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Technical Note

Performance of Geogrid-Reinforced and PTC

Pile-Supported Embankment in a Highway
Widening Project over Soft Soils
Mengxuan Zhao 1; Chunyuan Liu 2; Tahar El-Korchi 3; Haichao Song 4;
and Mingjiang Tao, Ph.D., P.E., M.ASCE 5
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Abstract: A case study of a widened highway embankment is presented, in which prestressed tubular concrete (PTC) piles and geogrids
were used to reinforce the embankment and to reduce construction time. In situ measurements of earth pressures, settlements, and lateral
displacements were reported and analyzed to evaluate the effectiveness of the reinforcement technologies. The instrumentation data confirm
that a large portion of the embankment load is supported by the PTC piles, as quantified by a large stress concentration ratio of 6.6.
Consequently, the resulting total settlement at the embankment surface and lateral displacement during and after the embankment construc-
tion were significantly reduced by using geogrids and two groups of PTC piles at different elevations of the embankment. The measurement
data will be valuable for numerical simulations on pile-supported embankments and highway widening projects in the future. Lastly, a
design procedure was proposed for highway widening projects based on the literature studies, and its validity was verified by this case
study. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)GT.1943-5606.0002157. © 2019 American Society of Civil Engineers.
Author keywords: Widened embankment; Soft soils; PTC piles; Geogrids; Load transfer mechanisms.

Introduction without prefabricated vertical drains (PVDs), lightweight fill,

staged construction, geosynthetic-reinforced embankment, vacuum
With the rapid economic growth in China during the last few dec- consolidation, and geosynthetic-reinforced and column-supported
ades, the existing highway systems cannot meet the transportation embankment (Han et al. 2002; Collin 2004; Almeida et al. 2007;
needs for national economic and social development. To address Han et al. 2007; Liu et al. 2008; Jiang et al. 2018).
the increasing demand on traffic capacity and safety, numerous Piles and columns, in many cases working in conjunction with
existing highways were widened, and many of these widening proj- geosynthetics, have been widely used to transfer embankment load
ects took place in the areas underlain by weak, soft deposits, such to a firm stratum in (1) new embankment and roadway construction
as coastal areas of China that have experienced the fastest economic over soft, compressible soils; (2) roadway and embankment widen-
development. The biggest challenge associated with highway ing; and (3) stabilization of pavement working platforms (Low
widening is how to decrease the differential settlement between et al. 1994; Han 1999; Han et al. 2007; Chen et al. 2010; Le Hello
the widened embankment and the existing one where the settlement and Villard 2009). Besides timber and concrete piles with caps,
has largely ceased. In addition, embankment construction over columnar systems such as soil-cement mixing columns, vibro-
soft soils raises several concerns such as: bearing capacity failures, concrete columns, and stone columns are often used for this pur-
excessive total and differential settlements, large lateral pressures pose (Low et al. 1994; Giannaros and Tsiambaos 1997; Han and
and spreading, and slope instability (Han and Gabr 2002; Zheng Gabr 2002; Han et al. 2002; Mankbadi et al. 2004; Han 2015). The
et al. 2011). Technologies and practices for constructing em- combination of several processes—embankment soil arching, ten-
bankments on soft compressible soils include preloading with or sioned membrane or stiffened platform effect of geosynthetics, and
stress concentration due to the stiffness difference between pile
and soil—is considered the mechanisms of load transfer involved
Ph.D. Candidate, School of Civil Engineering, Hebei Univ. of in geosynthetic-reinforced and pile-supported embankments. How-
Technology, Tianjin 300130, PR China; Dept. of Civil and Environmental
ever, these load-transferring mechanisms are complex and far from
Engineering, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, 100 Institute Rd., Worcester,
MA 01609. ORCID: being understood.
Ph.D. Professor, School of Civil Engineering, Hebei Univ. of Technol- Han and Gabr (2002) performed a parametric numerical study to
ogy, Tianjin 300130, PR China. investigate the influence of design parameters on the performance
3 of geosynthetic-reinforced and pile-supported earth platforms.
Ph.D. Professor, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering,
Worcester Polytechnic Institute, 100 Institute Rd., Worcester, MA 01609. Their simulation results indicate that the inclusion of geosynthetics
School of Civil Engineering, Hebei Univ. of Technology, Tianjin in embankments reduced total and differential settlements and
300130, PR China. enhanced the portion of the embankment load transferred from the
Associate Professor, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, soil to the piles. Their numerical analyses also suggest that the
Worcester Polytechnic Institute, 100 Institute Rd., Worcester, MA 01609
stress concentration ratio increases with the height of embankment
(corresponding author). Email:
Note. This manuscript was submitted on May 25, 2018; approved on
fill, tensile stiffness of geosynthetics, and elastic modulus of piles.
June 13, 2019; published online on August 21, 2019. Discussion period Liu et al. (2007) reported a case study of a geogrid-reinforced
open until January 21, 2020; separate discussions must be submitted for and pile-supported highway embankment with a low area improve-
individual papers. This technical note is part of the Journal of Geotech- ment ratio of 8.7%. Both field measurements and numerical
nical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, © ASCE, ISSN 1090-0241. simulations indicate that a significant amount of the embankment

