Comparatives - Superlatives

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old/older expensive/more expensive old older heavy heavier expensive more expen: viejo mas viejo pesado mas pesado caro mas caro cr Older / heavier / more expensive son comparativos. El comparativo termina en -er (older) 0 se forma con more ... {more expensive) Comparativo en -er (olderfheavier ete.) Adjetivos cortos (una silaba) > -er: old — older mas viejo? slow —s slower (mas lento} cheap — cheaper (mas barato} nice — nicer (mas bonito) large — larger (mas grande) —_ big — bigger (mas grande) Nota las diferencias de ortografia: big > bigger hot — hotter —» thin — thinner Ver también ef Apénaice 5. Adjetivos terminados en -y — ~icr: easy — easier (mas {dcil) heavy — heavier (mas pesado) early —> earlier (mas pronto) Athens is older. (no ‘more old’) cheaper to go by car or by train? (no ‘more cheap") Helen wants a bigger car. (no ‘more big’) This coat is OK bur the other one is nicer. (no ‘more nice") Don't send a letter. It’s easier to phone. (no ‘more easy") eoeee far (lejano) — further (mas lejanol: © “How far is itto the station? A mile?’ “No, it’s further, About two miles.” Comparative con more ... Adjetivos mas largos (2/3/4 silabas) > more ... : careful — more careful (més cuidadoso} polite —» more polite (mas educado) expensive — more expensive (mds caro) _interesting — more interesting (mas interesante) * You must be more careful. ® [don’t like my job. I want to do something more interesting. * Is it more expensive to go by car of by train? Comparativos:irregutares: good (bueno) bad (malo) Well bien) | > Detter imejor) YAGI, | + worse (peor) © ‘The weather wasn’t good yesterday but it's better today. © ‘Do you feel better today? ‘No, I feel worse.” © Which is worse — a headache or a toothache? EJERCICIOS Observa los dibujos y escribe e! comparativo (alder / more interesting ete.). Nea? expensive oo : = dangerous Eseribe el camparativo. 1 old older... 6 good : 2 strong 7 lange esanccsimnon 3. happy 8. serious 4 modern 9 pretty 5. important 10 crowded Escribe el contrario de estos comperativos: 1 younger ...244 4 better 2 colder... gcse am 5 nearer 3. cheaper 6 easier .. Completa fas frases usando un comparativo. 1 Helen's car isn’t very big. She wants a... D492... one. 2. My job isn’r very interesting. | want to do something 3. You're not very tall. Your brother i8 2.00.0. 4 David doesn’t work very hard. [work oon cone 5. My chair isn’t very comfortable. Yours is... 6 7 8 9 ‘Your plan isn't very good. My plan is ‘These flowers aren’t very nice. The blue ones are My bag isn’t very heavy. Your bag is... P'm not very interested in art. I'm... 10 Ivisn’t very warm today. It was .. Se 11 These tomatoes don’t taste very good. The other ones tastes 12 Britain isn’t wery big. France i 13. London isn’t very beautiful. Patis 18 oo 14. This knife isn’t very sharp. Have you gota... 15. People today aren't very polite. In the past they were oa in history, yesterday. older than ... more expensive than ... She's taller chan him, The Europa Hotel is more expensive than the Grand, Es mas atta que é, .. e8 mas Caro que el Grand, Seusa than (= que) detrés de los comparativas (alder than ... / more expensive than ... etc.) © Athens is older than Rome. (no ‘alder that’) Atenas es mas antigua que Roma. © Are oranges more expensive than bananas? (n0 ‘more expensive that’) 4. mas caras que... © Ics easier to phone than to write a letter. Es mas facil telefonear que escribir una carta, * “How are you today?” ‘Not bad. Better than yesterday.’ . Mejor que ayer." © The restaurant is more crowded than usual. mas leno de gente que de costumbre. Se dice... than me... than him /..than her / chan ws /...than them, Se puede decir: © Tecan cum faster than him. oI can ran faster ¢han he can, © You area better singer tham me. 0 You are a better singer than Lam. © Igor up earlier than her. 01 got up earlier than she did. more than ... = mas que/de... less than ... = menos que/de *| eee: © A: How much did your shoes cost? £3 B: No, more than that. (no "more that’) No, mas. © The film was very short—less than an hour... menos de una hora. se © They've got more money than they need... mas dinero del que necesitan, Yous Sales deve aid Jpusnaiss a bit older (= un poco mas viejo) / much older (= mucho mas viejo) ete. = D)| Box A is a bit bigger than Box B. Box C is much bigger than Box D. tn poco mas grande que mucho mas grande que bigger older SBF | Benet than .. more difficult more expensive * Canada is much bigger than France, . mucho més grande que * Jillisa bit older chan Gary ~she’s 25 and he’s 24")... unpoco mas vieja que * The hotel was much more expensive than lexpected, _.... mucho mas caro... * You go out much more than me. — Sales mucho mas que yo. EJERCICIOS Escribe frases con than comparando a Liz y a Ben I'm 26. 1 1 2 ['mnota very good swimmer. 2 3. P'm | metre 68 tall uz 3. TnL metre 63 tall, BEN 4 Istart work ar 8 o'clock, 4 Tstart work ac 8.30, S_ Idon’t work very hard. 5 Twork very hard. 6 Thaven’t gor much money 6 T've gota lat of money. | 7 I'ma very good driver. 7 Tmnota very good driver. 8 I'mnot very patient. 8 I'm very patient. | 9 ['m not a very good dancer. 