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Youth Job Connection

Service Plan Closure Form

23rd August, 2018
Date: ________________________________________

Nadeem Ahmed Khan

Client full name


Reason for service plan closure

Outcome at the closure
(details on employment, education,
training, other)

Case related notes

Customer Satisfaction
General satisfaction with the Youth o I strongly do not recommend Youth Job Connection
Job Connection program o I would rather not recommend Youth Job Connection
o No general opinion
o I would generally recommend Youth Job Connection
o I strongly recommend Youth Job Connection
o No response
The Youth Job Connection program o Strongly disagree
prepared me to find and keep a job. o Somewhat disagree
o Neither agree nor disagree
o Somewhat agree
o Strongly agree
o Not applicable
The pre-employment service o Strongly disagree
workshops helped me improve skills I o Somewhat disagree
can use to find and keep a job. o Neither agree nor disagree
o Somewhat agree
o Strongly agree
o Not applicable
My job placement helped me gain o Strongly disagree
experience that I can use to find and o Somewhat disagree
keep a job. o Neither agree nor disagree
o Somewhat agree
o Strongly agree
o Not applicable
Is the participant skill working with the o Yes
placement employer? o No
o No response
o Not applicable

Program Worker Full Name and Signature: __________________________________________________

Created: November 9, 2015

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