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Pressure Variation 2:7 Convert the Following as indicated: (0) 2m of water to em of mercury (0) 20kPa to mm of mercury () 34h of water kPa (a) 76 mum of mercury to of water (©) 250KPa to psi () 32 psito kD 248 Calculate the pressure difference from the top of a house to the ground ifthe distance is 10 m, Make the 29° A weather person slates that dhe barometsic pressure 29 in of mercury. Convert this pressure 10 (a) KPa, (Oy psi, (0 Mot water and (d) bars. 240 Determine the depth ofa guid needed to create a pressure difeence of 225 KPa i the liquid s (a) water, (Oy air at standard conditions, (¢) mereury- and (d) oi with S = O86. 2.41 The specie graviy of liquid is 0.75. What height of that liquids needed to provide a pressure difference of 200 kPa? 2.12 Assumea pressure of 100 KPa absolte at ground eel, What isthe pressure at the top ofa 3-m-high wall on the outside where the temperature is ~20*C and onthe inside ofa house where the temperature is 22°C? (This difference result in inltation even if no wind is present) 2.13. Find anexpresion for the pressure variation inthe ocean assuming pp ~ 1030 ke/m for saltwater using the bulk modulus to be 2100 MPa (the solution to Solved Problem 2.1). Estimate the pressure at 2000 Using (a the expression developed and () a constant density of 1030 kg/m (c) Calculate he percent eror in @) assuming (a) isthe ceurate valve. 2.14 From about 12 to 20 km, the temperature in the stratosphere is constant at 217 K, Assuming the pressure at 12 kan to be 19.4 KPa, use Eq. 2.13) to approximate the pressure at 20 ki. Calelate the eer using ‘Table C3 in App. Cto obtain the more accurate value 21S Assume. temperature distribution of 7 = 288 ~0.0065: K and integrate to find the pressure at 10 km inthe atmosphere assuming p = 1013 Pa at 7 = 0. Cakulate the errr Manometers 26 (0) = 1S.em and = 25 em (a) b= temand = en 217 The pressure atthe nose of small anplane is given by p = Sp, where isthe density of air. A U-tube manometer measures 10 em of water. Determine the aigplane’s speed if itis ying at an altitude of: @ 10m (6) 4000 m= (©) 6000 m 218 Calculate the pressure difference between the air pipe and the water pipe in Fig. 2.16 if His: (@ Sem () Som fo) Wem Water Figure 2.16 219 Replace the air between points 4 and 5 in Fi Caleulate the pressure difference between th 2.16 with oil having Pipe and water pipe if # is: 0.86 and tt @ Sem ®) Sem © Wem 2.20 Ifthe manometer top in Fig. 2.17 is open, then the mercury evel is 10 em below the pressureless air pipe. The ‘manometer top is sealed and the aie pipe is pressurized. Estimate the for H for a pressure of 200 kPa in the air pipe. Assume an isothermal process for the air above the mercury. = Manometer top Air Sem. + 4 t Figure 2.17 Mercury Forces on Plane and Curved Surfaces 221 A submersible has a viewing window that is 60 cm in diameter, Determine the pressure force of the water ‘on the window if the center of the window is 30 m below the surface and the window is (a) horizontal, (6) vertical, and (¢) on a 45° angle. 222 A concrete septic tank measures 2 m80 cm> 120 em and has sides that are 8 em thick. Its buried flush with the ground. If it is empty. how high would water saturating the soil have to rise on the outside of the tank to cause it to rise out of the ground? Assume S, 4, 223 In Solved Problem 2.3, caleulate the foree P if I is: (2) $0.em ) 2m © 24m 224 The topof a 2-m-diamter vertical gate is 4m below the water surface. Its hinged on the very bottom, What force, acting at the top of the gate, is necded to hold the gate closed? 