The Problem and Its Background Romblon State University-Cajidiocan Campus Was

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Cajidiocan Campus
Cajidiocan, Romblon

Chapter I



Romblon State University-Cajidiocan Campus was

established in the year 2001. As of writing, the institution offers five

courses: Bachelor of Elementary Education, Bachelor of Secondary

Education, Bachelor of Technology and Livelihood Education,

Bachelor of Science and Agriculture and Bachelor of Information

Technology. This course has four components: Home Economics,

Agri-Fishery, Industrial Arts and Information and Communication

Technology. In Home Economics, students explore the food systems

from its origins to the market. They research topics related to nutrition

and ethical food issues, such as multinational food production and

health-enhancing nutritional innovation. These include aspects of the

safe storage, preparation, and handling of food. In Agri-fishery Arts,

students can familiarize by the production industries of horticulture,

animal production, crop production, rubber production, slaughtering

operations, and pest management. They can also dive deep in the

field of aquaculture and learn about fish production, fish wharf

Cajidiocan Campus
Cajidiocan, Romblon

operation and food processing. Industrial Arts offers the students an

opportunity to acquire some insight into various technical and trade

areas. Industrial Art class experiences will have carry over value in

later in life, in job situations, in consumer knowledge or possibly in

home maintenance. In Information and Communication Technology,

students learn to determine information and communication needs of

organizations and users. Create and manage information

systems/communication systems to get the right information to the

right people at the right time.

Bachelor of Technology and Livelihood Education third year

students of the School Year 2020-2021 is composed of twenty- two

(22) students, seven (7) boys and fifteen (15) girls. There are three

(3) lecturers who teach the major subjects of Bachelor in Technology

and Livelihood Education. It has been said that teachers carry out a

powerful, lengthy lasting encouragement on these students. They

exactly shape how students learn and the behavior in which they

intermingled with one another. But, what if the teachers who teach

subjects do not know much about the subject because it is not their

expertise? They may not have attended trainings about it. Or, they
Cajidiocan Campus
Cajidiocan, Romblon

are expert on the content, but poor in the pedagogy? How are they

going to explain well and give the right information about the topic

they discuss if they know nothing? How will the students learn and

get information if their teachers or an instructor is not adept in the

subject they are teaching. There will be a possibility that the

academic performance of the students will be affected. Worse is,

students’ performance might become poor.

Gersten, Fuchs, Williams, & Baker (2001) studies on expertise

highlight the complex and dynamic cognitive processing that

underlies the instructional decisions made by classroom teachers.

Little attention has been given to the consistency of the selection

criteria used to identify “expert teacher” across studies despite the

widespread use of the term “expert teacher”. Stough and Palmer

(2003) similarly report that expert special education teachers have a

complex body of knowledge and skills, including student specific

knowledge. Moreover, these teachers used their knowledge flexibility

in order to address the unique needs of their students. Tsui (2003)

advocates that some experienced teachers may be considered

experts, while other remains “experienced non-experts”. Tsui (2005)

Cajidiocan Campus
Cajidiocan, Romblon

expertise in teaching has been motivated by need to establish the

professional status of teachers by demonstrating the general public.

In the teaching profession, expert teachers who are highly skilled

pedagogically with deep knowledge of their subject disciplines play

an important role in providing academic leadership in schools. Having

many years of experience does not guarantee expert teaching:

experience is useful only when the teacher continuously engages in

self, reflection and modifies classroom techniques to better serve the

needs of students. Teachers must prepare to teach a wide range of

students in terms of interest, motivation and ability, some whom May

need additional assistance. Effective teachers assess needs, abilities,

and preparedness on a class-by-class and respond to those needs

according to Thaianov (2006) concluded that in dealing with situation

faced in the classroom, expert teachers are using a variety of

pedagogical strategies and theories of learning. Atay (2007) find that

classroom management and student engagement significantly

increases as teacher get more experienced.

