Terminal Server and Configuring Load Balancing

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Object: Implementation of terminal server for the users who are in UNIX & SUN Platform.

Network Load balancing technique is used to avoid the bottle neck in the usage of Terminal
services where the users are more.

Configurations & Platform Details

Terminal Server 1:

Host Name: inccistw0005

IP Address:
OS: WINDOWS 2003 – Enterprise edition

Terminal Server 2:

Host Name: inccistw0006

IP Address:
OS: WINDOWS 2003 – Enterprise edition

Cluster IP:
Physical IP - 1: –
Internet name: adicluster.ad.adichn.eu.alcatel.com

Physical IP - 1: –
Internet name: windowsts.ad.adichn.eu.alcatel.com

System Specifications

Procedure for installing Terminal Server

Step 1: Since we are to configure load balancing, its advised to install the server with Windows 2003
enterprise edition.

Step 2: Here we don’t see the procedures for installing the operating system

Step 3: We directly move to the installation of Terminal Services.

Step 4: At the run prompt type “appwiz.cpl”

Step 5: It will open the “Add or Remove Programs” wizard.

Step 6: Click on “Add Remove Windows Component”

Step 7: A new window will open, on that, check on “Terminal Server” and “Terminal Server Licensing”

Step 8: Click on the “next “ button in the following screens.

Step 8: When it prompts for security method, check on “Full Security”.

Step 9 : When it prompts for licensing, Check on “ I will specify a license server with 120 days”

Step 10: Make sure you apply the license within 120 days.
Step 11: When it prompts for licensing mode, check on “ Per Device”

Step 12: Make the license server available for your entire enterprise.
Step 13: Restart the machine for successful installation.

Step 14 : After restarting, Click on administrative tools in Program Menu and see whether Terminal
Services has been installed.
Step 15 : Not all users can log into Terminal Server

Step 16: The users who need Terminal Server access should be added into Remote Desktop Users Group.

Step 17: Select the Remote Desktop Users and in the next screen click on “ADD” to add users.
Step 18: That’s it Terminal Server is successfully installed and users added to remote desktop group.

Configuring Load balancing on Terminal Servers.

Before configuring load balancing, make sure that you have installed two Terminal Servers, which has to
be in same VLAN.

Step 1: Click on Start – Programs – Administrative Tools – Network Load Balancing.

Step 2: Click on Cluster – New Cluster

Step 4: In the cluster parameters, give the new virtual IP address

Step 5: Give a FQDN for the cluster
Step 6: Select Multicast if you are using a single Network Adapter
Step 7: Specify a password for Remote Control (Not Mandatory)

Step 8: In the next screen, specify on which ip address cluster should work.
Step 9: Specify the port details, you needn’t make any changes in this.
Step 10 : In the next screen, add the second systems host name to this cluster.
Step 10: Here we can see cluster is configured for two systems.

Thus the above steps help you in configuring terminal server with load balancing.

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