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8€ DAA rae oe ex mn AA Ps THE Alle a ery "WEATHERING a ee yl me” wr ieee / a] 920¢ role rozenl e MRAP. ARMOURED) ie pic-3 te Bi m= ate iity ; ‘ae Bate ae Roe eB eee rn a nr) Cee es sha se ree eee er ra as First Yehicles were delivered for testing in 2007. Over 6,000 of these mine-protected vehicles were built. These armored SS nee ee ets a Poa aera Ra aL ots Cece eo end eee ad eee Ses Rubber tres nel eka a one eT) pyaar tori oh ST Crean are eure need Yeurse SD PayPal “nN ‘vert in American hislory more mésundersioed than the Viet Wat twas nisteperted then, nd it mtememtered new. Richard M. Nuon, 37th Pesident, Unite States of America | might also ad hat no other rind has been mare uncercepresnad, feven ignore by the modeling werd, as has the Vietnam War. And th boyserd ois Daye hear me? Sut focus at The Waatherrg Magazine has Deen to Lexpore wextherng techniques ina ona.ata-tme, ssue-by- sue tora Bhi not this time No Sit in tissue the rules of engagement are Hose ‘wide open with the cry recuirerentbekx each subject rite to tis Lerultious penad. Our contrttars took full advantage ofthis weckena peKslby choctng 2 wide range of levels ing taehneyes to outstandeg For ths mission we have assemble a lthal team of contactors, each a highly tamed veteran of the madelng vars. Cr the ground wo fortify Dur postions with the hardened steel of “Spud” Murpiy as he refers 10 hotoaraohs to add reals ar detall on @ M8 — complete with owices the counterpont to the American 9 aly etaled 118 T59. Jamo Hagae provides ar Beaver by shoucaing two imporant watbces an Fa Fhantom and a MiG M7, Vadim Cernchencko aso does a double rtation wit two excelent {oveenas showcasing figure painting and terrain techniques. Oishi Medeler [fori the ulate “what f° with aspecal forces Mach an patrol slong he cambodian border The helcopter gunshe, vhich carte to symbole ican effrt blartly portray’ by Yang Yu-Pe wth bis “Share BlBER” ticle while Ruben Torregossaprowdes @ game ale perspective loftheconflct. Ac tnaly, we eke a tinal ack back on the war, ea late, Ia pogrant ugnette festunng former POW John MeCain at he makes 3 stra, lock and led, herewe go and we'e goin’ in hot, love the sl cof mading lue in the morning & RPE ES PL a Chef ctor Layout 8 thatratore Rick Lawler Antonio Alonso Collaborators John Murph lain Hamitton, Jean-Bernard André Vladimir Demchenko ‘THE WEATHERING MAGAZINE by deo Arte Asssrant Iain Hamilton At he Migimenee Yang ¥u-Pet abaya Tai seo rote ieee Management ra een Rubén Torregrosa String & Commurity aba er oe Manager Manager Elizabeth Wiese sr Pore Valls Alatya ISSN 2340-289% er inex cihtaneXtana Rand M48 A3 PATTON “Spud” Murphy provides some Flower Powered muscle to the engagement with this photo inspired M48 Patton; sporting alethal twin 50 package and 2 pretty parasol! pag 6 NVA STEEL Jain Hamton showeases the Norths an- swet to American battlefield might with ‘a beautifully painted NVA 759, Chale Pritchett provides the platform through the use of his excellent scratch building and convertion skis NAM OFFICERS Vladimir Demehencko also does two tours in the 'NAM with two excellent dioramas showveasing figure painting nd terrain techniques, giving us a re~ alisticlook at the combat environment and the soldiers who fought the war in SE. Asia, mete SHARK ATTACK Feel the wash of the rotobledes as Yan ‘Yu-Pe lands his Shark Mouthed Huey He- licopter onto the pages of The Westhe- ring Magazine, Expertly portrayed, this Huey i Grinning from ear to ear and ready fraction aes F-4B PHANTOM II Jamie Haggo provides aerial ground support with his lethal Fa Marine Corps Phantom. Fully armed and per- fectly rendered, this war bird is !oo- king for a fight. eee FULL METAL MECH Oishi Modeller creates a new breed of (Ops force with his mechanical warrior Fearless and fearsome, this deep Jungle ‘operative will surely put the hurt on the enemy. pag. $0 The Vietnam War has always held 2 special interest to me and in par ‘ticular the M48 Patton Tank that the US forces deployed to the conflict. | loved the scruffy, battered appeerance and the way they were modified by the crews including extra weapons and piled high with personal equipm 1 For this particular article I have: 135 maga3 (Modal 8) perfectly with all loved the flower patterned: the turret crew. This then gave: a this model and the idea for recreating the ‘weathering effects. | would also like to thank Alex from Uschi van der Rosten for going out of his way to create the flower pettern decal for me se0n in ths photo, the fondo a@ now and uncamaged. star the batle darace the frst sard was cut ‘Once the stowage bins had been glued in place, the cuter por ws ofthe mudguards were carefully bent and deformed sing & smal par of cd Copying my retere seratehbuit