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Student Name & ID: Module Name/Code:

Yusupov Izatilla Xikmatilla Ogli
B1901899 UGB160 Essential study and Employment skills

Center / College: MDIS in Tashkent Due Date: 22/01/2021 Hand in Date:17.01.2021

Assessment Title: Individual Assignment

Learning Outcomes Assessed:

Learning Feedback relating learning outcomes assessed and assessment criteria given to
Outcome students:

Areas for Commendation:

Areas for Improvement:

General Comments:

Assessors Signature: Overall Mark (subject to Moderators Signature:

ratification by the assessment

Students Signature: (you must sign this declaring that it is all your own work and all sources of
information have been referenced) Yusupov Izatilla

Tashkent – 2021

Table of Contents

ASSESSMENT COVER SHEET / FEEDBACK FORM...............................................................0

2. AUDIT AND EVALUATION OF KEY SKILLS...............................................................................4
2.1 The impotence of skills audit................................................................................................4
2.1.1 Individual skills audit.......................................................................................................4
2.1.2 Group skills audit...............................................................................................................5
2.2 Strategies of Skills Audit.........................................................................................................5
2.3 Evaluation of key skills............................................................................................................6
2.3.1 Communication skills.......................................................................................................6
2.3.2 Teamwork skills.................................................................................................................7
2.3.3 Management skills.............................................................................................................7
3. PERSENOL DEVELOPMENT RESEARCH PLANNING...............................................................8
3.1 Personal SWOT Analysis.........................................................................................................8
3.1.1 Strengths..............................................................................................................................9
3.1.2 Weaknesses.........................................................................................................................9
3.1.3 Opportunities....................................................................................................................10
3.1.4 Threats................................................................................................................................10
3.1.5 My personal SWOT analysis worksheet:..................................................................11
3.2 Improving Personal Development.....................................................................................11
3.2.1 Current skills.................................................................................................................11
3.2.2 Volunteering................................................................................................................12
3.2.3 Internships....................................................................................................................12
3.2.4 My Personal Development Plan Worksheet.......................................................12
3.3 My Personal CV.........................................................................................................................13
4. CONCLUSION...................................................................................................................................14
5. APPENDICES....................................................................................................................................15
6. REFERENCES....................................................................................................................................16

In this competitive business world, the most effective tools to achieve excellence in
related fields are “personal development plan and skills audit” for both students and
professionals. It requires the reflection concept to empower one keep path of the
stages he has made in the direction of obtaining “skills” and “knowledge”.
Furthermore, it has a power to monitor the changes of life required to be made and the
pathetic spots required to be enhanced. Personal development plan plays vital
important role to provide a gauge for a student in order to realize their growth and
regulate the skills which will be achieved in the future. With the help of planning
personal development report a person could achieve professional development goals.
The reason of that getting success requires making plan and setting goal. While making
plan for getting success in either professional life or personal life, the goal should be
clear and measurable. In this assignment, the important skills for making personal
development plan are discussed and how the role of personal development planning
play in the achievement of success is reported. Indeed, this assignment divided into
two section; part A and part B. In the first section, it is estimated the role of skills audit
and assessment of organizational skills, in the second section is about Personal
Development Planning (PDP) and its effects to improving self-growth in a person’s
professional life. In the final section of the paper, my personal CV is attached.

2.1 The impotence of skills audit
Before giving the importance of skills audit, let’s talk about what skill audit is?
Theoretically, there is a lot of definitions of that term. Commonly, a systematic
assessment of the research skills and knowledge of a student is referred as an audit
skill. An audit should arrange for evidencing of existing or improving capability. There is
close connection with needs estimation: emphasizing any needs for “training” or
“personal development”. There is two sides of skills audit as a coin:

 What the student has

 What the student needs

Also, skills audit is not only for students, it is for any person who put a goal in the way
of getting success in the professional life. A skills audit is a way to measure and record
the skills that a person who has picked up and improve in their career. In appendices,
Figure 1 shows an example of skills audit template from Deakin University 1.

Let’s move to the significance of skills audit, in today’s world the role of skills
management has become a crucial component in a performance of any organization.
Companies expect from employees to possess a multiplicity of skills and abilities,
however, some organizations do not know how to manage the enormous array of skills
of employees. Using a skill audit is the first step of harnessing the best from the
employee. It should be noted that one of the main element of personal development
plan is data for collected in skills audit. There is two type of skills audit: Individual and

2.1.1 Individual skills audit

Individual skills audits refers the evaluation of elements individual employees have the
“skills and knowledge” related to a particular job that they want to complete. It is often
said an induction programme common feature.

Individuals can be:


Evaluated by others in the business Evaluated for making an assessment on

themselves on the skills what they have.

