Organization Management Reviewer

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Organization Management Reviewer Internal Environment

Top Management
What is Management? Support Service
Refers to the process of coordinating and integrating Human Resource Development
Work activities so that they are completed efficiently Finance
and effectively with through other people (Robbins and Operation
Coulter) Marketing
Research and Development
The attainment of organizational goals in an effective
and efficient manner through planning, organizing, Who is a Manager?
leading and controlling organizational resources  An organizational member who integrates and
(Richard Daft) coordinates the work of other.
The process of designing and maintaining an  Top Managers – who responsible for making
environment in which individuals, working together in organization-wide decisions and establishing
groups, efficiency and accomplish selected aims policies ( Executive VP, President, CEO,
(Koontz ad Weilrich) Managing Director, COO, Chairman of the
The 6 M’s of organizational resources  Middle Managers- All levels of management
 Money-financial and economic resources between the supervisory level and the top level
 Materials-“supplies” of the organization ( Department Head, Agency
 Machines-organizational resources that process Head, Project Leader, Plant Manager, Unit
the materials Chief, Dean, Division Manager)
 Methods-refers to the styles, culture, systems,  First Line Mangers- Supervisors, the Lowest
and procedures level management.
 Moments-time allotted for all the work HORIZONTAL DIFFERENCES
activities of the organization.  Functional Managers- Responsible for
 Manpower-people have the capacity on how to departments that perform a single
handle the rest of the resources. functional task and have employees with
Why is management both an art and science? similar training and skills
 General Managers- Responsible for several
An art? Because it entails the creative abilities of the department that perform different
manager in various areas of the business or functions
organization: problem- solving, product 2 ESSENTIAL MANAGERIAL VIEWPOINTS
conceptualization and innovation, interpersonal  Helicopter point of view – WHOLE
relationship and his other decision-making organization
responsibilities.  Forest point of view- HANDS ON manner
A science? Because it involves careful and step- by step  Managing by walking around ( TOM PETERS)
study and research of both the external and internal  HAND INFORMATION
environments of the firm, to arrive at a sound and Efficiency- DOING THINGS RIGHT
effective strategy or decision, that shall enable the firm Effectiveness- DOING THE RIGHT THING
to attain its goals.
Organization- distinct purpose, deliberate structure,
External Environment of the Firm People

Socio- Cultural, Demographic and Environmental Forces Management Functions

Competitive Forces
Political, Legal and Governmental Forces Planning—strategy and planning
Technological Forces Organizing- what needs to be done and how it will be
Economic Forces done, and who is to do it
Leading- motivating
Controlling- monitoring
Interpersonal Roles- that requires managers to perform  Social Contract- refers to the unwritten
duties that involve people and other duties that are common rules and perceptions about
ceremonial in nature relationship among
 Political Forces- the influence of political and
 Figurehead- Symbolic head, obliged to legal institution on people and organization
perform a number of routine duties of  Economic Forces- that affect the availability,
legal or social nature production and distribution of a society
 Leader- responsible for the motivating resources among competing users
and activation Classical Perspective
staffing, training and associated duties  3000 B.C
 Liaison- self developed network  First government by Sumerian and Egyptian
 Early study
Informational Roles-that includes receiving, collecting  Classical perspective, which emerged
and disseminating information during the nineteenth and early twentieth
 Monitor- seeks and receives wide  Factory system 1800
variety of special of special  Tooling
information to develop through  Organizational management structure
understanding of organization and  Training employees
environment emerges  Scheduling
 Disseminator- transmits information  Dealing with labor dissatisfaction
received from outsiders or from Scientific Management
subordinates to member of the  Frederick Taylor -Scientific management,
organization change of management is determined only by
 Spokesperson-Transmit information scientific study, precise procedures developed
to outsider on organization’s plans, after careful study of individual situations
policies, action result.  Henry Gantt -The Gantt Chart as a tool to
Decisional Roles- Roles which revolve making choices measure each stage of production by time
 Entrepreneur- improvement project  Frank B. Gilbreth -Time and motion study, the
 Disturbance Handler- for corrective action when concept of one best way of doing work
organization faces important unexpected  Lilian M. Gilbreth -The field of industrial
disturbance psychology, personnel management
 Resource Allocator- allocation of organizational  Max Weber- Bureaucracy and bureaucratic
resource organizations, the concept of rational authority
 Negotiator- Representing the organization at Humanistic perspective
major negotiations.  Abraham Maslow -The pyramid of human needs
Management Skills  Douglas McGregor Theory X and Theory Y in the
 Technical Skills- knowledge of and proficiency, workplace. Behavioral sciences approach
engineering, computer, finance or
manufacturing Management science perspective
 Human Skills- The ability to work well with  Operations management- refers to the field
other people both individually and in a group of management that specializes in the
 Conceptual Skills- the ability to think and physical production of goods or services
conceptualize a whole  Management information systems- timely
 Top management – conceptual skills and cost efficient manner
 Middle management- human skills Administrative Principles
 Lower management- technical skills  A subfield of the classical management
Historical Forces Shaping Management perspective that focused on total
 Social Forces- the aspect of a culture that guide management rather than individual
and influence relationship among people- their  Henri Fayol- a French mining engineer
values, needs and standard
 Unity of command- each subordinates
receives orders from one superior
 Division of work-a managerial and technical
work are amenable to specialization to
produce more and better work with the
same amount of effort
 Unity of Direction- similar activities in an
organization should be grouped together
under one manager
 Scalar Chain- a chain of authority extends
from the top to the bottom of the
organization and should include everyone
 Fayol also identified five basic function of
management , planning, organizing,
commanding, coordinating and controlling
 System Theory- an extension of the
humanistic perspective that describe
organization as open system.
 System- as whole
 Open System- must interact with the
environment to survive
 Close System- Organizations needs not to
 Entropy- run down and die
 Synergy- whole greater than the sum and
its part
 Subsystem- depend on one another.

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