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Charles A.

Czeisler, PhD, MD, Director of the Sleep Health Institute at Brigham and
Women’s Hospital, and senior author of the paper stated that “the students whose
sleep and wake times were inconsistent, classes and exams that were scheduled for
9am were therefore occurring at 6am according to their body clock, at a time when
performance is impaired. Ironically, they didn’t save any time because in the end they
slept just as much as those on a more regular schedule,” 

Having enough Sleep is very important for health of students. Not only in health but
because it plays an important role in learning processes and improvement of our
memory. Lack of Sleep is one of the most striking problems in modern society. One of
the most causes of a poor academic performance of students is not having an enough
sleep. To achieve a better academic performance, a good enough sleep per day is
essential. Students need to understand the role of sleep for improvement of their
academic performance. ( Shahwan, 2014)

Good enough sleep significantly affects mental functioning and therefore have impacts
on students’ academic performance .The pattern of sleep one experiences in a 24-hour
period directly correlates with physical health, mood, and mental functioning. Lack of
sleep is one of the most problems of modern society.
Cognitive performance is the liable to be affect by insufficient sleep durations.
Insufficient sleep decreases general alertness and impairs attention, resulting in slowed
cognitive processing. Lack of enough sleep also prevents the function of brain structures
critical to cognitive processes. The most affected particularly structure is the prefrontal
cortex, which executes higher brain functions including language, working memory,
logical reasoning, and creativity. a single night of shortened sleep duration resulted in
decreased of memory encoding, which will be led to less knowledge to keep in memory.
The study was assessing the impact of sleep on academic performance specifically for the
students. Those studies that have found sleep complaints were common in medical
students and poor sleep habits were correlated with changes in academic performance. It
has tangible evident that students need to make a daily decision regarding their sleep as it
relates to their academic success. (Am J Pharm Educ. 2015)

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