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Jurnal Neutrino:Jurnal Fisika dan Aplikasinya Vol. 9, No.1, October 2016 (p.

1-9) [1]



Anjar Pranggawan Azhari1*, Sukir Maryanto1, Arief Rachmansyah2

Department of Physics, Faculty of Mathematic and Science, Brawijaya University Malang
Jl. Veteran No. 1 Malang 65144
Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, BrawijayaUniversity Malang
Jl. Veteran No. 1 Malang 65144

Recieved: 14th August 2016; Revised: 20th September 2016; Accepted: 29th September 2016


Gravity survey has been acquired by Gravimeter Lacoste & Romberg G-1035 at Blawan-Ijen
geothermal area. It was a focusing study from previous research. The residual Bouguer anomaly data
was obtained after applying gravity data reduction, reduction to the horizontal plane, and the upward
continuation. The result of Bouguer anomaly interpretation showed the occurrence of new fault sand
their relative movement. Blawan fault (F1), F2, F3, and F6 are the normal fault. Blawan fault is the
main fault controlling hot springs at Blawan-Ijen geothermal area. F4 and F5 are the oblique fault and
forming a graben at Banyupahit River. F7 is the reverse fault. Subsurface model shows that Blawan-
Ijen geothermal area was dominated by the Ijen caldera-forming ignimbrite !1=2.670 g/cm3),
embedded shale and sand !2=2.644 g/cm3) as Blawan lake sediments, PDJPD LQWUXVLRQ !3=2.814
g/cm3 !7=2.821 g/cm3 DQGHVLWH URFN !4=2.448 g/cm3) as geothermal reservoir, pyroclastic air fall
deposits !5=2.613 g/cm3) from Mt. Blau, and lava flow !6=2.890 g/cm3).
Keywords: Gravity; lineament; Bouguer anomaly; new fault; Blawan; geothermal; subsurface

Introduction this study area. In addition, Mt. Ringgih is

another volcanic cone existing alongside east
Blawan-Ijen area is located inBlawan ± rim of Ijen Volcanic Complex (IVC).
Ijen geothermal area, Bondowoso, East Java, Blawan-Ijen area includes in young Ijen
Indonesia (Figure 1). It is inside Ijen formation.4 Based on geological map (Figure
Volcanic Complex (IVC) at the northern part 2), study areais dominated by clastic
around Kendengcaldera.1 In the beginning, sediments of Blawan ancient lake,
caldera was formed because of a volcanic pyroclastic air fall deposits of IVC, lava
quartenary process and Old Ijen eruption was flow, and lahar deposits of Blawan ±
followed by forming of Blawan ancient lake. Kalisengon.5
Blawan ancient lake has the width of 5 The early study predicted that Blawan-
kilometers. The presence of Pedatigraben Ijen area was the potential area of new
became way out to outside IVC caldera for geothermal prospect in Java.6,7 Type of
DQFLHQW ODNH¶V IOXLG. Now, Blawan ancient Blawan-Ijen geothermal area is the
ODNH¶V WUDFH FDQ EH IRXQG DV FODVWLF VHdiments hydrothermal system. The existence of its
in steep hills and northern part of caldera. system is characterized by 21 hot springs.
Some sediment eroded by river streamline The hot springs have the maximum
because of a geological fault.2 temperature at 50°C. Most of the hot springs
The topography of inside caldera IVCis spreadto the north and following the fault to
dominated by volcanic cones. One of northeast direction.8
volcanic conesis Mt. Blau3 which include on

Corresponding author:
Permalink/DOI: ISSN:1979-6374 / EISSN:2460-5999
Jurnal Neutrino:Jurnal Fisika dan Aplikasinya Vol. 9, No.1, October 2016 (p.1-9) [2]

Figure 1. Blawan-Ijen study area (inside red box)1

Figure 2. Geological map on study area (modification from Sujanto)5

Copyrigh © 2016, Jurnal Neutrino:Jurnal Fisika dan Aplikasinya, ISSN:1979-6374/ EISSN:2460-5999

Jurnal Neutrino:Jurnal Fisika dan Aplikasinya Vol. 9, No.1, October 2016 (p.1-9) [3]