fom 8 ( THEWEATHERING MAGAZINE / VIETNAM ‘Once the base areen colors hat been ape ean the \were piled to the engine deck weathering, | stort by ming Dark Mu and Industral Far which ae stippled along ara of high wear with 2 sponge 10. ename! colour Wastes enc! A combination of a prewrned mud, aye paint and water were used to ceate volume tothe mug “This was mised into a peste that replicated the Vietnam eaith co- Jour | had in mind for ‘the mocel To begin the weathering en the lower hull a heavly dk Lifecolors Southern Europe Mud and Brake dust are rorushed o E ly appied 10 Lreloneshulland running Once it nad been allows to oy | set anout removing much wth some warm water andan a toothsh, For the 1h vrai tified peinrush, THE WEATHERING MAGAZINE BEY ete we can now soe the result of our removal vie te the peste only remains around prominent detail his has helped create 8 natural srutfy appearance The next step is to make trac mbcur, this time based around the fir ftecured Realty In Scale ‘Mudsina-Por, pigments and. acrgic matt varnish Melt veribh used 10 ying smal brush tha mud aagied tote hull and running gear SRE Nee De EE Iris mportant wo think logcally where the mud wuld achere to the STE ‘eile due to the mation of the vehicle and gravy A hight thinned version of the dust mature apples around the ‘etal and on te honizanta surfaces ofthe bull and turret the tracts, turet and Tal agments 270 es white sit 7 sete the cone ast oper cor acts te bean get: Pot To create dust affects on mere red together th dust cesloured ol pat var wih, 25 the PTI ture ws is nd tenure, wile the of pat Tonish off, ry ‘the prevous dust wath, Nothing i ran acta dust xd to the atk. so the wesh dest poo, Bul see the wash being eld in the Forze post the tracks spread evenly Before the wesh dies Fully 3 tis reader partons ofthe trace tris Asal bus s used to apply the pigments. scubbs ion used to fi the laments in slece finshed tack Avy further ‘THE WEATHERING MAGAZINE /VIETNAM / 13 WWI CAMO SETS THE AUTHENTIC CAMOUFLAGE COLORS OF THE WWI ue Py pi = Ser mae rete Acryl paint : setffor camouflage colors used in WWII LIGHT- -CONTR AST & CAMOUFLAGE SYSTEM FOR You ee : ip Bed mT Se eee TS Pre mye Ty reread Pry orgies a po r 3 ernie} rr Ri bene —. ane es 5% SX ‘ 5 a A hats < = - y ~ J ~ ~ xe) ae seen. a Pore eed ss sca 35 To Sd “Now serving the whole of Europe” Trading®Design Medelbouwverf by MaRo Trading&Design NVA STEEL * ~ fain {J Hamilton drives us within the hobby, For is the Vietnam War - war of extremes donse, humid jungles, breezy open plains and ‘the Vietnam Wetlectinerey ule vtevingentie flickering reminder of the true éost of war. To this day the Vietnam experience continues to influence US foreign policy, the domestic agenda and Social per ceptions When the theme for this issue was dacided there was no doubt that 1 would contribute, However, | wanted to present something just a litle bit out of the ordinary — North Vietnamese armor not something that is usually associated with the NVA. Unfortunately, there are no kits on the market that accurately portray NVA armor, s0 | elicited the help and advice of my friend Charife Prit- chet who would work to transform the Tamiya T'S into a Chinese copy known {5 the 7-54; as employed by the NVA and known in the west as the Type 59 16 / THEWWEATHERING MAGAZINE | VIETNAM: [An example of "Hal" modeling. The unpinted ‘madel shows-cff the extont of the werk mcved to create the ype 59; Changes nciute arose lenge deck; weit sears and modifcarions 10 the turet and coud wheels Usira pried photos as reference; unique cetals for 2 number of ferent Vehicles wore inched onto the riodel, Puriaps the most interesting feature being & German NETEK ight mounted cbove the neadght cage Painting besins by eppling a bese layer of AMMO black colered primer Primer i ciical fora mode wth mult-meda construction in eer 0 nity he vanity of materia as was used on ths conversion ‘THE WEATHERING MAGAZINE /VIETNAM / 17 In orcor to previde an interesting camas for weat tm crate coneastn the! at the eae tage by "er poiating ‘white orimes. Although Impertant naezontal features cur te the shadowy areas giving volume too rode Dictngushing features ofthe T59 such as the exerral plunking hive been nghlghtad win AMMO acres {ERING MAGAZINE / VIETNAM ing, Important 0 clos. Fortis pect begin that process ighights 1 selected areas usirg it looks hes naw, this extreme contrast nil be 1a for alvely end interesting monochromatic paint scheme Bulcing coriast nto a menatane bate colo is cca etre 100mm man ‘un, fel tanks, and too storage boxes stow conttast, £n argiccclor suitable ta raresert Chinese green is igh sprayed over he black end white primes base. i you lok cateuly you ca the shadows and contrasts ofthe black and white primer influencing the color, This