Teacher’s expertise is one of the rule principal factors in

influential students’ achievements. Having a teacher expert in the

Cajidiocan Campus
Cajidiocan, Romblon

subject is a big help to the students because an expert share his/her

ideas correctly, and can explain well that will help to students to have

functional learning to what they will be discussing.

As Bachelor in Technology and Livelihood Education covers the

four components of Technology and Livelihood Education, the

researchers want to determine the teacher’s expertise in Home

Economics as well as the students’ competencies in the mentioned

component. The extent of correlating the two variables will be a vital

result of the study, determining the association between the teacher’s

expertise and student’s competencies in Home Economics of 3rd

year Bachelor in Technology and Livelihood Education Students of

Romblon State University-Cajidiocan Campus.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to determine the relationship existed between

teacher’s expertise and student’s competencies in Home Economics

of the 3rd year Bachelor of Technology and Livelihood Education

students of Romblon State University-Cajidiocan Campus, School

Year 2020-2021.
Cajidiocan Campus
Cajidiocan, Romblon

Specifically, it seeks answers to the following questions:

1. What is the level of teacher’s expertise in Home Economics

of Romblon State University-Cajidiocan Campus?

2. What is the competence level of 3rd year Bachelor in

Technology and Livelihood Education students in Home Economics?

3. Is there a significant relationship between the teacher’s

expertise and student ‘s competencies in Home Economics of 3rd

year Bachelor in Technology and Livelihood Education?


Based on the statement of the problem given, the researchers

hypothesis that:

1. There is no significant relationship between the teacher’s

expertise and student’s competencies in Home Economics of

Bachelor in Technology and Livelihood Education.

Significance of the Study

This research study will be beneficial to the administrators of

Romblon State University-Cajidiocan Campus, as this will become a

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Cajidiocan, Romblon

basis for them to become meticulous in hiring new lecturers or

instructors who will be teaching the major subjects in Bachelor of

Technology and Livelihood Education. The findings of the study will

let them formulate new policies and guidelines in hiring in partnership

with the Human Resource Department.

This research study will be beneficial to the Home Economics

lecturers and instructors of Romblon State University-Cajidiocan

Campus in improving the understanding of their professional and

policy context, organizationally, locally and nationally enabling hoe to

teach and lead more strategically and effectively.

This research study will be beneficial to the Bachelor of

Technology and Livelihood Education students to better understand

their teacher’s expertise in Home Economics and determine their

competence level in Home Economics. Furthermore, this study will

gauge their sense of responsibility to strive more in learning to better

understand that their performance does not only rely on their

teacher’s expertise.
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Cajidiocan, Romblon

The results of this study can serve as a basis for the future

researchers to further study on teaching learning activity and

students’ performance and competencies in Home Economics.

Scope and Delimitation

The focus of this study will be to determine the teacher’s

expertise in teaching Home Economics and students’ competencies

in Home Economics, to the extent of determining the correlation

existed between them.

The researchers will select three (3) lecturers in Home

Economics subject in Bachelor of Technology and Livelihood

Education and the nineteen (19) 3rd year students’ in Bachelor of

Technology and Livelihood Education students from Romblon State

University-Cajidiocan Campus, Cajidiocan Romblon, during the

second semester School Year 2020-2021.

The teachers will fill-out the questionnaire to determine their level

of expertise and the students will answer the 30-item test question to

determine their competency level. It delimits that the study may not

be generalizable to other competent of Technology and Livelihood

Cajidiocan Campus
Cajidiocan, Romblon

Education such as Agri-fishery, Industrial Arts and Information and

Communication Technology.

Definition of Terms

For better clarification and understanding of the terms to this

study, the following terms are hereby operationally defined.

Bachelor of Technology and Livelihood Education. An

undergraduate teacher education program in Romblon State

University-Cajidiocan Campus that equips learners with adequate

and relevant competencies in the area of Technology and Livelihood


Home Economics. A college curriculum usually including

subject in nutrition, the purchase, preparation, and service of food,

interior design, clothing and textiles, child development.

Relationship. The association found between the teacher ‘s

expertise and students, competencies in Home Economics of 3rd

year Bachelor of Technology and Livelihood Education in Romblon

State University-Cajidiocan Campus.

