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At the start, there is a brief montage of what seems to be the same location but different
time and clothing. The camera pans out as rapid cuts happens; the characters clothes
change and the window changes to show the passage of time but still being in the same
location to show repetition. Ambient noise gets Louder until a sudden cut of the character in
the middle of a bed looking at the celling. The main character rolls over to look at a clock
flashing 3am. The main character turns over and tries covering himself in his duvet. The
camera goes back to being a celling shot and the man giving up trying to sleep, he looks
back at the clock and nothing has changed. He ends up sitting up and looking around for a
second, he finally decides to get up and pick up his keys and wallet up. He goes to close the
door but briefly looks behind him to reveal someone in the covers.

As he gets in the car, he stops for a second to check his phone, a on screen graphic of his
phone appears as he scrolls through Instagram and reads over messages and emails, it starts
to cut rapidly between certain object like bills and deadlines being due and continues to
progress in pace until he suddenly snaps out of it and puts his phone down. He turns the
engine and start to pull away. Music starts to play as he starts to drive, he starts to fill his
head with all these kind of questions along such as “am I ever going to be good enough? I
just want to be noticed. Am I special or just another 1 person out of a population of billions
of people? A small ant in a massive colony. If I was just to disappear would there really be
any change? One person wouldn’t change that much, right? Do they really love me or the
façade that I create for myself? What happens if one day they just say they’ve have enough
of me?”

The man ends up stopping at a small peaceful village and stops just to watch life start all
over again, birds tweeting, people opening their shops. He pulls down his sun visor for a
picture of his S/O drops onto the floor, He goes to pick it up and looks at it as his eyes
become watery. It cuts to him slowly opening the door to reveal his S/O is in the kitchen
cooking food, she asks where he been which he replies out to clear his head. She seems to
be holding something back behind her, she is all excited. She hands over a brown envelope
to reveal an ultra-scan. The man seems confused and takes a seat and takes a few seconds
to realise what he is looks, he suddenly realises what it is and goes to hug his S/O. The
camera starts to pan back and fades to black as they hold each other.

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