is ecoay the effect that | am leaking for see Ivany raters of aur base color are used tho details of our subject. Raed uch as ont heads ae orough to Me wtirs fee brs Highly thinned ochre olore artist's os ware used to create a fie served to unify the base colors and estableh the deed overall tone General fers can fe applied 10 the entire suiface, nut be careful 10 vcd cllaing fit are features. to pool panel ines ere around surfece detals fier had ded nd or J from od tke sca the surfaces of the hill an with he upper hori mination of Kush Sl, Eat! DarkM have been mac to eral sy, cy the vehicle succes Atouch of, ‘AMMO Mi Effects adds 10 re pigments con add imerest anc ifoce dei ‘further define atinued with lo hr 1 paints ara appied to the A Different color washes ore BROWN W rnd engine UOUELAG: 005 sed armas to further eam ‘As nel ie, heavier weathe tho ture igh Dust fom A army Spied fuel, il and giease are axremely important elements To add, a feel 10 what would otherwise lock ans wl have atraced dt ord dust ond bringing a convincing mecha Olde wil hove 2 mate firih Fike a clastic mode le race: start wil have a mare glossy ‘THE WEATHERING MAGAZINE /VIETNAM / 19 \ the va ponnant war fas honed fiom the fa froma rine Hottie, panted using acrylics inthe tical the star made usa a. quick stencl Crew applied cancufiage ‘lage is @ photo et ment fom the Verinen range of products. To prepare the branches fo painting, the surtacas were fist lghty scutes with tine sardpapar before remowng ther from pled aeng an atone fhe sprue. Owral color was i indvidual leaves and branches oicked out ater wit five brush. AAS tie model nears completion final couches include adeing smal rast sais and raearks as shown here on te tre ‘Asa final stop its always @ good idea to take a ential look at tre fins. In ths case decide to renfore the shadows around some of re surface dota using 3 date wash ‘ale we ING MAGAZINE | VIETNAM ‘THE WEATHERING MAGAZINE (VIETNAM / 21 ain Hamilton Mf | Vietnam is a country rich and diverse in vibrant soil and. earth colors and weather patterns. Earth and dust colors ‘ranging from White and Yellow sand dunes of coastal plains, Siack-8rovn of mangrove tees ane terracedtarms, andYellow. ‘Brown and Red-Brown of the Central Highlands. ‘The country of Vietnam is 328,560 square kilometers (127.244 square tiles) and rises from sea level to 3,143 meters (10,312 feet) Geogra- phy & Climate each are a major factor in weathering our models and Vietnam's is as diverse as any other place on earth, Weather patterns change radically from dry & arid coastal plains of central Vietnam to hot and humid southern deltas and triple canopy tropical forests - each affected by the monsoon seasons, These weather patterns drastically affect the appearance of mud and dust, itis very important to understand the setting of our subject to obtain ‘the most realistic and accurate effects on our vehicles. Check your references and know your subject well! The lo- cation and season of your next Vistnam era subject will joffe? you the opportunity to bleak from theimesses __ lA and create a truly realistic Vietnam era model. Ausra ‘Vietnam bcests 3.260 hiemetes | 2.026 mies Po coast ine ruc of which border by coastal san fats, ring hil and beaches : fs wel a one of the largest natural ports in the wolé at Danang S: which wae utlzed by she US. Miltary rom the Besroning of the U] 22 Amur of ct Sand' and A1G-1901 “taht Dut” i pofot ‘er copicirn dst effets cr vehicles oporatirg 00 te ext from 4 the "RAR conter of Yung Tao te the many volent dashes onthe cata sa as ‘elbow Gove sls aw prevalent i vietnam an can be seen the one images cf the battles fought the Cental Hgnianes inching those oF Mie Aw ond we Dieng vals The Yor ive sos of Vietnam ae easly eoresen ted ky AMIG-1400 "kork Sol", ths enamel color ideal or cieating te tlc of sus and mud for our Vietnam oe vehi A common aight in Welham 6 the n-cxce reels orange mus and cust. The famous “eraRauge" canbe found fom the Ree Rvs of Northern Vitrar al the way to the Makang Delta the sou nama! rust tones such as “Light ust Wash and “Steabrg Rust Erect” can be used deat to represent Vietnam's eck dst oF rite with plaster and santo crest toured mu. ING MAGAZINE / VIETNAM PR Brown Bick xe 2 conman ate and canbe found n ho Cael ohne, Conta pars, anceraced tars troinhout ‘vetoam Fp Aine ter er ils eo mp te Bowne ran mu sen on ners oe eln Vt E) itn extreme and quickly changing weather piers of Sexah Viena. 