Cajidiocan Campus
Cajidiocan, Romblon

Students’ Competencies. It helps the students draw and build

upon what they know, how they think and what they can do. In

school, students develop and apply competencies through subject-

area content and learning experiences (

Teacher’s Expertise. Expert teachers appear to have vast,

complex and refined mental models for the domains of their practice.

They don’t know everything, but few others will know as much as

them about their subjects, what their pupil know about their subjects,

or how to help their pupils learn their subjects (Schempp et al., 2002).

Technology and Livelihood Education. One of the learning

areas of the Secondary Education Curriculum used in Philippines. As

a subject in high school, its component areas are: Home Economics,

Agri-fishery Arts, Industrial Arts and Information and Communication


Theoretical Framework

In cognitive science studies such as of Piaget, expertise and

competencies are characterized by rich connections between

schemas. Schematization allows for flexibility, the ability to anticipate,

Cajidiocan Campus
Cajidiocan, Romblon

automatization of skills, and the ability to recall more, and salient, the

events. Expert teachers anticipate the kind of concepts students

would have difficulty with as well as the kinds of questions students

might ask. As stated by Borko, Bellamy and Sanders (2006), they

would navigate the variety of different directions the lesson could take

and could steer the lesson back to the stated objectives. These

abilities are explained by schematization of past experiences leading

to rich, related networks that the teacher can shift between during

planning as well as during instruction (Livingston & Borko, 1989)

Conceptual Framework


Teacher’s Expertise in Students’

Home Economics Competencies in
Home Economics
 Family living
 Family living
 Home Management
 Home Management
and Consumer
and Consumer
 Child Development
 Child Development
 Housing and Home
 Housing and Home
 Food and Nutrition
 Food and Nutrition
 Clothing and
 Clothing and Textiles
Cajidiocan Campus
Cajidiocan, Romblon

Figure 1. Conceptual Framework

As this study aims to determine the significant relationship

between two variables, the paradigm of the study is conceptualized. It

can be seen on the figure that the independent variable of the study

is the teacher’s expertise in Home Economics, focusing on family

living; home management and consumer education; child

development; housing and home furnishing; foods and nutrition;

clothing and textile students’ competencies in the same component

and aspects will serve as the dependent variables.

Chapter III
Cajidiocan Campus
Cajidiocan, Romblon


This chapter presents and describes the research design,

instruments, and respondents who will be the source of data,

research procedures and statistical treatment of the research study.

This research study will focus on the teacher’s expertise and

Students competencies in Home Economics of third year Bachelor of

Technology and Livelihood Education in Romblon State University-

Cajidiocan Campus.


The research work will use descriptive-correlational research

design. A descriptive-correlational study is a study in describing

relationships among variables, without seeking to establish a causal

connection. The researchers will utilize the descriptive-correlational

method of research to identify the level of expertise of the teacher

and competency level of the students in Home Economics and

determine the significant relationship exist between them.


Cajidiocan Campus
Cajidiocan, Romblon

Total enumeration will be used in selecting the respondents of

this study. The researchers will be examining the entire population

that have a particular set of characteristics. The researcher will select

all Technology and Livelihood Education (TLE) lecturers who are

teaching Home Economics subjects and all third year Bachelor of

Technology and Livelihood Education student of Romblon State

University- Cajidiocan Campus, School Year 2020-2021.

Research Instruments

There will be two (2) instruments that will be used in this study.

First will be the use of Questionnaire Checklist prepared by the

researchers. Data on the level of expertise will be gathered through

the adoption of existing Faculty Evaluation Instrument (QCE of the

NBC 461). This instrument consists items that evaluates the teachers’

teaching expertise along commitment; knowledge of the subject

matter, independent learning; and management of learning. The data

on the level of expertise will be quantified using the score of a 20

items questions with a five-point Likert Scale. The responses to all

items will be analyzed using the Average Weighted Mean.

