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Nama : Rochmad Budi S

Kelas : XIPA 4

Reading Section
We know there are many depict historical events both national and international, such as;
1. The Asia-Africa conference
2. Atomic bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki
3. The flag incident at Majapahit Hotel, Surabaya
4. The Proclamation of Indonesian Independence
5. The Declaration of the Indonesian Youth Pledge
6. The capture of Prince Diponegoro
Task 1
Find the information about the historical events above.Then find out the time and place and the
background of each event.

No. Historical When Where People Involved Background

1. The Asia- April, 18th – Gedung Ali Sastroamijoyo Indonesia's President
Africa 24th 1955 Merdeka, (Indoensia), Sir Sukarno and India's prime
conference Bandung Jhon Kotelawala minister Jawaharlal Nehru
(Srilanka), were key organizers, in
Muhammad Ali his quest to build a
(Pakistan), nonaligned movement that
Jawaharlal Nehru would win the support of
(India), dan U Nu the newly emerging
(Burma/Myanmar nations of Asia and
) Africa. Nehru first got the
idea at the Asian Relations
Conference, held in India
in March 1947, on the eve
of India's independence.
There was a second 19-
nation conference
regarding the status of
Indonesia, held in New
Delhi, India, in January
1949. Practically every
month a new nation in
Africa or Asia emerged
with, for the first time, its
own diplomatic corps and
eagerness to integrate into
the international system.

Mao Zedong of China was

also a key organizer,
backed by his influential
right-hand man, Premier
and Foreign Minister
Zhou Enlai; although Mao
still maintained good
relations with the Soviet
Union in these years, he
had the strategic foresight
to recognize that an anti-
colonial nationalist and
anti-imperialist agenda
would sweep Africa and
Asia, and he saw himself
as the natural global
leader of these forces as
he, after all, had also led a
revolution in China
marked by anti-colonial

At the Colombo Powers

conference in April 1954,
Indonesia proposed a
global conference. A
planning group met in
Bogor, Indonesia in late
December 1954 and
formally decided to hold
the conference in April
1955. They had a series of
goals in mind: to promote
goodwill and cooperation
among the new nations; to
explore in advance their
mutual interests; to
examine social economic
and cultural problems, to
focus on problems of
special interest to their
peoples, such as racism
and colonialism, and to
enhance the international
visibility of Asia and
Africa in world affairs.[4]

The Bandung Conference

reflected what the
organizers regarded as a
reluctance by the Western
powers to consult with
them on decisions
affecting Asia in a setting
of Cold War tensions;
their concern over tension
between the People's
Republic of China and the
United States; their desire
to lay firmer foundations
for China's peace relations
with themselves and the
West; their opposition to
colonialism, especially
French influence in North
Africa and its colonial rule
in Algeria; and Indonesia's
desire to promote its case
in the dispute with the
Netherlands over western
New Guinea (Irian Barat).

Sukarno, the first

president of the Republic
of Indonesia, portrayed
himself as the leader of
this group of states, which
he later described as
"NEFOS" (Newly
Emerging Forces). His
daughter, Megawati
Sukarnoputri headed the
PDI-P party during both
summit anniversaries, and
the President of Indonesia
Joko Widodo during the
3rd summit was a member
of her party.

On 4 December 1954 the

United Nations announced
that Indonesia had
successfully gotten the
issue of West New Guinea
placed on the agenda of
the 1955 General
Assembly, plans for the
Bandung conference were
announced in December
2. Atomic bomb August, 6th – Hiroshima William S. Begins with the Pacific
on Hiroshima 9th 1945 dan Parsons and Paul war between the United
and Nagasaki Nagasaki W. Tibbets Jr. States and Japan which
(US), Shunroku was motivated by
Hata (Japan) Japanese dissatisfaction
with the results of
World War 1, which
was when the world
order was dominated by
western nations. The
United States dropped
bombs in both places,
bag of approval from
Great Britain. Not only
that but there’s some
background of Atomic
bomb on Hiroshima and
Nagasaki ,viz:

1.Preparations to invade

Even before the surrender

of Nazi Germany on May
8, 1945, plans were
underway for the largest
operation of the Pacific
War, Operation Downfall,
the Allied invasion of

2. Air raids on Japan

While the United States

had developed plans for
an air campaign against
Japan prior to the Pacific
War, the capture of Allied
bases in the western
Pacific in the first weeks
of the conflict meant that
this offensive did not
begin until mid-1944
when the long-ranged
Boeing B-29 Superfortress
became ready for use in
combat. Operation
Matterhorn involved
India-based B-29s staging
through bases around
Chengdu in China to make
a series of raids on
strategic targets in Japan.
This effort failed to
achieve the strategic
objectives that its planners
had intended, largely
because of logistical
problems, the bomber's
mechanical difficulties,
the vulnerability of
Chinese staging bases, and
the extreme range
required to reach key
Japanese cities.