1 clio note thease changes in colo trom sun bked et ocamp arta ts effet © seen on most A servng in Veta, Bysincly tong 4aeent enamel cis rom ANIM with eae over, ve eB ob he full ‘ange of calers espayec Is ths wxareie of ‘crying soi This will ene you to depict both clamp Veta ruc an sr bat tram sol fi exer Save in-use Yur ret Vit- ham oa subject. The’ Metong River bona: Ite to SE Asa and’ South Vietnam artcler, Te rier runs 4359km from China o Wetnam arinaing rutrents othe padelas ofthe Mekong Dots We To match the clo of the Mong River, AMIG-1200 "Kush Soi ‘52 perfect eartog port Pigments ave an exert mem for weathering al models and Subic ba see in Vietnam are ro exception. By mixing ths smal section of pores we are abe to cover ull spectrum of sof cols trom the Cantral Hghlands (0 the Mekong Delta Sule mixtures of Yelew Ochre, Ary Gen, Dt Ea th, Teck Rust and Madhum Rust have been made to obtain more accurately rmatehec Vetnam si clon wel ange ef armel ees can be mice to find the authentic eles \weatherng ou Vietnam subjects. From Ochre to Alumina & Kon Oxide Red sci, the fl spectrin aise tous, Shown here are ample matures of Streaking is, Fresh Ml, Kursk Sod an Light Cust anaes Brtst Os ae an excelent eptien ‘or apply fer: are! faring, By mixing ast ib, we ae able to match wide renge of Viewiam many sol clos \shich ange ram Rich Black Brawn tc Yalow Orato: hon Cie ‘THE WEATHERING MAGAZINE /VIETNAM / 23 NAM OFFICERS Let's face it: for most of us painting figures can be a challenge. Add to the fact that the attire of the US soldier in Vietnam was generally green on green only adds to the challenge. Think about it; their uniforms, web gear, duffle bags, equipment and many times wheel. In this article will demonste boring, monochrome results when painting figures in the Nam, oreen oe bc its dank tee ak vet ‘The 174th AHC SHARKS, flew the UH-1B, UH-1C and UHM Huey gunships from 1966-1971. The unit arrived in Vietnam with the fronts of their Huey’s painted the same as every ‘other chopper in the region; factory olive green with black anti-glare nose. Early in 1966 the unit offically esked for, ‘and received permission from the famous Flying Tigers of WWII to adept their P-40 Warhawk’s sharks-mouth paint scheme to the Sharks’ helicopters. Soon, every “Shark” in ‘the unit bore the toothy grin ~ proudly baring thoir tocth in combat until the unit stood down at the end of 1971. Felting begins by applying the underin Uminuin colorto the alfa then apply layer of VIM. Scratches Effects to prepare the surfaces eof sles fromm a sory can. forthe chipping and wear that wil app later the process ten - dh “The overal color for the Huzy 9 coor mis using TAMIYA XF-51 and 62. Nate the intentiona thin ayes or gen so as toallow the re-shade tostil bevsble Using an airorush, the panel ines ae pe wie waded using back color This od cth tothe detnton to the tna pant tne Once allowing for the paint to fully dry | now proceod to accing chips and scratchos, 1 begin by apaving weer 10 the painted surface and then make small, ieoular sra ches using a. fine dined bbomboo etek. Care must be saken tose the hes 3 logical marner in areas of highest wear ‘The exterior panels are sven further definition and igvights usng a micure of XP59, HF-59 and ME2 With the chipping comacted Lappy the decals and then apply a layer of fat clear 10 protect to seal ana protect the work core so far 28 / THEWEATHERING MAGAZINE / VIETNAM ir Sa id A linked amount of ear and eoresion. ANIMO Dark Brown far Green Vehicles Wash fs pli along the pane be cleaned trom sh thine D> ‘THE WEATHERING MAGAZINE /VIETNAM 29. ‘As a theme, the Vietnam War is of- ‘ten overlooked when it comes to creating dioramas and vignettes. Itis a situation that seems at odds when one considers the wealth of interesting stories and subjects that this conflict provides. It's puzzling, but maybe the reason Is that many modelers are intimidated with the thought of trying to create the tangle of vegetation as found in Southeast Asia, And while a jungle is certainly more complex than say 2 manicured lawn or cobblestoned street, the techniques are simple and the results are well worth the effort. ; URI Fee The paper laser cut plants ae rom the Ausiran compary “Fredericu-Re Eduard offer a wie ante tropa plants that 32 / THE WEATHERING MAGAZINE | VIETNAM ed plas in particule bereft from a and turns using the tweezers to get cd of ith water brushed over the entive Dae The basi fa g om plaster ites the far Vietnam rec armat ‘Ground elute ard rm tee sprinkied over the prepates glue surface ‘Once the plaster ie set septa ed. The Vee, root and even no's log ate mace using 2 pert seulsting clay, “The bases akrbrush using coat yar! 34 / THEWEAT Wits the ground cobs ap an now turn ou alterton to the place the undng yess such as yy and low ferns. It 2 progres by Fst alacing the plants near the center and 2nd placement o re onte the base the additon ‘shng touehes nce the the base fom the Czech company Plus ‘THE WEATHERING MAGAZINE /VIETNAN F-4B PHANTOM Il ‘The F-4 Phantom il was the aerial workhcrse for the US avy, USAF and the USMC, fying countess