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Website Traffic

Underground Secrets
How to Setup Your Secret Traffic System
and Make Money Online

By George Langer

You have 100% giveaway rights to this report!

You have permission to give this report away or include it as a bonus
to any product or membership site if the content is left unchanged.

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al storage or retrieval system without expressed permission from the author.


The information presented herein represents the views of the author as of the date
of publication. Because of the rate with which conditions change, the author re-
serves the rights to alter and update his opinions based on the new conditions.

This course is for informational purposes only and the author does not accept any
responsibilities for any liabilities resulting from the use of this information. While
every attempt has been made to verify the information provided here, the author
and his referrals cannot assume any responsibility for errors, inaccuracies or omis-
sions. Any slights of people or organizations are unintentional.
Website Traffic Underground Secrets

Table of Contents
Website Traffic Underground Secrets..............................................................................................1
Introduction – The Truth about Traffic.............................................................................................2
Why Go Underground?..............................................................................................................................................3
Secret Source 1: Leads Leap Advertisement....................................................................................5
Secret Source 2: 100 – 500 Daily Visits with Simple Free Traffic Method.......................................7
Secret Source 3: The True Power of Emails...................................................................................13
What is a safelist......................................................................................................................................................13
The Reasons Why Safelists Work.............................................................................................................................13
Using It The Right Way.............................................................................................................................................14
Getting Started........................................................................................................................................................16
Sending Your First Message.....................................................................................................................................17
Secret Source 4: Go viral to Get 1 Million Free Visitors.................................................................19
How You Get 1 Million Visitors................................................................................................................................21
Secret Source 5: Zounds Of Dirty Cheap Visitors...........................................................................22
Get creative!............................................................................................................................................................23
BONUS CHAPTER: How To Get Really Rich Online.........................................................................24
Final advice..............................................................................................................................................................25

Introduction – The Truth about Traffic

Dear online entrepreneur,

no matter how long you have been online you certainly know that
traffic is essential for any online business.

And no matter how great your business model is, without traffic
you will hardly earn a dime. It is really simple as that and to be
the most successful you need multiple sources of traffic.

A lot have been written about various traffic techniques like SEO,
Facebook traffic, PPC advertising and so on. And like with all oth-
er things there are vast majority of crap and only a tiny percent-
age of quality content that will really help you.

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Website Traffic Underground Secrets

And although this report is aimed on 'underground' traffic tech-

niques, to be really successful, you have to know those 'conven-
tional' ones too to be able to use multiple sources of traffic.

I have been studying and practising those classical techniques on

many projects. Probably the best source I have ever seen on SEO
and website traffic is George Brown's Traffic Ultimatum and if you
are serious in making money online (which I guess you are), you
should definitely consider this investment which will return you
many times.

But for now, let's go 'underground'...

(but don't be afraid too much :-))

Why Go Underground?

I realize strongly how important the traffic is for my and your on-
line business. And I also have a little passion for always finding
new sources of traffic.

Now I want to share results of my research with you.

I have discovered really powerful sources of traffic. Some of them

are misunderstood or even deplored by certain people.

I can't agree with that. These sources aren't ineffective or even


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Website Traffic Underground Secrets

In fact they are VERY POWERFUL and if used properly you can
create massive source of lifetime traffic on autopilot of it.

And they are all either FREE or DIRTY CHEAP!

You can successfully use this source of traffic to promote your

home money making programs like Easy Downlines and pro-
grams within it like GDI or TrafficWave.

You can also use it to promote your or someone else's products

as an affiliate and make a lot of money with it.

Warning: These traffic sources will only work for you if you
TAKE ACTION to implement them! Taking action is the only differ-
ence that separates successful people from those who will never

All the systems are easy to set-up and you can benefit from them
greatly, so please don't be like those lazy ones morons that com-
ply all the time about not making any money online.

Don't try to do everything in one sitting. Start with choosing one

source, implement it and master it. Then move to another. This
way you will experience the best results - you will be getting a lot
of traffic and make more money. You will be surprised with the
great results – believe me, I experienced it myself.

