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One of the recreational activity that i've

participated is hiking. The benifits of hiking in

my physical health is, it is a good cardiovascular
activity. It's a great exercise for me because it
gives my body Vitamin D if i hike in the
sunshine. While in the other hand the benefits
of it on my mental health, it relieves my stress,
it helps me to improve my memory, and boost
all my mood. Hiking seems to reduce the effect
of the part of my brain that brings about bad
mood. Having a hiking is a great outdoors
activity because it reduces stress, calms anxiety
and can lead to a lower risk of depression. Also
the benefits of it to my emotional health is it is
a very effective way for me to forget problems
that i faced. Even in a shortest time i feel
relieved and stress free. Hiking is good to my
emotional health because it gives me a chance
to feel like a little girl who didn't care for
anything. And last the benefit of it on my social
health, it is a good way to have a strong bond
with your family and friends, also it helps me to
have a good interaction with others.

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