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Analysis of therbligs - basic elemental motions into which a job can be broken down.

The idea behind the development of therbligs is to break jobs down into minute elements and base
improvements on an analysis of the basic elements by eliminating, combining, or rearranging them. A
complete description of therbligs is outside the scope of this text; a list of some common ones will
illustrate the nature of these basic elemental motions;- Search, Select, Grasp, Hold, Transport load,
Release load, Inspection position, plan, rest, and delay.


Frank Gilbreth and his wife, Lillian, an industrial Psychologist, were also responsible for introducing
motion pictures and slow motions to study motions that otherwise would be too rapid to analyze is
called Micromotion study. This approach is applied not only in industry but in many other areas of
Human Endeavor, such as sports and health care. Use of camera and slow motion replay enable analyst
to study motions that would otherwise be too rapid to see.

Additionally these films can also provide a permanent record that can be referred to, not only for
training workers and analysts but also for settling job disputes involving work methods.

 Charts - can be used to study simultaneous motions of the hands

 Motion study analyst often use Charts such as those described earlier can be quite helpful. In
addition, analysts may use a Simo-Chart to study simultaneous motion of the hands.

 Working Conditions are an important aspect of job design, physical factors such as temperature,
humidity, ventilation, illumination, color and noise can have a significant impact on worker
performance in terms of productivity, quality of output and accidents.

1. Temperature and Humidity:

 Although human beings can work under a family wide range of temperatures. There is a very
narrow “Comfort Band”.

 Office workers and other who exert little physical effort perform best when
temperatures are between 65oF – 72oF.

 Strenuous activities and other who exert little physical effort perform best when
temperatures are between 55oF – 65oF are best.

 Heating or cooling are less of a problem in offices than they are in factories and other
work environments.

 Humidity is also an important factor in maintaining a comfortable working environment.

50 to 30% humidity is comfortable. For cooling, less humidity is desired than high
humidity; for heating on a cold day, less heating is required for a warm day for high
humid environment.

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