© ASCE 06019014-1 J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng.

J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng., 2019, 145(11): 06019014

load was transferred from soil to piles. In addition, the stability of by the geogrid reinforcement. Based on the models by Han (2015),
the embankment was enhanced by the use of geogrids and piles. the geosynthetic reinforcement is proven effective on the embank-
Chen et al. (2010) reported three case histories of pile-supported ment stabilization, differential settlement reduction on the embank-
embankments over soft soils in eastern China. PTC piles and ment surface, and serviceability enhancement of the widened
Y-shaped cast-in-place piles were used at these pavement sections. embankment through soil arching.
Earth pressure, settlement, and pore water pressure were monitored Despite the fact that pile-supported embankment technology
during and after the embankment construction to evaluate the effi- has been used for many years in numerous projects and is often
ciency of the pile-supported embankment technology. Han et al. reported in the literature, the lack of a widely accepted design
(2007) carried out a numerical analysis of widened embankments procedure remains one of the biggest barriers limiting its wide use.
supported by foundation columns. Installing columns under the In addition, the mechanisms of load transfer depend on multiple
widened portion and/or the connecting side slope of the existing factors, such as embankment height, elastic modulus of piles or
embankment reduced total settlement, differential settlement, and columns, tensile stiffness of geosynthetics, etc. The influences of
lateral displacement. A similar reduction effect can be achieved the aforementioned factors are complicated and often intertwined.
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with the enhanced properties of the soils under the existing em- The situation is even worse for the case of pile-supported embank-
bankment due to consolidation. Han (2015) investigated the effec- ments in highway widening projects because very few case studies
tiveness of the geogrids on reducing the differential settlements on their design and performance have ever been reported or
between the existing and widened embankment over soft soil. systematically investigated. For highway widening projects, the
The differential settlement reduction of 20–30 mm was achieved embankment height, as one of the most important factors in

(a) (b)


Fig. 1. Physical properties of soil layers at testing section K21 þ 700 of Jin-Bin expressway: (a)water content; (b) void ratio; and (c) unit weight.

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J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng., 2019, 145(11): 06019014

Table 1. Physical and mechanical properties of soil layers, PTC piles and geogrids
Thickness Unit weight, Cohesion, Effective frictional Elastic modulus, Poisson’s Permeability coefficient,
Material (m) ϒ (kN=m3 ) c (kPa) angle, φ (degrees) E (MPa) ratio, ν k (1 × 10−7 m=s)
Embankment fill 2.0 19.0 16.7 22.0 6.0 0.30 —
Clay 1.1 19.0 12.5 14.6 5.2 0.32 1.0
Silt 0.9 19.3 14.0 26.1 4.5 0.30 5.0
Silty sand 2.0 18.6 13.0 23.7 8.1 0.33 8.2
Silty clay 5.4 19.0 15.1 24.5 5.5 0.30 1.1
Clay 1.8 18.8 13.8 20.5 6.1 0.29 0.9
Silty clay 2.2 19.5 16.7 25.6 5.8 0.32 1.2
Crushed stone 0.4 22.0 1.0 30.0 200.0 0.20 —
PTC piles 0.4ðDÞ × 16ðHÞ — — — 60,000.0 0.17 —
PTC pile caps 1 × 1 × 0.3 — — — 30,000.0 0.17 —
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Geogrids — — — — 16,300.0 0.20 —

