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Upul Priyashantha

Clutch moaO;shlska bgqjk ld¾Hh

ßhÿreg wjYH mßos tkacsu yd .sh¾ fmÜáh w;r

iïnkaOh we;s ke;s lsßu Clutch moaO;shla u.ska isÿlrhs¡

wNHka;r oyk tkacsula iys; jdykj, wksjd¾fhka fuh oelsh yel¡

wNHka;r oyk tkacska u.ska wvq fõ. j,os jeä n,hla ,nd.; fkdyel¡
ksiap, ;djfha we;s jdykhla .uka wdrïNhg b;d úYd, n,hla wjYHh
neúka tkacsfï fõ.h by, oeñh hq;=h tjeks wjia:dj,os tu n,h t
wdldrfhkau mojk frdaoj,g ,ndÿkfyd;a iïfm%aIK fldgia ydksõug yd
úYd, .eiaisï j,g Ndckh úh yel¡ tu ksid fuu tkacska n,h l%udkql=,j
mojk frdaoj,g ,ndosug Clutch moaO;sh Wmldß fõ¡ ;jo tkacsu yd
mojk frdao iïnkaO lsßu yd úikaos lsßug;a fuh Wmldß fõ¡ u,slj
Clutch j¾. folls¡

 Positive Engagement
 GraduallyEngagement

Positive Engagement

fuu l%uh weuqkqï oe;s iys; l%uhs¡ fuysos lerl=ï n,h

l%udkql=,j iïnkaO l< fkdyel¡

Upul Priyashantha

Gradually Engagement

Clutch tl u.ska iïfm%aIKh lr yels úhdjr:h tkacsfï ksmojk

úhdj¾:hg jvd wvq jq úg Clutch tl Slip ùu fud blaukska f.ú hd yelsh¡
Clutch tflka f.khd yels úhdj¾:h tkacsfuka ksmojk úhdj¾:hg jvd
úYd, jq úg Clutch tl iïnkO lsßfïos .eiaisug" tkacsu k;rug fndfyda
fia bv we;¡ fuu fodaI u.yrjd .ekSug Clutch tl ksmoúfïos u.S
m%jdyk jdyk ioyd tkacsfï ksmojk Wmßu úhdj¾:hg jvd Clutch tflka
iïfm%aIKh l< yels úhdj¾:h 1.2 - 1.4 olajdo¡ Track r: ioyd
1.2 - 2.5 olajdo jk f,i ksmojd we;¡ fuh Clutch tfla iq/l=ï idOlh
(Safety Factor f,i yeoskafõ¡

l%udkql=,j iïnkaO lrk l%uh hgf;a ksmojd we;s Clutch jdyk

ioyd fhdod.kq ,nk w;r tkacsfuka ,efnk lerl=ï n,h Clutch Plate tl
yryd iïfm%aIKh lrk neúka n,h l%udkql=,j iïnkaO l< yel¡ fuysos
Clutch Plate tl Slip úug ie,eiaúfuka l%udkql=, nj ,ndosh yels w;r
fuh uQ,sl lrf.k ksmojd we;s Clutch j¾. lsysmhls¡

Types of

Positive Friction
Clutch Clutch

Plate Or Cone Centrifugal

Disc Clutch Clutch Clutch

Single plate Multiplate

clutch Clutch

Upul Priyashantha

Components of the clutch system

1. Clutch actuation
i. Link type
ii. Cable type
iii. hydraulic type
2. Clutch slave cylinder
3. Clutch fork
4. Release bearing
5. Clutch pressure plate
6. Clutch driven plate

Upul Priyashantha

Clutch Actuation Mechanism

Mechanical Clutch

ßhoref. mdosl n,h ,Sjr ovq yryd iïfm%aIKh lsßu iÿlrhs¡

Cable Clutch

fuh Mechanical Clutch moaO;sh f,iu jk w;r fjkila jkqf ha

Cable tlla u.ska l%shd;aul úuh¡

Upul Priyashantha

Hydraulic Clutch

ßhÿref. mdosl n,h Hydraulic Fluid ud¾.hla yryd iïfm%aIKh fõ¡

Master fmdïmh u.ska mSvkh jk f;,a u.ska Slave fmdïmh ls%hd;aul lr
moaO;sh l%shd;aul lrjhs¡

