Rubric For Media of Arts

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Rubric for Creative Arts (The Media of Arts)

Outstanding Very Satisfactory Fair Poor

Criteria 5 Satisfactory 3 2 1

Details The art work The art work is The art work has The art work The art work is
was expressive few details. has very few not clear.
expressive and and somewhat details
detailed. detailed.
The art work The student The student The student
Craftsmanship The art work was done with showed showed did not show
was little effort. It good fair craftsmanship;
beautiful and lacks the craftsmanship; craftsmanship; evidence of
patiently finishing adequate, but evidence of laziness and
done; it was as touches. with some lack of lack of
good carelessness in understanding. understanding
as hard work doing the art
could work
make it.

Creativity The student The student The student tried The student The student
explored tried few an idea but it fulfilled the did not
several choices ideas before lacked requirements of complete the
before selecting originality, might the requirements
selecting one, one or based have copied assignment, but of the
generated many her work, evidence of no assignment,
ideas. work on substituted original and did not
someone “symbols” thought show
else’s idea. for personal originality

Developing Produced high Produced Produced Produced work Produced

Skills quality creative quality work acceptable work of inconsistent poor quality
work quality

Understanding Applied all the Made an effort Applied some of Rarely applied Did not apply
and concepts and to apply the the concepts the skills the expected
Application of skills especially concepts and and skills expected for skills for the
Art Concepts those skills expected for the the art work project
emphasized for emphasized art work
the art work for the art work

Use of Used materials Used materials Needed some Needed a lot of Used materials
Materials appropriately appropriately reminding on reminding on inappropriately
without with little proper use of proper use of
reminders reminding materials materials

Source: 5 points

Submission on time: 5 points

Overall Score: 40 points

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