Bulb Facebook Live Event Proposal

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Event Details
Event Title BULB Platform Introduction

Target Group(s) Freelancers

Proposed by Nonie Hussin

Hosting Organisation NIL

Event Date(s) 30/4/2020


Amount Requested NIL

Facebook Live Video – BULB Inspire


To invite all the designers (freelancers) to place their merchandise design on the BULB
platform. This video is an invitation to Introduce BULB Inspire Platform.

1. Facebook Live
✔ Video Length : 10-15 minutes run.
✔ Venue : Invinity office.
✔ Presenter : Leiy / Hazziq.
✔ Video Feature : Invitation to Bulb Platform Introduction.

2. Zoom
✔ Video Length : 30 minutes run.
✔ Venue : Invinity office.
✔ Presenter : Leiy / Hazziq.
✔ Video Feature : Bulb Platform Introduction and Q&A for Freelancers.


Marketing Campaign with Facebook Live and Zoom application to develop community
awareness of BULB Inspire platform where designers can sell their merchandise item as one of
the alternative platforms for them to sell or introduce their design.


Facebook live seems to be very effective video marketing and from research it received 3x
higher engagement than a video that is no longer live? And Facebook videos also receive 5x
more than standard photo posts, according to Adweek.

Zoom software we connect with our freelancers in the most genuine, human way possible. Its
essentially like meeting our designer or customers in person, since the event happens “face to
face” and in real time. It also gives us a chance to show there are real, caring humans behind
your business, which in turn builds trust and leads to more business in the door.

Proposed Program

1. Giving our Freelancer a taste of our Brands Experience.

Live video has a certain allure that pre-recorded content cannot match; it turns our video into
an experience and an event. Invitation via Facebook Live with a strong video content and
marketing tag line such as:
● Get Noticed. Be Remembered.
● Design your presence, define our brand.
● Affordable solutions for all your creativity needs.
● A small company with big capabilities
● Infinitely creative solutions at your service
● Your design, we create where art meets reality

Benefits going into our platforms:

▪ Freedom to express designer imagination

▪ Stable income for the freelance designer

▪ Opportunity to work with reputable companies

With all the above there’s no reason not to join our platform.

Step 1- Facebook Live Stream

1. Plan : Notify followers in advance.

: Content of the invitation video also need to include a brief
introduction of
▪ What is BULB Inspired
▪ BULB inspired products on hand
: During the video ask the viewer to use the “Invite to ZOOM” button
during the event, and use it our self to bring as many people into the
feed as possible.

: Keep it short and simple so that we can save it and share the video
on us BULB Inspired page later for events with more views.
: Market the event on all of BULB social media pages prior to the

2. How to use the tools for Facebook Live (page only):
i. On your Page, go to Publishing Tools.
ii. Under Videos, select Video Library and then Live
iii. Click on Connect to connect your software, then go to Post
iv. Target your audience and add your description
v. Add a title and tags for your video
vi. Add you stream credentials, such as stream key and server URL
vii. Copy and paste the server URL and stream key into your software
viii. Click Go Live to begin your video right away, or Schedule to set your video up
for a future date (up to one week in advance)

3. With this we are able to expose that your business can use to educate the freelancer
about our brand and platforms.

Step 2- ZOOM Live Event.

1. Plan : Jump on a trend is a great way to for BULB to dive into the
Conversation announcing the BULB Inspired platform opens to
all freelancers to make extra income.
: Content live tutorials on how the best use of our BULB platforms
: During the courses, we can promote huge levels of engagement
by also answering questions from our viewers and sticking around
to discuss any final points before the stream ends.
: Host a short Q&A session at the end to ask for feedback on the
platform and what they thought.
2. How to use the tool;
a. First turn the feature on under the My Meeting Settings
i. Select My Meeting Settings
ii. Select In Meeting (Advanced)
iii. Toggle the Allow Live Streaming the meetings
iv. Check off the Custom Live Streaming Service box and copy the following
information in as a template to be filled in
a. Live Streaming to [Enter place to live stream to]:
a. Enter the Stream URL: []
b. Enter the stream key: []
c. Enter the live stream page URL: []
If you will need to change the location of the live stream on a regular basis, you should skip the
next step and manually add the location details each time. In the next step
we will explain how to hard code a streaming value that can be used
automatically within Zoom at any time.
b. Setting your default Live Stream key and location.
i. Login into the Zoom website to access your account settings. Select the My
Meetings tab from the left side.
ii. Select Personal Meeting Room tab from the top
iii. At the bottom of the page, select the Live Streaming tab next to Poll
iv. Select the Edit button to edit the Live Settings
c. Configuring the Custom Live Stream Settings:
a. When setting up a Facebook Live you have two options

b. Camera: Go Live Immediately
● Connect: Schedule a Future Facebook Live
d. Available Features During an Immediate Facebook Live
a. While streaming live to Facebook you will have the option
where to stream to. You can choose between
● Your Personal Timeline
● A Facebook Page you Manage
● A Facebook Group you have permission to post in
● A Facebook Event you have permission to post in.
e. Interactive Polls
a. If you wish to present the question as a quiz, you can also select one of
the options as the correct answer. This is done by selecting the circle to
the right of the option box.
3. This will allow BULB to showcase its human side and garner more trust from our
4. Announcing BULB Inspire platforms campaign is a good way to build anticipation for
whatever we plan to tell the freelancers.

Human Resource

The Venue
Venue of the video will be at Invinity Group Office.
Production value tends to be less professional and more raw, which may viewers perceive as
more authentic.

Equipment Needs
- PC or laptop with strong connection
- Additional PC monitor to investigate comments and questions

1. Option 1

BULB t-shirt for the presenter - RM 65.00 – Purchase by company.

2. Option 2

BULB t-shirt for the presenter - RM 65.00 – Purchase by the presenter on staff price.

Survey report tabulation need to be as below to monitor the successful of the Bulb Facebook Live

● Spectator attendance

● Satisfaction of participants (through surveys conducted)

● Numbers of new recruits

Risk Management

Event Equipment Needs Template
Equipment Description Total Ready in Present condition Need to Need to
Required stock borrow hire
PC 1
Monitor 1
Bulb t-Shirt

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