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This lease agreement is made between Mr Richard Longmore (Lessor) and

Miss Shanique Cunningham (Lessee) for the term and duration as set out in schedule 1 for the rent
amount of which is set out in schedule 5.

The lessee hereby agrees with the lessor during the continuance of this lease as follow:
To punctually pay the rent on or before the due date set out in this agreement.

To pay all charges for electricity, telephone, maintenance and a fixed rate of $2,000 monthly for water

At all time during the term of the lease to keep the interior of the leased premises including sanitary and
water apparatus, grills, varendah area and equipment clean, and in good repair.

Not to cut or damage any of the wall, floors, ceiling, fittings, not to make any structural alterations in the
appearance of the premises without the written permission or consent of the Lessor and at the expiration
of contract to be replace as found originally.

The lessor or her agent at any convenient time, to enter and inspect premises with 24hours notice.

The lessee should not assign or sublet any portion of this leased premises without a written consent from
the lessor.

The lessee is to do all minor repairs not exceeding two thousand dollars ($10,000.00) to the leased
premises, e.g. fixing leaking faucets and clearing chokes in drains, broken door knobs, showers.

The lessor will not do anything or carry out any activity on the leased premises which constitutes a
nuisance or which shall cause annoyance or disturbance to occupiers or any neighbouring premises; not
to carry out any activity or bring anything on the leased premises including materials of combustible
nature, (other than household items commonly used and kept on residential premises), which may make
void or voidable the lessor’s fire insurance policy wherby may cause the premium to increase.

The lessee is to abide by the rules and regulations as set out by the Citizens Association or any
community regulatory authority.

At the expiration or soon determination of the term to deliver up the leased premises, must be in good
order and repairs in accordance with the lease agreement.

1. Lessor: Richard Longmore agent for Mr Linford Nelson

2. Lessee: Miss Shanique Cunningham

3. Premises: 411 Mahoe Drive, Cedar Grove, Portmore

4. Duration of lease: This lease shall be for a period of one (1) year beginning on 1st November, 2017 to
31st October, 2018.

5. Lease amount : Forty thousand dollars ($40,000.00) monthly. With one month on deposit.

6. The deposit shall be refunded to the leasee within 14 days of the expiration or early termination of
the lease provided that all outstanding utility or rental incurred on the tenants account has been
settled and there is no damage to any fixture with the exception of fear wear and tear.

7. In witness where of the parties have executed this lease the day and year here in before written.

Sign by Lessor: Witness:

_______________________________ _____________________________

Sign by Leasee: Witness:

_______________________________ ______________________________

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