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ABO blood grouping is based on the presence or absence of 2 major protein

antigens on the red blood cell membranes – antigen A and antigen B

Blood Group Antigens on the Antibodies in For transfusion,

surface of the Plasma Can Receive
RBC Donor Blood
O None Anti-A and Anti-B O
A A Anti-B O or A
B B Anti-A O or B
AB A and B None O, A, B, or AB

Explanation of compatibility
 an antibody of one type will react with an antigen of the same type and will
result in clumping of red blood cells
 since Type A blood has anti-B antibodies in the plasma, it cannot receive
blood with antigen B on the red cells (Types B and AB)
 since Type B blood has anti-A antibodies in the plasma, it cannot receive
blood with antigen A on the red cells (Types A and AB)
 since Type O blood has both anti-A and anti-B antibodies in the plasma, it
cannot receive any blood type other than O
 since Type O blood has no antigens on the red cells, it can be given to
any blood type, making it the universal donor
 since Type AB has no antibodies in the plasma, it can receive any blood
type, making it the universal recipient

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