Cajidiocan Campus
Cajidiocan, Romblon

Second, a 30- item test questions crafted by the researchers

that will determine the competency level of the nineteen (19) third

year Bachelor of Technology and Livelihood Education students:(1)

Family Living; (2) Home Management and Consumer Education; (3)

Child Development, (4) Housing and Home Furnishings; (5) Food and

Nutrition and (6) Clothing and Textiles, the said test questionnaire will

undergo validity and reliability test to be performed by three (3)

experts. Data will be gathered by the researchers themselves who

will personally floated the evaluation instrument along all the student

respondents from their respective classes.

The Respondents

The researchers’ respondents in the study will be nineteen (19)

third year Bachelor of Technology and Livelihood Education students

of School Year 2020-2021 and three (3) Technology and Livelihood

lecturers and instructors teaching Home Economics subjects at

Romblon State University-Cajidiocan Campus.

Statistical Treatment
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Cajidiocan, Romblon

Data gathered from the questionnaire as the research

instrument of the study will be tabulated, analyzed and interpreted

using the following statistical tools.

MEAN. This will be used to interpret the scores of the students

in the test-questions in determining their competency level.

m=∑ of the terms/ numbers of the terms

m= mean

MEDIAN. This will be used in determining the level of teacher’s

expertise in teaching Home Economics and students’ competencies

as well.

SPEARMAN RANK. This will be used in determining the

relationship existed between the teacher’s expertise and students’

competencies in Home Economics and its significance as well.

6∑ ❑ d2
ρ=1− ❑

n(n 2−1)

ρ = Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient

Cajidiocan Campus
Cajidiocan, Romblon

d = difference between the two rank of each observation

n = number of observations

Degree of Relationship: This will be used to interpret the degree of

relationship between the variables using Spearman rank adopted

from Muijs (2004).

Levels of Expertise. This will be used to interpret the teacher’s

expertise in Home Economics per area based from the expertise


Weight Rating Scale Descriptive Rating

5 4.21-5.0 Outstanding
4 3.41-4.20 Very Satisfactory
3 2.61-3.40 Satisfactory
2 1.81-2.60 Fair
1 1.0-1.80 Poor

Competency Level. This will be used to determine the students’

competencies in home Economics per area based from the test


Weight Rating Scale Descriptive Rating

Cajidiocan Campus
Cajidiocan, Romblon

5 4.21-5.0 Highly Competent

4 3.41-4.20 Moderately Competent
3 2.61-3.40 Competent
2 1.81-2.60 Less Competent
1 1.0-1.80 Incompetent




A Thesis

Presented to the faculty of the


Cajidiocan Campus

Cajidiocan, Romblon
Cajidiocan Campus
Cajidiocan, Romblon

In Partial fulfillment

For the Requirements for the Degree


Major in Home Economics





April 2021




Dear Ma’am/ Sir:

You have been selected to aid in a study evaluating the expertise of Technology and
Livelihood Education lecturers at Romblon State University- Cajidiocan Campus. The
study is concerned with expertise of Home Economics lecturers. Your participation
involves completing the enclosed questionnaire.
Cajidiocan Campus
Cajidiocan, Romblon

We will be most grateful if you will complete the questionnaire and return it to us in
the enclosed envelope and after you fill-out the necessary information.






Research Adviser

Part I. Personal and Professional Information

Directions: Please provide the information required below by checking or

completing the appropriate blanks:

Name (Optional):--------------------------------------------------------------
Age: -----------------------------
Highest Educational Attainment: --------------------------------
Years in teaching Home Economics------------------
Cajidiocan Campus
Cajidiocan, Romblon

Part II. Expertise in Home Economics

Directions: For each of the following competencies, please indicate your perceived
expertise as a lecturer/instructor of Home Economics by checking (/) that
corresponds to your level of expertise.
Legend: 5 – Expert, 4 – Proficient, 3 – Competent, 2 – Advanced Beginner, 1 – Novice

Competencies 5 4 3 2 1
1. Relate personality development to the quality of
personal and family life.

