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Adverb clause of manner

Jonh did that as it should be done.
The man ran as if wolves were chasing him.
Sentences with adverb clause have two basic patterns in
English. Study the clauses and connectors in the following It is quite clear that these clause do not qualify a noun: they limit the
sentences. meaning of the verbs did, and ran. That is, they work of adverbs. They are
adverb clause.
(a) When we were in New When we were in New York is an
York, we saw several adverb clause. 2. Adverb clause of time
plays. PUNCTUATION; When an adverb
(b) We saw several plays clause precedes an independent The thief ran away when he saw the policeman.
when we were in New clause, as in (a), a comma is used to When I have finished my work, I’ll go out to play.
York. separate the clauses. When the
adverb clause follow, as in (b) She decided to wait until the train arrived.
usually no comma is used.
(c) Because he was sleepy, he Like when, because introduces an In these sentences the dependent clause tell us when the thief ran away,
went to bed. adverb clause. when the speaker will go to play, and up to what time she decided to wait.
(d) He went to bed because he Because he was sleepy is an adverb They are adverb clause of time.
was sleepy. clause.
3. Adverb clause of place
Adverb clauses: manner, time, place, condition, comparison, Mary put the meat where the cat couldn’t reach it.
reason, concession, result, and purpose.
Where there are flowers, you will generally find bees.
Types of adverb clause Conjunction used Where the cat couldn’t reach it, and where there are flower are
Adverb clause of manner As, as if… adverb clause of place.
Adverb clause of time After, as, before, since, until, when, while
Adverb clause of place Where, wherever … 4. Adverb clause of condition
Adverb clause of condition If, … Richard will learn grammar if he work hard.
Adverb clause of comparison than, as… as, so …as ….
Adverb clause of reason As, because, since… We will help you if you need help.
Adverb clause of concession Although, even though, though…
Adverb clause of result So…that, so that… I can’t read it unless you write clearly.
Adverb clause of purpose Than…may, so that These sentence tell us on what condition Richard will learn grammar, on
what condition we will help, and no what condition I read something.
Clauses that express the condition on which an action was done, is done, are
called adverb clause of condition.
5. Adverb clause of comparison
Three conjunctions are reserved only for adverb clause of Adverb clause of purpose uses that…may, so that.
comparison. Unlike other kind of adverb clauses, adverb clause of
The guard drew his sword that he might defend himself
comparison modify adjective, adverb.
We paid him immediately so that he would go away happily.
Adverb clause of comparison an adjective
He is old than he looks.
He is stupid as he is lazy.
Underline the adverb clause connectors below sentences
He is not so clever as you think.
a. He came after night had fallen.
Adverb clause of comparison an adverb
I walk faster than you swim. b. Some people act as though they could do no wrong.

Jonh manages his family as carefully as his father done. c. I met my old friend where we played together in our childhood.
Mother doesn’t treat her daughter so nicely as she handles her son.
d. If it rains, we will stay at home.
6. Adverb clause of reason
e. I did it because I wanted to
The thief ran away because he saw the policeman.
f. Since you are clever, you’ll be to explain this.
Louis passed his examination because he worked hard.
Why did the thief run away? Why did Louis pass his examination? g. Though I don’t have anything, I still study hard.

Clause that why something happened are adverb clause of reason. h. I make friends wherever I go.
7. Adverb clause of concession i. He was caught in a shower as he was returning from school
Though there was no hope of winning, the team played their
hardest to very end of game. j. It is dull in our town since my playmates left.
Although the work looks difficult, it is really quite simple.
Though I am poor, I am honest. k. The young man has more money than brains.
I come out to meet you, even if it rain.
The sentence like this concede something, they are called adverb l. It is so simple that a child an understand it.
clause of concession.
8. Adverb clause of result
He was so weak that he could not speak.
He behaved in such a bad manger that his reputation suffered.
We paid him immediately so that he went away happily.
9. Adverb clause of purpose

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