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Mata Uji : Bahasa Inggris

Program Keahlian : Semua Program Keahlian
Hari / tanggal : , Desember 2018
Waktu : Menit
Kelas : XII (sepuluh)

I. Multiple choice

1. Nick: Sir, I think I’m lost.

Jery: …………..
The suitable expression to complete the dialogue is …
A. Let me help you carry your bag.
B. Can I help you? I know this place.
C. May I help you? I have a dog too.
D. Shall I clean your shoes?
E. Can you show me the way?

2. Steve: I don’t understand chemistry at all.

Banno: ………….
The suitable expression to complete the dialogue is …
A. How about having dinner with me?
B. How about going to the beach?
C. How about studying together with me?
D. How about calling the police?
E. How about going to cinema?

3. Jan: You look pale.

Jim: I’ve got a serious headache.
Jan: ………..
A. Let me take you to the restaurant.
B. What about a glass of avocado juice?
C. Let me take you to the hospital.
D. Would you like fried or steamed chicken?
E. Can you accompany me to the hospital?

4. If we … (wake up) earlier, we would have reached school.

a. wake up
b. woke up
c. woken up
d. had woken up
e. waking up

5. Dinda would buy tens luxury houses if she … (win) the lottery.
a. win
b. wins
c. winning
d. had won
e. won

6. If the Sun rises on the west, the world … (end)

a. end
b. ending
c. ended
d. will end
e. ends

7. They … (bring) the cake if the baker had finished it.

a. brought
b. had brought
c. would brought
d. would have bringing
e. would have brought

Caption Text for questions no 8 to 12

8. What is the meaning of the sentence?

a. Love can be represent by music
b. It is about how to play music
c. Love is music
d. A child loves music
e. A father plays music for his child

9. What is the aim of the text?

a. To make readers understand about love
b. To make readers what to know about music
c. To inform readers that music can make love to everyone
d. To inform that a father loves his child
e. To inform that music can bring love

10. What is advantage of the text?

a. Motivate others to care
b. To make others understand love
c. To inform other about music
d. To inform that a father loves his child
e. To inform that music can show a love

11. Why does father in the picture play bamboo flute? Because, bamboo flute…
a. A simple way of music
b. Cheap things
c. It can be found everywhere
d. Everybody can use it
e. Bamboo represent simple, warm, and traditional

12. Why does a child look happy?

a. A child likes a bamboo
b. A child likes his father
c. A child feels his father’s love
d. A child seems get flute
e. A child can sing together

The following text is for number 13 to 17

Pematangsiantar, September, 4th 2020

To : Human Resources Department
Jl. Ambengan No. 12C

Dear Sir,
Based on your advertisement on Kompas newpaper dated on August 30th, 2020 and with my
firm belief of your well established company and lead me submit this resume to II Adminstration
position offered in your company. I am 24 years old, innovative, energetic, highly ambitious, and
good leadership.
I am fresh graduated from Accounting Departement, State Polytechnic of Medan, with
predicate “Very SATISFACTORY” and GPA 2.90 (scale 4). I have been usual work in a team
and organization. I can learn anything fast with intitiative and great will to succeed. I am certain
it all can be useful to work well in this company, and I would appreciate if you give me the
opportunity to discuss my qualication in person.

For detail, I enclosed my CV, Academic Transcript and a recent photograph. Hopefully I may
have the opportunity of proving my ca[ability by being granted an interview.Thank you for your
kind attention

Yours faithfully
Dwi Noviana
13. What newspaper did the company put the advertisement?
a. Solopos
b. Kompas
c. Suara Merdeka
d. Jakarta Pos
e. Republika

14. How old is the writer?

a. 22 years old
b. 23 years old
c. 24 years old
d. 25 years old
e. 26 years old

15. Where did the writer study?

a. At State Polytechnic of Pematangsiantar
b. At Private University of Malang
c. At State Polytechnic of Medan
d. At University of Malang
e. At Malang University

16. What is not the writer’s strengths?

a. Innovative
b. Energetic
c. Highly ambitious
d. Good leadership
e. Honest

17. Where does the writer live?

a. Pematangsiantar
b. Salatiga
c. Semarang
d. Bandung
e. Jakarta

18. They translated some old documents last week. What is the passive form of this sentence?

A) Some old documents are translated by them last week.

