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As your instructor, I invite you to come with me to a supermarket. Standing

outside you can see that the store is huge. I invite you in and I explain that the
store is full of self-help materials of all kinds. There are special foods for
maintaining hale and hearty health. There are books with instructions for
achieving success in all phases of your life, for replacing bad habits with
positive, healthful ones, for becoming at peace with those around you and with
the world, for becoming more poised and self-assured, for becoming
financially comfortable, and more. There are assistants to help you. This store
is full of aromas to remind you to stay happy and joyful. I explain that you are
entitled to everything you want. You are given a large cart. Go ahead and take
all that you intend to use. Fill up your cart. If you fill your cart, an assistant
will get another cart for you. After your carts are full, you go to the checkout
station where you are reminded that every thing has already been paid for.
Just as you are about to leave you have second thoughts. Maybe all of this is
more trouble than it is worth. You think of the hassle to transfer it to your car
and then to your home. And there will be some, though not much, effort to put
it to use. So you decide to leave it there and go home without it. You are now
home and you sit in a comfortable chair and daydream. You realize that your
decision to leave those resource materials was rash. The use of all those
resources will help you achieve your dreams. Maybe they really do work.
You jump out of your chair and race back to the superstore. Your cart is still
there. But in place of all the bulky resource materials, and in place of all the
helpful assistants, there is just this book. Now you realize how easy it is to put
your genie to work for your best health and welfare. You grab this book and
cradle it as if it was worth all the gold in the world. This instruction book is
the key to your most valuable resource, your subconscious mind— YOUR
GENIE. Use the knowledge in this book and cherish your genie.

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