geogrid-reinforced and pile-supported embankments, is often lim- respectively, with medium to low compressibility, which can be
ited by the grading of the existing highway surface. Therefore, the the bearing layer for piles. Fig. 1 shows basic properties of the soil
design recommendations and analysis methods (e.g., the adapted strata on section K21 þ 700, including their water content, Atter-
Terzaghi method and the parabolic method) proposed for the berg limits, plasticity index, initial void ratio, and unit weight.
reinforcement technologies for new embankment construction Water contents of most of the soil layers at the site are close to
are not readily applicable to the case of widened embankments their respective liquid limits, which indicates that these layers
(Terzaghi 1943; Russell and Pierpoint 1997; Rogbeck et al. 1998; are weak in terms of shear strength. The physical and mechanical
Russell et al. 2003; Filz and Smith 2006). properties of all the soil layers are summarized in Table 1. The
A technical note on the use of PTC piles in highway embank- ground water table (GWT) at the site is at a depth of 1.33 m below
ment widening is presented, which is based on field instrumenta- the original ground surface.
tion on section K21 þ 700 of the Jin-Bin expressway located in
Tianjin, China. The challenges of this embankment widening
project included (1) a tight construction schedule of finishing ap- Construction of Geogrid-Reinforced and PTC
proximately 5 km road in 320 days and narrow construction site; Pile-Supported Embankment
(2) the whole highway embankment is located on the soft soil; and
(3) the existing highway had to remain open throughout the widen- The cross section of half of the whole widened embankment on
ing process. Using PTC piles in combination with geogrids could section K21 þ 700 is shown in Fig. 2. The existing embankment
be a good option to address these engineering challenges because is 13 m away from the central line, and a 5-m-wide new embank-
of its fast construction speed, reduced settlement, and a clean ment was added to both sides. The slope of both existing and new
construction site. The measurements obtained from in situ instru- embankments is 1ðVÞ∶ 1.5ðHÞ (V = vertical, H = horizontal). Two
mentation during and after the construction, including settlement PTC pile groups (mechanical properties are shown in Table 1), des-
at the elevation of pile cap, induced soil pressures, and lateral ignated as lower and upper levels, were installed at the elevations of
displacement, were analyzed to examine the efficacy of PTC- 0 and 2.4 m, respectively. The piles are 16 m long, with 0.4 m outer
supported embankment technology in highway embankment widen- diameter and 60.0-mm-thick wall. The piles are arranged in a rec-
ing applications. tangular pattern, with a center-to-center spacing of 2.5 and 2.0 m
for the lower and upper level pile groups transversally, respectively,
and a center-to-center spacing of 4.5 m for all the piles longitudi-
Project Background nally. The PTC piles were driven into the ground and fitted with
Jin-Bin highway, located in Tianjin, P.R. China, is 27.8 km long pile caps to help transfer the embankment load to the piles, and
with multiple testing sections. This project was to widen the the dimensions of the caps are 1 × 1 × 0.3 m3 . The detailed con-
existing highway from two-way four lanes to two-way six or eight struction sequence of the widened embankment and the corre-
lanes. In this technical note, the widened embankment testing sec- sponding construction time are summarized in Table 2. Three
tion on K21 þ 700 is presented and investigated for the efficacy of construction phases were involved in about 56 days. In Phase 1,
using geosynthetics and PTC piles for foundation reinforcement. part of the original embankment was excavated along a slope of
1ðVÞ∶1.5ðHÞ. The lower-level PTC pile group was installed after
the ground was regraded. A 0.4-m-thick crushed stone layer was
Site Conditions placed on the top of the pile caps, in which two steel-plastic
The project site is located on soft soil, which consisted of marine composite geogrid layers were embedded. As a bridging layer,
and continental deposits. The soil profile at section K21 þ 700, the geogrid-reinforced crushed stone layer helps transfer embank-
consisting of seven main soil layers, is summarized as follows ment load to the piles (McGuire 2011). Then, the upper level PTC
in a top-to-bottom sequence: the first one is 2-m-thick backfill that pile group was installed, and the embankment was filled and com-
is largely clayey soil with medium compressibility. The second pacted up to 2.4 m vertically. Consequentially, the embankment fill
layer is 1.1-m-thick clay with high porosity, below which it is was placed to reach the surface of the existing embankment. Three
0.9-m-thick silt, and both of these layers have a high compressibil- layers of steel-plastic geogrids with mechanical properties shown in
ity and low bearing capacity. The fourth layer is 2.0-m-thick silty Table 1 were placed on the height of 2.4, 3, and 3.6 m during the
sand with high compressibility, which is underlain by 5.4-m-thick soil backfilling process, respectively. Finally, 0.5-m embankment
silty clay containing lacustrine sediment. The next two layers fill was placed on the top, covering both the existing and widened
are 1.8-m-thick clay and 2.2-m-thick close-grained silty clay, embankment.