Upul Priyashantha

Clutch Plate

fuyso .¾IK fldgi ßjÜ lsßu u.ska Main plate tlg iïNkao lr
we;s w;r¡ ßjÜ fldg u;=úug wdikak jk;=re Odjkh lsßfuka miq w¨;ska
Clutch plate tlla fhosh hq;=h¡ w;S;fha ndú; l< jdyk ioyd .¾IK
fldgi mukla w¨;ska fhosh yelsj ;snq kuq;a j¾:udk kdùk jdyk ioyd
th fhd.ah fkdõ¡

fuys we;s jdfka Spring u.ska Clutch plate tl Fly wheel tl iu.
iïnkaO ùfïos we;sfjk lïmk Wrd.ksïka r:hg;a tys u.skag;a iqjmyiqj
f.kfoa¡ .shrhla iïnkaO fldg Clutch pedal tflka mh bj;g .eksfuka
th l%udkql=, úh hq;= w;r fuu Spring leäug mjd .lafõ¡

Upul Priyashantha

Finger Type / Coil Spring

Clutch Assembly

w;S;fha ieu jdykhlu mdfya ndú;d lf<a fuu Finger type coil
spring clutch moaO;shhs¡ Clutch mev,a tl ;o lsßfïos l%shd;aul jk Fork
tl Clutch tfla finger u; we;s Relies Bearing tl fyda Withdrawal plate
tl bosßhg ;,a¨ lrhs¡ tysos ßhÿref.a mdosl n,h Clutch spring tl
yl=¨jñka Bake plate tl miqmig weosu isÿfõ¡

 fuysos ßhÿre úiska jeä mdosl n,hla fhosh hq;=fõ¡

Diaphragm Type Clutch

fuysos f,day máj,ska Clutch caver tl yd Presser plate tl iïnkaO

lr we;¡ fuu f,day má Return spring tlla f,i ls%hdlrhs¡ ls%hdlrúfïos
lsisÿ wmyiqjla yd >Ügkhla we;s fkdjk fuu l%uh j¾:udkfha ieu
ksIamdokhlu mdfya olakg we;¡

Upul Priyashantha

Clutch Master Cylinder

ßhÿref.a mdosl n,h Hydraulic mSvkhlg mßj¾:dkh lr tu

mSvkh Slave cylinder tl lrd heùu fuu.ska isÿfõ¡

Upul Priyashantha

Clutch Slave Cylinder

Master cylinder u.ska ,efnk Hydraulic mSvkh ,ndf.k Clutch fork

tl l%shdlrùu fuu.ska isÿfõ¡

Slave cylinder tfla msiagka tl msgqmi we;s fÉkan¾ fldgig f;,a

mSvkh n,mdk w;r tu mSvkh u.ska msiagka tl bosßhg ;,a¨ lsßu isÿfõ¡
msiagka il iïnkaO Rod tl msiagka tl;a iu. ;,a¨ ùu isÿjk w;r
tu.ska Clutch fork tl l%shd;aul fõ¡ ßhÿre mev,fhka mh bj;al< miq
Clutch tfla we;s Diaphragm spring fyda Coil spring u.ska msiagka tl uq,a
msysgqug m;alrhs¡

fuu Pump tl iúù we;af;a r:fha hg m%foaYfha jk w;r frdao j,g

wiqjk uv iy j;=r Pump tl yd .eàu isÿfõ¡ fuh j,lajd .eksug Dust
boot fhdod we;¡ Dust boot j,g ydkshla ú ;snqfkdfyd;a uv iy j;=frka
fmdïmfha l%shdldß;ajhg ndod f.kfoa¡

Upul Priyashantha

Clutch Servo System

nr f.khk jdykj, fuu Wmlrkh fhdod.ks¡ ßhÿre úiska fhosh

hq;= mdosl n,h wvq lsßug;a iqugj Clutch iïnkaO ;djh we;slr .ekSug;a
iqug odjkhla ,ndosug;a fuu Wmlrkfha W;aiyhhs¡

Upul Priyashantha

Hydraulic Clutch System ys jd;h msgux lsÍu

1. fuu ls%hdldrlu isÿ lrkq ,nkafka øj gexls uÜgu (Hydrolic fluid)

wvq ùul oS fyda moaO;sfha hï w¿;ajeähdjlos mosO;sh ;<g jd;h
we;=¿ùug bvlv we;¡ tjeks wjia:dj, moaO;sh i;= jd;h msgux
lsÍug Bleeding nipple Ndú;d lrkq ,nhs¡

2. fuys oS Reserve tank tlg kshñ; øj msrúh hq;= w;r lsisu úgl;a
tu øj Engine ys fyd jdykfha .Eúug bv fkdosug j, n,d.;
hq;=h¡ bka miq tys Bleeding nipple tlg úksúo fmfkkd k,hla
iúlr tys wfkla fl,jr Clutch fluid msrjq úÿre nÿklg iïnkaO
lrkq ,nhs¡

