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ASSOCIATION OF PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS OF ONTARIO, ‘PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE EXAMINATION ~ December 17, 2005 PART“A” = Professional Practice and Rihiés ‘This examination comes in two parts (Part “A” and Part “B"), Both parts must be completed in this siting. You will be given a total of 180 minutes to complete the colour-coded Answer Book for each par, place in the correct envelope completed. White Answer Book for Part A white guestion paper. Coloured Answer Book for Part B coloured question paper. ‘This is a “CLOSED BOOK® exazzination. No aids are permitted other than the excerpts ‘fom the 1990 Ontasio Regulation 941 covering sections 72 (Professional Misconduct) ‘and 77 (Code of Ethics) supplied at the examinstion. Dictionaries are not permitted. ‘The making of questions will be based not only on academic content, but also on legibility and the ability to express yourself cert and comet inthe Boglish language. ‘Ifyou have eny doubt about the meaning of a question, please state clearly how you have ieiepreted the question All four questions constitute a complete paper for Part “A. Each of the four questionsis, ‘worth 25 marks, ‘Where 2 question asks if «certain action by an engineer was ethical or not, a simple “yes” or “no” answer is not sufticient, You must identify, where applicable, the appropriate classes in Regulation 941 and comment on the action in each situation. Pat A~PE, December 17, 2005 Page lof Any aay lot etl pat echoes neni 25) Question 3 ‘You ae professional engineer and have been hired recently asthe chief operations and meistensnce eagincer of « paper mill near a remote village in northern. Ontario ‘The mil is the largest industy in the area and employs (iretly or indirectly) most of the workers inthe region. Upon sarting your new job, you review the faites a the mill end ts operation and santenance procedures, You discover that your predecessor (also a profesional ‘ginest) had been operating the mil for severl years With inadegeate eizonmental equipment. The mail has been discharging hazedous substances into nearby ver contrary to gal iis. You els lear that government authors re aot aware ofthe lea discharses You discass the situation with the company's viee,president in charge off Cenadian opesations. You report to the vice president that « number of environmental: measures ‘would’ Be"nevessary ia order to stop the illegal discharge, In your estimation, the measures would require a substantial capital investment in the plant. The vice president informs you that the mill has been eaming very small profits in the last ecade and thatthe capital expenditure could not be justified at this time. According to the vice president, the company's head office would likely close the mill rather than spead the money. You are told that some of the environmental measures you sre proposing could be implemented gradually as the mill's financial: performance improves. (@ Discuss your obligations with respec to the company. ©) Discass your obligations with respect tothe public. What isthe public interest in this case? How is the public interest impacted by your actions? Comment on the vice president's promise to gradually implement the eovironmental measures, In addition to the measures you propose, what other steps should be taken with respect tothe public interest? (© Discuss your obligations with respect to your predecessor, Part APE, December 17, 2005 Page3of4 ‘ay sary i the quinine to set pceon circumstance i conceal ASSOCIATION OF PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS OF ONTARIO PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE EXAMINATION ~ December 17, 2005 PART RY-§ iawand Liable This examination comes in two parts (Part “A” and Part “B"), Both parts must be completed inthis siting, You will be given a total of 180 minutes fo complete the exemination. ‘Use the correct colour-coded Answer Book for each part, place in the correct envelope and seal after completed, White Answer Book for Part A white question paper. Coloured Answer Book for Part B coloured question paper. ‘This is « “CLOSED, BOOK” examination. No aids are peimitied other than the excerpts ftom ‘he 1990 Ontario Regulation 941 covering sections 72 (Professional Misconduct) and 77 (Cade of Ethics) supplied at the examination. Dicionsries are nat permitted -narking of questions will be based not ouly on academic content, but also on legibility and {he ability fo express yourself clearly and corectly in the English Imaguage. If you ave any doubt sboct the meaning of a question, please state clearly how you hive interpreted the question. “All four questions constitute e comiplete paper for Part “B". Bach ofthe four questions is worth 25 mais. Front Page (MARKS) es, 8) 1, Briefly define and explain any five of the folowing: (._Rulecof conta proferentem — The limitation peciod appliceble to contacts in Ontario ~ Gil) Five examples of inappropriate conduct in the wipe (ise eal) oath mee PRCSS. Ge) Contract A (in tendering) = (9) Statutory holdback under the Construction Lien Act (i). Thocerporate Grocers tanded ofO (Wi) Dischargoby frustration ~

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