Discuss Both Views

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Discuss both views & give your opinion, Topic Crime - Many people are

afraid to leave their homes because of their fear of crime. Some people
believe that more actions should be taken to prevent crime, but others feel
that little can be done. Discuss both views and give your own opinion

In this day and age, the popularity of crime has resulted in many people staying
indoors with a view to protecting themselves. While others believe that
measurements taken to prevent crime are vain, I firmly hold the belief that more
steps should be taken.
On the one hand, many do no trust in those actions and choose to stay at home
for their own safety. First of all, this could be a consequence of unemployment
and poverty. As a matter of fact, those who are unemployed and poor have
tendency to commit crime in order to make ends meet. Hence, preventing law
violation also means to prevent poverty. To achieve this, governments should
provide more social assistance programs which cost an ample amount of money.
For interpreting this, the US spends millions of dollars annually with a view to
reducing poverty in vain according to The Guardian.
On the other hand, others and I hold the firm notion that those attempts to halt
law-breaking are efficious. First and foremost, stricter sets of laws are required,
and the penalties should be corresponding to the severity of the wrongdoings.
Indeed, the harsher the rules, the less crime is commited. What is more,
governments should provide more access to education as it helpsdeveloping skills
and abilities, correcting some of the imbalances that come out of marginalization,
and decreasing both risk and vulnerability. To clarify the concept, ccording to
UNESCO, if all students in low-income countries had only basic reading skills, an
estimated 171 million people could escape extreme poverty and if all adults
completed secondary education, we could cut the global poverty rate by more
than half. 
To recapitulate, more measures should be taken to prevent law violation from my
point of view.

Agree that more measures should be taken to prevent law violation

Paragraph 1: poverty and unemployment
Paragraph 2: strict law and providing education

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