Identification of subsurface structure on Lacoste-Romberg G-1053. The physical

promising areais important to understand the quantity which measured by gravimeter is
system. Gravity survey is one of all HDUWK¶V JUDYLWational acceleration.9 Gravity
geophysics method which appropriate to data was acquired on the focused area. Total
explore subsurface structure. It is non- of the stations is 288 points with 150-250
destructive method. The Difference of mass meters spacing (Figure 3). Data was acquired
density is basic principle of this survey. and processed from February to October
Gravity method is a strong method to map 2015.
the subsurface fault due to its sensitivity of Measured data was processed to obtain
vertical change. Bouguer anomaly maps and subsurface
Based on the previous study, gravity model by the following step
surveying on IVC has been done by a. gravity data reduction (tidal correction,
Raehanayati.7 Space between station from the drift correction, latitude correction, free
last study was 0.25 ± 1.00 km. The air correction, terrain correction, and
stationwas only formed a straight line from Bouguer correction) until get Bouguer
Bondowoso to Blawan and Ijen crater. The anomaly on topography by equation.10
previous study focused on identification of
¿C$# = CK>O F Cî + B=? + >? + P?
geothermal reservoir extensively.It did not
determine fault which showed in geological
where ¿C$# is Bouguer anomaly on
map too.5 Further study,it is needed to
topography (mGal), CK>O is the measured
determine fault at the geothermal area. The
gravitational acceleration which corrected
spacing between stations was made by the
by tidal and drifts (mGal), Cî is normal
grid and denser on low Bouguer anomaly of
the previous study. This was done for the gravitational acceleration at station
purpose resolving the lack of previous study (mGal), B=? is free air correction (mGal),
by showing any fault or new fault position >? is Bouguer correction (mGal), and P? is
and making the edge of reservoir clearer. terrain correction (mGal)
b. reduction Bouguer anomaly on
Methods topography to the horizontal plane by
Dampney's equivalent source method.11
The instrument for thisstudy is Gravimeter c. separation of Bouguer anomaly on the

Figure 3. Measured stations in Bouguer anomaly on horizontal plane map

Copyrigh © 2016, Jurnal Neutrino:Jurnal Fisika dan Aplikasinya, ISSN:1979-6374/ EISSN:2460-5999

Jurnal Neutrino:Jurnal Fisika dan Aplikasinya Vol. 9, No.1, October 2016 (p.1-9) [4]

horizontal plane to Bouguer anomaly closures. High Bouguer anomalies (133 ±

regional and Bouguer anomaly residual by 160 mGal) encompass Watu Capil, the
upward continuation southern part of Blau, and around Mt.
d. qualitative interpretation by describing the Ringgih. High Bouguer anomalies are shown
meaning all Bouguer anomaly map and by maroon, grey, and white contours.
quantitative interpretation by making Regional Bouguer anomaly (Figure 4)
model based on the geological map and isthe result of upward continuation on
four cross sections on Bouguer anomaly Bouguer anomalies overthe horizontal plane.
residual map in Grav2dc software. The level of upward continuation is 900
meters. Low ± high (112 ± 130 mGal) trend
Result and Discussion of anomaly spreads from northwest to the
southwest from the study area. It indicates
The result of processing data is Bouguer
that basement rocks turn to be shallower
anomaly maps (on the horizontal plane,
adjusting the trend.
regional, and residual) and subsurface model
Residual Bouguer anomaly (Figure 5)
inthe study area. The subsurface models have
describes subsurface structure and faults
fitting error under 10%.
qualitatively. Positive anomaly is coloured
Based on Bouguer anomaly in Figure 3, by green, orange, maroon, grey, and white
Bouguer anomalies on the horizontal plane contours. Whereas negative anomaly is
are shown by colored contours. Low Bouguer illustrated by light yellow and light blue.
anomalies (104 ± 106 mGal) are pointed out Positive and negative anomalies formed
by blue and light yellow contour. Blawan, lineament patterns with denser contours. In
Plalangan, and the northern part of IVC are this sense, it can be interpreted as faults. The
covered by low Bouguer anomaly with negative closures indicate low mass density
closure at Plalangan and Blawan. Medium beneath the surface. On the other side, the
Bouguer anomalies (116 ± 133 mGal) are positive closures indicate high mass density
shown by green contours. Sempol and the beneath the surface.
northern part of Blau are covered by its In Figure 5, it is found seven faults in the

