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Capricorn Horoscope 2011

Hindi Name: Makar

Date Of Birth: 22nd December to 20th January
Ruling Planet: Shani
Nakshatras: Uttra Ashada, Shravana
Lucky Numbers: 9, 8, 6
Lucky Days: Saturday, Friday, Tuesday
Lucky Colors: Black, Brown, Ark Green
Lucky Stones: Neelam, Pukhraj, Pearl, Gomeda

This is the first sign of Saturn, and the tenth sign of the zodiac. In astrology, tenth house is
one of the most important houses. This shows what trends and traits will be there in the
profession, in the form of planetary arrangement, and its influence. For this very reason,
Capricorn is regarded as the house of profession (Karma Bhava). An earth sign, it has the sun
entering on January 21th and exiting on February 20th.

This sign represents the beginning of a new time. From this time onwards, the sun gathers
momentum in the northern hemisphere. This is termed as Uttarayana, especially in the Vedic
astrology. The nature of this sign resembles the traits of Jupiter, Saturn, and mobility. For
the same reason, we see people born under this sign become good workers, social reformers,
industrialists and agricultural workers.

General Forecast
The lord of the zodiac, Saturn, is placed under the auspices of Virgo, a great friend, in the
ninth house of learning and lifestyle, and this will influence the Capricorns throughout the
year. Without the help of Capricorns, and its lord planet Saturn, society will not get a good
leader. Capricorn is the tenth house in the zodiac, and in astrology the tenth house is
considered to be one of the most important houses. The axis planets are placed at the
eleventh house of gain, and the fifth house of family and well being. Jupiter is placed at the
exalted position of the third and fourth houses governing the aspects of vigor and valor.

Career, Love & Health

The axis planets are placed at the eleventh house of gain, and the fifth house of family and
well being. Thus, there will be welfare in your family, and any problems will be relatively rare
and far between. You can also expect good news regarding your family prospects. Because
of this particular alignment you will be bestowed with steady gains and profiting from your
business and other undertakings.

1 January 2011 (00:00 am) to 17 January 2011 (2:59:16 pm)

You will become more inquisitive about your future and health, and so counseling and
consulting with the appropriate people will prevail over you. Rahu, the planet of monetary
gains, and material desire will bestow you with financial gains. You may face possible
conflicts at work, or even within the family. This can have a negative impact on you, and
make your well wishers apprehensive and anxious about your future. You will also have to
frequently visit medical centers during this phase for the sake of others. Students born under
this sign will lose interest in studies, and may explore other venues of interest. Your
investments can be liquidated in return for good profits and comfort.

17 January 2011 (2:59:16 pm) to 6 March 2011 (02:06:33 am)

During this phase it is better to curb your risk taking abilities, but whatever risks you have
taken already will be aptly rewarded. Plan your investments prudently, for good returns as
the markets may prove to be too volatile for Capricorns. Though there may be slight friction
with your siblings they will perform well with their responsibilities. As long as you don’t let
petty issues creep between you and your siblings, you will be satisfied. You may have to bear
the marriage expense of a younger member of your family. Because of your work you may
have to go for frequent travels also.

6 March, 2011 (02:06:33 am) to 02 May 2011 (09:57:58 pm)

In this phase, your financial situations will be very strong, and you will get positive results in
money related matters. Your savings will prove to be a huge benefit to your family. You will
play an important role in your family, and they will need your help I various matters. Thus,
you will have to expend much of your energy and earnings to your family. You can expect
help from your relatives. Because of your travel plans you may find it difficult to give time
and attention to your spouse, and so cause a slight strain in your relationship.

02 May 2011 (09:57:58 pm) to 25 June 2011 (12:35:51am)

Your family prospects will be on the brighter side, and seriousness and formalities will have
no standing in your life. For Capricorns who are married this is an excellent time to
conceive. Elderly people can see their kids achieve success in life. You can experience pain
and remorse if you display selfish behavior. Your search for stable and viable options,
regarding your job or family matters will be met as Saturn bestows renewed opportunities
from different sources. Businessmen will find new trends, and avenues which will set their
cash bells ringing. Hospitality industries will do well in this phase.

25 June 2011 (12:35:51am) to 17 July 2011 (01:07:19 am)

This phase will throw disturbing and difficult problems for you. Your health may suffer,
particularly because of heat and gastric related causes. Better stay away from spicy food, and
regulate your eating pattern. And you will also have trouble sleeping. Some of your friends
and relatives will take a different view of you, and they may favor others over you. This will
make you develop pessimistic outlook towards life in general. At work you may come into
conflict with your colleagues regarding ideological differences, so you should be practical or
it could tilt the good equation that you had developed with them.

17 July 2011 (01:07:19 am) to 17 September 2011 (09:20:10 am)

Capricorn’s are pragmatic, and have excellent managerial skills. You can use such abilities to
help your juniors or your employees gauge sensitive issues of importance. Don’t hide your
true feelings when it comes to relationships. Unmarried young men and women will get their
life partners. This phase is a good time for all Capricorns as beauty and fragrance will mark
the entire period. You will receive good tidings from your relatives and friends, and also play
an encouraging new role in your family. You will increasingly interest other people, and so
will easily attract them towards you.

17 September 2011 (09:20:10 am) to 05 October 2011 (06:03:33 pm)

This phase will prove to be quite controversial for you. You will face neglect from your
superiors, and your colleagues will capitalize on your weaknesses and play spoil sport. So, in
this phase you shouldn’t disclose or discuss your plans or your ambition with your co-
workers. Remember materialistic pursuits are realized only at a given price. So, finish all your
pending works, and as far as possible spend your time in the company of books. Your ideas
will garner momentum and take shape at this time.

05 October 2011 (06:03:33 pm) to 04 November 2011 (10:28:47 pm)

You will enjoy the support and love of your subordinates as you are protective of them and
they feel secure with you around. Your business will go as usual, and run smoothly. Any
partnerships will also be stable. Start any new projects only after you have finished the
existing ones. The main cause of your worry and anxiety will be the ego conflicts, with your
partners, that can surface during this phase. Tensions may arise in your family, and you need
to make your decisions with your head rather than your heart.

04 November 2011 (10:28:47 pm) to 31 December 2011 (00:00:00)

This is a very positive phase for Capricorns. After a tough time finally you can rest with a
smile on your face. You can expect reward for all your hard work and labor. You will receive
a promotion at your job. There can also be a change in the job profile. Capricorn’s with the
military and police department will face a tough time but finally will be appreciated by
people. Because of the concern for stability and security that you have shown earlier your life
would be commendable.

General Tips

• Sunday is not good for any work. Just keep your cool, and be with your family
• You can be creative during the second half of Monday.
• Tuesday is for a lot of action and success.
• Wednesday is good for undertaking long journeys, and deep study. Good day for the
father also.
• Thursday is the day of mixed results, but the second part is better for any work.
• Friday is good day for any work.
• Keep to routine work on Saturday and take care of your plans.
• Lucky colors are blue, white, brown.
• Lucky gems are diamond and coral.

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