missions cover the course ofthe Vietnam War, The Phan tom wasinitialy designed as an all-weather ‘Air Defense craft, however, with Is cu ged versatility It quicly evolved into the role of Close Air Support. Ie was able to carry alarge bomb gat toad, but more importantly was able to deliver ite payload extre- mely accurately in all types of conditions, sometimes just yards in front ofthe Marine grunts on the ground, Looking a photo roticed some Period photos show Phantoms in many stages of mainte- util ng soreting oe Se ee meee ares fe ving the tell-tale strains of aircraft Involved inthe round the clock operations in support of ground troops — often ose was fist sprayed in a very dark back/orown tone before the harsproy method was used to within only a few miles from their own bases. cacao chs These front line Phantoms depicted varied patterns of wear and grime, s0 itis important to study period photos | esr taking any cherces with in order to work out the how best to replicate it. ovesoray when prepering 10 poly the metalic pants to the oi act sepcreoa eave 2 rm complete masked of This wes Foleo by an uncertayer z beck. The tet layer of metalic tinh Ie mistad using onto te tal area Te acacomy 1-48 scale kt of the FAB is 2 rolatbely now scoking and boasts spot surface deta sig Aldad Burt, ths simulates the datk metalic ook very we 36 / THE WEATI NG MAGAZINE / VIETNAM ¥ ¥ Valejo Stee can be brushed orsprayee. Hare oryrusnirg — Although # may be dificult se n this photo, the pane Viith the decals applied, the model starts to come ave! Ines nava been highlighted with a bortaned base colour “This does a gend jab of autnentcally beaking up the co our ar subtly facing the paFinwork: THE WEATHERING MAGAZINE /VIETNAM ) 37 «use Streaking Gime for Quite often, modelers use atone which s far tao stark Once again fering to photo, certain Winter Vehiceswasspled. Ths appice- for aganelline wash’ I prefer 16 use a macsightl thic- panels are tated using different tones. ‘ton must be very thin, justo the consiser= cer mi than the fitet and slowly huis 1p the effect Layers of titer eto uses to bud up the cy of diy thiner Aso, lan at the Yeal ting. endyou wil soe dfierent effects athaugn the lerger ght of the intensities crass an airame, Once diy, a dar orush brush WasTiasked and srayed ast looked faith thiager is used to blend ewey the excess, lke battle camae repar and the contrast was stronger Removing the excess iach (darker tel) "Once the panel wash has dred, 2 wel worn polehing The undersides of Phantarns got vary Fithy cen ba treky on the weng paneic Bing 1D sponge can be used to gently remove the excess fer! due to fue leaks and were very laaky. 10 all the vers and tightly packee devil vest, replcale ths occurence, Streaking Grime fer Winter Vehicles was abated with e thin bush and allowed to dry fora few minutes 4 z= 38 / THE WEATHERING MAGAZINE | VIETNAM ‘THE WEATHERING MAGAZINE / VIETNAM / =! Our special product lines: Hunor Products & Hunor Easy Hungarian vehicles from WWII Armada Hobby East block, Modern, NO, Civil, World Series AND MANY OTHER ee MODELLING net Women ees Pum UME MONEE ES a TWE ‘ROUBLEAE TEES OMFERS meneame Sn nm SEY tn em ihutmcmiwenn stare Nise = gig.g5 Mame = gang «semsummengggs Sadar oer £9.05 £23.99 Atoonon: on camera Gananncen IES teen ARUNSSCOURS Wig | WY 4! ‘HEL TWEMISTOLENES ——CENTROMFEKILPIT2.— nny zt ne VEU wo ea ma ERE eat £36.99 CURES US COAPTERS = XVTAMGSONTEENNTLCLD TPE” Teen at ee See ecm Presa A smc me roma! 613.99 299 oo g19.99 SCALE MODEL AIT ‘tate em VL Pree ir etiuacseg ‘The Vietnam War in the air on paper should have been completely one sided affair. On the one side you had the US with its state of the art US fighter aircraft with sophisti- cated radar, avionics and guided missiles, and on the other side were the North Vietnamese who met the mighty for ce using old, sub-sonic aircraft armed with cannons: in theory these MiGs should have been easily swat- ‘ed out of the sky. Weshington, however, had imposed very restrictive rules of engagement which negated the ‘American technological edge and forced the fighter pilots to enga- ge the MiGs on the enemy's terms. ‘And, although dated and crude by contemporary standards, the MiG- 175 wore highly manoeuvrable and with carefully honed tactics designed to maximise their strengths did far better ‘than the arm chair experts predicted. ‘The MiG-17 at the start of the war was fielded in their na= ‘tural metal finish. Unfortunately, it soon became painfully obvious that the shiny, silver MiG's could easily be seen from miles away against the lush, green Jungle of North Vietnam, To remedy the situation the aircraft were has- ‘ily camouflaged in the field, and although there has been quite @ debate as to what paints were used. The one thing, ‘that is not doubt, it