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Nar: Once there was a blacksmith who was poor but had a talent like no other.

As it happened
on this day he had to go and speak to the king to make himself seep important.

Blacksmith: I have a talent which makes me turn rocks to metal blades.

King: This is a talent that pleases me well if you are as talented as you say. Tomorrow I will
expect you at my castle and I will put your skill to the test.

Nar: When the man had arrived at the castle the king took him to a room which was full of
stone the king had also made a station with an anvil and furnace.

King: Now set to work and if by tomorrow you have not made me my blades you must die

Nar: Then the king himself locked the room and left. There sat the poor blacksmith not
knowing what to do as his claim was a lie. He had no idea how to turn rock to metal.

Nar: But all at once the door opened and in came a dwarf who said.

Dwarf: Good afternoon blacksmith whatever is the problem.

Blacksmith: I must turn these stones into metal, and I do not know how to do it.

Dwarf: What will you give me in return if I do it for you?

Blacksmith: My silver and hat.

Nar: the dwarf took the hat and silver and set to work.

Nar: By morning there was a pile of metal and blades stacked high where the rock had once
been. The king was pleased with the blacksmiths work so set him another task.
Nar: That night the blacksmith sat there not knowing what to do. Again, the small dwarf walk
into the room and said.

Dwarf: whatever is the problem?

Blacksmith: The same but double. said the blacksmith.

Dwarf: What will you give me in return?

Blacksmith: Anything you desire.

Dwarf: I do not need much. But saying that my house does need a good clean. If I do this for you.
you will clean my house once week for a year.

Nar: The blacksmith agreed knowing this would be his only choice. The next morning the king arrived
and congratulated him and gave him a job in the palace. A week later the dwarf turned up at the
blacksmiths shop and stated that his house had not yet been cleaned.

Blacksmith: I had forgotten. Said the blacksmith. Also, I am not to leave the palace under any

Nar: the dwarf was outraged at this news and felt cheated. So he decided to make a deal with the

Dwarf: If you can find me in the next hour, I will forgive you. However, if you do not, I shall cast a
spell so horrible that every man in the land will feel tremendous hatred towards you and I doubt you
will last more than a few days.

Nar: The blacksmith having know other choice agreed to these terms. And the hunt for the dwarf

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