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Fig. 2. Cross section of the widened embankment at testing section K21 þ 700.

Table 2. Construction sequence of the widened embankment (56 days in Field Measurements Results
Phase Description Measured Earth Pressures on Pile Cap and the Soil
1 (3 days) The existing embankment slope was excavated, the between Piles
ground was regraded, the lower level PTC pile group
Because of time and budget constraints, earth pressure was only
was installed, and the geogrid-reinforced crushed stone
layer was constructed. measured on one pile (i.e., the leftmost lower-level pile). The left-
most lower-level pile was chosen because this pile is located at the
2 (12 days) The upper level PTC pile group was installed and the edge between existing and widened embankment with highest
soil was backfilled up to the height of 2.4 m. embankment load compared to other piles, which can better reflect
3 (41 days) The soil was backfilled to the surface of existing the pressure changes. Fig. 5 presents the average values and the
embankment, steel-plastic composite geogrid layers standard deviations of measured earth pressures acting on the soil
were placed at predetermined elevations, and the soil on between the piles and those on the top of the cap of the leftmost
the surface of both existing and widened embankment lower-level PTC pile. The corresponding embankment load is also
was backfilled.
included for reference. When the embankment height reached
4.8 m (i.e., the total depth between the widened embankment edge
to the top of the lower PTC piles in Fig. 2), the resulting embank-
In Situ Instrumentation ment load was 91.2 kPa and the average measured earth pressure
acting on the soil adjacent to the pile was 42.2 kPa, which is only
In situ instrumentation was carried out to verify whether the
geogrids and the PTC piles are effective in terms of reducing set- about 46.3% of the embankment load. The average measured
tlement in the soil beneath the widened embankment. The cross- earth pressure acting on the top of the lower-level PTC piles
sectional view and the plan view of the in situ instrumentation was 279.7 kPa. It is evident that the large portion of the embank-
layout are shown in Figs. 3(a and b), respectively. Two groups ment load was transferred to the piles because of the soil arching
of soil pressure gauges were installed in the embankment. The effect, which was also reported in many previous studies (Liu et al.
first group (Gauges 1–6) was placed within the soil right on the 2007; Chen et al. 2010; Zheng et al. 2011). The standard deviations
top of the leftmost lower-level PTC pile cap to monitor the mount of the measured earth pressure on the top of the PTC pile cap and
of the embankment load carried by the pile, and the second group on the soil between piles are relatively large. This is because the
(Gauges 7–10) was buried in the soil between the piles at the pressure measured from Gauges 4 and 5 are nearly two times larger
same elevation to monitor the embankment load transferred onto than that from Gauges 1, 2, 3, and 6, and pressures measured form
the soils. A settlement measuring tube was buried horizontally Gauges 8 and 10 are nearly three times larger than that from Gauges
within the crushed stone layer (i.e., right above the original 7 and 9, which can be attributed to the non-uniform distribution of
ground surface), along which 19 reading gauges were placed the resulting pressures at the center and edge of the cap, the differ-
at a 0.5-m intervals [Fig. 3(a)]. An inclinometer was installed into ent embankment loadings, the detailed positions of gauges, and the
a depth of 22.5 m from the original ground surface at the right toe flatness of the surface of the gauges. Measured earth pressures from
of the widened embankment slope to monitor the lateral displace- Gauges 1 to 6 on the cap of the leftmost lower-level PTC pile are
ment during and after embankment construction. The construc- plotted separately in Fig. 6. The difference between the measured
tion site and some of the sensor installations are illustrated with pressures was likely caused by the different composite stiffnesses
pictures in Fig. 4. of the measured areas located on the pile cap, which relates to the

