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~ VISUALIZING INEQUALITY AN INFOGRAPHIC ON FACTS WOMEN ARE FACING RIGHT NOW 2021 International Women’s Nonth Celebration fea ime el ames Der RMR Lien needa soto COM) Ss * Sexual harassment is still an issue that predominantly affects women: more than 83% of complaints in 2017-18 were from women. * Nearly 3 quarters (73.6%) of complaints about discrimination because of being a parent came from women: mothers reported experiencing workplace discrimination as a result of their pregnancy, parental leave, or on return to work while other indicated that they were made redundant, restructured, dismissed or that their contract was not renewed. INFORMATION SOURCE VIOLENCE * Onaverage, one woman a week is murdered by her current or former partner. * Domestic and family violence is the leading preventable cause of death, disability and illness in women aged 15-44 yrs. ENS tee Women are paying more over the course of their lives than men to purchase similar products. Reports included toys and accessories, children’s clothing, adult clothing, personal care products, and home health care products for seniors. 7 percent more for toys and accessories 4 percent more for children’s clothing 8 percent more for adult clothing 13 percent more for personal care products . 8 percent more for senior/home health care products BEING A WOMAN COSTS MORE THAN BEING A MAN: STUDY (CNBC.COM) HTTPS: // THELONDONER.EU/INTERNATIONAL-WOMENS-DAY-WHERE-IS-THE- GENDER -EQUALITY/

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