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Website Traffic Underground Secrets

Secret Source 1: Leads Leap Advertisement

Leads Leap is a great advertising system that I have discovered
recently and that works extremely well.

It is free to join membership site where you can advertise for

credits you earn by referring other people to it but there are
much more ways.

But I use Leads Leap to generate much more traffic with up-
graded membership. Believe me, it is totally worth it and you are
getting commissions for referring new members so after referring
2-3 paying members you have your PRO membership for FREE!

Refer more people and they will pay YOU :-).

Leads Leap promote your ads by delivering quality content on

their blog and in their newsletter and you will also find a lot of
high quality free materials inside members area.

For decent price I am getting hundreds and even thousands of

clicks and many of them signed to my Easy Downlines and my

Download their free e-book to discover more about Leads Leap

advertising and how to use it effectively:
=>Download Free PDF Here<=

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Website Traffic Underground Secrets

Here are my tips that will really boost your traffic (and in-
• First of all you get 100 credits just for opening a free ac-
count Here

• I highly recommend to upgrade your membership instantly

(from their one-time offer) – you will save a lot of money
that way (unfortunately I missed this opportunity and I
have to pay full price :-()

• Try to refer as many people in first days, because you will

get a lot of credits for them – I recommend using some
source of dirty cheap advertisement like adfly (by the way,
it is my other secret traffic weapon that works great) or
sending the offer to your list if you have one.

• You get 500 credits for each referral you deliver within first
48 hours

• Deliver at least 20 new members (or better 100) – you will

be getting 500 – 1000 free credits each month. Some of
your referrals will probably upgrade and you will be getting
nice commissions.

• You can build your downline up to 10th level so it is good

idea to motivate your referrals to bring in new people. You
can contact them directly within your member's area.

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Website Traffic Underground Secrets

• Continue delivering new members (use the tools within your

members area) to get more credits and make more money.

• Congratulations! You now have very powerful source of

traffic AND INCOME.

Now you can see how powerful Leads Leap is when used properly.
Don't forget that it will only work for you if you take action as de-
scribed above.

This system is very easy to set-up and it will start bringing you
new traffic and commissions very soon so do it right now!

OK, we can now move to other traffic source...

Secret Source 2: 100 – 500 Daily Visits with

Simple Free Traffic Method
In the beginning I will describe you simple free traffic method
that can bring you 100 – 500 daily visits to your site for approx-
imately 1 hour of work.

We will be using “Traffic exchange” systems to achieve these res-

ults and if you already heard about that systems you may now
start to be afraid because many people declare that traffic ex-
change systems don’t work.
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Website Traffic Underground Secrets

I can’t agree with that and I will tell you why.

In fact traffic exchange is the most misunderstood traffic genera-

tion technique but you can achieve great results with it if you use
it properly.

First of all lets assume who are the people using these systems –
they are here mostly because they have to get free traffic, make
money or something similar. So it is very targeted audience
providing you have something of that sort to promote.

On the other hand you will be wasting you time marketing other
niche products on traffic exchanges, people might be interested
in e.g. football, but they are not surfing traffic exchanges to learn
about football. If you want to promote niche products on ex-
changes you need to spin in from the “make money” angle.

And since we know people are busy surfing to generate traffic to

their own pages, we can’t expect them to read a long sales letter.
You only have a few seconds to catch their attention before they
click on to next site so you need to get their attention fast – then
you want to get their contact info so you can follow up and make
the sale.

It’s extremely difficult to sell directly on a traffic exchange, be-

cause people are not searching for products they are advertising

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Website Traffic Underground Secrets

their own business… So always use traffic exchanges to build a

list of subscribers and THEN go for the sale on the back end (es-
tablish solid relationship with your subscribers and then send
them your offer).

But I must warn you – there are thousands of traffic exchange

systems out there, but very few of them are actually worth us-
ing. I highly recommend that you focus your efforts on 5-10 of
the big ones. I have listed some best traffic exchange systems

But first let's have a look on exact process that will make your
traffic exchange technique work for you effectively.

