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[Theme in Poems - “The Raven,” “Windigo,” and “beware: do not read this poem”]

Directions: ​Choose ​ONE ​of the poems that we studied last week and complete the organizer below.

Poem Title​:

Poem Summary (3-5 sentences)​: (reminder: a SUMMARY tells what 

happened, without opinions) 

← ← ← ← ← ← ← ←  
(reminder: THEME is is a universal  One theme from my poem​:
idea, lesson, or message explored 
throughout a work of literature​) 

→ → → → → → → → 
Why did you choose that theme? (Explain in at least three

In each box below, put one quote from the poem that supports the theme you have selected:

1. 2. 3.

Explain how this quote supports Explain how this quote supports Explain how this quote supports
your theme (1-2 sentences)​: your theme (1-2 sentences)​: your theme (1-2 sentences)​:

(this is your chance to give your  Why should someone read this poem? Who would like it? (3-5
OPINION of the poem)  sentences)​:

→ → → → → → → → 

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