Figure 4. Regional Bouguer anomaly map on Blawan-Ijen study area

Copyrigh © 2016, Jurnal Neutrino:Jurnal Fisika dan Aplikasinya, ISSN:1979-6374/ EISSN:2460-5999

Jurnal Neutrino:Jurnal Fisika dan Aplikasinya Vol. 9, No.1, October 2016 (p.1-9) [5]

Figure 5.Prospecting new faults based on residual Bouguer anomaly pattern

in Blawan-Ijenarea with four cross sections

study area. Three faults spread over movement. Another FDVH ) ¶V UHODWLYH
northeast±southwest direction which is movement is reversed. The Fault F7 is
shown on geological map5 and the four followed by the positive Bouguer anomaly
prospecting faults spread over north-south associated with lower topography and the
direction. Blawan fault (F1) is located to negative Bouguer anomaly associated with
northeast ± southwest direction having higher topography (Figure 6).
positive ± negative lineament of dense The direction of F4 and F5 movement is
contour on the northern part of the study the oblique fault, the combination of normal
area. In addition, at the northern part fault, and strike-slip fault. It is characterized
lineament of Blawan fault, it is found by some closures of residual Bouguer
positive Bouguer anomaly and higher anomaly adjacent to same value move away.
topography at the opposite side. On the This closures look separated each other as
contrary, at the southern part, it is found shown in Figure 5. In addition, F4 and F5
negative Bouguer anomaly and lower have a possibility to form a graben. Next, this
topography. possibility needs to be explored further using
According to contour patterns of residual GPS geodetic to obtain its proof.
Bouguer anomalies, topography, and Moreover, the positive residual Bouguer
subsurface models (Figure 6), the relative anomaly (Figure 5) is very dense at Watu
movement of the faults can be estimated. Capil area (30 mGal). This closure is arisen
Blawan fault, with F1 label, is a normal fault. due to the higher mass density along the
The Blawan faultoccurs from suface to vertical size compared to surrounding mass.
predicted reservoir at 1400 meters beneath The shape of the closure still exists in
the surface (Figure 6.a). We assume Blawan regional Bouguer anomaly map (Figure 4). It
fault reaches reservoir because it is the main indicates mass density forming closure
fault which controls geothermal derived from bedrock to near surface. Based
manifestation moving from reservoir to on models in Figure 6, the east and southeast
surface. area are dominated by intrusions of basaltic
The relative movement of F2, F3, and F6 magma activity which are coloured by
are same as Blawan fauOW¶V UHODWLYH orange and maroon color. Mass density of

Copyrigh © 2016, Jurnal Neutrino:Jurnal Fisika dan Aplikasinya, ISSN:1979-6374/ EISSN:2460-5999

Jurnal Neutrino:Jurnal Fisika dan Aplikasinya Vol. 9, No.1, October 2016 (p.1-9) [6]

Figure 6. Four subsurface models in Blawan-Ijen study area and the

elevation ata) A-$¶ FURVV VHFWLRQ E %-%¶ FURVV VHFWLRQ F &-&¶ FURVV
section, d) D-'¶ FURVV VHFWLRQ

oUDQJH FRORU !3, is 2.814 g/cm3. These reservoir. Geothermal reservoir usually was
intrusions break through bedrock to 1050 characterized by closure of lowest residual
meters deep beneath surface. It is located anomaly and low mass density.7,12 Based on
near northern part of Kendeng caldera which Figure 6, lowest mass density is shown by
is the weak zone to the north (Figure 6a and EURZQ FRORU !4) which has2.448 g/cm3. It is
Figure 6c), and near the eastern part of Mt. andesite rock. This andesite exists 900 meters
Ringgih (Figure 6d). While the mass density until 1500 meters beneath Plalangan,
RI !7 (Figure 6a and Figure 6b), intrusions Kalisengon, and Banyupahit River. This rock
showed by maroon color, is 2.821 g/cm3. It is has a main role as a reservoir at the study
located under Watu Capil area and has great area. We estimate that volume of reservoir
possibility come from widen out of basaltic reaches 6,526 x 109 m3. Getting to the
magma inside Mt. Blau. northeast outside of Blawan and Kalisengon,
The lowest of negative Bouguer anomaly reservoir becomes thinner and vanished. In
is located beneath Plalangan. It reaches -8 contrast to it, the Ijen caldera-forming
mGal and associated with the geothermal ignimbrite becomes thicker. This ignimbrite,