wore badly; a gift for us modellers. count every detail of a model The Intake frst receives @ chip using | hatsoray ane then a layer of grime ar sng ates os ring takes into a itis pony ~ ‘42 / THEWEATI NG MAGATINE | VIETNAM. area PL Dinos Sor A few years ago Hobby Boss released a model of the ve- nerable old fighter. A moder tooling, it has very refined surface detail however it also has over complicated engi- neering and the fit can be described as average at best. It did go together eventually however lots of filling, sanding and restoration of the surface details were required. Considerabe amounts of file were usee ‘on the aframe and repairing othe surtace detail vas needed, . In over 10 Hels the meta fins Alclad phmer was apctied neh buffet rth well-worn, ine rt sanding sponges. Gree done alive pater was apalied with riveting tool Fem RB Productions ~< {tor alling the paint te dy fora Few hare the fussage mmarcings vere sessed in the pattern | saw inthe reletence photos. These are vitel foran authentic finish ‘The nose markings Ware very easy and they were annie! in the same Rather then ice tne kit deca, | decisedt 0 use cue vy! me (Mracle Masks in the UK. These are great 2s the possibilities for options "Nothing lke veal, painted markings to look ko, wel - real pamted mar- ings ee ara yeni) 4a coat of matt varnish, the green is spiajed.0n. Looting The gieen colour was antec overall one small sectcn at aime The at the reference photos| noticed the fish was very patchy ard momtied! two coleurs used forthe csfor mice, | have no idea hew accurate something | ted toveplicate with the brush. A lover ar pressuteand the colours as good quality «clout photos are hard to come by. slighty thinner paints the key ere Once again the madel wes eft fore coupk of hours before tre chipping A filter sel te cided depth ard unity to the fish In this cave the was dore. An old cut down brush nes uscful:e replicate the dstinctye ter colour a crayraen shade that Ihave heaviy dilutes using white patter of wear found in the reference photos ofthe ral aera, once te titer has completely cry move to usin the a paints, here - x Is the lyoutall he procucs anc equipment | used on the MIG. ite): wren tise} RTL ke avery local fter anpeerence For me, the Vietnam War conjures thoughts of traumatic stress disorders. Young men who sur- vived the war but continue to be haunted to this day by the nightmare they lived during their ‘time “in country”. My mind takes this narrative one step further: | imagine an elderly American ‘tourist revisiting the haunting landscape — his thoughts instantly revisit the horrors of his past. He stares into the distance - seeing nothing, feeling everything. What better individual to star in this scene than US Senator John McCain; statesman and decorated Viet Nam War veteran. — — ete rt ‘The base for our scene fs bagun by pouring plaster and Febeo Sar Once cured, the p s painted using a varity of acylc pas ‘Acnyic Gel into. fare made fiom plasic card stock {yen at this early stage | am aware of my color choices, Pigments are added into the mixto enhance the shadows anc highlights, beater in calor ar LIMITED 1:35 kit re-issues NOW available from MBK-MODELS! PANZERMAUBITZE 2000 eye ae ae hee ee ae ne) ar) Pre ae ei il Ne 07 | ii f \ ‘ E 240,000 products: «. ee >300 Brands Try us! ( } a High stock level Test us! 3 . = < i Enjoy us! (2 quality hobby supplies and kits, featuring Last Cavalry TV. i LoL ene tad SMS RLOFAN ALE is After years of conflict in Vietnam, the US military was desperate to find a way to effectively combat the elusive North Vietnamese and Viet Cong forces. Under mounting political pressure and frustration, the Pentagon ordered the special "black box” research team to deve- lop a bold solution; the result was M-49 “Titan”; the military's first Full Metal Mech. First deployed along the Cambodian border in tate, 1968, the “Titan” earned its stripes as a fast pursuit weapon as it was able to effectively navigate through the dense jungle terrain. Later, raving “Titan Teams” became invaluable in the execution of successful “Seek and Destroy” missions through-out Northern Vietnam and Laos. vos fer te se loa seth, ll on tar oats team te Goler flown the color Fodudstion teehrique, ta Pig vests cnsces ana Pe, gites varntonte co fed as 88 tooth greuiew Bis th op tit ctor, alah, ese Eenaue 2 ued y fo Painter, ven at this atl stage the paintwork ntesesting a wil provide an excelent base fo! ad interesting ele iments and wentnering The neit step 5 to apoly a wash which really makes the model come tole as it blonds the base colers and creates de fiston and shadow aroune the sure 2 lta For this made | used Ammo atk brown Wash for green Vehices (AMIG-1005) drect irom bottle for ths A job, The excess wash is rerraved using Enamel