2.1.2 Group skills audit

Group skills audit is utilized if there is a business decision in order to carry out a skills
audit across a team, department or the whole company. Taking example of group skills
audit, we can note about takeover or else merger diversification restructuring
introduction of new processes.

The necessity of skills audit we can give many instances including, it helps for analyzing
the skills, developing a skills profile, key tool for CV building, identifying the gap in your
skills, prioritizing any training, and etc.

2.2 Strategies of Skills Audit

There is different paths to conduct Skills audits. In the following you can see the
description of current approaches of skills audit:
I. Panel
II. Consultant
III. One-on-one

Individual Audit

Panel audit Consultant audit One to one audit

It has similarity with a

performance appraisal
This is for both
Normally, this approach that an individual is
managers and
is made up of managers rated against a pre-
employees and may
and HR experts. For this defined skills matrix
review performance
the form of skills audit is instead of his/ or her
and required
comleted by discussion job profile. The
documents for
and added one on one manager of the
establishing the level of
feedback with the employee will hold a
employee. discussion with the
employee for settling
on skills audit ratings

2.3 Evaluation of key skills
While talking about skills, many people confuses about the difference between
knowledge and skills. Knowledge is a “theory” which is given by nature. If you have
knowledge about a certain sphere or subject, then you are able to acquire many facts
and learned many theories related to this sphere. Knowledge usually is gained from
information sources like books, internet, at the Universities, at the classes and lectures.
If we talk about skills, skills are more about “practice” in nature than knowledge. The
root of the skills is a knowledge but it gained by many practices and experiences.

In order to evaluate essential skills of an employee, companies require to pass some

related test or questionnaires.

In addition, to assess previous work or taking questionnaires, skill matrix is another

useful tool for emphasizing skills. In appendices, figure 2 illustrates sample of skills
matrix table. With the help of well-laid-out matrix, you are able to determine the level
of knowledge, the level of proficiency and valid certification at the single peek.

There are several types of skills which evaluated while offering job by any organization.
The first one is definitely communication skills.

2.3.1 Communication skills

Everything in this life is communication, also it is a main skill for improving your other
skill, knowledge as well. Through communicating with people, you are able to improve
your ability to negotiate and you assimilate changes in the way you communicate in
your study or work. In short, this means that your skills will be improves while
communicating what you are learning. The importance of this is much more than
evolving your presentation skills or attempting an essay.

Communicating successfully contains smearing your skills suitably for dissimilar

circumstances and shimmering on your enactment, recognizing how you are able to
advance in the future. While evaluating communication skills, you have to describe that
you are able to use written, oral and visual forms of communication. To improve your
skills of communication encompasses preparation of what you hope to succeed, utilizing
your skills and nursing how things are going, and standing back at critical points to
reproduce on your performance.

2.3.2 Teamwork skills
There is no secret that employers search for team players. According researchers, there
70% of organizations look for and support teams report improvement in such critical
areas which written below.

 Product and service quality

 Customer service
 Productivity
 Profitability

The skills of teamwork contains interrelated abilities which let you work efficiently in an
organized group. The main vital important skills for employers is teamwork skills which
are a basic organizational unit within many corporations. When we can create
teamwork, when we cooperate and use our own skills to gain common goals. In the
following, main teamwork skills are highlighted:

 Cоmmunication
 Cоnflict resolution
 Rappоrt-building and listening
 Decisiоn-making
 Prоblem-solving
 Оrganizational and planning skills
 Persuаsion and influencing skills
 Reliаbility
 Respеctfulness
 Tоlerance

2.3.3 Management skills

After communication and teamwork skills, there is dominant important skills are
management skills. All about your career, study, success, and achievements link to
managing time. If you are not able to manage your own time, whatever how you are
knowledgeable or full of skills, achieving succeed in your personal life is vulnerable.
Managing time helps you develop in both your career and personal life. To establish
each day aids you to do work on time, stay betrothed all through significant

conferences and provide you space to be imaginative and pre-emptive in your tasks. If
a person has a strong time-management skills, he can ultimately accomplish key goals
and advance in his or her position.

Take a good example, let’s say student, if his goal is to get a job, he needs time to
update his CV, search for beginnings, apply, research corporations and prepare for
interviews. In order to complete the necessary steps to get a job, he should set aside
specific amounts of time each day.

On the other hand, if the student has already a job, he likely has a mixture of
household tasks to assistance the company realize certain goals. Upholding calendar,
meetings and tasks is required to be fruitful in his role.

There is some recommendations about improving time management skills

 Setting short and long-term goals

 Managing your calendar
 Arranging your assignments

Improvement of time management skills can play vital significant role to being a better
worker and also have the capability to emphasis completely as you go about your day.


