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Pisces Horoscope 2011

Hindi Name: Meen

Date of Birth: 20th Feb to 20th Mar
Ruling Planet: Guru (Jupiter)
Nakshatras: Revati, Uttra Bhadrapad
Lucky Numbers: 3, 5, 12
Lucky Days: Monday, Thursday
Lucky Colors: Yellow, Green, White
Lucky Stones: Moonga, White Sapphire, Cats Eye

The twelfth and last sign of all zodiacs, Pisces is known for its compassion and
introspect. Ruled by the benefic planet Jupiter, sun enters Pisces around 21 st February
and makes an exit around 20th March. Symbolized by the arrow, Libra is a judgmental
and fiery sign that is governed by divinity and wisdom. The journey of life right from
infancy to adulthood requires introspection and intuition at regular intervals, this
particular sign is a storehouse of all such thoughts. This is a sign of philosophy for the
reason that planets placed here bestow refinement on Pisceans, with a touch of sensitive
sensibilities. There is a planetary delight for all Pisceans as they can look forward to
celestial bonanza.

General Forecast
For most of year 2011, the magnetic planet Saturn will be placed in the seventh house
Virgo, but will transit into Libra around late November. This will have strong bearing on
events related to Pisces. The Jupiter will rein in its own territory Pisces for most of the
time and traverse to the second important house, Aries later on. This will wave
deliberating issues related to travel and family welfare. The key results would be spiritual
growth and spur into charitable causes or politics at all levels.

Career, Love & Health

Planetary influences are strong, which is evident from Jupiter shifting to Pisces around
late November. Relatives form an intrusting overview for your pattern of things. Students
will have renewed interests and improved vigor. Long term relationships are highlighted,
new ventures will come by your way almost unbelievably around late June and July. The
invincible planets at third and ninth houses dedicate changes in your own perspective and
generally towards life. Healthy lifestyle will be forced on top of priorities, either by your
elders or partners.

1 January 2011 (00:00:00 am) to 17 January 2011 (2:59:16 pm)

Frequent transfers are indicated with all government jobs. Saturn ensures smooth run in
all partnership firms and establishments. This period also highlights the need for business
tie ups and mergers. A tough time but worth taking up the rather undulating loads of life
in testing terrains especially on the job front! Frequent changes in job profile are bound to
confuse you. Children will keep you occupied and happy. For students, the right attitude
and approach will give them success and appreciation. Parents will be happy with the
progress of their children.

17 January 2011 (2:59:16 pm) to 6 March 2011 (2:06:33 am)

Employers from overseas will confront you if you are on the look out for jobs, thereby
gaining employment for yourself. There may be lack of commitment and involvement in
the undertakings, increasing negative fluctuations in business. However, this period is
bound to attack you with several health breaches. This is a good time for first-time
visitors to foreign countries. You will develop good intuition during this time. Elders will
be involved with their culture, lifestyle, and pilgrimage. For married couple, your spouse
could be one of the sources of stress.

6 March 2011 (2:06:33 am) to 2 May 2011 (9:57:58 pm)

This is the best time of the year. Be least critical about relationships as over-criticism can
negatively affect you. Family and members will be primary to you. Social gatherings and
get-togethers provide you immense pleasure. Take good care of your partner, and
culminate being generous and liberal. Any of you looking out for a job change; you have
various new opportunities in line. This is an ideal time for fructification of all projects, as
you will face a financially stable facade. Family and business expansion is on the cards.
Retreat with family is in store.

2 May 2011 (9:57:58 pm) to 25 June 2011 (12:35:51 pm)

Intensity of new beginnings gain forward thrust for all businesspeople. Change in
traditional values is on the rise as you are likely to break a few of these around this
period. Money investments will yield good returns this time too. Management students do
well as they are at their polished best. An ideal time to invest in a new small property or
to improve an old one for agricultural purpose! The season supports you with good
rainfall and quality crops keeping you busy.

25 June 2011 (12:35:51 pm) to 17 July 2011 (1:07:19 am)

Quick in your comprehension, you will be inspiring with your thoughts as materialistic
appeals are turned down. You develop a sense of aloofness and disinterest as you are
surrounded by spiritual and philosophy appeals most of this period. Students will
suddenly lose interest and divert to extracurricular activities and competitions. You will
be confronted with hierarchal wars at workplace. Couples will be disturbed by
continuous, strained relationships.

17 July 2011 (1:07:19 am) to 17 September 2011 (9:20:10 am)

This is an apt time for you to invest in real estate. Your partner will not take commands
from you, thereby leading to possible ego clashes. This is a puzzling period for you to
deal with hurdles and tricky obstacles. Avoid inculcating the idea of pursuing others
aspirations as yours. Rather have your own set of goals and priorities. This is a good time
to receive gift from others. If you have a working mother or earning mother, she will
invest in property or purchase a house that will yield good dividends in future. Frequent
tours are in store for working people. Gadgets and technology are not as promising and
supportive as in the previous periods.
17 September 2011 (9:20:10 am) to 5 October 2011 (6:03:33 pm)
Being outspoken will help you speak your mind and with your tact and charm this time,
you make things work for yourself. Although this is a dry patch for students and working
class, you should not lose site of your goals and ambitions. Superiors and bureaucrats will
have to go that extra mile as it is a testing time. Social standings will be tampered if not
responsible enough. Avoid being overtly critical and manage your anger with care.
Health should be given utmost care. Follow normal checkups and advice in action to
avoid emotional feelings and disturbances. Keep trips to hilly terrains at distance. Consult
a counselor for matters of the heart.

5 October 2011 (6:03:33 pm) to 4 November 2011 (10:28:47 pm)

This is a good time for all-round success. Paternal matters are highlighted; they would be
delighted to receive you if you stay away from them. The axis planets are giving you
inner consciousness, making you more aware of the deeper meanings of life. Social
standing is not fantastic but just alright to negotiate. An elevated path of inspiration
comes to you from the opposite sex and you come out on a winning streak. You will be at
your romantic best, where your inclination towards music and fine arts are exhibited.

4 November 2011 (10:28:47 pm) to 31 December 2011 (00:00:00 am)

Soul searching for hidden questions will come up for debates. Your restlessness will
drive you for higher contacts with spiritual gurus or preachers. This is a good time
professionally as it brings monetary gains. All your pursuits will be fulfilled, though they
maybe delayed. You will be delighted by the participation and performance of your
family members. New job seekers, especially in technical fields, will attain good
positions. Those who are working successfully will receive timely promotion. All
delayed endeavourers see the day light, new projects will materialize. Your love for
gadgets and gizmos continues to fascinate you.

General Tips

• Sunday is a difficult day; thus, spend with your family members.

• Monday is good for any work; second part of the day is more auspicious.
• Tuesday is good for professions.
• Wednesday is excellent for studies and partnership.
• Thursday is great for routine work, but take care of your health.
• Friday is a typical day that brings dilemma. It is good for enemies.
• Saturday brings both expenditures and profits.
• Lucky colors are yellow, green, and brown.
• Lucky gems are yellow sapphire and emerald.

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