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Regardless of who or what they did, all of us have at least one source of inspiration in their lives.
Bethany Hamilton is one girl who has made an impact on me. Bethany became a much greater influence
in my life after I watched her documentary entitled “unstoppable”. I couldn't imagine how she got
herself out of her lowest point and worked her way back to reach her goals when I watched first her
story. This person inspires others by doing something she enjoys, despite the fact that a traumatic
accident turned her life upside down. She's a pro surfer, a survivor, and a fighter with a determination
that will motivate her and her supporters to the top of the ocean. Bethany Hamilton is an inspiring girl
who was a survivor of a violent shark attack that took her left arm but not her heart or hope.

Bethany Hamilton was just a thirteen year old girl and a surfer when she was attacked by a
shark, losing her entire left arm. Hamilton`s unstoppable documentary is her admirable story of how she
was attacked by a shark, survived, and got back on surfing to become a professional surfer. Bethany
Hamilton grew up surfing; both of her parents were surfers along with her two older brothers. Bethany
has been surfing since she was a kid. Her parents taught her to surf when she was four years old. Her
love for water sports soon turned into a passion, and then a profession. Hamilton was determined not
to let anything stand in the way of her surf board and her. Not even losing her arm during a shark attack.
Hamilton managed to surf competitively after surgery, healing, and physical therapy. Despite her
disadvantage, Hamilton surfs at a professional level. Hamilton shows that nothing will stop her from
surfing. Hamilton was praised not only for her strength and courage, but also for the fact that the loss of
her arm has made her a stronger surfer.

Bethany's bravery influenced society by encouraging people to pursue their goals and to not let
anything get in the way of achieving them. Her ambition was to become a pro surfer, and after a shark
attack and the loss of her left arm, she was able to achieve it. Many people are inspired by Bethany's
strength and dedication, believing that if she can be a pro surfer with just one arm, then I can do
something, no matter how difficult. She encourages people to never lose confidence because it will help
them get through difficult times. Don't think it was easy for her to lose her left arm all of a sudden;
anyone who has tried to do stuff with just one arm knows how difficult it is. She had to learn to adapt to
a lot of new situations in her life, but she never gave up.

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