2. Analyze own behavior in groups of various types.

3. Identify the stage of love in a variety of situations.
4. Develop a guideline for successful relationship in
5. Analyze job opportunities related to the area of the
1. Identify factors influencing consumer buying

2. Participate in decision-making processes.

3. Develop guidelines for making decisions relating to

using credit, savings, and insurance.

4. Plan, control and evaluate a spending plan.

5. Apply managerial principles to household tasks.

6. Develop guidelines for assuming the dual role of

employment and making a home.
7. Relate home management and consumer education
to career and job opportunities.


1. Identify the developmental stages of infants and

Cajidiocan Campus
Cajidiocan, Romblon

2. Identify the basic needs of children.

3. Demonstrate ability in specific responsibilities of

caring for children.

4. Develop standards for successful parenthood.

5. Exhibit skill in caring for the sick.

6. Demonstrate skill in giving first aid for specific


7. Relate child development to career and job


8. Relate health care to career and job opportunities.


1. Adapt housing to the changing needs of family life


2. Arrange varying amounts of space for entertaining

and leisure time activities.

3. Identify factors influencing interior decoration.

4. Develop ability to furnish homes appropriately.

5. Relate housing and home furnishing to career and

job opportunities.


1. Recognized the factors affecting consumer buying of


2. Apply knowledge to variety of situation.

3. Develop skills in food preparation.

4. Demonstrate ability for planning and preparing

nutritious meals.

5. Relate food and nutrition to career and job

Cajidiocan Campus
Cajidiocan, Romblon



1. Plan appropriate wardrobes for varying situations.

2. Demonstrate ability to care for clothing properly.

3. Demonstrate skills and specific principles of clothing


4. Develop guidelines for purchasing clothing.

5. Demonstrate appropriate procedures of grooming.

6. Relate clothing to career and job opportunities.

Direction: Read each statement carefully and encircle the letter of the correct answer.

Family Living

1. It is legally recognized social contact between two people, traditionally based on a

sexual relationship and implying a permanence of the union.
a. Family
b. Marriage
c. Polygamy
d. Monogamy
e. None of the mentioned

2. What is the most basic social unit upon with society is built?
a. Family
b. Marriage
c. Community
Cajidiocan Campus
Cajidiocan, Romblon

d. Culture
e. None of the mentioned

3. Refers to the family into which a person is born?

a. Family of procreation
b. Family and marriage
c. Family of orientation
d. Family of community
e. None of the mentioned

4. Describes one that is formed through marriage?

a. Marriage
b. Family
c. Family of orientation
d. Family of procreation
e. None of the mentioned

5. Refers to a non- being married to more than one woman of the same time?

a. Polyandry
b. Polygyny
c. Polygamy
d. Monogamy
e. None of the mentioned

Home Management

1. An individual who pays some amount of money for the thing required to consume
goods and services is called?
A. Consumer
B. Buyer
C. People
D. Customer
E. None of the mentioned

2. A state or federal law designed to protect consumer against improperly

described, damage, faulty, and dangerous goods and services as well as unfair
trade and credit practices is called?
a. Consumer Movement
c. Consumer Protection
Cajidiocan Campus
Cajidiocan, Romblon

d. Consumer Rights
e. None of the mentioned

3. The general references to a body of law that pertains to things the producers of
goods must do to protect customers from harm are called?
a. Consumer Protection act
b. Consumer Movement
c. Consumer Protection
d. Consumer Rights
e. None of the mentioned

4. The process of creating to spend to spend your money that allows on provide a
particular amount of money in a budget is a called?
a. Budgeting
b. Allocating
c. Allowance
d. Financing
e. None of the mentioned

5. The total earnings that are not spent on consumption whether invested to
achieve higher returns or not is known as?
a. Savings
b. Budgeting
c. Investment
d. Contribution
e. None of the mentioned

Housing and Home Furnishing

1. A group of soft and hard items or materials that are used in both outside and inside
the building in other to provide comfort and enhance its aesthetical value?
a. House
b. Furniture
c. Land
d. All of the above
e. None of the mentioned