9 I'ma good dancer. 10. I'm very intelligent. 10 Tin not very intelligent. | 11 Ispeak French very well, 11 Idon’t speak French very well [12 [don’t go to the cinema very much. 12 Igo to the cinema a lor. 7 Liniva nn. 2 2 8 Ben... - 9 Ben ksi ~ ms 4 10 ki 5 TL Liz z 6 Ben has £0 vera . 12 Ben ews Completa fas frases usando than. She isn’t very old. You're .. = Idon’t work very hard. You work He doesn’t watch TY very much, You Pim nota very good cook. YOU sesnnne We don’t know many people. You ee ‘They haven't got much money. You ... Ican’t run very fast, You 6M ssssnennnn She hasn’t been here very long. You... They didn’t get up very early. You wn. He wasn’t very surprised. YOu .o.cccncrninnn SSeau sn Gene He isn’t very tall. You re taller than him. _(o_... than Completa las frases con a bit 0 much + un comparativo (older/better ete). 1 Jillis 25, Gary is 24. lili, bib, older : Jack's mather is 54, His father is 69. Jack’s mother ines 3 My camera cost £100, Yours cost £96, MY-CaMETA enn silbie A uaonaatoas 4 Yesterday I felt rerrible. Today I feel OK. Teel a. 5 Today the temperature is 12 degrees. Yesterday it was ten degree (t's). spas cast 6 Ann isan excellent tennis player. I'm not very good. Ann the oldest the most expensive HOTEL PRICES IN KINTON Gee preien cer ign) Evcopa Hotel £95 Grosvenor Geand Hotel £85550 Bennetls Royal 485° Carlton Adenia #70 Sise Pa £65 Staten Box A is bigger than box B. The Europa Hotel is more expensive than the Grand, Bow A is bigger than all the other hoxes. ‘The Europa Hotel is more expensive than all the other horels, Box A is the biggest box. ‘The Europa Hotel is the most expensive hotel in the town. la caja mas grande. el hotel mas caro... Bigger / older / more expensive etc. son comparativas (=> Unidad 87). Biggest / oldest / most expensive etc. son superiatwas. El superlativo termina en -est (oldest) 0 se construye con most ... (most expensive): Adjetivos breves (old/cheap/nice etc.) — the -est: old — the oldest cheap > the cheapest. nice — the nicest pero goad > the best had —> the worst Nota Jas diferencias de ortografia: big > the biggest hot > the hottest | Ver también el Apéndice 5. Adjetivos torminados en -y (casy/heavy etc.) —> the -iest easy — the easiest heavy —> the heaviest __pretty — the pretti Adjetivos largos (careful/expensive/interesting etc.) —> the most ...- careful > the most careful interesting —» the most interesting Se usa the delante del superiativo: the oldest ... / the most expensive ... ete This church is very old. Ir is the oldest building in the town. el edificio mas antigua What is the longest river in the world? ... el rio més largo del mundo? Money is important but it isn’t the most important thing in life... lomas importante Excuse me, where is the nearest bank? ¢... el banco mas cercano? Observa la posicion de los adjetivos antes de un sustantivo: © theoldest building el edificio mas antiguo © the most expensive hotel el hotel mas caro Observa también que se dice: the oldest building in the town (no ‘of the town’) ef edifcio més antiguo de la ciudad the longest river in the world (110 *of the world’) _ el rio mas largo del mundo Los superlativos the oldest / the best / the most expensive etc. pueden usarse solos, sin sustantivo * Ken is a good player but he isw't the best in the team... e/ mejor del equipo. Con frecuencia el superlative se usa con I've ever ... / you've ever .. et: © The film was very bad. I think it’s the worst film I've ever scen. _... la peor pelicula que he visto. © Whar is the most unusual thing you've ever done? ;... a cosa mas insdlita que has hecho? ‘Compara el comparativo con el superlativo: comparativo superlative © Tom is taller than me © Jim is the tallest in the cla mas alto que yo. el mas alto dela clase. © Is London more interesting than Paris? New York is the most interesting city in the world. é- Mas interesante que ...? {no “the more interesting city in the world’) =» Ja cludiad mas interesante del mundo. . (no “the taller in the cla: EJERCICIOS Escribe frases con comparativas (older ete.) y superlatvos (the oldest etc). 1 (bigsmall) (AD) A ie bigger. than D, (A) Als the biggest. (By Bis.the smallest. (longishort) (CJA) Cis (D) Dis... (B) OB (young/old) (DIC) Ds (By (c) (expensive/cheap) (DIA) (c) (A) 5) Res TAURNT A ewellent =| (good/bad) T not bad (AIC) A RESTAURANT B RES 3 but-not wonderful | (A) RO RURANT r dayul nelaaree (D) Completa las frases con un superiativo (the oldest etc.), 1 This building is very old. It's. Ea oldest building... in the town, 2 Iewasa very happy day. It was : 3 Ir'savery good film. It’s 4 : She's a very popular singer, She's... ze in the country. Ie was a very bad mistake. IeWa8....0n.- soon. Pwe ever made. 6 It’s. very pretty village. It's A ite sae Pye ever seen. 7 Iewasa very cold day, It was 3 2 sone Of the year, 8 He's very boring person, He's... Ea Pye ever met. Usa las palabras de fos cuadros para escribir frases con un superiativo (the longest ete. Sydney Brazil large | [country planer theUSA the solar system Everest Jupiter | {long | [ely state Africa South America Alaska the Nile | [high | |river mountain | | the world — Australia

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