3. bka miq Clutch pedal lsysmjrla md.d Pedal tl ;o lrf.k isák

úg Bleeding nipple nqre,a l< hq;=h¡ túg moaO;sh ;=< jd;h we;akï
nÿk ;< jdhq nqnq¿ f,i tjd msgú hkq oelsh yel¡ fuf,i jdhq nqnq¿
msg ùfï l%shdj,sh k;r jk ;=reu fuu l%shdj,sh isÿl< hq;= w;r
bkq miq k,h bj;a lr moaO;sh h:d ;;ajhg f.k wd hq;=h¡ Reserve
tank ys Fluid uÜgu wvq fkdúug o fuys os j. n,d.; hq;=h¡

4. moaO;sh h:d;;ahg m;a jq miq Clutch pedal md.d th ksjeros mßos

l%shdlrhsoehs mßlaId l< hq;=h¡

Upul Priyashantha

Master pump tl w¨;ajeähd lsßu¡

1. m,uqj Master pump ys Reserve tank .,jd bj;a lrk ,os bka miq
Master cylinder ys Push rod iïnkaO lr we;s Lock ring .,jd
bj;alr Push rod .,jd bj;a lsßu¡

2. bkamiq Air compressor tlla u.ska tys iq<x myr Master cylinder ys
Reserve tank .,jk ,o isÿrg w,a,d t iu.u Slave pump isÿr
iq<x thska msgfkdjk f,i jid .; hq;=h¡ tfiau Master cylinder ys
we;=,; tl,i iq<x mSvkh u.ska Push rod wka;fhka msg;g
meñfkk w;r tajd wdrlaI; s j tl,i úisß fkdhk f,id fros
lene,a,la ;nd w,a, .; hq;=h¡

3. bkamiq Master cylinder ys .,jd msg;g .;a tl,fia Pressure

washer (cap washer) ,Seal washer mßlaIdlr tjdg ydks ú we;sk ï
w¿f;ka fhosh hq;=h¡ fuys Valve stem fydo ;;ajfha we;soehs o
mßlaIdlr ne,sh hq;=h¡ thg ydks ù we;skï w¨f;ka fhosh hq;=h¡

4. bkamiq cylinder tl,ei kej; iúlr Master cylinder ys push rod

ys we;s Lock nut isre udre lsßu Tiafia Free play (pedal ys) ielish

Upul Priyashantha

Slave pump tl w¨;ajeähd lsßu¡

1. fuys os dust boot yd push rod .,jd bj;a lr tl,ei .e,úu ioyd
air bleed nipple Tiafia tu nut .,jd ta Tiafia Air pressure ,ndos
tl,i .,jk ,os

2. .,jk ,o tl,efi Washer j,g ydks úï wd;soehs mßlaId lrk

w;r ydks úï we;skï w¨;ska fhosh hq;=h¡

3. Slave pump ys m%Odk jdish jkq ,nkafka Clutch plate f.jqKq miq
Push rod ys Indicator mark slave cylinder ;=<g .uka lsßuh tu.ska
clutch plate f.ú weoaoehs mßlaId l< yelsh¡

Upul Priyashantha

Mitsubishi L200 r:fha Clutch plate yd pressure

plate tl,ei .e,ùu yd kej; iúlsßu

1. m,uqj r:fha negßfha ^-& RK jhrh .,jd bkamiq ,sh¾ ,Sjrh .,jd
2 Post lift hka;%h wdOdrfhka r:h by,g Tijd.; hq;=h¡

2. by<g Tijd we;s r:fh Reverse light current cable, speed meter
cable, clutch cable .,jd bj;alr wdrlaIs;j rojd .; hq;=h¡

3. bka wk;=rej Starter motor .,jd wdrlaIs;j bj;a lsßu

4. Hydraulic jack Wmfhda.s lr .ksñka th Gear box uÜgug Tijd

(Gear Box tys wdOdrlh u;g nd.; yels mßos ) ia:dk.; lr Chain
1la u.ska Gear box yd Jack ys wdOdrlh u; iïnkaOh we;s lrk

5. Propeller shaft Gear box iïnkaOfhka .,jd bkamiqj Propeller

shaft Differential iïnkaOfhkao .,jd Propeller shaft tl r:fhka
bj;a lr .eksu¡

6. bkamiqj r:fh Cross bar .,jd bj;a lr Engine yd iïnkaO Bell

housing ys weK .,jd Gear box Hydraulic jack tl u.ska ìug .;