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Fig. 3. Arrangement of in situ instrumentation at testing section K21 þ 700: (a) side view; and (b) plan view of earth pressure gauges.

different proximities to the soil. Gauge 4, which had the highest Greenwood 1991; Han and Gabr 2002; Liu et al. 2007; Chen
measured pressure, was located at the most rigid part of the pile et al. 2010, 2008).
cap and furthest from the soil, followed by Gauge 5. Gauges 1–3
and 6 were supposed to have similar values, and the difference be- Measured Settlements
tween those pressure readings might be caused by the soil differ-
Fig. 8 presents the measured settlement-time history at the base of
ence adjacent to those gauges. The spatial pressure distribution over
the widened embankment during the embankment construction. In
pile caps, which is not often reported in the literature, could be a the 19 reading gauges inside the settlement tube, some of them have
valuable factor for other researchers to consider in both in situ in- very close settlement readings, therefore only five representative
strumentation and numerical simulations in the future. curves are selected and presented in Fig. 8, in which 0.5, 2.5,
A stress concentration ratio, which is defined as the ratio be- 4.5, 6.5, and 8.5 m represent the distance between the correspond-
tween the average vertical stress measured on the top of the ing reading gauge and the right toe of the widened embankment.
PTC pile cap and that on the soil adjacent to the pile, is calculated From Fig. 8, it can also be observed that the settlement was still
to quantify the load transfer mechanism (Han and Gabr 2002). developing at an appreciable rate at the end of the instrumentation.
Fig. 7 shows the stress concentration ratio during the embankment Unfortunately, there were not enough data points measured to de-
construction, which increased with the increase of embankment rive the coefficient of consolidation in order to predict the total set-
height (i.e., load) as the construction proceeded and reached a tlement under the embankment loading. Therefore, no conclusive
maximum value of 6.6 at the end of embankment construction. The statement can be made about the effectiveness of reduced settle-
stress concentration ratio falls within the typical value range of 1 to ment in this case study. The settlements are further separated from
8 reported in the literature and is found to be affected by multiple the ones on the top of each lower-level pile and those in the soil
factors, such as materials of the piles, soil properties, spacing of the between piles, which are presented in Fig. 9 with the corresponding
piles, and embankment height (Goughnour and Barksdale 1984; embankment heights. The measured settlements indicate that the

© ASCE 06019014-5 J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng.

J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng., 2019, 145(11): 06019014

Soil pressure gauges

Cleaned construction site

(a) (b)
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Pile Caps

Settlement tube installation

(c) (d)

Fig. 4. Construction site of the widened embankment and sensor installation at testing section K21 þ 700: (a) cleaned construction site; (b) soil
pressure gauges installation; (c) settlement tube installation; and (d) pile caps installation.

arching effect is more mobilized at larger corresponding embank- embankment. Because the monitoring only lasted for 56 days, the
ment heights, evidenced from the increasing difference in the measured settlements had not reached a steady state yet except
settlements between the pile and adjacent soil as the embankment for the one measured at the location closest to the right toe of the
height decreases (e.g., δ pile@3.65 and δsoil@4.00 versus δpile@1.85 embankment (i.e., 0.5 m).
and δ soil@2.25 ). The settlement profile along the distance from
the right toe of the widened embankment is also detailed in Fig. 10
at different construction times. As expected, the measured settle- Lateral Displacement
ments increased with the increase of embankment load. A smaller The lateral displacement was also monitored during and after the
settlement resulted at locations closer to the right toe of the wid- embankment construction with an inclinometer. Readings were
ened embankment because the corresponding embankment load is taken three times per month during the construction and twice
smaller. The largest measured settlement was 34.6 mm and oc- per month thereafter. The data are presented in Fig. 11, indicating
curred at a location 6.5 m away from the right toe of the widened that (1) the biggest lateral displacement was 8.4 mm and occurred
near the base of the widened embankment at the end of the embank-
450 100
ment construction; (2) the lateral deformations increased with the
Earth pressure on the
top of the pile cap 90
Earth pressure in the 450.0 100
soil between piles 80
350 90
Embankment Load (kPa)

