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15th December 1995

Dear Dad,

This camp is so awesome! We are having so much fun and it’s only
my second day here! Today we have a surprise activity. I can’t wait. Also
dad here we have three guides that are leading us through the activities. My
favorite guide is called Max; he’s so generous and is also very funny. Our
other guides are also very cool.
The other two guides are called Joseph and Josh. Josh is a very skinny
guy and is our guide for rock climbing and river rafting. Joseph is a bit fat
and he’s our guide for tennis and for outdoor games. Usually josh is a very
safe guy. Today the surprise activity is Wild River Rafting. We are going
there with Max and Joseph. I can’t wait, but there is also something about
this. We have to sign up on the sheet that is in the main hall, because only
ten people can go. Most importantly Josh is always reminding us that we
have to take a life vest on the trip. He also said that if we are going to forget
it we have to stay on the shore until the group comes back. Besides the life
vest we have to have a hard helmet.
Tomorrow we are going rock climbing and it’s the same principle as
in river rafting. We must sign up on the sheet, but this time there can be 12
people going not only ten. I am looking forward to all the activities and
everything that we can do here, because it’s so awesome.
How is your vacation in Hawaii? I hope you guys are having as much
fan as I am, because you guys are in Hawaii. How is the weather there? Is it
windy, or too hot, or is it just right. Here the weather is so nice, every day
the sun shines bright and there are about 25 degrees Celsius outside.
Today there will be actually 26.5 degrees. I have to tell you guys this camp
is so awesome and I want to come here also next summer. Ohh, I almost
forgot yesterday we went on a treasure hunt in the woods here next to us.
The treasure was a very nice book and an orange pen. I didn’t like it so much
but it was ok. I hope you guys are well and see you soon.

Love Gillie

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