Odouress Thinner Surface chins andseraches are apated using fine doped brush, The choke of colotsis importam to emahasie the age of tre chios. inthis A case view ofthe surfaces clealy shows how wel the tio cokers com- ese | emaning Olive Drab Shine to rearesent the surface scratches bine tocreeterealtcseratchesand chips. Abo nate how the cation af (A.MIG-022), while aio uting Chipsing calor (AMIG-44) to represent chips and scratches can hela define edges surface deta z eeper damage ae Si See eee) VIET Jn ofthe mocel 24.36 hours to acing process to make the Olive Drab look more worn an. \weiting for 24-36 hours before co to nex ste. ind thee he or spa wash, but Wecan see her the resuts of aur work sofa. The fies and Washes have be cafeful not to remove too much MS aS Te le has become the “scereortypical” lank of Vietnam rrixtuce of (orth Airca Dust ( Light Fst Fst Wash (AMIS song wih a tof use the 38 dust and mad mixture to add lighter cst to the upper eres ofthe lags usa my ars, ie “rhe Vietnam War as a subjects special and vary difforont from otter issues such as the Gulf Wars oF Middle Eastern ‘onflitts, even compared to the scenarios of the Second World ir. This long war scenario unfolded in a dense fo z ee very rough terrain, when we make 9 Vietnam MSS TA sec arst ta into account the facto of vagetas 7% ein. So think its very imoortant to dedicate this coction : very interesting group of little-known brands who offer Very different and varied products. It is also impor- Sg tant to highlight the most important brand that produces AY) ietnam figures, Bravo 6, and although it sa high quality ae A Peery PATE Gaigian martacure ters a ange ot multimedia Breducts, nt Pia eg® mata such as paste, en nalial mata and se RF coRyesetation The plants rede of psicere vr uel you ce dss oc ure to make some rote detated vegetation, They ust bo joke pared end ne a1 ready wo pace thery nou derama The ula vegetation slerents ae very realtc For the VS scale but itis a s0-Fecommnend to pai Heats oles aie comelete and sy we hi 0 pabntthe'ttunk and ksyes even they come io lover paper paftey sin} thery 2s mall. The cataleg of ths De Si eslac.ype's very entehutgend) (sccm nerd using tas 3 con ct tg flip other menu ture of veostotion Model Sep a ot Ve ee ie Ga ns y ‘ « betoie ov attr plaéerent: Many w Qecstrer teatgetine pm vest n diferent materal, butwhat © Bi '« By Elizabeth Wiese brand which concentrates on Viatnam subject, it is from Russiat The natural postures, high quality, and level of de- ‘all of these figures is incredible. Finally, from Spain Vintro- duce all of you to a new brand | recently found in Malaga dedicated to Vietnam War gaming in 1/55 (28m / m) scale. an extensive fange of products for but also has a fee specie rotorn made of laser cut p= jas ulstanding aly ard aba very aay to separate bys pubyo and hE, The pan Pais tt cv Wargame ew vehi and 3 F176, the are ina few mina SPAIN 32€ EUROPE 36c€ THEWORID AOe World wide shipping cost included THE WEATHERING MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTION 4 ISSUES 7 ¥ g how to divide their leisure time; should | play or should | paint? Obviously, doing both options at the same time is not feasible, so in the end it is nacessary to strike a balanc When it comes time for painting we want to achieve stri- ing results in the shortest time possible. In this article | show three levels of painting 15mm game pieces, each detail level requiring diffe- ring investments of your time. What best fits your style? PSE AIRERING DAGANE | VIE In this level we want nice looking game pieces, but we ere anxious to play the game. A few simple steps and only 1or2 hours are required to outfit your armor ~ ready for battle. q Pe anc mall Dt of assembly and then giving the ven primer, the base coer s oped using an airbrush cals. Ths can alo he done using a brush but theres wl be less cen, offs of dus mud by dey brushing colors over the to hihlight the deta fF eniature refs, we apply a sleet resed surfaces, Fist apriy ait Sade to represent the diy mc are) washing with enamels exo the recesses then a dark color far the wet cmt 70941 © ‘Atfer wating fer en hour to cess removed using 3 soft crush sighly mo glazes toa, the oc We make azimple atiects cf du ned with thine exposed surfaces, fest apply a ight shade to rapresan theory mud. and) then a dare cor for he wet THEW ATHERING ASST ‘VIERA MARES B -Atthis level of finish alittle moresime is required - perhaps an afternoon. Although the number of painting steps is not jhuch greater than those in the basi¢ level, we build upon them and add a few nev ones that require little more time. “The reward is nice looking army. } ter criing the vehicle we apy a tp lighting using tvee shades of co- Using a thin orush, rise surfaces details and edges ae defined withthe