B) Some old documents have been translated by them last week.
C) Some old documents were being translated by them last week.
D) Some old documents were translated by them last week.
E) Some old documents been translated by them last week.

19. The important email has been sent by my secretary. What is the active form of this sentence?

A) My secretary was sending the important email

B) My secretary sends the important email
C) My secretary is sending the important email
D) My secretary has been sending the important email
E) My secretary has sent the important email

20. We’ll be visiting our grandmother next week. What is the passive form of this sentence?

A) Our grandmother will be being visited by us next week.

B) Our grandmother will be visited by us next week.
C) Our grandmother would be visited by us next week.
D) Our grandmother would be being visited by us next week.
E) Our grandmother would have been visited by us next week.

II. Essay Test

The following text is for number 1 to 5

Residents assessed the damage after a tornado damaged 150 houses in the district of Tembalang
in Semarang, Central Java late on Saturday after-noon.

Three people were injured and at least five of the houses in the Sendangguwo and Tandang
neighbourhoods were destroyed, while many others were seriously damaged as the tornado
ripped off their roofs. Tohirin aka Jayeng, 40, a resident whose house was leveled at the Sendang
Asri housing complex, said the winds hit about 4 p.m.

"I saw this black wind coming and becoming pointed into a funnel. It suddenly approached and
hit my house," he said.

Tohirin's wife, two children and mother-in law were in the kitchen at the time when the tornado
known locally as "Ulur-ulur" passed over their home, destroying the guest and bedrooms.

"It was as if the wind had lifted my home up," Tohirin said.

The disaster also destroyed the walls of four neighboring houses.

Many other homes in the area lost their roofs and residents and neighbors had started rebuilding
on Sunday.Tembalang district head Dayat said the tornado also damaged a small mosque and
felled power lines and about 50 trees. His office was still collecting data on the damage, he said.

Villagers said the tornado was the worst to hit the district in living memory.

Semarang Mayor Sukawi Sutarip and his wife, Sinto Sukawi, visited the scene on Sunday,
accom panied by senior officials.

"We will provide the victims with assistance immediately," the mayoral spokesman Achyani
(Taken from The Jakarta Post, December 20, 2004)

1. When did the tornado hit the district of Tembalang in semarang?

2. How many houses were destroyed by the tornado in the Sendangguwo and Tandang

3. The tornado hit the district.

4. Which parts of Tohirin's house were destroyed?

5. Who rebuilt the damaged homes?

The following text is for number 6 to 10

Tenants advised to obey regulations on apartment

Jakarta: A building architect has advised families planning to live in an apartment to study
all the relevant regulations prior to moving in to help prevent unexpected security-related
“Tenants must obey certain regulations when living in an apartment, which is far different
from living in a landed-house,” Fendhi Ibuhindar said.
“Tenants of an apartment should abide by regulations set by the owner of the high-rise
building,” he added.
“This is important, especially for a family that has a young child,” he was quoted as saying
According to him, the trend of living in an apartment in Jakarta started only 10 years ago.
Living in an apartment has increasingly become popular.
“Most of Jakarta’s residents are more accustomed to living in a landed house and when
they live in an apartment, many are not ready for apartment-living habits and regulations.
They have to abandon their mindset of living in a landed-house,” he said.
He said that an owner of apartment should also consider aspects of designing and building
materials that are safe for children. “The quality of building materials should be prioritized,”
he said.
“Children’s safety should be the main concern with regards to the building materials that are
used,” he said.
(Adapted from: The Jakarta Post, May 9, 2014)

Answer the questions briefly.

6. What is the source of the text?

7. What is the text about? What is the social function of the text?

8. Which one is the headline? Write it down.

9. Why do you think living in an apartment is getting popular?

10. Who sets the regulations?

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