3. Atomic bomb

The discovery of nuclear

fission by German
chemists Otto Hahn and
Fritz Strassmann in 1938,
and its theoretical
explanation by Lise
Meitner and Otto Frisch,
made the development of
an atomic bomb a
theoretical possibility.
Fears that a German
atomic bomb project
would develop atomic
weapons first, especially
among scientists who
were refugees from Nazi
Germany and other fascist
countries, were expressed
in the Einstein-Szilard
letter. This prompted
preliminary research in
the United States in late
3. The flag September Yamato Hariyono and The failure of
incident at 19th , (Majapahit Koesno Wibowo, negotiations between
Majapahit 1945 ) Hotel Jendral Mallaby, Soedriman and W.V.C
Hotel, Bung Tomo and Ploegman to lower the
Surabaya K. H. Hasyim Dutch flag.
The main trigger for the
Yamato Hotel Incident
was the action of the
Dutch army who raised
the red-white-blue
tricolor flag from the
top floor of the hotel in
the Tunjungan area,
Surabaya. The raising of
the Dutch flag was
considered to have
disrespect for
independence, which
sparked anger among
the people of Surabaya.
4. The Friday, Jl. Soekarno, Drs. The younger generation
Proclamation August 17th, Pegangsaa Mohammad rejected the form of
of Indonesian 1945 n Timur Hatta, Faradj Indonesian
Independence No. 56, bin Said bin independence that was
Jakarta Awadh Martak given by Japan as a
Pusat result of their defeat
against the Americans.
5. The October 27th- Batavia Soegondo In the context of
Declaration of 28th, 1928 (Jakarta) Jojopoespito, realizing the unity and
the Indonesian Muhammad integrity of the existing
Youth Pledge Yamin, Soenario youth organizations
Sastrowardoyo, and starting the
Wage Rudolf meeting in 1920.
Supratman, Djoko
Marsaid, Amir
Sie Kong Liong,
6. The capture of March 28th, Magelang Kolonil Louis du Starting when the
Prince 1830 Perr, Letnan Diponegoro prince was
Diponegoro Kolonel W. A. invited to come to Lt.
Roest and Mayor Gen. De Kock's house
Francois Victor in Magelang to
Henri Antonnie negotiate the end of the
Rider du Stuerr, dispute and realize a
Price Diponegoro, mutual agreement until
etc. finally he was arrested
along with other
guerrilla leaders.

Task 2
Find the meaning of the words below.
Word Meaning Word Meaning
Archipelago Kepulauan Anthem Lagu kebangsaan
Marked Ditandai Unity Kesatuan
Youths Pemuda Lyrics Lirik
Urge Dorongan Occasion Kesempatan
Awake Bangun Known Dikenal
Nationalists Nasionalis Proclamation Proklamasi
Post Pos Declaration Deklarasi

Fill in the blank space using the suitable words from task 2.
Task 3

The Youth Pledge

On 28 October 1928 in Jakarta, 1) Youth from across Indonesia held the
Indonesian Youth Congress. This congress 2) Marked the official assembly to 3)
Urge for the independence.
During the congress, the song “Indonesia Raya” was first 4) Known by
Wage Rudolf Supratman. He 5) Occasion ” Indonesia Raya” on the violin. The 6)
Lyrics of the song were able to awaken the spirit of 7) Unity among the Indonesian
Youths. The song marked the birth off the all-archipelago nationalist movement in
Indonesia and supported the idea of one united “Indonesia”. On this occasion, a 8)
Declaration known as the Youth Pledge was made by young Indonesian 9)
Nationalist They declared the idea of one motherlands-Indonesia, one nation-
Indonesia, and one language-the Indonesian language. After the Proclamation of
Independence of the Republic of Indonesia on 17 August 1945, “ Indonesia Raya”
became the national 10) Anthem

Task 4
1. What is a historical recount text?
Answer : Yes, That is a historical recount text.
2. How is recount text organized?
Answer : In the recount text, the sentences are usually organized according to
time order or chronological order. One thing happens and then another thing
happens, and the events are told in the same order.
3. Put the text in task 3 into following table!
Title The Youth Pledge

Orientation What events are quoted in the text above?

- Youth Pledge
Who were the figures in the incident?
- Youth from across
Indonesia When will the event be
- On 28 October 1928
Where is the event held?
- In Jakarta
Events 1) Indonesian Youth Congress
2) The introduction of the national anthem
Indonesia Raya
3) They declared the idea of one motherlands-Indonesia,
one nation-Indonesia, and one language-the Indonesian
language. After the Proclamation of Independence of
Republic of Indonesia on 17 August 1945, “Indonesia
Raya” became the national anthem.

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