Embankment 400.0
Earth Pressure (kPa)

Embankment Pressure (kPa)
Pressure(kPa) 80
300 350.0
Earth Pressure (kPa)

60 70
250 300.0
50 60
200 50
40 200.0
150 40
30 150.0
20 100.0 1 2 20
3 4
50 10 50.0 5 6 10
Embankment Pressure
0 0 0.0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Time (days) Time (days)

Fig. 5. Measured earth pressures on the cap of the leftmost lower-level Fig. 6. Measured earth pressures from Gauges 1 to 6 on the cap of the
PTC pile and on the adjacent soil during embankment construction. leftmost lower-level PTC pile.

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J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng., 2019, 145(11): 06019014

8 100
increase in the embankment height or load; (3) the rate of the lateral
90 displacement change near the base of widened embankment de-
80 creased with time, with the largest rate occurring between 1 to

Embankment Pressure (kPa)

Stress Concentration Ratio

6 11 days; (4) the lateral displacement remained nearly constant after

the embankment construction; and (5) the lateral displacement was
60 confined to the top 15 m soil layers below the base of the widened
4 50 embankment. This trend in the lateral displacement demonstrates
the stability of the widened embankment supported by the PTC
3 piles in combination with geogrids.
Stress concentration ratio
Embankment Pressure
A General Design Procedure for Geogrid-
Reinforced, PTC Pile-Supported Widened
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0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Embankment on Soft Soil
Time (days)
As mentioned in the previous sections, the loading transfer mech-
Fig. 7. Derived stress concentration ratio of the leftmost lower-level anisms are complicated, and multiple factors are involved with
PTC pile during embankment construction. the arching effect, such as the conditions of soil underneath the
embankment, characteristics of piles, unit weight and height of
embankment fill, properties of geogrids, and so on. Therefore,
developing a design procedure is desirable to facilitate the imple-
mentation of geogrid-reinforced piled embankments in highway
40 100
widening projects. Based on the relevant literature studies (Chen
0.5m et al. 2005, 2010; Jiang et al. 2018) and this case study, the follow-
35 2.5m 90 ing step-by-step procedure is summarized for PTC pile-supported,
4.5m geogrid-reinforced embankment over soft soil, which aims to maxi-
6.5m 80
30 8.5m mize the soil arching effect [i.e., maximizing the stress ratio n in
Embankment Load (kPa)

Embankment Load 70 Eq. (3)]. The whole design is an optimization process by trial and
Settlement (mm)

60 error, and all the parameters described in the following steps are
schematically shown in Fig. 12.
20 50

15 1. Widening Embankment Design
• Determine the slope of the widened embankment, which is
20 usually determined by the shear strength and the frictional angle
5 of the embankment fill. Please refer to Table 3 for some typical
values based on a specific case.
0 0 • Determine the critical embankment height Hcrit . Based on the
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 literature (Hewlett and Randolph 1988), there is no soil arching
Time (days) effect if the fill embankment height is less than pile cap spacing.
For highway widening projects, the height of a widened em-
Fig. 8. Measured settlement time histories at the elevation of the cap of
bankment is often limited by the grading of existing roadways.
the lower-level PTC piles during embankment construction. The values
Therefore, the relationship between the critical embankment
0.5, 2.5, 4.5, 6.5, and 8.5 m are the distances between the correspond-
height and characteristics of piles, developed by McGuire
ing reading gauge and the right toe of new embankment.
(2011) and given in Eq. (1), is used to design the supporting


35 0…
Settlements (mm)





4.80 4.80 4.80 4.80 4.80 4.60 4.33 4.00 3.65 3.20 2.70 2.25 1.85 1.60 1.40 1.20 0.60 0.10 0.00
Corresponding Embankment Height (m)

Fig. 9. Settlements on top of the pile and in the soil between piles (lower-level) with the corresponding embankment height.

© ASCE 06019014-7 J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng.

J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng., 2019, 145(11): 06019014

Distance from the right end of settlement monitoring tube (m)
10 8 6 4 2 0


Settlement (mm)


3 days 5 dyas
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9 days 11 days
18 days 22 days 35
34 days 56 days

Fig. 10. Measured settlement profile along the base of the widened
embankment during embankment construction.

