What Are The Ways To Use Information Systems To Improve Operational Efficiency

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What are the ways to use information systems to improve operational efficiency

Jiahao Chen

Course BUS 530

Management Information Systems

Professor: Dr. Alex Sherm

December 19, 2020


Economic activities among different Countries over the world is getting closer as result of
globalization, transnational enterprises are expanding their business pace and range, China local
companies are facing impact from western companies which featured as advanced management,
cost control, high efficiency and high added value of product, all those advantages is based on
fast, accurate and high efficiency management information system. Chinese companies must
gain themselves advantages and improve competitive power so that to survive from competition,
thus import and implementation of management information system is essential and extremely
urgent as its fatal to enterprise management.
Key words: management information system, competitive power

What are the ways to use information systems to improve operational efficiency

Into the 21st century, quickening the pace of economic globalization, the widespread emergence

of new technology revolution makes the work efficiency improved show note with from all

walks of life, economic activity, supportive factors from human, raw materials, capital and other

rapidly to the information transfer, in the information age, the enterprise if you can't keep up

with the pace of The Times, improve their access to information, screening and processing

ability, so it faces the end will be eliminated.

Information is the basis and core of strategic decision-making. If there is no sufficient, accurate

and timely information support, decision-making will become a decision made in the head. Such

a decision is untenable and cannot stand the test of the market, therefore, obtaining effective

information is the basis of successful decision-making.

Most of Chinese enterprises face, the contradiction of the proliferation of information, lack of

effective information and the conflict continues to expand, policymakers have to analyze the vast

amounts of information, it is concluded that the reasonable and effective information to support

decision making, and in the process of decision making, once appear, the authenticity of

information, comprehensive and timely issues or access to information, information filtering

does not accord with the requirement of scientific decision-making, will be a devastating blow

for subsequent operations, arguably, the reliability of decision-making information directly

determines the survival of the enterprise.

Therefore, how to obtain, screen and use authentic and reliable information is extremely

important to enterprises, plays a decisive role in the competitiveness of enterprises, and can

directly determine the survival of enterprises.

The emergence of management information system solves the problem of authenticity and

reliability of information, which is no more than a lighthouse on the sea for enterprises.

The concept and significance of mis

So-called MIS (Management Information System, Management Information System) System,

the modern Management Information System is a people-oriented, using computer hardware,

software, network communication equipment and other office equipment, Information collection,

transmission, processing, storage, update and maintenance, to enterprise strategic competitive

advantages and improve the effectiveness and efficiency, for the purpose of supporting enterprise

high-level decision, middle control, basic operation of the integrated man-machine System.

It is an emerging science, its main task is to maximize the use of modern computer and network

communication technology to strengthen enterprise information management, through to the

enterprise with manpower and material resources, financial resources, equipment and technology

resources survey of understanding, establish the correct data, processed, and written into all

kinds of information in a timely manner to provide management personnel, for the right

decisions, continuously improve the management level of enterprises and economic benefits.

At present, enterprise computer network has become an important means for enterprises to carry

out technological transformation and improve enterprise management level.

A perfect MIS has the following four standards: information needs determined, information can

be collected and processed, information can be provided to managers through procedures, and

information can be managed.

Management information system is a combination of management science, information science,

system science, computer science and communications technology and other disciplines of

concepts and methods, and formed the unique system field, main research enterprise internal

organization, development, and management information system, it is a new discipline, is the


effective management, correct decision and important means to realize the modernization of


The establishment and development level of a country's management information marks the

modernization level and information level of national management.

Second, the domestic and foreign status of the application of management information system

Foreign enterprises started to use MIS earlier. From the 1950s to the 1980s, some developed

countries have been studying the application of computer technology in enterprise operation,

management, design, manufacturing and other links.

In the 1990s, the United States developed the Enterprise Resource Planning system (ERP) by

integrating supply chain management (SCM) and customer relationship management (CRM) on

the basis of the manufacturing resource planning (MRP-II) system. In the late 1990s, eighty

percent of the top 500 enterprises in the world used ERP software.

In the United States, 60% of small enterprises, 80% of medium-sized enterprises and more than

90% of large enterprises use MIS.

In contrast, the level of computer use in some Chinese enterprises is still in the initial stage, and

some enterprises that have started enterprise informatization are also facing the embarrassing

situation of low success rate.

Third, enterprise competitiveness

A) The concept of enterprise competitiveness

I. enterprise competitiveness of the enterprise core competence, the concept of the participant is

the enterprise strategic management scientist prahalad and Moore, they pointed out that: in the

enterprise core competitive ability is the enterprise organization and the type of bachelor's

degree, especially about how to coordinate different production skills and organic integration of

a variety of technical knowledge and unique ability advantage over other competitors.

B) Characteristics of enterprise competitiveness

The core competitiveness of enterprises is the foundation for the survival and development of

enterprises. The competition in the modern market is the core competitiveness among

enterprises. Enterprises in a strong position in the industry tend to have stronger core


I. adhesion, the core competitiveness of enterprises must be able to attach the enterprise point of

view, the idea to the enterprise products, services, according to the market response and

customer feedback continuously improve their products and services, to meet and exceed

customer needs and expectations, bring substantial benefits and surprise to customers, to form

the core competitiveness.

Ii. Degree of differentiation -- The core competitiveness of an enterprise must be different from

other similar enterprises and hard to be imitated and copied by rivals. It has both organizational

characteristics and technical skills, and is completely different from other similar enterprises.

Iii. Expansibility -- Enterprises need to enter into different potential markets to generate spillover

effects and provide ways for the core competitiveness of enterprises.

The expansion of an enterprise should be able to derive technologies and achievements around

its center, so that the enterprise can take the initiative and dominant position in the competition,

comply with market changes, expand market share, and establish its own right of discourse.

Iv. Knowledge -- -- with the constant innovation of technology and the arrival of information

age, knowledge innovation has become equally important enterprise core competitive ability and

management ability, the knowledge capital will be dominated by cultivating and developing

enterprise core competition ability, namely to master the knowledge of the human capital and

technology creative ability, in the knowledge capital, human capital is the most important,

because it is the carrier of knowledge capital, knowledge production and update needed by

people to perform and propulsion.

V. sustainability - that is, the duration of the enterprise core competitiveness to provide corporate

earnings and profits, the influence of the technological innovation, speed and innovation, is now

greatly shorten the product life cycle, continuing decrease, so the product can bring profits and

profits are affected by different degree, but the enterprise core competitive ability is not

influenced by the product life cycle, it can continue to work on the reproduction of enterprises

and to research and development, so as to support enterprise sustainable profitability, through

different product updates and long.

1. Management Information System for the Information Age (8th edition)--Stephen Haag &
Maeve Cummings
2. The Influence of enterprise informatization on enterprise Competitiveness -- Liu Xiaobo
3. Analysis on the Influence of Information system Technology on enterprise Competitiveness
[J], Zhong Weijun; Shu-e mei

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