Guidelines English I Task 1 (My Routine and Favourite Subject) Semestre 2021-I

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Universidad del Valle Escuela de Ciencias del Lenguaje

Departamento de Lenguas Extranjeras Inglés con fines Académicos y Generales I

Guidelines for task 1: “My favorite subject and routine as a Univalle student”
The task aims to put in practice what you have learnt during the first unit. The oral presentation is
going to help you to develop your communicative skills in English. You should assume this project as
part of your language learning process; therefore, your commitment and responsibility are needed for
succeeding in this task.

The task will be worth 35 points out of 50. The 15 remaining points correspond to the written task.
1. The task should be done individually. You will have from 3 to 5 minutes for the presentation.

2. Content of your presentation

Choose one of the days in your routine (weekdays):
Determine the activities carried out during that day. You should make your routine interesting:
instead of saying “I have my breakfast at seven”, say something like “I have my breakfast at seven.
I have a cup of coffee and a delicious homemade tortilla”. In addition, you should include your
class schedule and talk about your favorite subject, telling why you like it.

2.1 Make a plan to develop your presentation. Greeting (Hello everyone, Nice to see you again,
etc.); Topic (I am going to talk about...; My subject today is...); Plan (My presentation is in
three sections. Firstly ...); Aim (To give a clear idea of ...). Then, write a composition based on
the outline. Remember to use connecting words to show sequence, addition, and contrast.

2.2 When you prepare your presentation, remember you need to include all or most of the
grammar and vocabulary topics covered in the class (Introductions, greetings, simple present,
telling the time, among others)

2.3 Visuals aids and/or other aids are needed. You should use videos, slides, cardboard,
flashcards, or any visual aid that helps you show your presentation successfully. Do not include
paragraphs in your presentation. Include images, pictures, maps, key words and phrases,
graphics, etc.

2.4 Make an outline of your presentation and a glossary and turn in both to your teacher before
your presentation.

2.5 You might schedule virtual appointments with your teacher and tutors from Red CAAL to
check some concerns about your presentation.

3. Practice: Practice in front of a mirror, measure time and observe your body language. Practice
with someone else, record what you are going to say and listen to the recording; in addition,
remember you can ask the Red CAAL tutors for help.

4. Present. Be ready on the day of your presentation.Remember, it is an oral presentation, not a

reading presentation, avoid reading.Put on your camera at the moment of the presentation.

5. Be ready to answer questions. Your teacher or classmates will ask you two questions about the
content of your presentation.
What When
th th
Midterm Presentation assignment From 24 to 27 February
Tutoring From the first to 27th March
Presentations From April 5th to April 10th

Evaluation criteria to be considered:

❖ Content: Content relevant to the task. See point 2 above.

❖ Fluency: Natural use of the language, avoiding mumbling. Use of short, complete sentences connected by
linking words such as: and, but, but also, besides, however, since,, etc.
❖ Accuracy: Correct use of grammar and vocabulary.
❖ Pronunciation: Comprehensibility based on how words are pronounced.
v=A7hi-ipU2n0 (for the final –ed sound of regular past tenses), (,
❖ Visual aids. Use of slides and other aids.
❖ Interaction with classmates and the teacher after the presentation.
Evaluation rubric
Task: “My favorite subject and routine as a Univalle student”
Date: _______________________
Student: _______________________________ Grade: points/35 points

Criteria 5 4 2-3 1
Understands, follows, Understands, follows, Understands, follows, The product does not
and fully fulfills the and fulfills most of the and fulfills part of the show clear
task (100%). task (99-90%). task (89%-75%). understanding of the
Student has full Studentpresents A little organized, but task.
Task completion,
knowledge of the enough information. it is difficult to follow Disorganized; the
content, and
subject and the The information is the presentation. The information does not
information generally organized student has little have a logical order.
ispresented in a and almost all knowledge of the The student shows no
logical, information is subject and reads knowledge and reads
and clear manner. presented in a logical almost all the time. all the time.
Uses sufficient His/her vocabulary His/her vocabulary Lacks sufficient
vocabulary to fully allows him to allows him to vocabulary to
fulfill the task complete most of the complete the task complete the task.
task. partly.
Is always clear and Is usually clear and Is sometimes clear Is not clear enough
uses the correct form uses the correct form and occasionally uses and does not use
Accuracy of simple present all of simple present the correct form of simple present or uses
the time. most of the time. simple present. it incorrectly.

Pronunciation is Pronunciation is clear Pronunciation is clear Key words are

always clear enough enough to be but sometimes mispronounced and
to be understood. understood most of mispronounced words block communication
the time. block communication most of the time.
Uses linking words Uses linking words Uses linking words Does not use linking
such as and, but, such as and, but, such as and, but, words.
however, etc. to however, etc. to however, etc. to
Coherence connect short connect short connect short
sentences whenever it sentences on most sentences on some
is appropriate. occasions when it is occasions.
Student uses several Student uses 1 prop Student uses 1 prop The student uses no
props that reinforce that are related to the which makes the props OR the props
the presentation and presentation and presentation better. chosen are irrelevant
increase audience shows considerable for the presentation.
Visual aids understanding.Show work/creativity, and
considerable which make the
work/creativity, and presentation better.
which make the
presentation better.
Studentunderstands Studentunderstands Studenthardly Studentdoes not
Interaction (2
the questions. His/her the questions, understands the understand the
questions from
answers aredetailed. answers all question and gives questions and cannot
the teacher or
thequestions, but extremely basic answer them.
doesnot elaborate answers.

General comments and suggestions:

Nota: La evaluación de producto se hará mediante una evaluación intermedia y una evaluación final que
corresponde a tareas de producción oral y escrita que recogen los contenidos vistos en cada una de las unidades.
El porcentaje de la evaluación parcial y de la evaluación final será de 20% cada una para un total de 40%.

Para la tarea oral, tanto intermedia como final, el profesor del curso socializará con los estudiantes y les enviará
la guía para prepararse para su presentación oral. La tarea oral tendrá un valor de 35 puntos y la tarea escrita un
valor de 15 para un total de 50 (nota 5.0).

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