You will need the web browser that allows opening multiple tabs
(I use Mozilla Firefox, but you should be OK with other quality
browser as well).

And one important note: Because you will be getting e-mails

from these systems and their members, don't use your primary
e-mail address when registering to theses systems. Instead cre-
ate free e-mail account with Gmail or similar service).

So here is the step by step process:

Step 1: Join 5 – 10 best traffic exchange systems for free – the
list of best ones is below.

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Website Traffic Underground Secrets

Step 2: Set URL of page you want to promote (your squeeze

page to gather e-mail addresses).

Step 3: Set-up banner advertising of your site (optional).

Step 4: Open surfing URL of each system in separate tab of your


Step 5: Create new folder in your browser’s bookmarks and add

all surfing urls to it for future reference.

Step 6: Start surfing.

Step 7: To get credits you must wait at each page for 10 – 20

seconds depending on system and then confirm – click matching
image they show you.

Step 8: Confirm first tab and then move to another immediately.

Step 9: After confirming last tab, return back to first one and re-
peat whole process.

You will be able to surf A LOT of sites this way and earn nice
amount of credits with each system. Don’t forget to distribute
your earned credits to your URL. Some systems allow you to turn
the 'auto distribution' on.

Using this method 1 hour a day can bring you horde of visitors
each day and although you can’t count with best quality you can

Website Traffic Underground Secrets

get many subscribers in long term. The key here is to be consist-

ent and use it regularly. I managed to get around 1-5 subscribers
each day using this method which is not bad at all – the method
is FREE.

But you can be getting a lot more by referring other people to

these membership sites. By doing this they will become your 're-
ferrals' and you will be getting shares of their traffic and even
make money if they upgrade their membership or buy credits.

You can improve your results by split testing different versions of

your landing page.

Here are several best traffic exchange systems:

1. Dragon Surf – join free

2. Traffic Bunnies – join free

3. Traffic-Splash – join free

4. I Love Hits – join free

5. Start XChange – join free

6. Tezak Traffic Power – join free

7. Hit Safari – join free

8. Advertising Know How – join free

9. Fast Easy Traffic – join free

10. Blue Surf – join free

11. Traffic Witch – join free

Website Traffic Underground Secrets

12. TS 25 – join free

Many people who hadn’t other sources of traffic built their busi-
ness with this method and so could you. And even if you have
traffic you can add this source to it. You can also make nice com-
missions when your referral upgrades his membership or buys

The rules of traffic exchange success:

1. Promote your sites from money making, traffic or similar

2. Promote only your squeeze page where you are gathering

subscribers contacts

3. Use this method regularly for your long term success

4. Track your results for each system

5. Split test and improve your squeeze page to get more sub-

6. IMPORTANT – bring new people to your traffic exchange

systems (use your affiliate link inside member's area). You
will get the share of their traffic and even can make money
if they upgrade their membership!

Website Traffic Underground Secrets

Secret Source 3: The True Power of Emails

Now it's time to move to another free traffic source. This is my
favourite source because I started building my online business
with it and I still use it to drive huge amounts of traffic on daily
basis. I am of course talking about safelists.

What is a safelist

Safelists are a free membership sites where the members have

agreed to receive email ads from other members, in exchange for
being able to send their own email ads to the entire list. A safelist
is a members only list and the members are always double optin.

Safelists are great advertising resource - however lot of people

say they don't work. I can't agree with that – these people only
don' t understand how to use it properly.

But I am going to show you the right way to make it work for

The Reasons Why Safelists Work

Safelists are effective for much the same reasons as traffic ex-
changes. It's the same target market, they need and are looking
for a program like Easy Downlines. And like the traffic exchanges,
safelists they are free and very easy to use, and you can get a lot
of free traffic very fast and on a consistent basis.