lor.3 shadow tane the base colorand ahighight The ‘al, appl the ight ont the upper region Inths lav! we pay mare attention tothe vacks which af now painted 2 To higrligh the cetals, we again apoly a wash wih enamels, and then neutral row color while he rubber nea ave panced black after an nour remove the excess vith a rush pp in soNert. Ute the previous case, we can new revs the profiles with a fine brush using civic pais to reestablish eens we lst the nash Since we have been using scylc pain bate cols chipping ancl de Is Erp as cans, ee. ) we Can now safely beg using enamel weathe- rng effec wethout ri 19 our surfaces, Streaking Rint fects are aried repfasent chipping can employ the help of a soft sponge to apply 2 Ite “peck” of a dark trom tone, We focus cn areas of highest wear ‘ to represent e sans n those areas were we anced the acy chips. Fst a paint vertical lines, and then merge wath a brush cipped in solven 2 To render the muden the tacks and raring ments with some whit split. Ard apaly the "wash 5 and once dy remove the cess wth a cotton bus, 5, esclve various shades on all tack ‘Dust end mud an the upper sufaces canbe realized inthe same manner, Ouse the pigmants dry and apply using 2 soft brush ‘ADVANCED LEVEL TIME REQUIRED & HOURS For those gamer and modelers who wish to spend the extra time it is obvious that excellent finishes can be achieved on these small scale vehicies. You will see that many of the pai ing and weathering techniques are common to those used in the prior descriptions, however, itis the attention to the details that will make your models really come to life. ing the verte we canimpr as, For example, {evs case ust replaced the Ranclls on te sides with arass, | have ebult seme pans with pity an | ated & raw eable ad a trunk on the back nce the base colors have baan applied, we adé depth end shadows by ppl enairel washes around surface d ty remove the exces. Any hed by going back over th {sand along ecges. When is lest to the wash th afin brush and acre paints be testa es (Once the vehicle hasbeen primed itis painted the Jor 97267 using the feof the meaduation, Roughly, ths techn 09 2 wakes pai 22ch panel ith its own Ights and shacows so that the contrasts ween adjacent panels ae very string Cchigaing ane scratches accomplished! in layers. Apoled using a sot sporige, sulace blemishes and scratches ae reoresented using @ i shade of the base color. Use usta srl pice of the sponge and forces Hon, apely a darker colo, 2s befor In boty cases certng deeper chas, in theseme manner use the sponge franc then the brash to ve Some coherence ia the chips and aso add new cnes, to the vehicle. Bul the tones we use wust be consistent wth the enwi= ‘once we only used forreddsh colored streaking elects, now We use vaca shades: gy, Brewin, we, et, t0 gue greato® interest orn A MIG-2018 sad wth the enamel wasnes to create accumulated dus with the dso} vad pment We cane ‘he same streaking eifects can be used on horizontal panels weve they he eMec by aso aoobing ey ements are allowed to “poe!” to represertaccumulations of dir and dst arcure ‘itn a grapnita pencil hight the metal tracks, so gue fa bit of con st Also add 2 bit 9 graphite ante the machine gun and along the nde edges to add a metalic sheen, Uting the eflecs of of ard grea it small points of inte AMIG we 10 the tremendous contrast Datween the mace geste pigment end these bilan elects REESVERTLERING BAGARINE | VIETAME' = ) % He ‘ ‘THE WEATHERING MAGAZINE / Vitali r bl a 10 i i \ — POSTRARDS FROM » — THEWORLD ee ee sl} ‘THE WEATHERING MAGAZINE VIETNAM 1 67 Slovaki 14 tok place ding bay 5, very popular in Slovakia fe and lve for te ho- coedile, :16 soy beeen ov Saturday at 7am 1 and ends 2t & pm tat dy (On benaif of aMMO\OF Mig imene2, we great thank Jan Moray ik end Hs tear for 1 hospltaly recetved thing our stay there Arde encourage otherlmedelets to vs ths Beau place ceed Lntovsky Hiddck ancl afend the nest Buldog Fest. We eesure vou that they wi rake you ffl lice ath eae 68) THEW oe een ot ee ak AUSTRALIAN DISTRIBUTOR Tool & Supplies lamodelworid. com : JARS STAINLESS STIRRING BALLS From now on, all new colors with yellow cap containing a ball to improve agitation, for the same price. We also wont fo announce thet we continue fo improve our products through constant innovation. This time we are the first brand te include an agitator in our acrylic paints. This industry leading inncvation allows for quick and convenient color mixture, even and consistent every time. These exciting new products are ecsily distinguishable by their new yellow cap. Each jar includes a stainless steel agitator to facilitate mixure. —— Oe oS ae Sette bh STER ano crs BUSES RCC Ca at iO Bz? One OF jaloatetle SAY KITTY, Ye HAWK

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