, 1992), in- is spinning the wheels. Initially, familiar ac-
cluding following the child’s lead, explicit tions that are self-stimulatory, such as spinning
prompting, reinforcing attempts, and natural the wheels of a car, may be modeled unless
reinforcement. It also incorporates several they are disruptive. Starting with familiar ac-
intervention techniques drawn from the tions, increases the child’s natural motivation
developmental literature such as contingent to complete the action. Once the child begins
imitation and linguistic mapping (eg, Warren, to imitate familiar actions, novel actions are in-
Yoder, Gazdag, & Kim, 1993). troduced, such as crashing the car into a wall
The goal of RIT is to teach imitation skills or placing a person in the car. Over time, self-
within ongoing social interactions with an stimulatory actions are replaced with more
adult. This approach uses several naturalistic appropriate actions. However, at all times, im-
strategies to teach imitation that are designed itation is taught around the child’s current fo-
to increase social responsiveness and intrinsic cus of interest. In addition, the adult uses so-
motivation. First, the adult contingently im- cial praise and contingent imitation once the
itates the child’s actions with toys, gestures, child imitates. These social reinforcers often
body movements, and vocalizations during occur during natural adult-child imitative in-
play. Duplicate sets of developmentally appro- teractions and are likely to continue outside
priate toys are used in each session to facili- the treatment environment; thus, it is hoped
tate contingent imitation. Research indicates that natural, social reinforcement will main-
that contingent imitation enhances social tain imitation over time.
responsiveness and coordinated joint atten- The second goal is for imitation to be-
tion (Escalona, Field, Nadel, & Lundy, 2002; come spontaneous such that the child imi-
Ingersoll & Schreibman, 2006; Lewy & Daw- tates when he or she sees others perform in-
son, 1992; Tiegerman & Primavera, 1984), teresting actions rather than in response to
which helps the child attend to the adult a specific verbal demand. Therefore, specific
during modeling, increasing the likelihood commands such as “Do this” are avoided. In-
of an imitative response. During contingent stead, modeling of the action is paired with a
imitation, the adult describes the actions distinct, verbal marker that draws the child’s
that the adult and child are performing using attention to the action. The verbal marker pro-
simplified language. This form of indirect vides a sound effect or describes the modeled
language stimulation has been shown to action and is consistently varied to prevent
increase spontaneous and imitative language the child from becoming prompt dependent.
in young children with autism (Ingersoll, For example, in placing a person in the car,
Dvortcsak, Whalen, & Sikora, 2005; Ingersoll the adult might say, “Vroom, vroom”or “Boy is
& Schreibman, 2006). driving.”Although the verbal marker provides
Once the child begins to show an aware- a description of the action, specific verbal di-
ness of the adult’s contingent imitation, the rections or commands (eg, “Push the car”)are
child is taught to imitate the adult’s behavior. avoided.
There are several goals in teaching the child The third goal is for imitation to be gen-
to imitate the adult. The first goal is to main- eralized. In typical development, mutual
tain imitation in the natural environment by engagement in the same activity conveys
becoming intrinsically motivating. It is impor- meaning rather than the exact duplication of
tant for the child to see imitation as an ef- an action. Therefore, the attempt to imitate
fective strategy for both learning and inter- is more important than the accuracy of the
acting. Therefore, actions are modeled that action. Thus, all attempts made by the child to
are familiar and directly related to the child’s imitate are reinforced with praise. In addition,
current play. For example, if the child typi- the adult models a variety of interesting ac-
cally plays with a car by rolling it back and tions from the beginning rather than training

a specific action to criterion. By targeting a dren in this study ranged in age from 29 to
variety of actions at once, it is possible to keep 45 months (mean chronological age [CA] =
the child interested and achieve generalized 36.6 months). All children exhibited signifi-
responding with limited intervention. cant developmental delay (mean mental age
If the child does not imitate on his or her [MA] = 19.1 months) language age and 2 of
own after 3 opportunities, the adult uses phys- the children were nonverbal (mean language
ical guidance to assist the child in complet- age [LA] = 16 months) at intake. The children
ing the action. This guidance serves several received three 1-hour sessions per week of
purposes. First, it helps the child learn that RIT for 10 weeks targeting object imitation.
