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Assignment 6

Alex Bardsley, Tobi Bishop, Victoria Harding, Brittany Reece, Jolynn Smith

Documentation: Description of persona

Scenario Development
Task description: We will be performing 1 of 2 tasks with different test groups.
Task 1:
You are recently hired with the Salt Lake City Public Library (SLCPL) at the Sugarhouse
branch. You have prior library experience. You have been given six months to complete
your on-boarding trainings. You have completed two trainings and your next training is
about Service Design. You are unsure of what Service Design is and what your part will
be but you are excited to learn more about it.
Your task will be to complete the Introduction section and the first portion of
Exploration and Sense Making stage learning about the Customer Connection Tool.

Task 2:
You are recently hired with the Salt Lake City Public Library (SLCPL) at the Sugarhouse
branch. You have prior library experience. You have been given six months to complete
your on-boarding trainings. You have completed two trainings and your next training is
about Service Design. You are unsure of what Service Design is and what your part will
be but you are excited to learn more about it.
Your task will be to complete the Introduction section and the first portion of
Exploration and Sense Making stage, learning about the Service Safari Tool.

Keypath Scenario:
Susan has just been hired with the Salt Lake City Public Library at the Sugarhouse
branch. She has been given six months to complete her on-boarding trainings. She
began with her HR trainings and completed them last week and decided to begin the
Service Design training this week.
To start off her work day, she has an hour at the front desk but afterwards she
plans to spend an hour on the next training. Susan opens the training and begins to
learn the importance of the libraries’ role in a changing world and how Service Design
can help her implement changes at her branch. Making program changes is something
she has already seen and been a part of at another branch she worked at. Susan
wonders how this is different to what she has already done.
She is introduced to the four stages of Service Design and shown how each stage
builds upon the next on a graphic of a library. With each stage, Susan learns there are
tools for each stage that will help her to use Service Design at her branch. She realizes
that the Service Design model is going to help give her a frame work to implement more
changes at her current branch that will meet the needs of patrons.
Susan then begins learning about the first stage, Exploration and Sense Making.
She first learns that this stage will help her gather data to know what the needs of the
patrons are. She is presented with two tools that will help her with this process,
Customer Connection and Service Safari. She isn’t sure what tool she should pick first.
She randomly decides to begin with the Customer Connection tool.
During the Customer Connection section, she learns how to prepare herself to
meet with customers by learning about focus questions and target audiences. She is
introduced to the Customer Connection form for note-taking and learns how to select
appropriate interview questions, as well as follow-up questions. Susan learns that
practicing with a co-worker before she begins is valuable and then proceeds to learn
how to select a location where she can find her target audience.
From there she practices how to select and interview patrons. She finds it
unexpected and entertaining that the first person she picks to interview doesn’t speak
English. She goes on to learn how to interview a patron and take relevant notes, then
find themes from the data she collects using the Customer Connection Debrief Form.
She is able to practice selecting interview questions then she is asked to come up with
her own focus question. Reading through the examples reminds her of an issue at her
previous branch that she would be interested in pursuing. Next, she writes interview
questions based on her focus question. She is glad there is a rubric that helps her revise
some of her questions as she had forgotten to avoid yes or no type questions.
Susan completes the Customer Connection Tool, but doesn’t have enough time
to begin the Service Safari Tool. She saves her place and plans to come back tomorrow.
She excited to use the Customer Connection downloads to start planning for her first set
of interviews.

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