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Eighth Edition
Philip Kotler and Gary Armstrong
Chapter 4

Marketing Research and Information Systems

presented by
Andung J. Nugroho, S.T., M.Sc.
© Copyright 1999 Prentice Hall
The Importance of Information 4-2


Information Competition
Customer Is
Needs Needed


© Copyright 1999 Prentice Hall

What is a Marketing 4-3

Information System (MIS)?

• Consists of people, equipment, and

procedures to gather, sort, analyze,
evaluate and distribute needed,
timely, and accurate information to
marketing decision makers.

• Function: Assess, Develop and

Distribute Information.

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The Marketing Information System

Marketing Managers
Marketing Decisions and Communications

Marketing Information System

Distributing Assessing Information

Information Needs
Developing Information

Information Internal
Analysis Data

Marketing Marketing
Research Intelligence

Marketing Environment

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Functions of a MIS: 4-5

Assessing Information Needs

Conduct Interviews and Determine

What Information is
Desired, Needed, and Feasible to Obtain.

Monitors Environment for Examine Cost/ Benefit of

Information Managers Desired
Should Have Information

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Functions of a MIS: 4-6

Developing Information

Obtains Needed Information for Marketing Managers

From the Following Sources

Internal Data
Collection of Information from Data Sources Within the Company
From: Accounting, Sales Force, Marketing, Manufacturing, Sales

Marketing Intelligence
Collection and Analysis of Publicly Available Information about
Competitors and the Marketing Environment
From: Employees, Suppliers, Customers,
Competitors, Marketing Research Companies

Marketing Research
Design, Collection, Analysis, and Reporting of Data about a Situation
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Functions of a MIS: 4-7

Distributing Information

Information Must be Distributed

to the Right Managers at the Right Time.

Distributes Routine Distributes Nonroutine

Information for Information for Special
Decision Making Situations

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The Marketing Research 4-8


Defining the Problem and the Research Objectives

Developing the Research Plan

Implementing the Research Plan

Interpreting and Reporting the Findings

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Marketing Research Process 4-9

Step 1. Defining the Problem &

Research Objectives

•Gathers preliminary information

Exploratory that will help define the problem
Research and suggest hypotheses.

Descriptive •Describes things as consumers’

Research attitudes and demographics
or market potential for a product.

Causal •Test hypotheses about cause-

Research and-effect relationships.

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Marketing Research Process 4-10

Step 2. Develop the Research Plan

Determine the Specific Information Needed

Secondary Primary

Information that has Information collected

been previously for the specific purpose
collected. at hand.

Both Must Be:

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Primary Data Collection Process 4-11

Step 1. Research Approaches

Observational Research
Gathering data by observing people,
actions and situations

Survey Research
Asking individuals about
attitudes, preferences or
buying behaviors

Experimental Research
Using groups of people to
determine cause-and-effect
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Primary Data Collection Process 4-12

Step 2. Contact Methods

Contact Methods
M a il T e le p h o n e P e rs o n a l O n lin e
F le x ib ility Poor G ood E x c e lle n t G ood
Q u a n tity o f G ood F a ir E x c e lle n t G ood
D a ta C o lle c te d
C o n tr o l o f E x c e lle n t F a ir Poor F a ir
In te r v ie w e r
C o n tr o l o f F a ir E x c e lle n t F a ir Poor
S a m p le
S p e e d o f D a ta Poor E x c e lle n t G ood E x c e lle n t
C o lle c tio n
R e s p o n s e R a te F a ir G ood G ood G ood
Cost G ood F a ir Poor E x c e lle n t

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Primary Data Collection Process 4-13

Step 3. Developing a Sampling Plan

Probability or Who is to be
Non-probability surveyed?

Sample -
segment of the

How should the How many

sample be should be
chosen? surveyed?

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Primary Data Collection Process 4-14

Step 4. Research Instruments

Research Instruments

Questionnaire Mechanical Devices

• What to ask? • People Meters
• Form of each • Grocery Scanners
• Galvanometer
• Wording?
• Ordering? • Tachistoscope

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Marketing Research Process 4-15

Step 3. Implementing the Research Plan


of Research
Data Plan


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Marketing Research Process 4-16

Step 4. Interpreting and Reporting


Interpret the Findings

Draw Conclusions

Report to Management

© Copyright 1999 Prentice Hall

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