he or she is expected to imitate the model. Generalization probes were conducted at the
Second, it provides the child with a mo- end of treatment and at 1-month follow-up to
tor plan to complete new actions that may assess generalization of skills to novel environ-
be especially helpful for those children who ments. During baseline, the children exhib-
have difficulties with motor planning. Third, ited low rates of spontaneous imitation. After
it can be seen as a form of negative rein- the onset of treatment, they showed substan-
forcement in that children can learn to avoid tial gains in their use of object imitation. Four
physical manipulation by completing the act of the 5 children maintained these gains after
spontaneously. the removal of treatment and generalized their
This intervention was originally designed ability to imitate actions with objects to novel
to teach object imitation (Ingersoll & Schreib- play materials, a therapist, and a setting. One-
man, 2006), but has recently been modified month follow-up data indicated that all chil-
to target gesture imitation (Ingersoll, Lewis, & dren maintained higher than baseline rates of
Kroman, 2007). When teaching gesture imita- object imitation. Changes in object imitation
tion, conventional (eg, waving as a greeting; were also evident on a structured imitation
palms up to indicate “Where did it go?”), af- assessment and during a naturalistic, struc-
fective (eg, clapping to indicate “good job”; tured observation with the therapist and the
hands on hips to indicate “mad”),and descrip- caregiver.
tive (eg, arms out to indicate “big”;point in air In addition, the children made gains in
to indicate “up”) gestures are specifically tar- other nontargeted, social communicative be-
geted. Rather than modeling an action with haviors. All children increased their imitative
an object, the adult models a gesture related language. Four of the children used more
to the child’s play with a related verbal de- coordinated joint attention and pretend play.
scriptor. For example, if the child is rolling For most of the children, increases in the
a car back and forth, the adult might model nontargeted, social communicative behaviors
a sweeping hand motion (“Car is fast”) or a maintained after treatment was withdrawn
circular hand motion (“Wheels are spinning”). and at 1-month follow-up. Perhaps, more
Because object imitation is easier (DeMyer exciting, naı̈ve observers blind to treatment
et al., 1972) and more intrinsically motivating, status rated the participants as exhibiting
the adult typically targets object imitation be- significantly more appropriate social commu-
fore focusing on gesture imitation. nication skills and appearing more typically
developing on a 7-point Likert-type scale at
RESEARCH ON EFFICACY posttreatment than pretreatment, suggest-
ing that this treatment led to socially valid
There have been several studies conducted changes for the participants.
on the effectiveness of this approach. The first A second study targeted the imitation of
study used a multiple baseline design across meaningful gestures (Ingersoll et al., 2007).
5 young children with autism to examine the This study used a multiple baseline design
effectiveness of RIT for teaching object imita- across 5 young children with autism who had
tion (Ingersoll & Schreibman, 2006). The chil- difficulty with the imitation and spontaneous
Imitation and Autism 115

use of gestures. The children in this study ing a variety of social communication skills in
were slightly older (mean CA = 41.1 months) their child, simple and easy to use, as well as
and had slightly higher mental ages (mean enjoyable for them and their child. These find-
MA = 24.4 months) than the children in the ings suggest that RIT is appropriate as a parent
object imitation study and all were verbal training intervention.
(mean LA = 23.4 months) at intake. Children Hwang and Hughes (2000) used a similar
received two 1-hour sessions of RIT target- intervention that incorporated contingent im-
ing gesture imitation per week for 10 weeks. itation, expectant waiting, and communica-
Generalization probes were conducted once tive temptations to target eye contact, motor
a week throughout treatment and at 1-month imitation, joint attention in 3 young children
follow-up to assess generalization of skills. with autism. They found that the children in-
During baseline, the children exhibited lit- creased their use of eye gaze and imitation of
tle to no episodes of gesture imitation or familiar actions that generalized to novel con-
spontaneous gesture use. With the onset of texts. This study suggests that related inter-
treatment, all children exhibited an increase ventions are also effective for increasing social
in their imitation of gestures. The imitation communication skills in young children with
generalized to novel environments and main- autism.