Personal Development Planning (PDP) is all roughly making a long-term objective for
your career, and after that considering nearly how you’ll accomplish it. Be that because
it may, sometime as of late you will be able know what you wish to do inside the long
term, you want to reflect on your current circumstance. What are you great at? Where
do you'd like to advance? What openings are open? And, are there components past
your control which will have an influence on your objectives? To answer these
questions, a person should evaluate themselves through SWOT analyses and
conducting skills audit. By utilizing them, the person will be able choose up a solid
understanding of where he is directly, and he’ll think nearly where he wishes to go.

3.1 Personal SWOT Analysis

In commerce, the analyses of SWOT is meaning that to estimate the Strengths and
Weakness of an organization, and identifies the Opportunities and Threats that it

encounters. Reasonable as this can be frequently vital for organizations, it’s as well
important after you apply it to your circumstance. If you know your strengths, you
could concentrate your efforts on the things that you’re good at. Indeed, the
understanding of own weaknesses, helps to avoid what you need, and what to improve,
and where you need to get help. Additionally, your strengths and opportunities
assistance you classify possible longstanding career aims. Your weaknesses, and the
threats which you come across are the things that need to be achieved, alleviated or
intentional for, to guarantee that your goals endure reachable. Conducting a Personal
SWOT Analysis, you will ask from yourself a number of questions about your current
status quo. Below you can see my own SWOT analyses which is given as an example.

3.1.1 Strengths
While thinking about your strength, you must not limit yourself to your professional
skills. Exploring all of your experiences, and the opportunities that you’ve had to grow
and develop make evaluate what you need and what you have. Include your education,
aptitudes, personality factors, and interests in your strength side.

While preparing my personal SWOT analyses, I asked a few question which are given

• What am I really good at?

• What skills do others recognize in me, and what do I get rewarded for?
• What do I do better than most people I work with?
• What am I most proud of?
• What experiences, resources or connections do I have access to that others

3.1.2 Weaknesses
In this section, you should think in what sphere you are not good at, what is your
problem and weak side, or in which specific area you should improve. If you know and
list what is weakness, it means you can reduce or control them, as a result they will not
affect your achieving goals in future. One important thing, never beat yourself up about
weaknesses which you have. Everyone has their paleness.

While finishing the Weaknesses in my personal Personal SWOT Analysis, I follow these
questions as a guide:

• What skills are difficult for me to learn?

• What I only do because I have to meet the job requirements?
• What do other people most often consider my weakness?
• Where am I vulnerable?
• Where do I lack experience, resources or connections, where others have them?

3.1.3 Opportunities
After strength and weaknesses, to focus on understanding the opportunities that are
exposed to you.

• In what path could I take benefit of my strengths?

• What would I love to do that I’m good at?
• How can I diminish my weaknesses?
• Where do I see the most possible growth for myself?

3.1.4 Threats
Last but not least, threats reflect on the things that could disrupt your achievement.
Though we cannot directly control threats, we can plan for controlling of threats. For
that reason, it’s so important to isolate as many of them as possible. It should be
remembered that, to loss a threat depends on how it managed and prepared for.

For uncovering threats, the following questions are used to build my personal SWOT.

• Are there any general threats that I need to think about?

• If I don’t address my weaknesses, what problems could they cause?
• What setbacks might I face?
• What obstacles do other people overcome in trying to get where I want?

3.1.5 My personal SWOT analysis worksheet:

Strength: Weakness:
Communication Math and IT
Making friends Making assignments near the deadline date
Knowing more than 2 languages Solving sudden problems
No cultural barriers while negotiating with any Experience in government place

Easy entering in any teamwork
Opportunities: Threats:
Communication skills help me always to enter Facing IT challenges
smoothly teamwork projects Losing job because of poor time management
Knowing languages skills
Setting time management skills Fail to get predicted grades
Self confidence
3.2 Improving Personal Development
The Personal Development Plan in some articles is referred Individual Development Plan
the reason is that it contains a report of person’s strengths, weakness, aims, education,
etc, which gives a coarse idea regarding how to build the personal development plan.
In addition, it should be noted that how student can improve his or her own career
skills while studying. There are many useful tools for improving skills for not only
student, but also for any person who always keep educating himself. One of the
beneficial way is volunteering in different and international projects. Furthermore,
internships in foreign country also effect to get self-confidence and communication
skills. Below you can read more description about the ways which effect to develop

III.2.1 Current skills

If I talk about my current position, I’m good at communication skills and leadership
skills from my experience as a tutor. However, I consider that time management is
weak side of my skills. On the other hand, decision making skills and self - confidence
are measured as strength of my skills.