225 Use Eq, (2.20) and show that the force on a plane rectangular surface at an angle f with the horizontal acts, one-third up from the base provided the top of the rectangle is at the water's surface 226 At what height H will the gate in Fig. 2.18 open his (@ Lom @) 12m © 14m (@) Lom Figure 2.18 2.27, The gate shown in Fig. 2.19 will open automatically when the water level reaches a certain height above the hinge, Determine AW nse that height if bis: (@ 12m ) L.6m (© 20m Water > Figure 228 A pressure distribution exists under a concrete (S= 24) dam, as sketched in Fig. 2.20. Will the dam tend to topple (sum moments about the lower right-hand comer) if @ H=m,h=4m () = 40m, = 6m (9) H=50m,h=8m 2.29 In Solved Problem 2.4, ealeulate the force P if ris: @ 16m ® 24m (3m 230 231 222 233 2M 2.25 2.26 cle of radius wide gate if Consider the gate in Fig. 2.21 to be a quarter ci 80 cm. Find the force P needed to just open the | the hinge is: (a) 2m below the surface. Water NN (b) 3m below the surface, (6) 4m below the surface. Hinge Figure 2.21 Caleulate the force 18 on the hinge of (a) Prob. 2.304, (6) Prob. 2.306, and (c) Prob, 2.30e. Determine the force P needed to just open the 2-m-wide parabolic gate in Fig. 2.22 if the hinge is at the following y-position in the xy-plane: @ 2m ) 8m Figure 2.22 A body weighs 200 N in air and 125 N when subms in water. Caleuate its speciic weight [An object with a volume of 1200 em weighs 20 N. What will t weigh when submerged in water? A body lighter than water requires a force of 20 N to hold it under water. I'it weighs 75.N in air, what is its density and specific gravity? ‘The cylinder shown in Fig. 2.23 pulls out the pluz when the water depth reaches a certain height #. The circular plug and % 2-m-long cylinder weigh 2000 N. Determine H if R is: (@) em @) 406m (© @om Water a ee Figure 223, Accelerating Containers 237 G 243 ‘The tank displayed in Fig. 2.24 is filed with water and accelerated with the two components shown, Caleulate “Open the pressures at A and B ifs a a ’ d a 7 a a Figure 224 Find the force acting on the bottom of the 2-m-wide tank of (a) Prob. 2.374, (b) Prob. 2.37b, (c) Prob. 2.37¢ and (d) Prob. 2.374. Find the force acting on the left end of the 2 and (d) Prob. 2.374. ide tank of (2) Prob. 2.374, (b) Prob. 2.37b, (c) Prob. 2.37¢ ‘The tank of Prob. 2.37a is accelerated to the left, rather than to the right. Calculate the pressure at 4 an force on the bot the of the 2-m-wide tank, Determine the pressures at points 4 and B in the water in I one the U-tube of 4 (@) L= 40cm and a, = 6 mis 1 ) L=6ema OL =10m 4m 50cm and a Figure 2.25 ‘The Utube of Prob. 2.41 is rotated about the right leg at 100 rpm. Calculate the pressures at A and B in the water if Lis: (@) 400m ©) Sem (2) @em The U-tube of Prob. 2.41 is rotated about the left leg at 100 rpm. Calculate the pressures at A and B in the water if Lis (@) 400m () 500m (©) em ‘The Ustube of Prob. 2.41 is rotated about the center of the horizontal part at 100 rpm. Caleulate the pressures at A and B in the water if Z is: (@) 400m ®) 506m (© Wem Find the pressure at point in the eylinder of Fig, 2.26 if 21 = 100 rpm and Ris: (a) 400m ®) em (© 80m 27 28 29 210 2d 212 213 24 2S 2.16 27 28 219 Answers to Supplementary Problems (@ 470m ) (f) 221 kPa 120 Pa (@ 1523kPa (b) (@ 29m ) 2m 99.959 Pa, 99 965 Pa (@ 203MPa (6) 5.50 KP: % 26.3 kPa, -0.75%, (@ 257kPa (6) @ ims 6) @ @ 150 mm 2.21 psi 18.650 m 20.21 MPa 31.9 kPa () WL7kPa (d) 339 (e) 36.25 psi fo) 5.09 (d) 0.1523 bars ( 1686m — d) 26.7 m (9 0.44% (© 38.1 kPa (d) 41.0 kPa (54.5 mis (© 128 kPa (o) 1234 kPa 2.20 221 2.22 2.23 2.24 2.25 2.26 227 2.28 229 2.30 231 2.32 2.33 2M 2.35) 2.36 237 2.38 2.39 2.40 241 242 243 244 245 2.46 30.7 em (@) 83.2KN (4) 83.2KN (6) 83.2KN 42cm (@ 1212N — ) 1O6KN (©) 15.96 kN 244 KN Answer is given in problem. @ 18m 4) 067m (0) 0.244m = d) OM @ 208m) 27m 346m (@) Kewill tip (6) Kewill tip (e) It will not tip (@) WZ1KN (6) 282KN (©) 368 KN (@) 6500N (6) 290N ——e)_ 8070N (@) 4710N —(B) S490N—(e), 6280 N (@) 3L9KN (6) 9LAKN 2.67, 0.00764 m* 823N 789 kgjm*, 0.789 (@ 239m) 219m (a) 13.73 kPa, 11.47 KPa (6) 37.9 kPa, 37.9 kPa (@) 31.6 kPa, (d) 16.53 kPa, ~8.67 kPa (@) 949KN —() SHEN (@)-2TKN (dd) 66 KN (@) 19.22KN (6) SBLKN (ce) 443 KN (4) 23.1 KN 13.73 kPa, 221 KN (@) 2.40 KPa, 3.92 KPa () 6.00 kPa, 3.92 KPa (e) 2.00 kPa, 3.92 KPa (@) 8.77 KPa, 3.92 kPa (6) 13.7 KPa, 4.90 kPa (e)_19.73 kPa, 5.89 kPa (@) -8.77 kPa, 3.92 kPa (6) —13.7 kPa, 4.90 kPa (e) ~19.73 kPa, 5.89 kPa (@ OkPa, 392 kPa (4) O KPa, 4.90 KPa (c)O kPa, 5.89 kPa (@ 1098 kPa (>) 213 KPa (@) 39.5 KPa (@ 331KN (6) 129KN @) 44. KN

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