tained at 1-month follow-up. In addition, 3 Given the simplicity of the treatment tech-
children exhibited substantial gains, whereas niques, this intervention would likely be suit-
the other 2 exhibited small but consistent able as a peer-mediated strategy. Peers or
gains in their spontaneous use of gestures. siblings could be taught to use RIT strate-
Naı̈ve observers who were blind to treatment gies with children with autism. In fact, given
status rated the children as using more ap- the importance of reciprocal imitation dur-
propriate social communication skills during ing peer play, it may be more important to
treatment than baseline. These findings sug- teach young children with autism to imitate
gest that RIT is effective for teaching gesture their peers than adults. A variety of research
use and may have more global effects on so- has focused on teaching children with autism
cial communication. and other developmental disabilities to imi-
In a third study, 3 mothers were taught to tate specific peers behaviors (eg, Apolloni,
implement RIT techniques with their child Cooke, & Cooke, 1977; Tryon & Keane, 1986).
twice a week for 10 weeks in a clinic set- The majority of these interventions involve
ting (Ingersoll & Gergans, 2007). The children the adult training the peer to model specific
ranged in age from 31 to 42 months (mean CA actions, while the adult prompts the target
= 36.7 months; mean MA = 17.3 months), child to imitate. A similar approach that in-
and 2 of the children were nonverbal (mean corporates training peers to imitate the child
LA = 11 months) at intake. The mothers of with autism may increase social interaction
the 2 nonverbal children were taught to use in addition to imitation. In some preliminary
RIT to teach object imitation and the mother work, we found that typically developing chil-
of the verbal child was taught to use RIT to dren as young as 2 12 could be taught to con-
target both object and gesture imitation in a tingently imitate the behavior of a peer with
multiple-baseline design. Generalization was autism and that the use of contingent imita-
assessed in the families’ homes at the end tion corresponded to increases in the toddler
of treatment and during 1-month follow-up. with autism’s use of coordinated joint atten-
Findings indicated that the parents learned to tion (Ingersoll & Stahmer, 2002).
use the intervention strategies and their chil- This approach may also be adapted for use
dren improved their imitation skills. The chil- in group settings. In one study, Garfinkle and
dren’s and parents’ skills both generalized to Schwartz (2002) taught 4-year-old children
the home and maintained over time. Parents with autism to imitate their typically devel-
rated the intervention as effective for improv- oping peers using a small group intervention.

Each child in the group took turns being the nication behaviors, it is unclear whether the
“leader” during which time he or she mod- children become motivated to engage in im-
eled preferred actions with toys. The other itation for purely social purposes. It is quite
children in the group were then prompted by possible that their imitation is driven by some
the adult to imitate the leader’s behavior with other function (eg, obtain continued access to
a duplicate set of toys and were praised for desired materials). Future research is needed
successful imitation. Generalization sessions to determine whether RIT truly increases the
taken during free play indicated that the in- social use of imitation in young children with
tervention resulted in increases in social in- autism.
teractions between the children with autism In addition, although RIT seems more likely
and the typical peers. This study indicates that to produce social imitation and facilitate so-
peer interventions incorporating contingent cial communication development than the tra-
imitation and prompts for imitation may be ef- ditional structured approach, research com-
fectively used in preschool classrooms. paring the 2 interventions has not yet been
In sum, RIT is a novel method for teach- conducted. Future research is needed to de-
ing the social use of imitation to young chil- termine which interventions are most likely
dren with autism. The intervention is very to produce the best long-term outcomes in
efficient, producing meaningful changes in imitation skills, whether they teach similar or
imitation within 20 to 30 hours of interven- different imitative functions, as well as which
tion. In addition, this intervention facilitates interventions have the broadest impact on
the use of other social communication skills in development. Finally, additional research is
young children, which makes it a particularly needed to determine the optimum intensity,
effective intervention at this age. Although best treatment environment, and for which
this approach produces spontaneous imita- children the intervention is most likely to be
tion in conjunction with other social commu- effective.


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