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Ingles III.

Phrasal Verbs.

Presenta: Leudith Susana González Martínez

ID: 722108

Johnatan González Guerrero.

NRC 1221

Bogotá D.C. Colombia. 28 de enero 2021

Phrasal Verbs.
- I look forward to see you in Germany. I am looking forward to finishing my career so I
can travel the world.

- Let's pop in for a coffee before the class starts.

- I askedmy partner to come and have a coffee at the cafeteria

-I’mgoingawayon vacations in easter.

-I am be back thereto clases.

-I am is the best player, nobody can catch up with him.

-The meeting with the teachers was called off.

-I am do up jacket, it’s cold out there.

-I am was so tired that i am dozed off in the middle of the presentation.

-I’m still waiting for them to get back my e-mail.

-Share daily with colleagues, to learn.

-Go to the university to do group work.

-Go to the university to receive teachings.

-Get on the bus or you are going to miss it partner.

-The teacher is giving out the copies for the class.

-Get on the bus or you are going to miss it partner.

- I don’t want to leave you out of the group for the homework.

-I’m looking forward see my companions again.

-During the class they pointed out some important points.

-Finally, the exhibition turned out good.

Thank you.

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