3.2.2 Volunteering
As it mentioned above, Volunteering is one of the most effectible path for getting both
soft and professional skills. This way especially for students has the great opportunity to
open themselves. I want to mention about “Entrepreneurship 2018” summer course in
MDIS Tashkent in 2018, I participated as volunteer. The main advantage of this being
volunteer, it hugely effect to my communication skills and improve my self-confidence. I
can say that from my perspective of view, volunteering allows to people interact more,
gives a chance to meet new people, expand network.

3.2.3 Internships

What does internship give you? Internship gives you a real working experience. While
doing internship, student get professional experience, and it has great impact on his
future career making. Especially, I prefer to do internship in international companies, or
in abroad. Definitely, it depends on the persons future plans, and what he wants and
what he needs. If I explain the reason of preferring internship in abroad, this type of
internship make you strong and improve your language skills, negotiation skills, and
leadership skills. While doing internship in abroad, you will learn how solve cultural
barriers, and definitely it advance your negotiation skills.

3.2.4 My Personal Development Plan Worksheet

Personal Develepment Plan

Name: Yusupov Izatilla Date: 18.01.2021
Objectives Sucsess Creteria Actions Implementations Target Date
How will I recognize success? What methods will I use to
What do I want to be How will I practice and aplly
How will I review and meausre achieve my learning
able to do or do better? what I learn?
my improvements? objectives?
Passing all exams with good Quarterly estimate my
Improving time Managing time and set self
grades, doing assignments on results and set goals for per March 2021
management skills study program
time. month

By observing experienced Participating volunteering During development

Develop Leadership skills June 2021
managers, projects progresses

Training center,
Get deep knowledge of communication with the Doing internship in a good
Course assessment, December 2021
Business activities people who have company related to business
experience, online meetings

3.3 My Personal CV
Personal Information
Name: Yusupov Izatilla
Date of birth: 20.06.2002
Address: Shakhrisabz street 42, 100000, Mirabad disc.,
Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Marital status: Single
Phone number: 998 93 001 47 74
I possess valuable skills such as confidence and empathy that I believe make me best suited for the
position of manager assistant in your company because my skills being mentioned below.

September 2019 - Present Management Development Institute of Singapore in Tashkent
Major: Business and Financial Management
2018 Participation of “Entrepreneurship 2018” MDIS Tashkent
2016 - 2019 Tashkent Law college
Microsoft Office
Internet Literacy
Academic English with IELTS
score: 6
Russian Language Fluent
Uzbek Language Native
2018 - 2019 Marketing administrator
Hotel Uzbekistan, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
2017 -2018 English Tutor
“Integro” Language Center
Communication skills Capability of work in international environment and easy negotiating
with the people without any cultural barriers
Leadership skills Ability to overview and manage complex end-to-end processes in hotel
Teamwork skills Ability to motivate and a coach a team in order a achieve common
goals and reach high performance

Most of the time, you think about who you are becoming. Information, ideas, and impressions -
everything adds up and goes into your mind. Everything the role of your experience is
important, but some things are more remarkable than others. To improve personal
development goals at work lead to build the difference, between success and failure. While
writing this assignment, I realized that in order to build successful career life, soft skills and
knowledge are enough factors. Personal skills also has huge impact to get achievements in
future professional life. On the contrary, those skills not given by a nature, those come from
experiences and daily practices on yourself. Also, conducting a skills audit, you should take a
critical focus at your current condition, and any skills you have has to be pinpointed. A person’s
Personal Development Plan comprises the section of “Skills Audit” that you can use to measure
the skills and strengths you currently hold, likened with those that you need.

Figure 1: Source :

Figure 2: Skills matrix. Source:

1. Clegg, S., & Bradley, S. (2006). Models of Personal Development Planning: practice and
processes. British Educational Research Journal, 32(1), 57-76.
2. Kumar, A. (2009). Personal, academic and career development in higher education:
SOARing to success. Routledge.
3. Crawford, L., Helliar, C., & Monk, E. A. (2011). Generic skills in audit education.
Accounting Education: an international journal, 20(2), 115-131.
4. Gibbings, P., & Brodie, L. (2006). Skills audit and competency assessment for
engineering problem solving courses. In Proceedings of the 2006 International
Conference on Innovation, Good Practice and Research in Engineering Education (pp.
266-273). Higher Education Academy Subject Centres for Materials and Engineering.
5. Calhoun, J. C. (1996). The student learning imperative: Implications for student affairs.
Journal of College Student Development, 37(2), 188-122.
6. (c) Copyright 2011-2021. (n.d.). Personal Development |
SkillsYouNeed. Skillsyouneed. Retrieved January 17, 2021, from
7. Thum, M. (2014, September 15). What is Personal Development? Myrko Thum.

8. Cambridge Dictionary. (2021, January 13). personal development definition: the process
of improving your skills and increasing the amount of experience that you have in
your…. Learn more. Cambridge.

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