Lateral Displacement (mm)

0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0

Fig. 12. Pile parameters shown in (a) cross section of piles; (b) plan
view of triangle unit cell; and (c) plan view of square unit cell,
10 and described in the design procedure of PTC pile-supported and
Depth (m)

geogrid-reinforced embankment widening projects.

1 day
11 days
21 days Table 3. Embankment design parameter summarized from literature for
34 days reference
51 days Parameter Value

82 days Slope of embankment V∶H ¼ 1∶1.5

Pile diameter (m) 0.3 or 0.4
Pile length (m) 5–32
Fig. 11. Measured lateral displacement of the widened embankment Pile cap dimensions (m) 0.9 × 0.9 × 0.3 or 1 × 1 × 0.35
Pile spacing (m) 1.8–2.5
during and after embankment construction. Note that construction
Spacing between geogrids 0.2–0.5
was finished in 56 days.
and pile caps (m)
Pile arrangement Square, rectangular, or equilateral triangle

piles for widened embankments to ensure the soil arching effect

(i.e., the embankment height required to match the existing values of these parameters reported in the literature are summar-
grade of roadway will also be the critical height by adjusting ized in Table 3.
design parameters of supporting piles) • Determine the pile spacing (s).
 0 If pthe
Hcrit s ffiffi piles are arranged in an equilateral triangular pattern,
¼ 1.15 þ 1.44 ð1Þ s0 ¼ 2s−dc
dc dc 2 . pffiffi
Substituting s 0 ¼ 2 into Eq. (1), the Eq. (1) can be
where dc = diameter of a pile cap, and dc ¼ 1.13a for a square
rewritten as follows:
pile cap, whereas a = width of a pile cap; s 0 = maximum
distance from the edge of a pile cap to the boundary of a unit
s ¼ 1.23Hcrit − 1.06dc ð2aÞ
cell, and s = pile spacing (see Fig. 12 for the layout of piles and
the relevant parameters). pffiffi
If the piles are arranged in a square pattern, s 0 ¼ 3s − d c .
pffiffi 3 2

2. PTC Supporting Pile Design Substituting s 0 ¼ 33s − d2c into Eq. (1), Eq. (1) can be rewrit-
ten as follows:
• Determine the PTC pile characteristics, including its diameter
(d) and cap dimensions (a or dc ). PTC pile is prefabricated
and thus choices of d and a or dc are limited. Some typical s ¼ 1.51Hcrit − 1.30dc ð2bÞ

© ASCE 06019014-8 J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng.

J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng., 2019, 145(11): 06019014

• Determine the pile length (L). Based on the case studies re- 1. The pile spacing from actual project, sact ¼ 2.5 and 4.5 m along
ported by Zhang et al. (2016), the pile efficiency Ep is increased transverse and longitudinal directions [Fig. 3(b)] were used in
by increasing the pile length. For a given spacing s, the larger L, the current case study. The pile spacing from calculation, scal ¼
the higher pile efficiency, with some typical value range listed 4.0 m is calculated from [Eq. (2b)] by taking the corresponding
in Table 3. But this also depends on the stiffness difference embankment height as the critical height, which indicates that
between pile and adjacent soil. the choice of sact ¼ 2.5 m was conservative, whereas the pile
• Using the parameters determined previously, two efficacy para- spacing sact ¼ 4.5 m for the other direction can be reduced
meters can be optimized: to further improve the arching effect.
1. Pile efficiency Ep, which is defined as the proportion of 2. The predicted pile efficiency from calculation, Ep;cal value is
total embankment load carried by piles and is the indicator 0.72 based on Eq. (3b), whereas the Ep calculated from the
to load transferring efficiency of piles. The calculation measured data is the pile efficiency from actual project,
of Ep depends on the pile arrangement types: Ep;act ¼ 0.87. The predicted pile efficiency agrees reasonably
If the pile arrangement is equilateral triangular: well with the measured data, which confirms the validity of
Downloaded from by Nottingham Trent University on 08/21/19. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved.