Website Traffic Underground Secrets

The only real difference is that instead of surfing each other's

pages like on the traffic exchanges, on safelists you are browsing
each other's email ads - and if anything that actually make safel-
ists the more effective of the two, with higher conversion rates

Using It The Right Way

People often do the wrong things... They post long and boring
text ads they have just copied from some affiliate program, and
they are sending ceceivers straight to a sales page hoping to
make immediate sale. It's no surprise at all that this attitude
brings them zero results (and these are exactly the people who
tell you that safelists don't work).

The background is same as for the traffic exchanges:

• People are posting to safelists because they have something
they want to promote or sell.
• They are using safelists because they want free traffic (and
more of it).
• They are generally busy doing their own thing, and are not
looking to buy something (right now).

You will get most from safelists when you offer:

• A free ecourse or membership that will show people how
they can make more sales and money!
• A downline builder that will earn them more free traffic and
referrals on autopilot!
Website Traffic Underground Secrets

• A complete marketing system that will make their own

safelist advertising much more effective!

A lot of people will sign up and you'll reap the benefits in form of
a lot of new downline members, extra free traffic and sales.

Systems like Easy Downlines, Leads Leap or 1 Million Visitors are

perfect for these purposes.

Important note: by registering to safelist systems you agree to

receive emails from all the other members, so you can expect to
receive a lot of emails daily (even hundreds).

So under NO circumstances should you use your main

email address when you join safelists!

Instead create new free email account with Gmail (Google Mail).

In fact you will need to create two email accounts. You will re-
ceive the actual safelist emails to the first one. The second one is
even more important, because the systems will use it as your
contact address and will send important messages and also solo
ads – clicking links in these ads will bring you many times more
credits than those in your first email, so always be sure to click
on it (check also your spam folder – you will usually receive
between 300 – 1000 credits, but I was even credited 25000 cred-

Website Traffic Underground Secrets

its for one of those 'admin' e-mails, which means I could send
e-mail to 25000 members for free)!

So create two Gmail accounts and name them something that

you can easily remember - for example: and

Getting Started

Now we're ready to start joining some safelists and posting our
first ads. I'm going to carry on from last step and once again use
Adtactics as the example.

This will guide you through joining one safelist and posting your
ad (step by step). The procedure is almost identical for all the
other safelists on this page, so you should be OK joining the rest
on your own.

Step 1: Click here to open Adtactics in a new window and click

on the "Join Now" button.

Step 2: Fill out the form choosing a username and password.

And don't forget to enter your Paypal email so you can earn com-
missions when your downline joins Adtactics under you!

You should have set up your two Gmail accounts by now, and you
use them in the relevant fields for "Contact E-mail" and "List E-

Website Traffic Underground Secrets

Step 3: Click the button to complete the sign up. Note that you
to activate your account you have to click a confirmation link at
both the list and contact email. Go do that now and then log in to
members area.

Sending Your First Message

Now it's time to send out you first ad, and to make it easy, I'm
going to send out a simple text ad. Here's a step by step guide
on how to do that...

Step 1: Inside the members area - locate the "Credit Mailer" but-
ton on the left side bar menu and click on it.

Step 2: Since we're sending a text ad this time... click on the

link that says "Click here to send message in TEXT mode".

Step 3: Fill out the ad as follows (use your own referral link)...

Subject: Congratulations, You Have Been Granted...


Congratulations, you have have been granted

free instant access to the Easy Downlines
home business building system.

Website Traffic Underground Secrets


Your free membership gives you complete

unrestricted private access to the entire
marketing and training success system as
used by thousands of other happy Easy
Downlines members.

Click here for free instant access:


Best Regards,
Your Name
The URL of website:
Send to: put in a high a number as you have credits for, but not
higher than the max number of people you are allowed to mail.
Sending Options: leave this as "Send Right Now"
Save This Message?: Optional, but if you chose to save it you
can easily send this ad again later.
Press then send button... Congratulations! You have just sent out
your first safelist promo email!

Website Traffic Underground Secrets

Now it's time to join the rest of the safelists and send out an ad
to each one of them. Here are my favourite and most effective
safelists, I recommend to start with those and eventually join
others later:
1. Global Safelist – join for free
2. List Building Maximizer – join for free
3. Elite Safelist – join for free
4. GOT Safelist – join for free
5. Ad Tactics – join for free
6. Reactive Adz – join for free
7. Your Safelist – join for free

Easy Downlines let you propagate your safelists all in one place!

