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Good evening everyone, team, teacher Buenas noches a todos, equipo, profesor

my name is Estefani Arias and today I will not mi nombre es Estefani arias y hoy no les
talk to you about a band, but about a musician hablare de una banda, sino de un músico y
and composer. compositor

his name is ara malikian su nombre es ara malikian

is a Lebanese-born violinist of Armenian es un violinista libanés de nacimiento y con

descent. ascendencia armenia

Ara Malikian was born in 1968 (one thousand Ara Malikian nació en 1968 en el seno de una
nine hundred sixty-eight.) into an Armenian familia armenia sobreviente del genocidio
family, survivor of the Armenian genocide, and armenio, crecio viviendo en refugios
grew up living in bomb shelters. antiaéreos.

He has won numerous competitions of Ha ganado numerosos concursos de prestigio

worldwide prestige. mundial.

He has played his violin in the best concert Ha tocado su violin en las mejores salas de
halls of the world in more than forty countries concierto del mundo en más de cuarenta
in the five continents. países en los cinco continentes.

Ara Malikian: the rock star of the violin

Ara Malikian: el rock star del violín
learned to play in a basement, taking refuge
from the war. aprendió a tocar en un sótano, refugiándose
de la guerra.
Ara Malikian started with the violin at a very
young age, pushed by his father, a violinist. Ara Malikian comenzó con el violín muy
pequeño, empujado por su padre, violinista.
In an interview he said: "I saw how music and
art changed people's moods, gave hope, gave En una entrevista dijo: “Vi cómo la música y el
joy. We forgot all the sorrows, all the wars and arte cambiaban el ánimo de las personas,
bombs." daban esperanza, daban alegría. Olvidábamos
todas las penas, todas las guerras y las
He learned to play the violin from his father bombas”
who was very strict.
Largas sesiones de trabajo que esculpieron un
Long work sessions sculpted a prodigious músico prodigioso y le permitieron abandonar
musician and allowed him to leave Lebanon to Líbano para ir con quince años a Alemania a
go to Germany at the age of fifteen to perfect perfeccionar el violín.
his violin.
En el año 2016 vi uno de sus videos en you
In 2016 (two thousand sixteen) I saw one of tube. En ese momento mi vida cambio y me
his videos on you tube. At that moment my intereso su música y la transformación de que
life changed, and I became interested in his daba.
music and the transformation he was giving.
I then won a contest and was able to see him Luego pude verlo en vivo en el teatro nacional
live at the National Theater in a private en un concierto privado.

He is a person who makes great performances Es una persona que hace grandes actuaciones
and his music has a great rhythmic and y su musica tiene una gran fuerza rítmica y
emotional strength. emocional

My favorites songs are: " Bourj hammoud and

pisando flores"


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