Aquarius Horoscope 2011

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Aquarius Horoscope 2011

Hindi Name: Kumbha

Date Of Birth: 21st Jan to 19th Feb
Ruling Planet: Shani
Nakshatras: Dhanishta, Poorva Bhadrapada, Shatbhisha
Lucky Numbers: 3, 6, 9, 12
Lucky Days: Thursday, Saturday, Tuesday
Lucky Colors: Light Blue, Pink, Mild Yellow
Lucky Stones: Neelam, Topaz, Ruby, Firoza, Emerald

Aquarius is the eleventh sign in the zodiac. In Vedic astrology, the owner of this sign is
Saturn. The sun enters this sign from 21st January, and leaves on 20th February. This is the
last of the air signs, the other two being Gemini and Libra. The pivotal qualities of this
zodiac sign are that such individuals are highly intellectual and analytical, and possess a
research and development kind of mindset. Normally, they make good thinkers,
philosophers or even scientists.

When this sign is under the influence of good planets, it gives Aquarius individuals a kind
nature to help the society. Conversely, under a malefic influence, they end up disturbing the
society. Jupiter is another important planet in this zodiac, apart from Saturn. While the
former stands for money and family, the latter represents the profession. People born under
Aquarius have a vibrant personality and a joyous life.

General Forecast
Aquarian’s this year shall have Jupiter taking guard in the second and third houses of finance
and vitality, which also defines friendship and brotherhood. Also, Saturn, the lord of the
zodiac, is placed at the eighth houses of legacies and natural phenomena. The axis planets
this year are at the fourth and tenth, determining the quality of livelihood and comforts.
People born under this sunshine are generally imaginative and creative. In Vedic astrology,
Jupiter stands for money and family, and Saturn for professional combination of good
wealth and power-giving yogh.

Career, Love & Health

Saturn is placed at the eighth house of legacies and natural phenomena, so it can have an
adverse influence on relationships. Thus, it is better if you exercise caution and care before
addressing your love relationships. Your career may steer towards new territories, which may
seem alien to you but, in time, you will be able to master. Your quality of livelihood and
comfort is influenced by the axis planets, which this year is at the fourth and tenth house.

Your thoughts and needs are bolstered by Jupiter positioned in the second and third house,
and influences all health related issues. You will strengthen your bond with your relatives and
also make new friends. The influence of Jupiter will also protect your old ties.

1 January 2011 (00:00 am) to 17 January 2011 (2:59:16 pm)

Sharp and impulsive would be the pattern of things which come under the shadow of
planets placed in the tenth house of Aquarius. Politics would appeal to you. Informal
thoughts and culture can be expected of Aquarian’s this time around. Planned work in this
period will not show much result, but whatever the results are, it will be positive.
Unconventional lifestyle patterns will be experienced, which probably will have an impact on
the health.

17 January 2011 (2:59:16 pm) to 6 March 2011 (02:06:33 am)

In this phase, the financial situation of Aquarians will be better due to the influence of
Jupiter. It promises a steady inflow of cash. It also blesses you with extensive overseas travel,
and good partners. This is a good period to make monetary gains through your profession.
You may also lead a rich lifestyle, and play different roles in the family for improvement.
There could also develop frictions with your mother, or any elderly women from the
paternal side. This is a good time for elderly citizens to be in the company of their family. If
you had lent money to anyone it will come to you with amicable settlement. Litigation will be
settled outside the court. Educational institutions will perform well during this period, and
show steady growth.

6 March 2011 (02:06:33 am) to 02 May 2011 (09:57:58 pm)

Metaphysical sciences will appeal to you, all areas of astrology, numerology or even tarot
reading would hold your attention. This is a good period for an Aquarian to take up work in
such areas to achieve success. An intuitive ability guides the person and leads him/her
towards definitive paths to great positions. You can expect a change in your job, and will
also go for trips overseas. Students who are Aquarian will do well in their studies, and hope
to get selected in campus interviews. You can also hope to uplift your prospects as you can
get transferred from your current job to a more preferred location. Happy reunions, and get
together with old friends and relatives will take place.

02 May 2011 (09:57:58 pm) to 25 June 2011 (12:35:51am)

You should expect minor health issues but nothing that is serious. This is a good time for
students to improve on their performance and productivity, thereby achieving success, and
to enter the next stage with ease. Your memory pattern may get altered due to the influence
of Saturn, so, you should constantly practice the area of your expertise. Your relatives from
the maternal side may create problems for you, and your father’s health may also take a
beating. But your finances will be sound, which will give you some solace. When travelling to
foreign countries you may face immigration obstacles. So, always double check your travel
related priorities. If you have invested in the share market then it will bring in rich dividends.

25 June 2011 (12:35:51am) to 17 July 2011 (01:07:19 am)

You can expect a strenuous month ahead, and it will be rugged as well as titillating. You will
be put to test by seniors at work, or by people in the management. So, you should compose
your thoughts and aspirations as manipulation and opposition will clearly come to play at
different levels of your office hierarchy. You are capable of more than what you estimate of
yourself, so make use of your resources. Don’t give credence to your egoistic thoughts or
lower your sense of self importance. This year, you can also expect transparency in all your

17 July 2011 (01:07:19 am) to 17 September (09:20:10 am) 2011

You will meet a few old acquaintances, and face some repercussions because of your past
experiences. Thus, at this time you will be emotionally charged. Improve and follow your
intuition, and don’t cry over spilt milk. You will achieve all-round success in your endeavors
as your mood will be good, and your powers will on a rise. The elders of your family will
happily help you in all undertakings. Many important events will occur, and they will all be in
your favor. You will gain in any investments that you have made, and will be blessed with
peace and happiness. If you are searching for a soul mate then this is the best time as the
influence of Jupiter will make your search productive.

17 September 2011 (09:20:10 am) 2011 to 05 November 2011 (06:03:33 pm)

You will be restless and erratic, and this will dampen any chances of a public participation.
Your twin assets will be power and goodwill, which you should use to garner public support.
Your critics and enemies will create problems for you, but you can overpower them by
remaining patient, and letting time silence them. Your schedule will be hectic and time
scarce. At this phase you will achieve recognition, and also increase your contacts. You will
travel overseas and this will lead to an increase in your revenues.

05 November 2011 (10:28:47 pm) to 31 December 2011 (00:00:00)

You will encounter various trials and tribulations in this phase. You will have the time to
share your mindset with your near and dear ones, and develop a new equation of comfort
with your spouse or partner, and your relationship will be more pleasant than what it was
before. By the end of the year there will be a great deal of progress in all your activities. This
is also an excellent time for your profession. Those who are working in the technology
sector can hope to do well.

General Tips

• Sunday is good for partnership.

• Monday is a troubling day. You need to your keep cool on this day.
• Tuesday is good for job and success in any work.
• Wednesday is good for education or for taking risk in other works.
• Thursday is good for family and friends.
• Friday is good for all-round success.
• The first half of Saturday is normal, while the second part brings good results.
• Lucky colors are blue, brown, and white.
• Lucky gem is blue sapphire.

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