2. What are the different types of furniture in Home Furnishing?

a. Hard wood/ metal

b. Soft wood
c. Fixture
d. All of the above
Cajidiocan Campus
Cajidiocan, Romblon

e. None of the mentioned

3. It is crucial, a very scarce commodity, it is a very valuable aspect for human living.
a. Land
b. Furniture
c. Sand
d. Concrete
e. None of the mentioned

4. What is the basic requirement before purchasing a house?

a. Physical Standard
b. Location of the house
c. Security
d. All of the above
e. None of the mentioned

5. It refers to the construction and assigned usage of houses or building collectively

for the purpose of sheltering people.
a. Furnishing
b. Market
c. Housing
d. Land
e. None of the mentioned

Food Nutrition

1. The component of food which help our body to fight against infection is
a. Proteins
b. Fats
c. Carbohydrates
d. Starch
e. None of the mentioned

2. It provides more than double the energy provided by carbohydrates or

proteins in human body.
a. Vitamins
b. Fats
Cajidiocan Campus
Cajidiocan, Romblon

c. Minerals
d. Starch
e. None of the mentioned

3. Foods like pizza, burger and noodles are rich in?

a. Carbohydrates
b. Proteins
c. Vitamins
d. Minerals
e. None of the mentioned

4. The percentage of water in the human body is?

a. 65
b. 70
c. 40
d. 30
e. None of the mentioned

5. The food component present in sugar is?

a. Fats
b. Protein
c. Vitamins
d. Carbohydrates
e. None of the mentioned

Child Development

1. At what age should a child develop a mature pencil grip?

a. 1 years
b. 9-12 months
c. 6-9 months
d. 3.6 months
e. None of the mentioned

2. At what age should a child be referred to a pediatrician if they have not begun
to walk?
a. 9 months
b. 15 months
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Cajidiocan, Romblon

c. 12 months
d. 18 months
e. None of the mentioned

3. In normal fine motor developments, which of the following should occur first?
a. Copying a circle
b. Copying a cross
c. Copying a square
d. Copying a triangle
e. None of the mentioned

4. What is the cut –off for an acceptable weight loss in the first 7 days of life?
a. 7 percent
b. 15 percent
c. 10 percent
d. 20 percent
e. None of mentioned

5. Around what age should a child be able to build a tower of three building
a. 18 months
b. 21 months
c. 15 months
d. 12 months
e. None of the mentioned

Clothes and textiles

1. The garment finishing method, where the edge of a cloth is folded and sewn to
prevent unraveling of the fabric and to adjust the length of the piece of garments,
such as at the end of the sleeve or the bottom of the garment is called?
a. Seam finishes
b. Fussy cutting
c. Hems
d. Bar tacks
e. None of the mentioned

2. The most effective means of removing pill balls is by?

a. Carefully cutting them off
Cajidiocan Campus
Cajidiocan, Romblon

b. Carelessly removing them off

c. Carefully fixing them on
d. Mindfully repairing them
e. None of the mentioned

3. The stain remover that is use only on white and colorfast clothes is?
a. Oxygen bleach
b. Bleach
c. Chlorine bleach
d. Powder detergent
e. None of the mentioned

4. The iron has water holding tank is called?

a. Steam iron
b. Flat iron
c. Iron
d. Dry iron
e. None of the mentioned

5. The continuous point (mark) used to delineate an edge, or to lead the eye through
a work of art is called?
a. Line
b. Texture
c. Unity
d. Contrast
e. None of the mentioned

Chapter II


This chapter consists of information called from studies and

literature, both local and foreign, from which this study is premised.

This will certainly help giving the reader a better understanding and

the background information related to this study.

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Cajidiocan, Romblon

Foreign Literature

According to Gayatri Vaidya (2016) expert teachers do differ

from experienced teachers particularly in the way they represent their

classrooms, the degree of challenges that they present to students,

and most critically, in the depth of processing that their students

attain. Students who are taught by expert teachers exhibit an

understanding of the concepts targeted in instruction that is more

integrated, more coherent, and at a higher level of abstraction than

the understanding achieved by other students.