Important note: As in case of traffic exchange systems you get

credits for bringing in new referral and you get commissions for
their purchases. It can be vital to upgrade your membership
within one or more of safelists, because you will get a lot of free
credits on regular basis and also much higher commissions.

Secret Source 4: Go viral to Get 1 Million Free

The power of viral traffic is the secret weapon of most successful
online marketers.

Website Traffic Underground Secrets

Don't be afraid, the term 'viral' has nothing to do with computer

virus. Although there is one thing they have in common – the
way it spreads.

It works like this:

You have some content that you send to your several people.
Those people find it so interesting or helpful that they will share it
with their friends and these friends share it with their friends
and.... you can imagine, right?

It happens often on Facebook or Yyoutube – when somebody up-

loads really amazing video – it spreads virally.

In fact all the system I described above are sort of viral – you
refer new people to get benefits in form of traffic or commissions.

In this section I want to share with you my favourite viral tool

that I use to generate lots of traffic in long term.

This tool is a membership site and works this way:

To join the site (it is free but you can upgrade to speed-up whole
process of traffic generation) you have to go through 6 sites of
other members.

Than you can sign in and insert your own URL to advertise. And
this is the same case as in traffic exchanges or safelists – you will
do great mostly with free traffic generating or money making of-
Website Traffic Underground Secrets

fers like Easy Downlines, Leads Leap or any of your safelists or

traffic exchange systems.

How You Get 1 Million Visitors

Ok, let's say you just signed up – you became level 1 member.
You started to referring new members. Each of them have to go
through your site and other 5 sites of members who are ABOVE
you (on level 2 – 5).

Let's say you refer 10 people and those people start to refer an-
other people. For those new people you become level 2 member
and your ad will move to second position in the line.

If each of your 10 referrals bring in 10 new people, it is 100 ex-

posures of your advertised website (+ 10 from your referrals).

I hope you start to getting the idea, if not, forgive my poor ex-
planation and read much better HERE.

You get 1000 visitors on 3rd level, 10000 on 4th, 100000 on 5th
and finally 1 Million on 6th level from each system providing each
of members will bring 10 new.

Note: This process takes longer than traffic generation with other
sources described in this report and not everyone will bring 10
new people. However this source traffic can grow rapidly in
longer term especially if you don't stop after bringing 10 new
Website Traffic Underground Secrets

Imagine how effective can it be if you bring in 100 or more


Secret Source 5: Zounds Of Dirty Cheap

Last (but not least by any means) underground source of traffic I
want to share with became my favourite after I tested it on sev-
eral cases.

I am talking about Adfly. You probably know Adfly as URL

shortener, but it also provides great cheap advertising.

And I am talking about really DIRTY CHEAP advertising,

because you pay as low as $1 (or even $0.40 in specific
case) per 1000 visitors!

It is great source for advertising freebies and free to join mem-

bership sites. I was able to bring A LOT of really cheap sub-
scribers to my Easy Downlines, Leads Leap and some other

And Although I have to be honest with you here and warn you
that this traffic is not targeted, it can be very effective if you are
advertising something that everyone wants.

Website Traffic Underground Secrets

And since almost everybody would like to make money online,

you will be successful with your Easy Downlines, Leads Leap or
similar product.

You can also use it for CPA – to get paid, when these people fill in
subscription form and there are many companies that offers
chance to win free iPad, which is irresistible offer for almost

If you use Adfly for building your own list, I would definitely use
double opt-ins, to separate quality subscribers from those untar-

The cool thing is that you can geo-target your visitors, so you can
for example get only visitors from Australia or Germany, if you

Get creative!

I am sure that you will come up with your own ideas. Don't be
afraid and get creative. Test various possibilities and than stick
with those most profitable.