Based on the model reported by Zhang et al. (2016), the the design procedure.
pile efficiency can be expressed as follows: 3. The stress ratio from actual project, nact of 0.65 is calculated by
using Eq. (4), in which P was the measured earth pressure. The
σc Ac
Ep ¼ ð3aÞ stress ratio n can only be predicted when the pressure on the pile
σ c Ac þ σ s As cap (a sum of pressures on the embankment above the cap and
where σc and σs = the average stress on the pile cap and on transferred by the arching effect) can be predicted or measured.
the soil, respectively; Ac = the area of pile cap; and As = It can be seen that the pile spacing in the current case study had
pffiffi 2 2 not been designed in an optimal way as recommended by the de-
the area of the soil between piles, As ¼ 4 − πd8 c .
sign procedure. This might explain its moderate arching effect with
If the pile arrangement is square: the stress ratio of 0.65, which can be further increased if the design
Based on the model reported by Hewlett and Randolph had been further optimized.
(1988), the pile efficiency can be calculated as follows:
Ep ¼ ð3bÞ Conclusions
where D ¼ K2K P 1
P þ1 1þδ
½ð1 − δÞ−KP − ð1 þ δK P Þ, δ ¼ a=s, A case study of a widened embankment is reported herein, in which
geogrids and PTC piles were used to reinforce and provide struc-
K p ¼ tan2 ð45° þ φ2 Þ, and φ is the frictional angle of soil. tural support to the embankment. Based on the field instrumenta-
2. The stress ratio, n, can be calculated as follows: tion, the following conclusions can be drawn:
P × Ac 1. A major portion of the embankment load was transferred from
n¼ ð4Þ the soil to PTC piles, which is confirmed by a large stress con-
γ × H × s2
centration ratio of 6.6. The load transferring is likely the result
where P = earth pressure on the pile cap. The larger n, the of the combined effects of several mechanisms, such as soil
better soil arching effect. arching, tensioned membrane or stiffened platform effect of
Repeat the preceding steps until the pile efficiency Ep and geosynthetics, and stress concentration due to the stiffness
stress ratio n are maximized. In order to achieve maximum pile difference between the piles and the soils.
efficiency, the pile spacing should be chosen carefully when the 2. The maximum value of the measured total settlement at the ele-
embankment height is fixed, such as the case of highway vation of the lower-level PTC piles’ cap was 34.6 mm, which
widening projects. The stress ratio n can only be predicted when occurred at the location 6.5 m from the right toe of the widened
the pressure on the cap can be predicted or measured. Only Ep embankment.
will be used in the design if n is not available. 3. The measured lateral displacements at the right toe of the em-
bankment were very small during and after the embankment
3. Geosynthetics Design construction, with a maximum value of 8.4 mm, which illus-
trates the effectiveness of PTC piles in reducing the lateral
• Determine the characteristics of geosynthetics, typically a geo- displacements and thus enhancing the slope stability of the
grid, including the tensile force, tensile strain, and maximum embankment.
sag. The selected geogrids need to meet the strength require- 4. A general design procedure for a pile-supported, geogrid-
ments and have a maximum elongation of 5% over the design reinforced embankment over soft soil was summarized for high-
life. Usually a tensile strength of 40–80 kN=m (Han 2015; Liu way widening projects. The three indicators to reinforcement
et al. 2007) is chosen in previous studies. However, the choice of efficiency (i.e., pile spacing s, pile efficiency Ep, and stress ratio
tensile strength of geogrids is also related to the choice of pile n) agree reasonably well with those derived from the measured
spacing and also the pile diameters. As reported by Ariyarathne data in the current case study, which confirmed the validity of
and Liyanapathirana (2015), the high-stiffness geogrids are the design procedure. However, more field measurement data
needed when the small pile diameter and/or large pile spacing and numerical simulations are needed to further confirm and
are chosen in the projects. develop a more specific design procedure for highway widening
Case Study Verification
The preceding design procedure was applied to this case study Acknowledgments
to verify its validity, with the leftmost lower-level PTC pile
as an example (a ¼ 1 m, s ¼ 2.5 m, H ¼ 3.6 m, ϒ ¼ 19 kNm3
,P¼ This work is supported by Hebei University of Technology
280 kPa, φ ¼ 30°) China.

© ASCE 06019014-9 J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng.

J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng., 2019, 145(11): 06019014

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