7. Fly wheel tlg iïnkaO Pressure plate Fly wheel g iïnkaO weK
l;sr yevhg .,jd bj;a lr Pressure plate yd clutch plate .,jd
msg;g f.k mßlaId lr, ,oS¡

8. fuu .,jd .kakd ,o Pressure plate yd Clutch plate j,g ydks ú

we;soehs mßlaIdlr ne,sh hq;=h¡ fuys os L200 r:fha Diaphragm
j¾.fha Pressure plate ;snq w;r tys kshñ; mßos Tension ;sfíoehs
mßlaIdlr ne,su¡

Upul Priyashantha

9. Release bearing fydo ;;ajfha weoaoehs th w;ska lrljïka

mßlaIdlr ne,sh hq;=h¡ tfiu Withdrawal leaver spring tl,ei
wdosh fodaI weosoehs mßlaId lr¡ Pilot bearing fydo ;;ajfha we;soehs

10. bka miqj kej;a fly wheel tlg Clutch plate yd Pressure plate
tl,ei iúlsru isÿlsßu¡ fuys os Guide tool wdOdrfhk Clutch plate
tl t,af,a ;sfnk f,i ;ndf.k Fly wheel tlg Pressure plate tl
iïnkaO lsßu isÿ lsßu¡ wk;=rej l;sr yevhg Pressure plate ys
weK oud iú lr.eksu¡

11. bkamiqj Hydraulic jack wdOdrfhak Gear box by,g Tijd kshñ;
mßos ia:dk.; lr Bell housing tl Engine tlg iïnkaO lr
wk;=rej Cross bar iúlr Propeller shaft o r:hg iúlr .eksu

12. .,jk ,o Clutch cable, Reverse light currant cable, Speed meter
cable kshñ; mßos iúlr negßfha (-) RK w.%ho iúlr .eksu¡

Upul Priyashantha

L200 r:fha Clutch pedal ys Free play ieliSu yd

Pedal height mßlaIdj, Pedal adjust lsßu¡

1. fuysos r:fha bosß mi fndkÜ tl újD; lr Clutch adjust lsßug

we;s Cable ys Nut tl lrljñka clutch adjust lrñka mßlaId lsßu¡
tfiau Pedal height mßlaIdlr ne,sh hq;=h¡

2. Pedal height w.,a 06 la muK isák yd Free play 06mm muK

;sfnk f,i Clutch adjust lsßu¡ Meshanical clutch ysos fukau
Hydraulic clutch moaO;s j,oS o Free play adjust lsßu Slave pump
tlg iïnkaO Push rod ys we;s Nut isre udre lsßu u.ska isÿ l<

3. Free ply hkq Withdrawal lever yd Release bearing w;r we;s ÿrh ^
th tlsfklg iDcqj iïnkaO lr fkdue;s w;r fuf,i hu
Clearance tlla ksIamdolhd ;nd we;&

Upul Priyashantha

Coil spring clutch tl,i .e,ùu yd kej; iú

1. m<uqj hlv mÜgula yd ,S fldghla wdOdrfhka hydraulic press fit
WmlrKh Ndú;d lrñkka Pressure plate ys fingers we;s me;af;a
hlv mÜgu ;nd Press fit u.ska ;o lrñka ksIamdoslh os we;s w.hg
mSvkh fldg Pressure plate ys weK 3 .,jd .ekSu

2. wk;=rej tys weK .,jd bj;alr Hydraulic press fit ys mSvkh ,sys,a

3. wk;=rej Pressure plate cover bj;a lr tys Spring o bj;a lr tajg

ydks ù we;soehs mßlaId lr ydks ù we;skï w¨;ska fhaosu¡

4. bkmiqj h<s Hydraulic press WmlrKh Ndú;d lrñka tl,i kej;

iúlr .eksu¡

Upul Priyashantha

Inspection of pressure plate

Diaphragm type

j¾ksh¾ le,smrh u.ska fudfia Wi ueksh yels w;r we.s,s j, Wi

w;r fjki 1mm jvd jeäkï isre udre lsßfuka fyda tfi;a fkdyelskï
w¨;ska fhosh hq;=h¡

Pressure plate weo .id weoaoeh mßlaId lr ne,su¡

fufia lrk ,o mßlaIdfõ os weo .eisu 0.15mm jeäkï w¨;ska

fhosh hq;=h¡ tfiau Oil ;ejßï ,siaid heï f.ú heï w;soehs mßlaIdlr
ne,sh hq;=h¡


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