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‘’Same Sex Marriage Shall Be Legalized Here in the Philippines.

One of the issues facing our country today is same sex marriage. More and more people want to
get married even though they are of the same sex. This issue continues to be debated to this day as
many still disagree with it and still do not accept LGBT people. We grew up believing that marriage is just
for two loving individuals who have decided to live together for the rest of their lives, but often it is only
committed to the opposite sex. Most religion here in the Philippines is Christians. Christians believes
that Adam (male) is for Eve (female) only, this is also biblical. Perhaps this is also one of the reasons why
same sex marriage has not been implemented here in the Philippines for a long time. Many Filipinos
believe that the same sex marriage should not be legalized because it goes against the moral and the
definition of marriage. But many Filipinos that part of LGBTQ+ are against of that.

People have different opinions on this issue. Bad luck, plague, useless are the few words we
always hear when we see gays and lesbians around us. There are also those who say that being
homosexual is a disease or disorder but in my opinion, gays and lesbians have never been unlucky and a
plague. I know many who are professional, successful in their lives and even others are artists. They
serve as role models and inspiration especially to today's youth. We have no right to judge whatever
they want to do with their lives because they do not feel that God has made them that way. We are also
human beings, we used to love if we want. The main concern of same sex marriage is that sex is not the
basis of marriage between two people. Gays and lesbians only want to have equal rights and treatment.
But many still disagree with this. For me I still agree with the implementation and legalization of same-
sex marriage because for me, everyone has equal rights. And they also have the right to love because
they are only human. They also have the right to choose what they want to do and freedom to express
their love to someone.

But even until now, same sex marriage is not implemented here in the Philippines we should
respect the opinion and belief of each other. Even though they are the same sex, they still feel the love
that completes their personality. The only way is to let them have equal treatment of each other. Let us
live in peace, happy and full of love, whether female or male, lesbian or gay. There is nothing wrong with
enforcing "same sex marriage" here in our country, because nothing will be lost. Until now, there are
still different opinions on this issue. Our society is only gradually becoming more aware of the different
types of comrades other than our knowledge and habits. We do not know when people will fully accept
such relationships but as we see the modern generation, it can become a social standard in our lives.

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