Copyrigh © 2016, Jurnal Neutrino:Jurnal Fisika dan Aplikasinya, ISSN:1979-6374/ EISSN:2460-5999

Jurnal Neutrino:Jurnal Fisika dan Aplikasinya Vol. 9, No.1, October 2016 (p.1-9) [7]

dominated by andesite and basalt fragments, east.

came from air fall pyroclastic deposits of Magma activity, causing intrusions, from
IVC. It covered most of the northern side of Mt. Blau, Mt. Ringgih, and around Blawan
IVC. Its mass density is 2.670 g/cm3 and fault became heat source of the geothermal
shown by !1 with khaki color (Figure 6). system. These intrusions can be primary or
Models in Figure 6 show that the surface secondary heat source.The intrusion around
of the study area are covered by Blawan lake Mt. Blau is older than intrusion from Mt.
VHGLPHQWV OLJKW JUHHQ FRORU 0W %ODX¶V Ringgih. As we know that Mt. Blau is the
pyroclastic air fall deposits (green color), and oldest vent inside IVC which occurs 50,000
lava from Mt. Ringgih (yellow color). years ago3 and cooling down so it has higher
Blawan lake sediments were formed from mass density than the other intrusions.
embedded shale and sand which has mass Outflow zone on Blawan geothermal
GHQVLW\ !2=2.644 g/cm3. Its thickness is system is located on Blawan villages. The
around 200 meters to 750 meters from manifestation of outflow fluid is Blawan hot
surface. It gets thicker until 400 meters at springs. It moves through Blawan fault and
Banyupahit River (Figure 6c) but the thickest rises on the surface at Blawan village.
part is exactly in debris flow area at Subsurface structures which contain hot
Kalisengon. In common, the Blawan lake spring, detected by resistivity and Ground
sediments get thicker from all side to north Penetrating Radar surveys, spread to
side at Blawan and Kalisengon (Figure 7). northeast following Blawan fault and
Pyroclastic air fall deposit from Mt. Blau, drainage pattern at the north inside IVC.8 It is
!5, is 2.613 g/cm3. Its thickness is not more a permeable layer with low resistivity and
200 meters. Lava flow from Mt. Ringgih on exists 20 meters to 30 meters depth. All
the surface is VKRZQ E\ \HOORZ FRORU DQG !6 finding affirm that Blawan fault is primary
(Figure 6 and Figure 7). Its mass density is structure controlling geothermal
2.890 g/cm3. This lava flow got thicker to the manifestation at the north IVC.

Figure 7. Fence of subsurface models in Blawan-Ijen study area viewed

from top-east

Copyrigh © 2016, Jurnal Neutrino:Jurnal Fisika dan Aplikasinya, ISSN:1979-6374/ EISSN:2460-5999

Jurnal Neutrino:Jurnal Fisika dan Aplikasinya Vol. 9, No.1, October 2016 (p.1-9) [8]

Meanwhile, the recharge zone is located Acknowledgment

on around Mt. Blau and Banyupahit River.
Its trait is shown by some lineaments of We thank to gravity survey team, all
structure which become strip for meteoric members of BRAVOENERGEOBHAS UB
water. Meteoric water such as raindrop research group, Hibah Penelitian Unggulan
moves from the higher elevation at south to Perguruan Tinggi 2015, and NSF ± USAID
lower elevation at the north by gravitational 2015 PGA 2000005053.
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Copyrigh © 2016, Jurnal Neutrino:Jurnal Fisika dan Aplikasinya, ISSN:1979-6374/ EISSN:2460-5999

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