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Appetizer (Choose 1)
Write a diary entry from the point of view of one of the stories’ main characters that they would have written before,
during, or after the story’s events. Be sure to focus on the character’s thoughts and feelings in the diary.

Continue one of the stories, telling the events of the next hours, days, weeks, months, or years.
Be sure to include actions and thoughts of both main and supporting characters from the story.

Entrée (Must Be Completed)

Create a word and/or picture collage representing one of the stories (main characters, major events,
turning point, etc.). This must be done on a large sheet of drawing paper or poster board
(8” x 11” paper is too small). This must be accompanied by a 1-page written explanation of why
you selected the certain words and/or pictures. The collage must address the tone, mood, imagery and
theme of the novel as well as character and plot. This must be neat and artistically pleasing.

Sides (Choose 2)
Create 4 character trading cards using the digital tool of your choice.
For each trading card, include the character’s name, an image, and at least five characteristics of the character.

Create an interactive digital timeline of events from one of the stories Include important dates, character introductions,
conflicts and resolution, images to represent each event, and links to additional information.

Choose your favorite of the three stories. If the story had a soundtrack, what would it be?
Create a YouTube playlist with at least 10 songs that would make a great soundtrack.
Explain each of your choices in a Google Doc and where they would begin to play in the story.

Create a comic strip retelling one of the stories in your own words.
Include all of the main and supporting characters, exciting events, conflicts, and resolution.

Create a video book trailer using the digital tool of your choice. Include music to set the tone, and tell a brief story about
the central conflict and characters without revealing too much to the audience. Create suspense!

Create a new book jacket for one of the stories we covered last week.
Use the digital tool of your choice or the artistic medium of your choice (draw, paint, etc.).
Include a summary about the author and of the book and an eye-catching cover image.

Dessert (*Optional)
Create a fictional interview video where you play either the author or one of the characters
of one of last week’s reading selections. Write a complete script in Google Docs and submit with a video.

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