Hattie (2011) in his book, visible learning for teachers, He

discussed the fact that expert teachers can make use of their subject

knowledge to organize and we content knowledge more effectively for

their students to understand. In addition, expert teacher are more

likely to be able to respond to the needs of any particular classroom,

recognizing students who are struggling and changing the way the

information is presented in orders to make it understandable.

According to Carol R. Findell (2011) expert teacher understand

their subject matter and they also understand the students that they
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Cajidiocan, Romblon

are teaching. This understanding allow teachers to provide rich

problems to adapt these problems so that they can be used at many

levels of difficulty, to listen to the students reasoning to help assess

students understanding, to use good questioning techniques that help

students reflect on their own reasoning processes, ant to adapt

lesson to maximize the learning for all students.

Foreign Studies

Dincer et al. (2013). In a study proposes the four common

characteristics of an effective English language teacher. The four

categories are as follow: socio-affective skills, pedagogical

knowledge, subject- matter knowledge and personal qualities for

better language teaching and learning. In addition, an effective

English language teacher should have a balanced combination of

these four main aspects.

According to Linda Hobbs (2015), out of field teachers can be

concerned about the negative impact their teaching might have on

students learning, such as lower achievement scores. They have also

shown concern that they are unable to demonstrate content is

relevant to everyday life. Teachers might rely on teaching methods

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that are traditional and ineffective, such as solely, using the textbooks

in mathematics, they might be less able to help students in their

learning, and it can be devastating for a confident and competent

teacher to be suddenly incompetent because they have to teach

unfamiliar content.

Biljana Samoukovic (2015) argues that empowerment and

expertise in education are interactive and interdependent concepts

and teacher empowerment is a necessary condition to identify

teacher expert.

Only empowered teaching experts possess a set of important

and, in today’s state of affairs in education sine qua non, qualities,

such as determination to resist policies and rules if they conflict with

the well- being of the students and the student empowering

educational outcome and activism and solidarity with the colleagues

who through teaching advocate social transformation and social


According to the National Commission on Teaching and

America’s Future (2019) teacher expertise is one of the most

Cajidiocan Campus
Cajidiocan, Romblon

important factors in determining student achievement, followed by the

smaller but generally positive influences of small schools and small

class sizes. That is, teachers who know a lot about teaching and

learning who work in environment that allow them to know students

well are the critical elements of successful learning.

Local Study

According to Malin (2015) Findings suggest that individuals with

less expertise can often have greater success in media penetration.

Although some individuals might not have formal training in research

methods for analyzing the issues about which they are speaking, they

possess skills and orientations that make them accessible and

appealing to the media. And when these people are affiliated with

organization that have strong medic’s arms or outreach efforts they

have the support and the incentive to engage broaden and policy



Observation by the researchers of Romblon State University-

Cajidiocan Campus will reveal the possibility that some lecturers are
Cajidiocan Campus
Cajidiocan, Romblon

not expert on teaching those particular subjects in Home Economics.

This study was not intentionally conduct to underestimate the

educational background of the lecturers in Home Economics area.

Thus this research will be carried out to analyze and serve as a

guideline for the administration to select the lecturers who are expert

in teaching particular subjects, as well as to reveal the competencies

of Bachelor of Technology Livelihood Education third year students in

Home Economics to prove that they learn and acquired those

necessary competencies. This study is original and unique.

Date of Members Remarks Signatur Signature of

Consultation Present e of Adviser/Subj
Group Teacher
Cajidiocan Campus
Cajidiocan, Romblon




Cajidiocan Campus
Cajidiocan, Romblon

Cajidiocan Campus
Cajidiocan, Romblon
Cajidiocan Campus
Cajidiocan, Romblon

Name of students: Lyn R. Bartolata

Carmina R. Canete

Ma. Teresa D. Rabino

Name of Subject Teacher: Mr. Elliezar M. Ribot

Name of Adviser: Mr. Elliezar M. Ribot


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