Website Traffic Underground Secrets

BONUS CHAPTER: How To Get Really Rich

Congratulations! Now you are armed with 5 really powerful
sources of 'underground' traffic. You can combine it effectively
with each other and also with those classical sources to build
huge streams of traffic flowing to your websites on autopilot.

But there is one important thing you should do to get really rich
online and make your main stream of lifetime income from inter-

You should use your traffic effectively – to build a list of sub-

scribers, build a relationship with them and then offer them use-
ful products to make money MANY TIMES. If you are already do-
ing it – congratulations!

But don't be disappointed if you don't have your list yet. It is

never late to start building one. In fact the time is NOW (do you
remember how important is to take action) to start building your
profitable online business soon.

The one great way how to start building your list is to upgrade
your Easy Downlines membership. They will than add each mem-
ber you refer to your list and they will even mail their offers with
YOUR affiliate ID (so you get all the commissions – great feature
that I use all the time).

Website Traffic Underground Secrets

To build your list you will have to set-up autoresponder. Fortu-

nately one of products within Easy Downlines is quality and easy
to use autoresponder called Traffic Wave – you can try it for free!

Your other choice could be professional autoresponder that most

of online gurus use – GetResponse or Aweber.
I hope you understand the power of listbuilding and honestly I
wouldn't recommend you to even think about making serious
money online without listbuilding.

Final advice

Starting making money online involves a lot of work and it won't

get rich overnight. But if you are serious and take proper action
regularly you will succeed and you could experience the life you
never dreamed of.

Everything will be much easier and you will reach your goals
much sooner if you get a high quality training like Internet
Lifestyle, Faster Smarter Better, IM Tutorials or really powerful IM
Explained that will lead you step by step to your success.

There is also high quality and free Internet Marketing Newsletter


Remember that if you perform effective actions regularly

you are on best way to your online wealth!

Website Traffic Underground Secrets

To your success!
George Langer

You have 100% giveaway rights to this report!

You have permission to give this report away or include it as a bonus
to any product or membership site if the content is left unchanged.

You can get a free e-mail course “How To Start Making Money Online In 5
Days” here:

Recommended Resources

Money Making Training:

• Internet Lifestyle
• Faster Smarter Better
• IM Tutorials
• IM Explained
• Internet Marketing Newsletter

Downline builders:

• Easy Downlines
• TrafficWave

Traffic resources:

• Traffic Ultimatum

Website Traffic Underground Secrets

Cheap Advertising:

• Leads Leap
• Adfly

Traffic Exchanges:

• Dragon Surf

• Traffic Bunnies

• Traffic-Splash

• I Love Hits

• Start XChange

• Tezak Traffic Power

• Hit Safari

• Advertising Know How

• Fast Easy Traffic

• Blue Surf

• Traffic Witch

• TS 25

Viral Traffic:

• 6 Viral Clicks


Website Traffic Underground Secrets

• Global Safelist
• List Building Maximizer
• Elite Safelist
• GOT Safelist
• Ad Tactics
• Reactive Adz
• Your Safelist

Email systems:
• GetResponse
• Aweber
• Gmail


Thank you for reading this report!

As a special thank you I have put together a list of my favourite sites and
most useful resources! Enjoy:

Bonus #1: FREE Video

FREE Video Reveals How You Can COPY

The Exact Strategies For Making
$7,230.95 In Just 29 Days From

Click Here For Instant Access

Website Traffic Underground Secrets

Bonus #2: Internet Marketing Success Formula

Discover How You Can Easily Build A Massive

List & Earn More Cash Than You Ever
Thought Possible...

This Ultimate Step By Step Internet Marketing

Plan Makes It Impossible to Fail & You Can
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Click Here For Instant Access

Bonus #3: Easy Downlines – Free Membership

Free Easy Downlines Membership Access - $97

Value! Your free membership gives you com-
plete unrestricted private access to the entire
marketing and training success system as used
by thousands of other happy Easy Downlines

Click Here For FREE Instant Access

Bonus #4: Get 1 million FREE visitors!

Click Here For Instant Access

Website Traffic Underground Secrets


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