Taurus Horoscope 2011

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Taurus Horoscope 2011

Hindi Name: Vrishabh

Date of Birth: 21st April to 21st May
Ruling Planet: Shukra
Nakshatras: Kritika
Lucky Numbers: 2,7,9,6
Lucky Days: Friday, Tuesday
Lucky Colors: Creamy White, Green
Lucky Stones: Diamond, Gomeda

Taurus is the second sign of the zodiac, which starts from April 22 and lasts till May 21. This
sign serves as the storehouse of wealth and its owner is Venus.

General Forecast

With the big trio Jupiter, Sun and Venus placed on the astrological chart, 2011 year is likely
to be a year of revelation for you, dear Taurus. Transit of Saturn on the fifth house of
wealth, family and lineage and the shadow planets, Rahu and Ketu perching themselves on
the seventh house of partnerships and bondage and the ascendant respectively, you are likely
to get a significant boost in your professional sphere. This might encourage you to aim
higher, provided you bulwark yourself from higher authorities. Food and shelter will be the
prime focus for some during this time, while luxury might occupy the thoughts of a few,
thereby underlining the importance of planets and their transit on your life and lifestyle. Also
with Jupiter transiting into the tenth and the eleventh houses and Saturn placed on your fifth
house throughout the year, 2011 looks like a favorable year for the Taureans.

Career, Love & Health

With Jupiter perched on the tenth and eleventh houses of astrology and Saturn spinning on
the fifth house all year along, this is going to be a favorable time for you to exploit and
explore any professional advancement. Aspiring politicians are likely to come to power and
foreign trips are also indicated. New projects and endeavors might crystallize and pregnancy
related matters would lead to fruition. Moreover, with the shadow planet Rahu or dragon’s
head placed in the seventh house of partnerships, you are likely to be flooded with rewarding
job prospects. Relationships could go through testing times, as the dragon tail Ketu in the
first house might accentuate some familial issues. There could also be issues related to vision
and skin.

25 November 2010 (12:47:43 pm) to 17 January 2011 (2:59:16 pm)

Job seekers will be rewarded with newer opportunities while job holders might find
themselves in good positions. Changes in the job profile or organization is also indicated on
the cards. Be careful when dealing with the unknown. Be communicative and take sometime
off to relax yourself. Do not let your work interfere with your family time. Take some time
off and take your family on vacations. If you are single, you can go for nature trips or
outings. This would leave you feeling rejuvenated and revitalized. Partners will be helpful but
could be misunderstood due to the influence of Ketu. Professionally, this is going to be a
rewarding phase for you.

17 January 2011 (2:59:16 pm) to 6 March 2011 (2:06:33 am)

This is a period of new job opportunities. Students will have sluggish starts and will be
tentative to take up new projects. Professionals and job-oriented people will come out more
successfully this time, as compared to the previous and the coming year. You will have to
build up new contacts and make new friends to boost your career prospects. New business
opportunities might crop up for you. Those into business will get a boost in their enterprises
and will set up new branches.

6 March 2011 (2:06:33 am) to 2 May 2011 (9:57:58 pm)

This is a favorable time for you to make new contacts, especially with the opposite sex.
Romances will lead to partnerships and those in relationships will finally get hitched this
year. Married couples may choose to go the parenthood way and have kids. Parents will
enjoy their kid’s growth and happiness. Older parents will face discomfort which could nag
them this entire year. Writers and poets will see the limelight. Those in the autumn of their
lives should start making plans for investment.

2 May 2011 (9:57:58 pm) To 25 June 2011 (12:35:51 am)

Family trips and vacations are on the cards. This is a good time to be with your family.
Family income will improve and children will continue to shine on the academic front. Some
happy events may take place in the family. You will have new members in your family. Legal
issues favoring mother’s property may gain some momentum. Children will be thrilled at
their father’s success.

25 June 2011(12:35:51 am) to 17 July 2011 (1:07:19 am)

There are likely to be a few disturbances on the family front. Your food habits might
undergo some change. Be vigilant about your health and don’t skip the regular health
checkups. Oral ulcer, dental concerns and heat related problems are likely to trouble you
during this time. Be careful while having food with a new person or in an environment with
which you are not familiar.

17 July 2011 (1:07:19 am) to 17 September 2011 (9:20:10 am)

People related to research jobs should do fairly well for themselves and all your future plans
and matters of the heart will be realized. Routine heath checkups are prescribed, even for the
most robust individuals. Job seekers might have to put in extra efforts to succeed. This is a
good time for family bonding. Veteran couples will be disturbed with their partner’s
approach, and expect support from all quarters. In-laws will predominantly figure in the
scheme of things and could make an interesting equation for you to address.

17 September 2011 (9:20:10 am) to 5 October 2011 (6:03:33 pm)

Government involvement will be slow but steady changes in infrastructure will benefit the
citizens. This is the good time to buy a property. Real estate business will face a setback and
support from the government will take the back seat. Focus on stronger relationships and be
open and direct in your dealings. You may take up renovation of house or office space.
5 October 2011 (6:03:33 pm) to 4 November 2011 (10:28:47 pm)
Traveling opportunities will come up and delight you. Younger siblings will do well in
studies or at job. Expect mood variations and swings around this part of the year. You might
encounter depressing episodes that might be mentally disturbing. This is likely to be a mixed
period for you with both pleasures and concerns about your partner keeping you anxious.
You might get a sudden opportunity to travel abroad.

5 November 2011(8:02:33 pm) to 31 December 2011(12:02:47 pm)

Jupiter’s placement in the eleventh house of profits will lead to stability in business and other
undertakings. Travel plans will resurface with overseas business connections. You are likely
to benefit from your foreign contacts. Sudden financial crisis may surface. Your partner will
be your source of disturbance. Keep a control over your mood swings and temper as it likely
to get worse during November and early December. Rahu and Ketu in the axis alignment
might cause mental turbulence. You will be at your critical best. It is the best time to put
your thoughts into action as words speak larger than actions now.

General Tips

• Sunday is good for family and recreations.

• Monday is favourable for travelling and making new plans
• Tuesday is likely to bring mixed results.
• Wednesday is for the benefit of finance and talent exhibition.
• Thursday is good for new jobs and new contacts.
• Friday is good to improve your personality and lifestyle.
• Saturday is the best day to do anything, any time.
• Attention to details and keeping information handy is the key to your success.

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